I believe the Lord will use the testimony given at the funeral. A number of believers came up from San Jose and Gongora and Quesada took part in the preaching. The little one is alive and well and we have it at our house. They were the first believers here in Cartago. I would like very much to get work really started over on the west coast. Martin Aquillar is working there, but is sick a good deal lately. They have a church building there and six members Jamaicans.

Our sisters, Lola and Talia Bonilla are there. This has been the greatest day in the year in Cartago and I guess in Costa Rica. Before long they will give her a Bull feast, which is held once a year in the square in front of the church.

  • .
  • rio bonito formation: Topics by theranchhands.com;
  • .
  • Dr. Sam Sasser (Author of Desenvolvendo seu Sacerdócio)!
  • Full text of "Economies of relation : money and personalism in the Lusophone world".

A neighbor across the street from us says that when she—the image—sees a bull knock a man down she laughs loudly. He thought maybe the brethren would not receive him back into their fellowship, but said he was determined to follow Christ any way. So I told him that if he walked in obedience to God so as to have peace in his heart and fellowship with him, he need have no fears as to the brethren receiving him. I was over to Heredia to-day. Our English service grows and a spiritual young evangelist could do a good work.

Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. How beautiful is His care of us.

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Day by day He provides. A little instance occurred this month which shows how He deals with us. We were out of money one day; I went to tell Him about it. As I got off my knees, wife came in saying: He wants to be trusted. Cartago, July 6, i8gg. The head priest still continues his plan of terrorizing the people, but the Lord is working in the hearts of some.

A woman, Juana byname, who came to the meeting last night, said that if her sons were with her she would not mind what the neighbors thought, but being alone she was afraid they might stone her. I tried to show her that if she received Christ, nothing could touch Her against His will. So there has been a great change in her since then. We hope he may some day be used for the glory of God. Monday afternoon we had quite a surprise party. It is reported that there is yellow fever in Alajuela, Heredia and San Jose—only a few cases, but enough to make quite a scare.

Minnie Boyle has been with us this week. All along He has planned such pleasant surprises and the very moment when the Devil would discourage us, the Lord has encourged us with strength in our soul. In leaving they pasted up on the door a tract from the Missionary Catholic priest, warning the people against us. Some one soon removed it. I am getting much better acquainted with the people. Spent a week in San Jose and Cartago and a few hours in Heredia since writing last—had a very helpful time with them all, as I saw how the Lord was blessing the work.

Fourth of July we called at a house we passed first, then turned back and went in and found a woman who told us how much every one there liked the priest, etc. I wondered, as I began to read, why we had gone in; but when a voice from the next room called out to us and we were asked to go in where there was a sick sister, I understood. She prayed too, a little. One look in her face satisfied me that the Lord had indeed spoken.

The next week we went to San Jose, and she left her poor bodilyframe the day we returned. Ne rebus Clertoia profalMtta.

Qu as v is on In eastitas servarl quoixt In ml l eras consort lo, rnro tanen, bonus nonon rotinorl potest. Ornnes Pei ratnintrl vltior. Ingemlscimus oh rainara mltorum, qui a recto tram! Sod dctectaaur in prim!? Indo aponto sun dimanont traaxdm ot latroclnl a. Sihil Irltur in mtuo v! They are generally more conservative. It is to be hoped that his influence will not make of it an intemperate committee. The matter of the attitude of the Church toward amusements is one of the important questions before the Church.

It seems quite probable that some modification in the paragraph will be made. He was elected chairman of the Committee on Episcopacy, which takes the lead in popular interest, if not in importance, of all the committees. The question of the number of bishops to be elected depends largely on the settlement of two other questions: I, How many, if any, bishops shall be retired on account of old age or infirmity?

Upcoming Events

Meantime the canvass for candidates is not particularly anxious. Among those whose names are frequently mentioned for the high office are the following: Palmer, secretaries of the Missionary Society; Dr. Berry, editor of The Epworth Herald; Dr. Henry Spellmeyer, of Newark, pastor. This by no means exhausts the list. The three men who have the best chances it would be impossible now to indicate. The latter had some thirty pages of English, but these volumes are Latin from beginning to end without a line of Spanish.

The Decrees of the Latin- American Council indicate, as might be expected, a very much greater laxity in morals and in worship than do those of the Baltimore Council. Bishops are warned to be very careful against false and apocryphal indulgences which are offered to the believers, and new indulgences attached to crosses, crowns and sacred images. They are told that scapulars must be of woven woolen, but not embroidered. Priests are required never to forego, under any circumstances, their clerical dress: They are not to wear long hair, and above all, false hair.

They must not attend balls or gaming places, nor must they engage even as silent partners in any secular business. With women their conversation must be brief and rigid; they must never receive them into their own residence without witnesses. Clerics are also warned against social excesses and particularly K The Independent against remaining at nuptial and baptism feasts with the laity, where these feasts are protracted until late at night. Yet they are not forbidden to have an opinion or to vote.

The establishment of Catholic papers is strongly recommended, and writers are warned to be careful to defend the faith, and accurately to distinguish faith from reason in philosophical matters; opinion from dogma. Duels come in for a special rebuke. Many other topics are treated, especially the methods of ecclesiastical courts, the proper administration of ecclesiastical property, the establishment of schools, seminaries and universities, the method of preaching, the education of priests and the various duties of the ecclesiastical orders.

We have not thought it worth while to dwell on these points, but rather on those which led to the calling of the Council, and which indicate a condition of things differing from that in this country. It was read by Mr. In view of the fact that comparatively few of the business men of New York had been able to attend meetings of the Conference, even the special business men's meeting on the evening of April 27th, it was suggested that a meeting be held in Trinity Church at noon.

This suggestion was cordially indorsed by Bishop Doane and entered into heartily by Bishop Potter and the Rev. These rays are the symbols of the graces which I obtain for those who ask them. He who will have found me will find life, and he will obtain salvation from the Lord. The Medal should be worn around the neck. The Superior General solicited the faculty of delegating the same power to priests other than those of the Congregation of the Mission.

This faculty was conceded to him by the Indult of November 12, All and each of these Indulgences are applicable, by way of suffrage, to the souls of the faithful who have departed this life united to God in charity. This Indulgence is applicable to the souls in Purgatory. Siiut Joseph's Academy ,Kn uuiitsburg, Maryland.

Siompro hemos pensado quo los Caracas: Qui duciisacerdotes inglorios [i] Vearnos, pues, veuerables Herraanos, lo que uos toca recoger para nuestras propias particulares uecesidades de la Ex hoi iaciSn del Padre Santo. Oh misas mal celebradas! Es un monu- mento de sabidurfa, de piedad, de celo jy de dulcfsima caridad: No podia menos P10 X que ocu- parse del sacerdocio, desde luego que es ferviente anhelo suyo, que se difunda como con nuevo espiritu en toda la Iglesia, el conocimiento, el amor y la exaltacibn de la Divina Eucaristia: Obedecemos al deseo del Padre Santo, asociando nuestra hutnilde palabra A su palabra augusta, y dando A nuestro clero la ensenanza particular que necesita, to- mdndola de esa fuente de limpidas aguas que corren de la Exhortation pontificia.

