Please refresh the page and retry. Mr Philippe, 46, a conservative appointed by new French president Emmanuel Macron, has also come under fire from feminists for failing to support socially liberal causes. L'Express, the weekly magazine , suggested that his "erotico-sexist" tome would "somewhat cool relations between the cabinet women and their boss".
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In general, I have sex, go home and it's over. Exceptions, the narrator goes on, are when the woman is "pretty, presentable, intelligent. The narrator also devotes a paragraph to the perfect breast: A real bosom is round and comfortable. You have to be able to put your nose into the middle with jubilation.
Soft Shadows
And that's just as well," wrote Johanna Luyssen. T his "simplistic and sterile" claim would have seen Anthony Burgess jailed for having written A Clockwork Orange, Vladimir Nabokov convicted as a pedophile for Lolita, and Shakespeare dubbed a paranoiac for penning Macbeth, she wrote.
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