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Dec 21, Richard Denney rated it really liked it. I was scared going into this this, not because of the plot but because I was listening to this as an audio book only without the physical book to keep my attention. I've been wanting to try it again for a while and decided to do that with this one. Turns out I didn't need the book after all, this was a fun, thrill ride of a read and I think the fact that I enjoyed this so much also had to do with the audio book being 2 hours and 30 mins long, which went by super quick for me. I like my books short anyway, so if an audio book is short too, that's even better!

I'm really interested to see what happens with the sequel and will read the audio only for that as well. Nov 11, Angela Chang rated it really liked it. Have you ever thought about what life will be like living in the fairy tales? What will you do if villains are getting into the story land and changing your favorite story? Interesting setting and fast-paced story. Recommended to Year 7 students. Jul 20, Kory Bootsma rated it it was ok. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it, click here. Quick read and moderately entertaining. Angela rated it it was ok Apr 16, Mairelys rated it it was amazing Oct 11, Erin Mcfarland rated it it was amazing Feb 21, Janet rated it really liked it Oct 21, Christopher Hall rated it really liked it Sep 30, Stacey rated it liked it Feb 28, Julie rated it really liked it Sep 12, Kristi marked it as to-read Dec 21, Carla marked it as to-read Dec 21, That said, Wes thinks he's found a way to escape his real-world problems when he stumbles upon strange doorways in Astoria's local library that seem to lead into the extraordinary worlds from all his favorite books.

Oz, Neverland, Wonderland -- they're all a reality with Wesley's new discovery. Wesley teams with best friend Taylor Williams to embark on a great adventure, both ready to leave the drama of middle school behind. But the two kids quickly find themselves embroiled in a centuries-old battle for the library and the magic hiding within. Now, fighting alongside the eccentric old man who's vowed to protect the building's power, the pair must help ward off an attack by a shadowy group with a strange tie to Wesley's nemesis, forcing Wesley to face the fears he's been dodging Jump onboard the action-packed fantasy series that's perfect for kids ages Buy the paperback and download the Kindle edition for free today!

Rowling , Quantity pack, Special Edition Kindle Edition , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Little Boy Lost , please sign up. See 1 question about Little Boy Lost…. Lists with This Book. The description reminded me of Inkheart What I thought Well it was a cute fast paced read, I'll read the sequel since it ended with cliffhanger. It was nothing like Inkheart like I was hoping. It did have some magic and did have them go into the land of OZ and someone come out of Neverland which was exciting.

I probably would of liked it better if I was younger but I did enjoy it for what it was. Overall an cute read! Dec 03, Steven rated it liked it Shelves: Fun little story with a great concept. I'd read the second one! May 29, Tiffany Spencer rated it it was ok. Locke a Lost Boy has always wanted to escape the predictability of Neverland, where the same events happen day after day over and over the same way. Meanwhile, in Astoria, a boy named Wesley also wants to escape his life of being beaten down daily by the school's bully Randall and his crew. Little does he know that he and his best friend Taylor's eyes are going to be opened to something extraordinary, proving that the magical lands of fiction lore go way beyond the ink and Little Boy Lost PLOT: Little does he know that he and his best friend Taylor's eyes are going to be opened to something extraordinary, proving that the magical lands of fiction lore go way beyond the ink and pages of books.

On a class trip, they visit a beautiful, ancient, old library. Which turns out to be more than meets the eye. Because inside the walls of this grand building are wall carvings that when certain distinctive objects are fitted inside certain image matches, in a flash of blinding lights doors are opened and the stories come to life.

Taylor, Locke, and Wesley find themselves in the middle of the story of OZ after a brush with the mysterious Librarian and the villainous man in the black, hooded, cape, and Randall's dad. What could they be plotting? Once in Oz, they reunite a familiar face with her long, lost, love which just so happens to be the Tin Man.

But in doing so everything gets altered and the story changes. I found this book because I was searching for one about the tv show The Librarians. Which similarly is about a magically based library and it's keeper keepers and all its literary treasures. Also similarly there's a door to other worlds.

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As well as a mix of literary characters. Sadly tho this book was lacking and I needed it to be more.

The Library in itself I imagined to look like the one on the show because there's no other library more grand and exquisite than that! But the setting itself in my mind was more impressive than the story. The "premise" of the story itself was a really good idea.