Hemos hablado mucho de las persecu- ciones de que ha sido victima en nuestro pais la Obra de Jesucristo; pero habla- mos muy poco, 6 no hablamos nunca de los pecados, particularmente de los pe- cados del sacerdocio, que nos han atrai- do estas persecuciones. Las primeras son una gracia pre- ciosisima, las segundas son castigos for- midables. Tal es la desconsoladora realidad. No hay otro sino el que senala P10 X en su Exhortatibn: De otro modo au-. Cu4n grande serfa nuestro gozo si pudieramos decir: La santidad de vida resplandece en nuestro clero: Son la sal inst pida qne pa: Pero no olviddis que la res- tauraciou en este punto no se verificard sino con sacerdotes de araci6n mental, como dice el Padre Santo; de preparaci6n amorosa y prolongada para la Misa y de una accidu de gracias que recoja todo el fruto del Smto Sacrificio.

Dios que lo eligio como ministro suyo y al cual estd entera y totalcnente consa- grado. Para penetrar co Ja grandeza de estos misterio? El Breviario es para el sacer dote piadoso alimento celestial, fuente de vida sobrenaturai, fuerte defen sa cou- tra la disipacidn y las teataciones. Malediclus quifacil opus Dei ncgligcntcr: Mildito el que hace la obra de Dios cou negligencia [2] Aqu! Procure que sus sacerdotes celebren bien la SmtaMisa y rezen con devocidn el OScio divino. Antes del Sinto Sacrificio joue pureza y que sfiplicas de un coraz6a deseo o!

I naginaos lo que sera una Iglesia que pueda contar con uu nuinero graude de sacerdotes que asi rezp'. Y si los pecados son ocultos, ellos se trasparentau bastante en la parroquia muerta, en el templo desierto, en la predicacidn fastidiosa 6 inutil, en los actos del culto practicados sin fervor ni piedad, en la casa del Sacerdote, que no respira sino aire mundaro; en sus lec- turas. No hay uu Sacerdote que pueda omitir esto in incurrir eu la nota de grave abandono? NI sucede de otro raodo en el resto de su agitada vida: Y sin embargo, hay sacerdotes que solo se confiesan rara vez, y otros que no se coufiesan nunca!

Ve que seria una insensacez inca- ficable vivir al azar, y no explotar ni b. He aqui como habla el Padre Santo de estotra ruina de los Sacerdotes: Venerables Sacerdotes, sabed que la - experiepcia cqmprueba que es bastante dificil el arrepentimiento sincero y eficaz en el miuistro de Dios que mezcla el ejercieio santo con sus graves y frecuen- tes prevaricaciones: L'evad vuestras confesiones y los asuntos de vuestra alma como ba- cen con sus intereses los hijos de este siglo: No hay mds sino atender A las le- yw canbnicas,d las cuales estamos some- tidos por conciencia, y curaplirlas en su totalidad para que el sacerdote llene com- pletameute las exigencias de su voca- cibn Pensad en una Iglesia, una dib- cesis, euyo c!

Y sin eml argo ,: El servicio, la atencibu, el cuidado y visita frecueme de los eLfermos para Ue- varlos como de la mano hasta las puer- tas de la eternidad, es cosa descoooci- da para el: Venerables pdrrocos, no esperbis la hora de la muerte para aprender vues- tros deberes; sabed que son cosas esen- ciales d vuestro ministerio la predicacion instruct!

K1 pdrroco que no llena perfects mente este triple ml- nixterio, del cual depende la eficacla de los dernds, no es apto para admi- nistrar una parroquia, y el ministerio parroquial, en lugar de salvarlo, lo con- denard. Quiera Dior que la Exhortacidn del Soberano Pontlfice, y data, que a. Huid ie las divisio- nes: En estos dias'ha publlcado este Diarist, detalladas notlcias sobre manifestadones j hostiles entre italianos y austriacos. Una Encargado de la Presidencia de la Republica, no reci- bira en audiencias publicas.

En ese vertigo del aumento de las. Por eso vive en perpbtua alarma ante el crecimitaleato cuadras. La rapidez con que el Imperio del Kaiser aumenta su marina, la hace for- zar cad 9 dfa mds su programa de cons- trucciones. Y dados los colosales intereses que tiene Inglaterra en el extrerao Oriente, puede considerarse lo que para ella sig- nifica este problema. El dguila negra germana y el rojo sol nipon, estdn de presente ante la mira- da britdnica en una doble 6 inquietante visibn de crecimiento.

La enemiga entre Italia y Austria es eterna y subsiste. Precisamente el punto mds false de la Triple Alianza estd en esta dudosa union de dos Potencias que se odian. Mientras los dos Gobiernos, requeridos por la voz de acero de Atemania, man tienen todavfa sin romper el lazo que les impusiera la dura politics de Bismark, los dos pueblos no perdonan ocasion para manifestarse el incurable rencor que los posee.

Y actual mente, cuando la cuestion de los Balkaues pone en mayor eyidencia que nunca d la Triple Alianza, revisten estos sucesos una incalculable gravedad. Mientras los E;tados Unidos recha- zan d los uipones, el Brasil les ofrece para el trab 3 jo sus vastos territories. No lisce mucho llegaron a Santos, mil de los r utvos inmigrantes, agricul- tores en su mayor parte, y se esperan diez mil mds, que seran recibidos d tf- tulo de ensayo. Es bien sabido que el Jap6n, en sus gigantescas aspiraciones, ha pensado eu la America meridional como en un campo de influencta conveniente para sus tniras futuras.

Su amigo, Parlida Pachano. De Guacara, el 4 de diciembre de De Coro, el 4 de diciembre de S. Por auiversario de la sporicldn de El Constitucional en los estrados de la prensa nacional, nos es grato enviarle nuestras cordiales felicitaciones, junto con la expresidt? Cay aw a Maitinez. De Barquisimeto, el 4 de diciembre de Valencia, diciembre de Por el Ejecutivo Federal, Dr. Actividades del Fomento Siempre trabajando Tel6grafo Nacional. Sentimos una vez mis la ac- cion protectora de la Restauracion.

Deseamos al senor Sara via buenos negocios. E11 opinion de los inddicos, el estado de sslud de la relna Guillerinina es bastante delieado, por lo que se le ha prescrito que por ahora se abstenga de conceder audiencias sobre asuntos que puedan afectarla de aigun modp! Me es grato saludarlo. De Ocumare, el 5 de diciemb e de Nuestro digno Magistrado expuso de manera brillante todo! De Trujillo, el 5 de diciembre de Acaba de veiificarse el acto de la iec- tura del Mensaje Presidencial ante la C 4 mara Legislativa del Estado.

El documento del Doctor Baptists es digno de encomio por la sobriedad de su estilo y la pureza de su fondo. Present6 hechos y no palabras. Los ndmeros hablaron de la honradez de su Administracidn liberal y endrgica. Ciudadania tributdle aplausos leales y entusiastas. De Merida, el 4 de diciembre de Su afectfsimo amigo, Not berto Perez. De Bolivar, el 5 de diciembre de El ciudadano Secre- tario General de Gobierno presento la Memoria y cuenta respectiva.

De Coro, el 5 de diciembre de Mensaje legal el General Miriano Garcia. Ante una nimiMosa concurrent. De Cumand, el 5 de diciembre de El acto revistio to- da la solemnidad debida. De La Victoria, el 6 de diciembre de Tan luminoso documento, aplaudido sin des- causo por numerosa concurrencia, pone de relieve la fecunda y patriotica labor del Presidente Bello, en su primer ano de Gobierno.

Senor Gumersindo Rivas, Director ie E. Civil, ha si lo nombrado Secretario; l. Al despedirlo carinosaraente, pldcenos ratibcarle nuestros sinceros votos de felicidad. Jose Oliva StdbilaX Corresponsal. Se introdujeron varios cacos en el almacdndel senor Don Carlos Hellmund, y despuds de romper los escritorios, huyeron llevdndose varias sumas de dinero. La autoridad departmental persigue activamente los autores del robo. El regreso de America Manifesiaciones so: Con sus hermanos los estimables venes Enrique 6 Ignacio Matamo: Ha causado muchisimo agrado d la ciudadania de este D..

San Antonio del Tdchira, el 4 de diciembre de Granados y joven Jorge Novoa. Hoy fondeo en este puerto el bote nacional Aurora, procedente de Irapa. Sale balandra Irapena cargida pira Crist6bal Col6n. A pesar de las abundantes lluvias las lineas telegrdficas con'-d'-vause per- ' fectamente d. Procedente de Puerto Cabello, fonde6. Mnfe rencia para que lo somentan 6. A los insurrectos montenegrinos los apoya el Austria puja qua, nticieu guerrillas en Bosnia y Herzegovina. A este efecto se ban enviado del, arsenal servio de Kta- guyevatz gran cantidad de bombas y de dinamlta. En una conferencia del Ministro italiano Tittonl cqn el s.

Una banda de servios atraves6 la frontera cerca de Zvoru k, ocuiriendo un encuentro con los austriacos que Iograron rechazarla. Servios murk-ron 17 y ana- triacos 3, en la refriega. De aqut partlO con destiao d Belgrado e! Ministro M lov imivicb para ren- dir informe al Rey y al Skuptscbina del resultado de su mision 4 Londres Paris y Roma 4 defender los intereses de Servia en la prdxisia conferencia para arregjjtr los asuntos balkdnicos.

Del programs servio ha eliminado todos los puntos que no esten en ar- monia con los intereses de las Potenclas en las cuales confu Servia 4 saber- Rusia y Francia, uaciones ambas que est 4 n resueltas 4 impedlr los avances del Austria y de Alemania en los Balkanes; Gran Bretana, quo por ningun moti- vo permitir 4 que Alemania readquiera el prestiglo de que gozaba en Turqula antes del advenimiento del partido de la juventud turca, 4 Italia, que 4 pesar de formar parte de la Trtp'.

Milovanovich regresar 4 4 Roma en el mes de enero. A seis meses veinte dfas de prisi6n fue sentenclado por el Juez. Cuerpo del delito, tres toretes de Celesti- uo Pa re jo. Te' 4 grafo Nacional. Estd en circulaclbn el programa de la festividad religiosa del ocho de diciembre. Para el mal nnnino Limpia y composicidn Teldgrafo Nacional. Aminclase para manana la bendicidn de las reformas con que ha sido em- bellecido. Panico lusitauo CaloRrama via Inglesa. A este iuoJo de ser de la Iglesia, que ningtin hombre puede alterar, debe aco modar-e el tenor de la vida y las accio nes.

Por lo cual, ns como es necesa- rio la uni6n de los Obispos, en el de-em peno del episcopado con laSmta Sede, as! Dcben set avisados los sub - ditos. No comprenden los desgrsjciados que tales persecuciones em- prend6n contra sus Prelados, que la deshonra del Pastor es deshonra de las ovejas; que sobre ellos mismos cae el abatimiento y deshonor que procuran al Obispo; y que se realiza al fin, con vergtienza de todos y a la vista de los enemigos que nos contemplan, lo que dijo el Espiritu Santo: El Padre des- honrado cs tambien deshonra desu hijo [9].

Aparte Dios de nuestra Iglesia tan tremenda calamidad! Fra- ter qui adjuvatur d fralre quasi civitas Anna. Altisimo ejemplo que estd dando y dard para el porveilir preciosos resultados en toda la Iglesia! El Padre Santo nos habla de esta uni6n fraternal, dandonos de ella formula perfecta con estas palabras: El vinculo no es otro que el que Dios mistno ha puesto y que jamds 5 Epistola ad Smyrnenses. XIV 8 I Reg. He aqui esta doctrina de la Cari- dad y de la uni6u fraternal, tal como sali6 de sus divlnos labios, y que forma la unica felicldad posible y duradera de este mundo: Pomaneced en mly yo en vosotros: Nosotros oimos los lamentos de los fieles y aun de muchos sacerdo tes, por cietta divisi6n que se nota en nuestro clero: Q tiera Dios que la expresioti de nuestras palabras sea de mayor viveza que la realidad de las cosas!

Escuchemos una vez mds sobre pun- to tan importante la voz de P10 X: Tiemblen los fautores de disenciones, recordando estas palabras de nuestros Libros Santos: Hay seis cosas qne abo- rrece el Sehor y la septima la detesta su alma sobre todas: Qui seminal inter fralrcs, discordias! Son grandes nuestras esperanzas en Dios, pero d veces el peso de las tribulaciones y las sombras de la tristeza quieren hacernos vacilar. Si desarrolldis en vosotros la vida sobrenatUTal, todo vendrd con abundan- cia y magnifico, porque tratamos con un Dios, que con lo ilimitado de su piedad, va mucho mds alia de los m6- ritos y de la oracibn de los que le suplican.

Pongaraos en El nuestra es- peranza, que no habrd de quedar de- fraudada. Por eso nos mo- rimos yl. Debemos freer justicla a todos los pd- rrocos y detiias sacerdotes que nos ayudan en la obra del S. No es la pobreza de las pa- rroquia. Tenemos que decir, aunque nos duela por nosotros mismos, que el clero parroquial extranjero es de lo mds cumplido para la contribucibn del Seminario, cualquiera que sea la mayor 6 menor importancia de las pa- rroquias que ocupa, dando asi d todos espleodida prueba de que cuando hay intcres eu cumplir con el deber, se encuentran los recursos.

Jamas lo podremos creer. Bueno es que se sepa que se gastan eu 61 seiscieuto-s pesos en cada mes y con delicadi administracioa. Y la Junta de Bienes Eclesidslicos, tan indispensable para la administraclbn de la Dibcesis, y que no goza de sue do al- guno, no reclbe de muchos los exiguos dereclios que hemos decretado d su favor, y los cuales aim pagados puntualmente, no representaiian la compensacibn del tra- bajo peooso de examlnar cuentas y com- probantes.

Lo repetimos, lo que necesitamos es la unibn en Jesucristo, la buena volun- tad para su santo servicio y el servicio de su Iglesia, porque es asi como todos los trabajos se facilltan y los sacrificios se hacen gratos al corazbn. El agente y el de paso fondo y lluvia lbgrafo Nacional. Acaba de llegar d este puerto el senor ,ize Sconte, Agente de los vapores de Comp nia de Asfalto, y General Jum ueroa, que sigue para 6-a. Hoy dib do eu este puerto bote Panchita, pro- [ente de Cristbbal Colba. Hace tres llueve sin cesar.

Y Planas Torres P. Dejamos cumplido un gran deber: Nosotros prevemos muy bien que si la Exhorlacion del Padre Santo puede haber encontrado indiferencia en algunos, la nuestra puede suscitar oposiciones mv lignas ,que debiliten sus efectos. No es dificil que nuestras palabras tropieceu con el endurecimiento y la ce- guedad, que esel juicio mas formidable que Dios ejerce, auu desde este mtiudo, sohre el sacerdote prevaricador: CsCulase en treinticuatro millones de mayor p7te ganada en los h,, odromfis euro- pel Al entierro asistio toda la ciudad. Segbn se asegura en los circulos poll- tlcoS liberales que deben saberlo, el Ga- hinete del General Gbmez lo compondran Ls siguientes personas.

