The only survivor is little Jessie Cavanaugh—and she herself was promised a fate worse than death at the hands of the savage Blackjack Tar. The Trailsman knows what he has to do: Clint Adams the Gunsmith The Art of the Gun. Clint Adams the Gunsmith 5: New Mexico Powder Keg. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long.

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Black Horse Westerns , C. Saturday, 9 November Explosion at Donner Pass. The thundering engines of the Central Pacific are stalled in the quest to conquer the mighty Sierras.

Only a mountain of a man, Darby Buckingham, could pound the railroad through the granite walls of trouble. Atop sheer rock cliffs just a death plunge away from the surging river a thousand feet below, braving punishing cold, Darby must lay down track foot by hard-blasted foot — with a construction crew that is threatening to tear itself apart with vicious fighting. But as they climb towards the notorious Donner Pass they face the most brutal challenge — an avalanche of sabotage and murder that could even crush the Derby Man.

Gary McCarthy perfectly blends historical fact with fiction to allow his hero, Darby Buckingham, to take part in, and witness, true events that shaped America. As in the previous books in the series, Gary McCarthy mixes exciting action with comical situations, but, for me, it was the struggle to get the track down and beat the time limits that kept me enthralled. Even though I already knew some of the problems that faced the Central Pacific I found McCarthy breathed fresh life into this story and so kept me eager to keep reading.

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The finish of the tale concludes the major storylines well but leaves a couple of threads hanging to be continued in the next book, one that I will be reading very soon. The Derby Man series, for me, ranks right up there with the very best western series. Wednesday, 6 November The High Trail. With his supply wagon lost at the bottom of a ravine, his men mutinous, and winter weather closing in, Lieutenant Calvin Glaze is facing a desperate struggle for survival in the high mountain passes of the Oregon Trail.

As conditions worsen, the young lieutenant comes to realize that he has been set up, and that his mission was always designed to fail. Facing down unspeakable horror on the high trail, Glaze forces himself to travel beyond the limits of ordinary human endurance to confront the man out to destroy him. There are many memorable scenes within this tale that will remain in the memory for a long while, such as a deer with a gun yeap, you read that right and a meal unlike any the soldiers have had before.

Black Horse Westerns , Rob Hill. Sunday, 3 November Comanche Moon. So when a party of young girls travelling to an orphanage in Claremont is seized by a Kiowa raiding party, Pastor Faulkner knows he must act. Comanche Moon is the first Black Horse Western by Simon Webb and he writes in a style that took me a little while to get used to. The beginning of the book is written in such a way that the reader is being told the story by a narrator, something that took a little getting used too.

The plot moves forward at a fast pace and involves some tense situations as Faulkner, and the small group of people he reluctantly finds himself saddled with, track the missing girls to a Comanchero hideout. Action scenes are quite graphic in their description and perfectly illustrate the difference between the mild pastor and his vicious hidden character.

The two sides of Faulkner cause problems for others, not least a cavalry Captain, as they struggle to decide how the man can have such different sides to his personality. Does Faulkner find the girls and get them to safety? Does he find redemption? Black Horse Westerns , Simon Webb.

Thursday, 31 October Valley of the Damned. Matthew Carter comes to the violent boomtown of Darwin just one job away from leaving his troubled past behind. When his mentor is murdered, he must choose between running into the desert and staying on to find the stash of gold that could mean his redemption.

Caught in a firestorm between the competing wills of a legendary lawman, a corrupt rail baron, and a vengeful Colonel, Matthew rides hard with the fear that his last job may turn out to be just that. Valley of the Damned is the first in a series of that name. Cordell Falk has created a fascinating group of characters that find themselves on a collision course that can only have one outcome; a bloody battle that all sides participate in. Getting to this final showdown makes for a great read. With plenty of mystery and intrigue Cordell Falk hooks the reader, keeping them turning the pages to find the answers to such questions as who is the Chinese girl, Mai, and what are her motives?

How can a barbed wire fence staked across a railroad track hope to stop a train? As all sides come together for the last gunfight most of the story threads are tied up but, like in all the best series, Falk leaves a couple dangling ensuring his readers will be on the lookout for the next book.

Tuesday, 29 October R. Bill Gulick has passed away at the age of He wrote a number of westerns, three of which were filmed:. As well as writing fiction he also wrote a number of factual books. He will be sadly missed by family, friends and fans.

Trailsman: Wyoming Winterkill by Jon Sharpe (, Paperback) | eBay

Friday, 25 October Rowan's Raiders. Orphaned at eight and a frontier runaway at fifteen, Eli Holten spent six years of his life in the camps of the fierce, savage Oglala Sioux learning the ways of the plains. Driven by his restlessness, ruthlessness and cunning, famous for his tracking, hunting and killing expertise, Holten was compelled to move on.

Now he leads the way for Army wagon commands, venturing into Indian camps to parlay with hostile chiefs and serving as a courier through hundreds of miles of treacherous wilderness. With each new danger-filled adventure he risks his life and dares to tempt death. He is a man to respect, a warrior to fear and a professional who knows the meaning of revenge.

The first book appeared in and the final one, number 34, in October Buck Gentry is a pseudonym behind which two or three authors wrote. The story is extremely fast moving and jam-packed with action. Holten barely has chance to catch his breath before being involved in more deadly clashes. The only slight criticism I have is that twice Holten was caught in a virtual no escape situation and his nick-of-time rescue came about in an almost identical fashion.

Buck Gentry created a great lead character in Eli Holten and a memorable supporting cast. His story offers one or two twists and all his plot lines are neatly resolved by the end.

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I found this to be a very entertaining read and will certainly being reading the next book in the series soon. It was a sight that would haunt Lancaster's soul for the rest of his life - a beautiful little girl with startling blue eyes.

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Eyes that looked up at him as he fired the shot that killed her. He hadn't meant to do it. Why did she have to get in the way just as he drew down on the man he was hired to kill? He asked himself that question every day, but he never found the answer, or a way to forgive himself. Even before the girl's body was cold, Lancaster hung up his guns and picked up a bottle.

But even the booze couldn't get those blue eyes out of his head. And when he found another another little girl who needed his help. This isn't a review as I read this book when it first came out in August which was before this blog was even thought of. So why am I posting this now? Simply because I think it's a book that needs attention bringing back to it as AmazonEncore have just made it available again and that I think it's a terrific read and one that should be considered by all western fans.

Randisi believes it's one of his best westerns ever, if not his best, and this is something I just have to agree with. Originally a stand-alone title I believe, the book, and its hero, became such a hit that Randisi went on to write three more books featuring Lancaster in the lead role. Lancaster , Robert J.

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Wednesday, 16 October El Paso Way. Blood for Justice 1 By Steven Law. When everything you love is lost to a vicious killer, you can either trust the law or take matters into your own hands…. As a young boy, Enrique Osorio witnessed the destruction of his entire family at the hands of Antonio Valdar, the Demon Warrior. Father Gaeta took him in, encouraging Enrique to wait for the right moment to confront Valdar man to man. But when Enrique meets Pang Lo, who lost his own father to Valdar, he knows his moment has come…. With a determined sheriff also tracking Valdar, Enrique and Pang pray for the justice they deserve, fuelled by a passion to make a bloodthirsty killer finally taste his own blood….

His dialogue is believable and his characters are very memorable. Actions scenes are often brief and hard hitting. His story is laid out in non-numbered chapters each having a title instead and are of varying length, and these are broken by scene changes. Along the way, Enrique in particular, will have his beliefs tested, such as the temptations of alcohol and that of the flesh. He, and Pang, will also struggle to comprehend the decisions of others, especially after attempting to free two girls from slavery.

Blood for Justice , Steven Law.

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Sunday, 13 October Cover Gallery: First he sets his trap in a San Francisco jail. Then he stalks his prey across the desolate mesas. Pursued by women whose passions lead to murder…pursuing a gang of men who settle debts in blood, all he has is a quick draw, a wily mind, and one last, deadly gamble: The prospectors were lined up against the homesteaders in simmering Sherman, Kansas, where gold-rush fever had the town trigger-taut.

Foxx rides herd on a payload of cattle through the snowbound hell of Wyoming Territory armed with only a ragtag trail gang and unflagging endurance. But the biggest hazard of all is the one Foxx least expects — a lonely beauty who comes along for the ride and turns their trail of trouble into a hotbed of tension — and a stampede for survival! The stakes were high and the fight was dirty as Foxx rode into the lawless Arizona Territory to check out the rowdy railhead camp where the violence began.

It looked like sabotage from within. But who was calling the shots and why? Foxx was doing the honors, pouring champagne for Vida Martin, when the bullet shattered the plate-glass window. The second slug slammed into the table. The Foxx series was published by Dell, the first book appearing in January and the last in September Zach Tyler is a pseudonym used by Melvin Marshall. Thursday, 10 October The Return. Edison agrees, under one condition: Dancy and his friends must stop the saboteurs who are disrupting his electrification of Wall Street.

After two years of misadventures out West, the assignment appears to be right up his alley. But new troubles await him in New York City. Dancy has bought a woman with him, and his high-society family disapproves. More worrisome, he has also unknowingly dragged along a feud that began out West. This is the fourth book in James D. Real history mixes perfectly with fictional making you believe it could have happened like this.

The story is superbly paced and I found it very difficult to put down. Best , Steve Dancy. Sunday, 6 October The Hot Spurs.