That was nicely done and made me think of Kingdom Hearts my favorite game. I was slightly disappointed that we only got descriptions for a couple of the doors. And I wondered would we see another land or more lands in the next book. Or would the story take place again in Oz? I also liked the idea though not original of visiting these worlds and not being able to interfere or the events of the story itself would go south. Just think of how some of these classic stories would read with alternate versions. So that was a new one on me.

Tho I was slightly confused. I was happy that they reunited and the message that after all this time despite how much a person's appearance changes, or situation, or how long their gone, true love will always find its way back. What a VERY hopeful message! But the characters kept saying you don't need a physical heart to feel love. Then what do you feel love with? I guess this goes along with the original story that the Tin Man indeed possess heart without him actually having a physical heart in his body, but in reality not only would not be able to feel love without a heart you wouldn't be able to feel ANYTHING!

Little Boy Lost

Locke also gave a good message that if you don't like a situation then it's up to YOU to change it rather than sit around and whine about how unfair it is or how someone has it better. YOU have to take charge of your own story! And it felt good to see Wesley "the nerd" stand up for himself. I'm glad we got to find out who the hooded man was. I was about to call him "Organization X" member. And I plan to read it. It would make a good October read.

  1. The Librarian (Book One: Little Boy Lost) - Eric Hobbs - Google Книги?
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  5. The Librarian (Book One: Little Boy Lost): Volume 1 by Eric Hobbs.
  6. Newlywed Cookbook.

So there were good parts about the book. It just didn't feel like enough of something that I can't quite place. It was an easy read but an average one. But the ending was intriguing enough to read the next and find out if all gets righted in OZ and what the mysterious thing is that Randall's Dad is after will we get to know in the next book.

Dec 09, Karen Field rated it liked it. I would have given this one 3. The story is about two friends who go on a class excursion to an old library. The library has been put on the demolition list and is due to be bulldozed to make room for a shopping centre. Whilst at the library strange things start to happen, which include characters from Peter Pan and the Wizard of Oz. The book is for younger readers, but there is some swearing and minor violence in it. I enjoyed the story, it was interesting.

The main chara I would have given this one 3. The main characters were likable. The young protagonist was a pain, but I felt sorry for him in some ways too.

Ruth B. - Lost Boy (Official Music Video)

I liked the concept of the library and what happened within its walls. I would have loved something like that to happen to me when I was a kid so I believe for that reason this will entice younger readers to the series. I had two problems with the book: Having said that, I would read book 2 to find out what happens next. Nov 03, Tricia rated it really liked it Shelves: Imagine a library that led you to places that only books have dared to go. Visit the yellow brick road from Oz, see Neverland in person, but what if you did something to change these stories while happily hopping along.

Would it change the course of all stories related to the original? Wesley and Taylor find out the hard way the answers to these questions. I thought this was a great opening to a series that can only grow with time, it could even encourage those who have never read the original s Imagine a library that led you to places that only books have dared to go.

I thought this was a great opening to a series that can only grow with time, it could even encourage those who have never read the original stories know only the movie versions to pick up the book! Nov 20, Shari rated it really liked it Shelves: A truly enjoyable book, well written and a great story. I really would love to visit this Library.

I have not read all the classics listed in this book, but am familiar with them and think it would be great fun to step into the pages.. If we could only visit our favorite books like this. I'm sure young readers will love this book, very engaging. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series, I must find out what happens to Oz. Nov 05, April rated it really liked it Shelves: A very sweet and fun little adventure for preteens.

All about the power of books. View all 3 comments. May 09, Lisa rated it it was ok. Saw this compared to Percy Jackson, so I grabbed it.

Little Boy Lost (The Librarian, #1) by Eric Hobbs

I wouldn't make that comparison, but it's a good middle-grade read nonetheless. A bit of fantasy, a bit of preteen angst, a bit of unlikely friendship development Wesley Bates' class heads to a local historical building, "the library," that's in danger of being closed.

Wesley and his friend Taylor explore more of the library than they ought to, and they end up finding out the mystery of the library A character from Peter Pan ends up in the library, and when they can't find the magical element to reopen the portal back to his book, they need to get him somewhere else, as there's an minute time limit in an area that isn't your original entry point.

They end up in Oz, where they inadvertently mess with the plot, creating havoc and changing the storyline completely. The cliffhanger ends up with the Librarian setting out to right their wrongs. Nov 05, Shannon rated it liked it Shelves: