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For this tutorial, the staff will be split by selecting a note upon which to base the split point. Enter the split point in the highlighted text box. As mentioned earlier, the lowest note in the right-hand part is the Bb2 below middle C; therefore, you want to move all of the notes below Bb2 onto the new staff containing the left-hand part.

The octaves are numbered from each C to the B above it. So, the Bb below middle C C3 is Bb2. You can enter the split point in two ways. The easiest way is to simply play the note on your MIDI instru-ment while the text box is highlighted you may need to select the text box first. That note will then appear in the text box. Choose a clef for the new staff. By default the bass clef should be selected.

If it is not, click the radio button next to Bass. Encore treats a piano staff in much the same way as a single staff. A piano staff in Encore is special because it allows you to use more than one staff for the same instrument. Cutting and pasting in a piano staff affects both staves. When you assign a MIDI program to a piano staff, it also affects both staves. You can elect to split notes to another staff and NOT keep them in a piano staff but, since this is a piano part, this tutorial will keep the notes in a piano staff. The new piano staff appears, complete with a brace.

Using the arrow pointer, click on the first measure to the left of the first note. The measure range you selected is displayed at the top of the di-alog. To apply the key signature to the entire score, click on the button to the right of the number range ar-row to double barline. Starting from the top and going clockwise, each button adds a sharp.

Going counter-clockwise, each button adds a flat. The key signature will be displayed in the center of the circle. This dialog provides you with several other options, including the ability to transpose the notes in accord with the key change. In this instance, you know the pitches are correct, so you just want to set the key. For this tutorial, change only the key signature. The piano staff is now displayed in the key of G minor. The first note was left out intentionally to demonstrate how to create a pickup bar. Using the arrow pointer, click on any blank space in measure 1.

The blinking insertion cursor will appear where you clicked. If you clicked on a note or rest, try again until you see the cursor. The lower half of the dialog allows you to add the measure to one staff or to all staves. Since we are using a song with only one piano staff, there is no need to make any selection; either will work for the purposes of this tutorial. A new blank measure appears. You could just enter the notation into this blank measure, call it a pickup bar, and be done with it.

To create a true pickup bar you need to change the Time Signature to correctly play only one eighth note for the first measure. Changing the Time Signature 1. Select the first measure. To select an entire measure, double-click in a blank space in the measure that is, an area with no notes or rests. The measure will become highlighted to show the measure is selected. The range of measures you selected from Measure 1 to Measure 1 appears in the text boxes at the top of the dialog.

OTHER allows you to create additional time signatures. Assigning a Measure to be a Pickup Bar A pickup bar should show the time signature for the next measure even when the measure used for the pickup does not contain the same number of beats. Click OK to close the dialog with this change. In addition, the time signature in the next measure will have been removed. Get the Notes palette up on your screen. If the Clefs palette is still showing, you can just click to the left of the word Clefs to get back to the Notes palette.

Click to the right of the palette name to cycle through the palettes in order. Click to the left of the name to go in reverse order. The pallets will appear, then you can drag them to a convenient on-screen location. Encore will record the location of the palettes so that they reappear in the same locations the next time you use the program. Click the eighth note icon. The pencil button in the Toolbar is automatically selected.

When you move the mouse pointer over the Score window it will look like an eighth note. Place the Note pointer on the D above middle C in the pickup bar and click once. You should hear the note play when you place it in the score. Re-select the pencil when you are done and return to the start of this section. Now you need to place a rest in the bass staff. The eighth note should still be selected in the Notes palette.

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Entering a Rest 1. The eighth note had been selected in the Notes palette. When you press the [R] key, a rest of the same duration is selected. If you press [R] again, the eighth note will again be selected. Move the rest pointer over the bass staff in the pickup bar and click once. An eighth-note rest appears on the staff. If you try to enter another rest in the pickup bar, you should hear a warning sound from your computer. First, give the staff a name. The Staff Sheet window appears.

Staff 1 is the only staff with any data in it. Remember, Encore treats a piano staff as a single staff. On a Mac, simply choose the desired font, size and style from the displayed pop-up menus. The staff name will appear on the score as well as in the Staff Sheet dialog when you are done. Click the instrument name or number of your choice preferably one that will result in a piano sound on your MIDI playback device.

The device and program name you selected now appear in the Program Name column of the Staff Sheet. You can also quickly choose an instrument by clicking on the program name field and a pop up menu will appear with a list of all the instruments available. MIDI Playback The music may not be completely formatted yet for printing, but you have now entered everything you need for a simple piano score. Try playing back the file. Click with the arrow pointer in any blank space in the pickup bar to place the in-sertion cursor and set the start point.

Encore will always play from the beginning of the measure that con-tains the insertion cursor. Click the Play button, the stop button or press the [spacebar] again to stop playback. You can use the Staff Sheet to select MIDI programs and set staff volume, reverb and panning left or right speakers while Encore is playing. First, to begin playback click the Play button. If you click different program names, the corresponding MIDI program change numbers will be transmitted in real time and you can audition different instrument sounds on your synthesizer before you click OK.

When you have a score with multiple staves, you can set individual volumes for each staff, provided that the staves are assigned to different MIDI channels. The Staff Sheet uses Controller 7 messages to change volume. The first of these, in measure 8, was caused by an intentionally misplayed note in the MIDI file. Before fixing it, it would be a good idea to show some measure numbers in the score to help you locate the correct measure.

The measure numbers will appear only on the first measure of each system. Measure numbering will actually begin with the second bar, the first full measure. The measure numbers appear on the score, starting with the first measure of the second system. Dragging to a New Pitch Encore allows you to drag notes horizontally to change their placement or vertically to change their pitch. The note should sound briefly when you click on it.

Drag the note up a half step to Bb and release the mouse button. The Bb will sound when you drag the note up. If you want to check your work, place the insertion cursor in Measure 8 and play the score. Playback will start from the beginning of Measure 8. Entering an Accidental You may have noticed another wrong note in Measure The Notes palette is also used to add or remove accidentals.

Click the sharp icon in the Notes palette. The pencil button in the Toolbar is selected automatically and the mouse pointer looks like a sharp sign when you move it over the score. Go to measure 14 in the score and click on the head of the F note in the second chord. The F sounds and a sharp sign is added to the note. The sharp sign is removed.

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Select the arrow pointer. Press and hold the [shift] key down. While holding the [shift] key, click on the head of the F note with the arrow pointer. The note becomes highlighted. You have just selected a single note. A sharp sign is added to the note. Moving Accidentals You can also nudge the sharp sign to the left. With the sharp sign and pencil tool selected, press and hold the [shift] key. Click on the head of a note displaying a sharp sign. The sharp sign moves slightly to the left.

You can click up to 7 times before the sign returns to its original position. You can change many notes in one operation using a letter shortcut. First select the notes in your score. If you use the shift-selection technique you can add additional notes to your selection by continuing to hold both the mouse button and [shift] key down while moving the arrow tool over each note you wish to add to the selection.

If you select an area by clicking and dragging with the arrow tool, you can add to the selection by holding the [shift] key down after the first selection and selecting in new areas. The following are the shortcut letters for selecting or changing the accidentals in Encore. If the key signature or a previous note in a measure already displays the selected accidental, stan-dard music notation does not repeat the indication. Encore will not add accidentals to a selected note if the indication is already in affect.

You can, however, force accidentals onto notes if needed. Changing Durations The same technique for removing or adding accidentals to a selection can also be used to change the du-ration for selected notes. The meas-ure should actually look identical to Measure 3. The first step will be to select and change the eighth note played with the left hand to a dotted quarter note. Select the D note in the top staff of Measure 4.

You should now be familiar with two selection techniques. You can use the arrow tool to click and drag a selection around the D note or you can use the shift-select technique and click directly on the D note while holding down the [shift] key to select the note. Press the number 3 key on your computer keyboard. The selected D note will change from an eighth note to a quarter note. The selected D note will change from a quarter note to a dotted quarter note.

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Now we need to change the duration of the Bb and F in the bass clef from an eighth note to a quarter note. Select the Bb and the F in the bottom staff of Measure 4 using the same techniques as mentioned above. The selected notes will change from eighth notes to quarter notes. Next we need to change the duration of the rest in the bass clef from a quarter note rest to an eighth note rest.

Press the number 4 key on your computer keyboard. The selected rest will change from a quarter to an eighth. As you may have noticed, the number keys on your computer keyboard will change the duration for all se-lected notes. The following are the values for each number key. To remove a tuplet indication, press a number key to select the desired duration.

For more information about tuplets and how to change the tuplet indication, refer to the Using The Palettes chapter of this manual. While notes are selected, these number keys will change all selected notes to the values indicated above. However, changing note durations using number keys does not correct for extra beats or other timing prob-lems that might result in the process. Changing duration using number keys on a selection does not correct for spacing, either.

More on those opera-tions follows later.

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You could insert the note using the pencil tool but there is a method for copying a note that you will learn instead. Select the arrow tool from the Toolbar section of the Score window. You have just copied the D note and created a chord. If you make a mistake and drag to the left or right instead of first moving vertically, the note you copy will remain a D note and get copied to a new location in the measure. When moving notes with the arrow tool the first direction in which you move decides if you are moving to a new pitch location vertical movement or time location horizontal movement.

Erasing Notes and Rests You now have a two-note chord identical to the chord that begins in Measure 3 but there are extra rests in Measure 4 that need to be removed before you can create the second chord and tie the two together. Encore lets you remove notes or rests in several ways. You can use the eraser tool and click on each note or rest one at a time, or you can make a selection and remove everything in the selection. Using the eraser tool when AutoSpace is on will change the spacing of the measure as each note or rest is erased. If you erased the two quarter note rests in Measure 4 using the eraser, each erase operation would move the eighth note at the end of Measure 4 closer to the start of the measure.

For this excerise, go to the setup menus and turn off AutoSpace by scrolling down to it and releasing the mouse button. AutoSpace will then be unchecked. Now when you make a selection and remove notes or rests in a measure, the remaining notes no longer adjust automatically. In our example, we want to keep the eighth note at the end of Measure 4 and only remove the quarter note rests.

You can use the same shift-select technique for rests as you did for notes, but it may be easier in this ex-ample to click and drag with the mouse to create the selection. The two selected quarter note rests will be removed and the eighth note will remain at the end of the measure. This time you will copy both notes together and create a second chord.

If you make a mistake and drag vertically, Encore will think you wish to add another note to your chord. When finished you should have a copy of your first chord to the right of the first chord in the same measure. The exact placement does not matter, as you will use another operation later to correctly adjust the spacing for the measure. You are almost ready to tie your two chords together, but you should first change the duration for the second chord to a quarter note chord. By now you should be familiar with the steps. You have now copied the first half of the measure and pasted it in the second half using the universal copy and paste method.

Encore can automatically draw ties between consecutive notes of the same pitch. Select the chords to be tied. Ties appear between the notes. To tie notes between two different systems or across a page, you must use the shift-select technique or adjust the number of measures per system until both notes are in the same system. After dragging a selection around notes, the tie operation will only tie notes within that selection.

These are the control points. Ties, text, slurs and several other graphic elements that appear on your score have control points associated with them. For example, you can use the arrow pointer to pull ties up or down, tweak the appearance of slurs or resize text boxes. The control points do not need to be showing in order to adjust the graphics. Aligning Playback The notation you see in the Score window and the MIDI data that Encore plays back are closely linked, but they are two separate entities.

Whenever you make changes to the durations of notes or make other edits to your score, you should align the MIDI playback to the on-screen notation. In certain instances, Encore might not let you enter more notes or rests into an edited measure until you have aligned the playback. Double-click in any blank space in Measure 4. Click anywhere in the score to deselect Measure 4. When you first opened Johnny. Place the cursor in Measure 4. Adjust for Lyrics and All Staves will be selected by default.