No se conoce aun quibnes octi p: Ellas, como todas las plantas besadas y acariciadas por el sol, tambien al en- treabrir sus pbtalos de seda rosados labios de sus bocas de gloria perfuman las florestas, y embalsaman la brisa livia- na y pasajera que les rima dulces cuitas al pasar junto d ellas. Ellas, en las horas mas tristes de la vida, en que cada uno de los raortales sueiia con un calvario de dolores extien- den en los aires el albo pabellon de su virtud que fulgura como un simb61ico penddn de gloria. En ellas resplandece la belleza, y nace la honestidad, cual una flor que naciera para exparcir aromas y besar los dardos ctonales, sin caer beridas por las zaetas del hastio.

Por eso es que Macuto, el regio pue- blecito, boy esta cual un palacio de ha- das, sin tristezas, y con el aroma de las mejores fiores que no han sentido en'sus calices de oro la horribles torturas del martirio. Salve d ti job bello y regio flotestal del suelo mio, salve! Yo, d quien por stierte toco recibir las demostraciones de mucho aprecio para con nuestro Director y su obra de lealtad, envio mil gracias y mi mejor re- conocimiento para todos.

Lo digo, d propdsito de una especie de anarqui'a que en el Balneario de Macuto hizo morir cuasi al nacer, la idea de inaugurar una serie de diversio- nes populares que varios Caballeros preparaban graciosamente en honor al bello sexo aqui de temporada. Que fuera por ganas de permanecer en una densa melancolia, es cosa que yo no se, nl quiero averiguar, pero casi me atrevo d sostener que cuando los hotnb'es porque gastan pantalones se acostumbran d disociar en todas las es- feras, es un gran problema resolver un punto que llegue d su conocimien- to aunque para ello no se les haya pe- dido prevlamente ni siqulera una de sus mds insignificantes opiniones.

Las retretas en cuestidn serdn inauguradas el proximo domingo en la noche, en que si yo fuera portero del cielo le daria un taburetico d Moros y lo colocaria al lado de San Casitniro, en el propio palacio del Scfior Jesucristo. Resulta que un cludadano de nombre Carlos Estrada, amanecid en la Plaza Lourdes, atado por los dedos de las manos y de los pies y cou un paiiuelo colocadoen la boca, que le impedia pedir socorro en aquella bora, en que tres sujetos apaches le apresaron para des- hacerle de clncuenta pesos que eu sus bokillos llevaba y darle unos cuantos golpes depalos por el cuerpo.

La autoridad, que le encontrd en tal situacidn, abrid iumediatamente las ave- riguacioues del caso, sin que d esta bora haya dado con los autores del criminal atentado. Ahora bien, la autoridad parrcqulal que se ocupa et las averiguaciones del caso debe tomar serias medidas con el fin de pouer cese d lo que viene suce- diendo esa parroqu J a y que puede dar lugar d otros casos m. Si Macuto no es e? Y yo aseguro con toda la itnparcla- lidad de este pobreclllo coraz6n que no ha sentido jamds ninguna pasi6u amo- rosa; ese pedazo de Consuelo que de- rrama en las aristocracias de sus ritmi- cos andares una rafisica dlvinamente bella, naci6 y colored bajo las perfu- madas diamelas de algfin florestal ena- morado, y e9 por ello que le cantan los poetas, y el mar, el viejo mar, en sus constantes besos con la playa le riza la blanquisima estela de sus blancas espumas y la deja una mddea muy ex6- tica y muy bella.

Salve d ti, oh consuelo de los que saben rendirle su homenaje d tu her- mosura. Distanclar ambos edificios equivale d librar los habitantes del Departameuto Vargas de una terrible epldemia, dado el caso que el Hospital se halla situado en el corazon de la ciudad. Pocas, muy pocas son las partes que tiene en buen estado y con la menor dl- ficultad desapareceran, si no se les pone el prontp y eficaz remedio qtie reclaman. Que Dios sea con nosotros en el Paraf- so, es todo cuanto deseo. En ocasion de regresar d Coimbra los estudiantes que con motivo de la ida del rey Manuel d Oporto se habian dirigido alii; se suseitaron graves des- 6rdenes, de los que resultaron heridos varios estudiantes.

La policia tuvo que hacer grandes esfuerzos para restable- cer el orden. El exodo de los espanoles Emigracidu de un pueblo integro Hasta el Cura! El pueblo de la costa, Chipiona, estd dispuesto a emigrar integramente. The thermometer was only two degrees above zero. It is not written for people like you. Ah, your reverence, pardon me, but I would rather have the cow myself. Tucker has sent us a translation. We make some extracts from this translation. They are written, as will be seen, from a Roman Catholic standpoint, but we are glad to recognize the disposition to insist upon the circulation and reading of the Scriptures by the people.

To the faithful of the Holy Cross I offer and dedicate this new version of the Holy Gospels in Portuguese, in the hope that the reading of them may become familiar to all. Besides the very great advantages that such reading brings to Christians, it has the special opportunity of serving at times to stop the mouths of treacherous slanderers of the Holy Church, who accuse her of dispensing with and even prohibiting the Holy Scriptures to the Catholics. Long live the Bible! Long live the Bible, yes, but long live the Bible only, they add. Let us go to the tenets. It has 72 books in the Old and New Testaments —45 in the one and 27 in the other.

This is a "fountain of Christian doctrine. The Holy Tridentine Council, in the hall of its meetings, placed above the altar the Holy Books, and declared anathema whoever should deny faith in any part of this code of our faith. Behold the second source of revelation by which God has been pleased to direct our steps to heaven. Happy indeed the Christian, the Brazilian, home that possesses this admirable master of salvation.

Would that rapidly the 25, copies already distributed through Brazil might reach , But these extracts from the Holy Books are but crumbs from the same. Paul to the Corinthians. In an evil hour the enemies wish to accuse her of hiding the light, of withdrawing it from the faithful. As a most perfect mother, as an experienced teacher, she scarcely warns her sons against the adulterations, so many times proven, of the texts of this book, when not guaranteed by her with the approval of the bishops. With this wise reservation and declaration, the Catholic Church to-day more than ever promotes the diffusion of the Holy Books.

In Rome the Society of St. For these reasons I could not rest until I could offer to our good Brazilian people a translation of the Portuguese of this same really luxurious and respectable edition, with such beautiful typographical work as to attract the eye, especially with the numerous, most eloquent pictures of the celebrated collection of the priest, Natalis, S.

Inri Cristo Entrevista 300 Perguntas Portugues

God grant that the Holy Book may at once become popular among us. It is of moment i that it should be found in every Brazilian home, i respectfully placed alongside of their devout j images that the poor and the rich venerate until j to-day; and so they will worship them while i they are not confused by the zealous, other- i wise bold sectarians who treat us as idolaters, I as if we should worship stones or metals or any other being whatever save God only, the Creator and Lord, infinitely superior to all creatures. It is necessary to see in it the Book the most notable relic of the God-man, more pre-.

It is necessary then to keep this relic with the same or greater respect than the others, covering the volume with a binding more or less rich and keeping it in an oratory or in another becoming place. The reading, practiced and repeated every day, will produce in us a rapid transformation. Our piety and devotion will be substantial if they have for their constant object to better know, admire, and love God, our Lord Jesus Christ.

