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We post on all social media and encourage all the filmmakers to do the same.

Women Over Fifty Film Festival

We send out mass emails and loads of press releases and market packages to all the local media including TV stations, radio stations, online publications, student newspapers, podcasts creators, etc. This year we are so grateful to be covered by a number of great media outlets in the Atlanta area that are helping promote the event and the filmmakers. But by far, the filmmakers themselves have the most influence over who comes out to see the films. It includes loads of special effects. Goosebump inspired, Freddy Kruger executed. Yes, it has been a family affair and this year we added a new addition to our family, my new daughter-in-law, Allyson Hess , who works on set with us as well.

My son Ricky is a powerhouse of talent. PLUS he is a skilled camera operator as well. My husband, Al , is the writer for the series but he is also a talented props builder, lighting technician, set builder and so much more. Over the years, we have all increased our skill level and learned to do more in other areas which is pretty typical in indie filmmaking. The more you can do yourself, the higher the likelihood you can get something finished.

Fifty Eight Hundred (US)

Working within the family has its advantages in that decisions can be made quickly and you have a trusted unit to bounce things off of and get honest feedback on your ideas. What can our readers expect to experience this season, and where can they go to catch new episodes? For our upcoming 3rd season, we have made longer films than we normally do, so there will be fewer of them.

We tried to up the bar on our production with more challenging episodes that required more effects than we normally have had. The episode we are premiering this year from the 3rd season is sci-fi with loads of special effects and centers on a reclusive sailor Jason Gaglione who has shuttered himself away in his hotel room for decades.

No one locally has ever seen him.

Festival at Fifty | Support us | Salisbury International Arts Festival

A pretty girl Kat Rarick tricks her way into his room and the story is about what happens inside the room after that. We turned the room basically into a time machine. It was extremely challenging and required a ton of SFX make-up, pulled off beautifully by master make-up artists Greg and Sandra Solomon of Etcfx in Newman. Ricky did some exceptional work in post-production as well with some of the visual effects. We had to experiment with quite a few things.

So, expect more production value out of 3rd season. It will be releasing later this year or early next year. What drew you to become a filmmaker and what keeps you playing within the horror genre? We had our house used as a set a few years back and we became fascinated with the process and thought it would be great fun to do some ourselves and help him out with that project.

Really, the show has more sci-fi stories than mainstream horror. I will always tend towards that type of films as favorites. We are just focused at the moment in getting the 3rd season ready to distribute and let the creative juices flow after that! Smaller local film festivals are all immensely popular these days.

The Magnetic Fields: 50 Song Memoir

How important are these festivals to independent filmmakers? Festivals add credibility to a filmmakers resume and at least prove a curator thought highly enough of them to be accepted. I am a very retro kind of gal and most of my favorite filmmakers are classics like Alfred Hitchcock and Rod Serling. No favorite one in particular. As an independent female filmmaker working in the horror genre, what challenges have you personally faced that seem to be a common theme amongst women in the industry?

There are a lot of basic female common traits that work for us in filmmaking. Most females tend to be much more organized than our counterparts. I can always count on female cast and crew to be a little more attentive to details, return correspondence quickly and keep their calendar events in check. No male bashing here, just a noted difference in my own experience.

Tour Inclusions

Within the last few weeks comments were made by a well-known production company insisting that he would hire female horror directors if only there were women to be hired. What is your response to this claim? How important do you feel it is to ensure representation exists within the industry, on local and international levels? Well, the backlash was immense after that came out and they have since apologized, but it obviously was misspoken as hundreds of people if not thousands of people cited their own female peers as adequately qualified and we know that to be perfectly true just from our own local gals who produce quality work.

I think the horror genre was just generally thought to be more male-dominated in the past because of the nature of the content, but festivals like the Women in Horror Film Festival held right here in Georgia certainly proves that to be false. Who would you say are your favorite women horror directors and why? Enjoy an afternoon of country music and the grand finale being a brilliant fireworks display.


This morning we make our way past the Bunya Mountains and into the South Burnett region to arrive in Kingaroy. Our first stop is the Lavender Farm at Pottique where we enjoy a morning tea of lavender scones and discover the warehouse which is bursting with lavender products, French country-style homewares and antiques.

Before we return to Brisbane we indulge in a relaxing lunch at Ringsfield Estate. Enjoy picturesque garden views while you dine followed by a stroll through the manicured gardens and historical buildings. A great way to wind down after a fun-filled getaway. This package is subject to a fuel levy without notice for coach component.

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