Keep those choices active and continue. The notes in Measure 4 are justified. In addition, notes should not be dragged to other measures, and it is also best to avoid drastically changing the order of notes. You can drag left or right to copy notes and chords but do not drag the notes past other notes or chords in the process. If you need to change the order of notes in a measure it is better to erase notes that are out of order and reenter them.

Encore not only allows you to add repeats, it also gives you the option of playing them via MIDI as notated. Click in Measure 16 to place the insertion cursor. Choose Add 1 measure before Measure What was previously Measure 16 is now Measure The notation from measure 17 appears in Measure Before continuing some additional changes are needed in Measure The end of Measure 16 will be used to lead into the second and third verses in our example and the note created in the pickup bar needs to be placed at the end of Measure When you copied Measure 17 into Measure 16, you copied the ending quarter note rest in Measure 17 as well.

Beamed notes are grouped according to where they fall relative to the beat. Sometimes in the course of editing a file you will need to beam notes whose durations have been changed. A case in point is the group consisting of an eighth note chord, an eighth-note rest, and an eighth note in the new Measure Using the arrow pointer, draw a selection rectangle around the group to be beamed. A beam appears over the selected group.

Beam Group should be used to create beams over rests or to include a rest in a beamed group of notes. Beam Group is also used to create bracket indications for quarter and half note tuplets. Changing Barlines You have now entered all the notes and rests and measures necessary for the repeats. Now you can de-fine the section to be repeated. Double-click in the treble staff of the first full measure that is, not the pickup bar. Please type in the measure range, 1 to Any changes you make to the left barline will only affect the left barline of measure 1. Changes made to the right barline will only affect Measure Click the left and right repeat barline buttons.

Playback then will jump to the left repeat barline, play through to the end of the score, and stop. Repeat Endings Simple repeats like the one you just added are fine for some applications. In this case, however, we want the main body of the song to play through 3 times and then jump to a different ending on the fourth repeat. Double-click in the treble staff. A check appears in each box.

The ending bracket appears over Measure 16, complete with text indicating this ending should be played through the first 3 times. If you play the score from the beginning, it will start with the pickup bar and then play Measures 1 through 16 three times. On the fourth repeat, it will skip Measure 16, play 17, then stop.

Like any other on-screen objects, the brackets and text associated with endings can be moved and ad-justed. Drag the upper-left corner to adjust the height. Drag the lower-left end to adjust the length of the sides. If the control points are showing, the control point on the right end looks like a small arrow head. You can also drag the text. You can adjust any of these parameters for two or more endings on a page simultaneously.

The other endings will be adjusted ac-cordingly. This comes In handy if you have adjusted the height of one bracket and are having trouble get-ting the other brackets lined up. The other brackets will automatically align with it. Laying Out The Music You have now entered and edited a complete albeit one-page piano score.

Everything that anyone would need to play this piece is there in the Score window. All that remains to do is to make it presentable so that you can print it out. The first thing that you need to do is determine the printable area of the page. The width of the margins is set in the Page Setup dialog File menu. The page margins appear in the Score window as a grey line around the score. Anything within this line will print.

Or, more accurately, they are on another page below the first one. To get around this, Encore will print a large page in tiles, separate pieces of paper that can be assembled afterward. There are two things you can do to make this work: Changing Staff Size One way to change the size of the music is to select a different point size for the Anastasia font.

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Anastasia is the font that Encore uses to display and print music. Open the Staff Sheet window. You can choose a staff size ranging from 1 to 4, where 1 is the smallest and 4 is the largest. These numbers correspond to 4 different point sizes: Move the slider for staff size 2. The on-screen display changes to reflect the newly chosen font size. Store:Kindle eBooks:eBooks in Foreign Languages:Portuguese:Literature & Fiction

Before you proceed, set the staff size back to 3. Reducing the Music There is another way to make optimum use of the page: This has two distinct advantages. It gives you more room to work with, and the size of the music does not change on the screen. From the File menu, choose Page Setup. Expert system for aircraft maintenance services industry. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering , 11 4 , The role of "know-how" in maintenance activities and reliability in high-risk process control plant.

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