This accumulation of evidence as to the vital power of the Bible is wonderful and overwhelming. The story, however, is not one confined to foreign lands by any means, or to the darker forms of pagan unbelief. The experiences occur in our own country and among those who have had many opportunities of religious education. Mc- Gerald is well known as a successful and devout preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and this testimony will be read with singular pleasure by those who know him and will be helpful to many others.

It was in September I went to work for my new employer. While he was endeavoring in every possible way to interest me in the reading of the Bible, I was equally interested and zealous in trying to convince him of the error of his ways and lead him into the true fold. His noble, sympathetic nature, and the intensely practical and common-sense character of his religion won my confidence. I had no doubt of his sincerity, but that would not save him.

As there was no salvation out of the true Church it became my duty to do my utmost to win his soul. Finally the hope sprang up in my heart that I might be the means of his salvation. Consequently I went home and told mother of my self-appointed mission. As l thought the matter over, however, I saw that I must be able to meet him on his own ground. He would not accept the statements that it contained in lieu of Holy Scripture. I was at first surprised at that, as I had been taught from infancy that the catechism took the precedence of the Bible. The Bible could be understood by the laity only as explained or interpreted by the Church, and the catechism is that interpretation.

And, therefore, it is practically of higher authority, and should be read and observed by the laity in preference to the Scriptures. But as my friend whom I was trying to convert would not accept the catechism in proof of the doctrines and the faith I held, I saw I must bring forth Scripture proof to offset his arguments. To do that I must read the Bible. Thai was the motive that led me to read it.

The book lay on the bench. Up to this time I had not ventured to open it to read it. But now my desire was so strong to confute the errors of this good but misguided man and win -him to the true faith, I began to read the wonderful book. Had I been as well informed then as I was afterward in regard to the teaching of the Church in reference to the reading of the Bible, especially the Protestant version, I would not have ventured on such a hazardous experiment. Some are for the promiscuous reading of them, some are not.

De 30 de Janeiro de De 31 de Janeiro de Livro 1 de Suplemento. Folha 8 V S. Tiago de Cassem, Collos e etc. De 22 de Junho de Livro 3 de Suplemento, V. De 25 de Maio de De 8 de Setembro de Livro 2 de Suplemento 73 V Assento que consta passarse cart. De 26 de Janeiro de Livro 1 de Suplemento, F. De 25 de Setembro de Livro 1 de Suplemento. De 28 de Junho de Livro 2 de Suplemento. Livro 3 de Suplemento. Folha V Assento por que consta se passou Cart. De 10 de Agosto de Tombo de propriedades das Vilas de Sines e Santiago. Manuel Livro 1 de Guadiana, Folha 50 Livro 25, fol.

Valor y Uso, Editorial Ariel, Barcelona. La sociedad, el derecho, la cultura, Madrid, p. George Braziller, New York. II, 1, Berlim-Nova York, pp. Qualidade Visual da Paisagem - Programa Preliminar. Mann Verlag, GmbH, Berlim. Economic Centres or Cultural Symbols? Chevallier , Caesarodunum, 8. Porto Romano da Costa Alentejana. Bianchi Bandinelli - M. Espace Urbain et Histoire. Aix-les-Bains , La Ciutat Hispano-Romana, , dir. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link.

A soil from a high-grade metamorphic rock granulite presented the lowest Ra 18 Bq. A lowland soil Gleysol showed the highest median of 40 K Bq. Strongly acidic soils tended to present high amounts of Ra, and sandy soils tended to contain low levels of Ra. The external radiation dose indicates that the state has a background radiation level within the natural range.

The formation of early settled villages and the emergence of leadership: Despite obvious necessities for understanding later developments in the region, Preceramic cultures in the Titicaca Basin are poorly understood due to lacking empirical data. This dissertation focuses on examination of two processes occurring in the Rio Ilave drainage during the Late B.

These processes are tested against theoretical predictions derived from: Resource imbalance theory predicts appearance of density dependent adaptive problems prior to major cultural transformations. Human behavioral ecology predicts increased dietary diversity and incorporation of greater processing costs occuring coincidentally with reduced residential mobility. Symbolic mate value advertising is a predicted leadership strategy. Agency theory predicts internal sources of social tension, potentially independent of external forces, as primary causes of cultural change. Feast hosting and the formation political economy are expected to be central to both social processes investigated from this perspective.

Local paleoclimatic proxies suggest aridity from ca B. Reanalysis of pedestrian survey data indicate population growth during the Late Archaic. Excavation and ground penetrating radar survey at Pirco and Jiskairumoko demonstrate reduced residential mobility and increased evidence for social differentiation appearing during the Late Archaic's before B. New cultural patterns include: No clear cut evidence for inter-community promotional feasting was identified but some finds suggest intra-community alliance feasts.

By the end of the Terminal Archaic ca. The prevalence of both caligidspecies was 3. Foram capturados 31 exemplares de M. Caligus bonito e Caligus sp. Ergasilus versicolor e E. Caligus bonito ocorreu somente nos machos de M. Facing this fact, this study perceives and relates the opinion of these visitors with the points where services and infrastructure are highlighted, as well as in the fields that need attention.

This study has a quantitative objective and has used in data processing fundamental statistical methods descriptive, inferential and multivariate to obtain the distributions , interval estimates, and measures of correlation and similarity of variables, avoiding interference of any other intervening variables. All results obtained have helped to establish a comparison and correlation between variables, providing important information about this visitor demand in this locality.

The objective was to identify the urban phlebotomine sandfly fauna of the Bonito municipality, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The captures of insects were undertaken fortnightly from March to. Impact of the construction of a hydroelectric power plant on the land cover and use: This work aims to analyze the impact of the construction of a hydroelectric power plant on land cover and use in Lajeado Bonito -RS watershed. The study evaluated the temporal evolution of land cover and use in the watershed for the period before and after to installation of hydroelectric plant Foz do Chapeco to And a high-resolution image obtained from Google Earth application, acquired at December 26, We found that the predominant land use related to agriculture and livestock, including bare soil.

In this class accounted for At the same time, there was increase of areas with native forest cover, from At the world-wide Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in , two new legally binding documents were signed by over countries: These conventions will come into force when ratified by 50 and 30 countries respectively. The objectives of these conventions, the steps to be taken toward their compliance, and their implications for Canada are discussed. Since climatic change could bring about adverse effects such as water shortages and loss of permafrost, Canada has committed itself to a quick start toward compliance with preparation of a detailed national inventory of greenhouse gas emissions.

The biodiversity convention could make it harder to develop hydropower in Canada at the same time that the climate change convention makes hydropower more attractive. Other documents from the Earth Summit included declarations on forestry management, sustainable development, and future conventions on desertification and fishing. Notable features of the summit included a refocusing of the environmental agenda to the priorities of the poorer countries, a recognition that environmental issues are linked to poverty and economic development, and an attack on the consumption patterns of the richer countries.

Hydrogeological and hydrochemical characterization of unconfined aquifer located in the alteration mantle of the Serra Geral Formation , in the Taquari-Antas river basin, northeast of Rio Grande do Sul State. Full Text Available This paper presents the hydrogeological and hydrochemical characterization of the unconfined aquifer located in the alteration mantle in the volcanic rocks from Serra Geral Formation , in the northeast region of Rio Grande do Sul State. This aquifer is conditioned by the soil, topography, lithology and climate, being characterized by a saturated layer thinner than 1,7 m, static levels between 0 and 1 m and low flow Regolith formation rate from U-series nuclides: Implications from the study of a spheroidal weathering profile in the Rio Icacos watershed Puerto Rico.

A 2 m-thick spheroidal weathering profile, developed on a quartz diorite in the Rio Icacos watershed Luquillo Mountains, eastern Puerto Rico , was analyzed for major and trace element concentrations, Sr and Nd isotopic ratios and U-series nuclides UUThRa. The Sr and Nd isotopic variations along the whole profile imply that, in addition to geochemical fractionations associated to water-rock interactions, the geochemical budget of the profile is influenced by a significant accretion of atmospheric dusts.

The mineralogical and geochemical variations along the profile also confirm that the weathering front does not progress continuously from the top to the base of the profile. The upper part of the profile is probably associated with a different weathering system lateral weathering of upper corestones than the lower part, which consists of the basal corestone, the associated rindlet system and the saprolite in contact with these rindlets.

Consequently, the determination of weathering rates from UUThRa disequilibrium in a series of samples collected along a vertical depth profile can only be attempted for samples collected in the lower part of the profile, i. Similar propagation rates were derived for the rindlet system and the saprolite by using classical models involving loss and gain processes for all nuclides to interpret the variation of U-series nuclides in the rindlet-saprolite subsystem.

The consistency of these weathering rates with average weathering and erosion rates derived via other methods for the whole watershed provides a new and independent argument that, in the Rio Icacos watershed, the weathering system has reached a geomorphologic steady-state. Our study also indicates that even in environments with differential. The formation of a black territory in southern Brazil.

From this case, the objective is to conflate the analysis of strategies used by the predecessors of the community to ensure access to land in different contexts with two sets of discussions: The genotype x year interaction was highly significant indicating that annual climatic differences have directly affected the grain yield. The averages of grain yield were the highest in and the lowest in IAPAR 60 did not present grain yield stability.

As the climatic conditions were favorable to the development leaf spot, its occurrence was generalized. Petrographic, mineralogical, geochemical and paleo environmental characterization of radioactive anomaly associated to carbonate rocks from Jandaira formation of high cretaceous from Potiguar basin - Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil.

In the effort of characterizing this marker, petrological, mineralogical, geological and paleontological, analyses were made in ditch samples of selected 23 wells. This marker is composed by bioclastics packstones to mudstones, mainly constituted of planktonic and bentonic forams, deposited in relatively deep water. The origin of the radioactive anomaly is due to the presence of sedimentary phosphates phosphorite made-up of uraniferous coloform apatite. In southern South America it occurs in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay, and its presence in southern Brazil was never studied in detail.


It consists of fine-very fine silt with subordinate sand and clay, found mostly in lowland areas between Pleistocene coastal barriers. Caliche and iron-manganese nodules are also present. The only fossils found so far are rodent teeth and a tooth of a camelid Hemiauchenia paradoxa. The probable source of this loess is the Pampean Aeolian System of Argentina and it would have been deposited by the increased aeolian processes of the last glacial.

Spectral gamma-ray signature of fluvial deposits: Sowek, Guilherme Arruda, E-mail: Fluvial channel-fill deposits form highly heterogeneous hydrocarbon reservoirs. The study of outcrop analogs can help in the characterization of these heterogeneities, which are usually not detected by subsurface geophysical methods. The aim of this research is to compare outcrop log signatures with grain size trends and depositional elements of the fluvial deposits of the Late Permian Rio do Rasto Formation. A series of vertical gamma-ray logs were assembled in two outcrops in order to: The results of this study show that gamma-ray logs have good correlation with grain size trends and that different depositional elements have distinct signatures.

On the other hand, point bar deposits exhibit strong lateral changes in log signature due variations in grain size and mud content within lateral accretion strata. Although frequent, the classic bell-shaped log motif was not always detected, which means that the amount of fluvial channel-fill deposits recognized in subsurface can be underestimated. Similar log signatures were detected in the boreholes, at least in the closest ones, helping in paleoenvironmental interpretation in the subsurface. A detail study of this material was developed in a mine in activity.

The outcrops are in hills testimonies. Fourteen samples were collected and represent the levels of this mine which consisted of argillites with intercalation of slim siltite layer. Non-cognitive factors that have a crucial incidence in the degree of success and ways of accomplishment of second language acquisition process are focused. A transdisciplinary perspective is adopted, mobilising categories from Discourse Analysis and Psychoanalysis. The most relevant ones are: Her main claim is that during the process of learning a foreign language, the foundations of psychical structure, and consequently first language, are required.

After examining how nomination and predication processes work in first and second languages, components of identity and identification processes are focused on, in an attempt to show how second language acquisition strategies depend on them. It is also pointed out that those factors are to be approached, questioning the bipolar biological-social conception of subjectivity in the study of language acquisition and use and including in the analysis symbolic and significant dimensions of the discourse constitution process.

Full Text Available This article is generated based on the results of a master's degree research that unveiled the characteristics of the total family risk among families with functional elder adults who are beneficiaries of the Care Program for the wellbeing of the elderly who are poor, of the Local Health Center, the "Centro Operativo Local de Kennedy", i. Data was obtained using the RFT instrument, designed by Dr. Consequently the morphological description of Neossolos in the field is also hampered, particularly in terms of contacts between soil, saprolite and rock, and their classification in the Brazilian Soil Classification System.

The purpose of this study was: Five profiles of litho-climosequence were analyzed. The contacts were characterized based on the straight shovel excavation test associated to analyses of saprolite fracture and weathering classes. The contacts related to the presence of saprolite layers identified in the profile are not taken into consideration in the Brazilian Soil Classification System. New classes were also suggested for the third categorical level, based on information such as soil position and saprolite contact, excavation resistance and cracking level of the material.

The proposed diagnostic attributes and classes allowed a more adequate classification of Neossolos derived from volcanic rocks in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. We sought to execute a psychosocial analysis of a Theological Catholic Seminary where live 50 seminarians in boarding system, at the final stage of formation to priesthood; once ordained, they will be settled in relevant positions that comprise in. RIO Country Report The series of RIO Country Reports analyse and assess the policy and the national research and innovation system developments in relation to national policy priorities and the EU policy agenda with special focus on ERA and Innovation Union.

The executive summaries of these reports put forward The Itarare Group is characterized by pelites of lacustrine origin and conglomerates and sandstones of alluvial fans, mainly in the north western region. A shallow lacustrine and paludal system characterize the Rio Bonito Formation , comprising coal seams and associated pelitic sediments, as well as some paraconglomerates and sandstone layers. The contact between these units is established by the colour of the pelites, differences in sedimentary textures, structures and palynological data.

A marine transgression caused the sediments of the Rio Bonito Formation to be covered by coastal sandstones and pelites of the Palermo Formation , of tidal flat origin. Today, the coal layers and sediments have been eroded southward and slope gently to the north of the area. Project Rio Blanco was a joint Government-industry experiment using nuclear explosives to stimulate the flow of natural gas from low permeability formations which could not be economically produced through conventional methods.

The project consisted of the simultaneous detonation of three nuclear explosives on May 17, , in a 7, foot well in northwestern Colorado. Gas production testing and project evaluation continued through June Actual site restoration activities were conducted during the period from July to November The activities throughout the restoration period are summarized and the final site status, including the disposition of all project facilities and the status of all project related wells after plug and abandonment and recompletion work are described.

An ontogenetic study of the stem pitting was carried out, using as a model system the peduncle of flowers and fruits of sweet orange cv. Anatomical and ultrastructural analysis revealed five phases of this process. It starts with the localized appearance of chromatic cells in the phloem parenchyma, hypertrophy of companion and cambial cells and overall disorganization of the phloem and deposition of a dense material.

The next step is characterized by the invasion of the xylem by an abnormal mass of phloem parenchymal cells formed by the disorganized proliferation. These changes lead to the third phase, where xylem ring is. The passage from Rio. The Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Environment and Development notes that after the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro discussions about the environment and development will differ from those prior to the Summit.

These discussions must now incorporate problems of developing countries, poverty, inequalities, flow of resources to developing countries, and terms of trade. The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development consists of important tenets, but it must evolve into an Earth Charter to be endorsed on the 50th anniversary of the UN in The Summit's Plan of Action, Agenda 21, must also continue to evolve and, despite its shortcomings, is the most extensive and, if implemented, most effective international action ever approved by the international community.

Financing the Agenda 21 initiatives remains to be decided. New possible sources of funding must be based n the polluter pays principle and may include new taxes, user charges, emission permits, and citizen funding. Even though the most serious problem in the s is stabilization of atmospheric gases, the Rio agreement does not include targets or timetables. Governments also need to move forward on conventions on decertification and deforestation.

They need to incorporate the global objectives of Agenda 21 into their own national policies and practices. This must also be done at the global, regional, organizational, local, and individual levels. The global community must also begin technology capacity building. The participatory process should also include nongovernmental organizations. Population growth must also slow dramatically to achieve sustainable development. The various participatory levels must consider elimination of poverty.

Rio responses in the Netherlands. Three of the five agreements reached in Rio - the Rio Declaration, Agenda 21 and the Framework Convention on Climate Change - are briefly summarised from and energy perspective. The state of the art in the two national policy areas that are crucial for sustainable development, environmental policy and development cooperation, are then described.

Some conclusions are drawn regarding the major bottlenecks and challenges for Dutch policies in the wake of Rio. This article takes as its object the formation of the university teacher, turning its attention to the elucidation of the following issues: In conclusion, the biological, social and environmental risk factors interact, showing a high vulnerability level in poor families with disabled elder adults that require improvement in access to and in intervention from health and social services and support networks, providing integrated care, with intersectorial, inter-institutional and with a family approach.

The commitment of families, community, institutions and health professionals is necessary, who should work jointly to improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable people and their families. This article presents the results of the study whose objective was to characterize the total family risk in families with disabled elder adults, through a descriptive study with a quantitative approach, the sample was 72 families and RFT 1 instrument was used. The commitment of families, community, institutions and health professionals is necessary, who should work jointly to improve.

The Musical, as herald of megafestival Rock in Rio. Driven by the success that musicals have reached in Brazil, we believe that the design of this spectacle of music, dance and staging renews the brand of the rock festival, once it adds the force of young and healthy bodies to its concept. Moreover, the musical provides Rock in Rio with some distance from the controversal trilogy of sex, drugs and rock and roll, a strong mark of past festivals around the world.

Thus, the musical expands the possibilities of growth for the brand. Moving mountains in Rio. The Canadian agenda for UNCED is like that of most of the developed countries, and focuses mainly on climatic change, deforestation, loss of biodiversity in the tropics, and health of the oceans. The agenda of the developing countries is based on the knowledge that most of these global problems have been caused or aggravated by the industrialized countries. The developing countries fear that actions imposed to solve environmental problems will threaten their economic development.

A key demand from the developing countries is a commitment by developed countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, leaving space for the developing countries to increase their emissions as they develop. There is little or no pressure on governments in the developed world to come to such a comprehensive deal. For Canada, much remains to be done in setting national priorities, and many of the issues to be discussed at UNCED are under provincial jurisdiction. Rio Chama Floodplain Management Study. Aspects of uranium mineralization in Figueira-PR, Brazil.

The data in the form of eletric, gama ray and stratigrafic logs and chemical analysis or core and cutting samples have been studied. These data show that the uranium deposition is in a paleochannel in the lower part of the Rio Bonito Formation and is due to an epigenetic process. The concentrations encountered indicate the possibility of an economic deposit. Environmental impacts associated with Project Rio Blanco. Project Rio Blanco, an experiment involving deep underground detonation of three kton nuclear explosives designed to stimulate natural gas flow in geologic formations of low permeability, was conducted in western Colorado on 17 May Environmental impacts associated with this experiment were divided into three categories: Radiation and ground motion are unique to this type experiment while conventional activities would be associated with any type of resource development.

The objective of observations made at Rio Blanco was to qualitatively and, where possible, quantitatively ascertain environmental impacts associated with the project. Observations indicated that ground motion and conventional activities appeared to cause the greatest impacts.

Ground motion impacts were most severe within 2. Following the detonation, flow and turbidity had increased in a small stream adjacent to the EW. Animals receiving deleterious impacts were those associated with stream banks, cliffs and burrows. No mortality or injury was observed in any large animals.

Deforestation near Rio Branco, Brazil. Settlement and deforestation surrounding the Brazilian town of Rio Branco are seen here in the striking 'herring bone' deforestation patterns that cut through the rainforest. Rio Brancois the capital of the Brazilian state of Acre and is situated near the border with northeastern Bolivia.

The town is a center for the distribution of goods, including rubber, metals, medicinal plants, Brazil nuts and timber. Colonization projects in the region are supported by farming, logging activities, and extensive cattle ranching. Much of the surrounding terrain is of a poorly-draining clay hardpan soil, and heavy rainfall periodically converts parts of the forested region to swamp. The large overview image was acquired by the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer's vertical-viewing nadir camera on July 28, , and covers an area of kilometers x kilometers.

A plume of smoke is visible north of the Rio Branco road, which roughly parallels the slender, twisting Rio Abuna. Most of the major rivers in the image provide reference points for state or international Bolivia-Brazil boundaries, and flow northeast to the Rio Madeira east of the smoke plume.

  1. The Farmer Takes A Wife (Mills & Boon Cherish);
  2. !
  3. Trust of Potential Buyers in New Entrepreneurial Ventures: An Analysis of Trust Drivers, the Relevance for Purchase Intentions, and the Moderating Effect ... or Service Qualities (Entrepreneurship).
  4. Inri Cristo Entrevista Perguntas Portugues - Free Download PDF.
  5. .
  6. Mes Amies.
  7. Ortega en circunstancia: una filosofía para el siglo XXI (LOS PAPELES DE LA ORTEGA) (Spanish Edition)!
  8. Pando's southern boundary with the department of Beni is marked by the Rio Madre de Dios, the large river in the lower half of the image. The two higher-resolution inset images highlight a settled area north of the town of Rio Branco. These nadir views cover an area of 60 kilometers x 67 kilometers, and were acquired eleven months apart during Terra orbits and In the later image, more haze is present, possibly due to smoke from fires on that day.

    Comparing the two images provides a method of measuring the changes and expansion in the area of cleared land. One newly cleared patch is apparent near the middle of the later image, slightly off to the right. This polygon represents an area of about 16 square kilometers, or Rio Blanco was the third experiment in the U. Atomic Energy Commission's Plowshare Program to develop technology to stimulate gas production from geologic formations not conducive to production by conventional means. The project was sponsored by CER Geonuclear Corporation, with the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory providing the explosives and several technical programs, such as spall measurement.

    Three nuclear explosives specifically designed for this application were detonated simultaneously in a minimum-diameter emplacement well using many commercially available but established-reliability components. The explosive system performed properly under extreme temperature and pressure conditions. Emplacement and stemming operations were designed with the aim of simplifying both the emplacement and reentry and fully containing the detonation products. An integrated command and control system was used with communication to all three explosives through a single coaxial cable.

    Reentry and the initial production testing are completed. To date 98 million standard ft 3 of chimney gas have been produced. Na FA de C. The objective of this study was to verify the effect of preparations or fractions partially purified from S. ESD and the Rio Conventions. Chapter 36 of Agenda 21, a key document of the Earth Summit, emphasised reorienting education towards sustainable development. The Rio Tinto, located in southwest Spain, exhibits a nearly constant, acidic pH-value along its course. Due to the formation of sulfate minerals, Rio Tinto is considered a potential analogue site for sulfate-rich regions on Mars, in particular at the landing site of the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity, where the ferric sulfate mineral jarosite was identified with Opportunity's Moessbauer spectrometer.

    Primary and secondary mineralogy was investigated in situ with portable Raman and Moessbauer spectrometers at four different Rio Tinto sampling sites. The two techniques analyse different sample portions due to their specific field of view and sampling depth and provide complementary mineralogical information. GNSS navigation satellites are currently being developed by all major players in the science and technology scene, to compete with the GPS system.

    Because their applications span many different areas, from traffic and cargo control, to geodesy and seismic monitoring, it is required to assess the coherence between the different constellations. Its first generation of satellites consisted of 3 geostationnary satellites allowing geolocalisation in China only. In addition to these satellites, other satellites have been launched in geostationnary and geosynchronous orbits, as well as satellites orbiting with a classical GNSS semi-major axis. With these additions, the BDS system possesses 19 operating satellites, and though the system is mostly efficient for geolocalisation in Asia, the satellites are also visible in other parts of the globe.

    One of the goals of this project is to evaluate the efficiency of the BDS constellation as well as the efficiency of the receivers developed by the Chinese laboratories. In this communication we focus on the determination of the. Embankment Criteria and Performance Report. A paisagem de rios urbanos.

    General characterization of the uranium occurrence in the formation Esperanza. The main geological, geophysical Radiometric survey, gamma spectrometric survey, measurement of Rn , geochemical and mineralogical characteristics in uranium occurrences, located in the Esperanza formation in Pinar del Rio , Cuba are showed. The upper Rio Hondo Basin occupies a drainage area of square miles in south-central New Mexico and comprises three general hydrogeologic terranes: Streams and aquifers in the basin are closely interconnected, with numerous gaining and losing stream reaches across the study area.

    In general, the aquifers are characterized by low storage capacity and respond to short-term and long-term variations in recharge with marked water-level fluctuations on short days to months and long decadal time scales. Droughts and local groundwater withdrawals have caused marked water-table declines in some areas, whereas periodically heavy monsoons and snowmelt events have rapidly recharged aquifers in some areas.

    A regional-scale conceptual water budget was developed for the study area in order to gain a basic understanding of the magnitude of the various components of input, output, and change in storage. There is a high degree of variability in precipitation and consequently in the water supply; small.

    Rio Blanco massive hydraulic fracture: A recent Federal Power Commission feasibility study assessed the possibility of economically producing gas from three Rocky Mountain basins. These basins have potentially productive horizons 2, to 4, feet thick containing an estimated total of trillion cubic feet of gas in place. However, the producing sands are of such low permeability and heterogeneity that conventional methods have failed to develop these basins economically. The Natural Gas Technology Task Force, responsible for preparing the referenced feasibility study, determined that, if effective well stimulation methods for these basins can be developed, it might be possible to recover 40 to 50 percent of the gas in place.

    The Task Force pointed out two possible underground fracturing methods: Nuclear explosive fracturing, and massive hydraulic fracturing. They argued that once technical viability has been demonstrated, and with adequate economic incentives, there should be no reason why one or even both of these approaches could not be employed, thus making a major contribution toward correcting the energy deficiency of the Nation.

    A joint Government-industry demonstration program has been proposed to test the relative effectiveness of massive hydraulic fracturing of the same formation and producing horizons that were stimulated by the Rio Blanco nuclear project. Rio sambas to research drum. Perhaps the most published graphic in the oil industry is one that traces the price of oil through time. It is used as an overlay to correlate everything from the history of rig activity levels to predicting coming oil shortages and gluts.

    The author discusses the way the oil industry is spending money on research and development, he explains that in the past 20 years the biggest innovation in the industry has been 3D seismic. The critical strategy for oil business was the adaptation of 3D seismic from another industry which was then moulded for its own needs. The article goes on to describe the importance of the development of a portfolio of research and development.

    AbstractThe starting point of this paper is the scien- tific and conceptual framework of Vygotsky's cultural-historical approach, which is used to present the results of a descriptive research work on classroom activities, establishing a dialectic interaction between theory and practice. The aim was to train reflexive thin- king in university students of the teacher training course in Children's Pedagogy, more specifically a subject in Cognitive Theories of Learning. The results show that pedagogical actions can have a positive impact on the consolidation of learning processes.

    Reflexive thinking is an agent of change through inten- tional use of language. This paper allows to know some sedimentological and stratigraphical features of the Cenozoic deposits exposed along Rio de la Plata coast in the Canelones department, Uruguay.

    The results, mainly collected from metric thickness of local stratigraphical sections and coastal outcrops of that region are presented. Both Tertiary and Quaternary sediments are present, however transitional Pleistocenic deposits of Chuy Formation and continental sediments of Libertad Formation are more dominant [es. Full Text Available http: Full Text Available The upper reaches of the Segre river, flowing through the Pyrenees, offers a variety of geomorphic surfaces that allow us to study soil chronosequences.

    The objective of this work is to widen the knowledge about the main characteristics and formation processes of some benchmark soils developed on fluvio-glacial, alluvial-fan and terrace materials of Pleistocene and Holocene age related to the Segre river, either siliceous or carbonatic. This knowledge will allow us to identify soil forming processes, commonly found in Mediterranean environments such as carbonate redistribution, clay formation and mobilization and rubefaction, all as functions of parent material and age.

    The former is partly decarbonated, whilst the latter is rubefacted on top and shows speleothem-like carbonate pendants with superposition of clay illuviation. The results show that soil development is determined by the age of the surface and the source of calcite, either in the parent rock or brought by subsurface flow: Special morphologies of carbonate pendants are indicators of environmental conditions.

    The coexistence of clay coatings and secondary calcite can be explained by recarbonatation or by. Tomografia computadorizada de adrenais mostrou adenoma na adrenal esquerda. Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the VSC-inhibiting effect of a commercially available mouthrinse 0. A 2-step double blind, crossover, randomised study was conducted with 14 dental students with healthy periodontium, who refrained from any mechanical plaque and tongue coating control during two 4-day experimental periods.

    The subjects were instructed to rinse 3 times daily with the assigned product during each period. A 7-day washout interval was established. VSCs levels were measured by a sulphide monitor at the beginning baseline and at the end of each experimental period. Statistical analyses were performed using Wilcoxon's and Mann-Whitney's non-parametric tests.

    Stellar Formation brings together knowledge about the formation of stars. In seeking to determine the conditions necessary for star formation , this book examines questions such as how, where, and why stars form, and at what rate and with what properties.