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I wish I could credit all of it to cunning, but this is just another story of an idiot hero. The New Yorker is a literary lifestyle magazine founded in It focuses on a kind of snooty cosmopolitan sophistication that I, as an overly self-aware and anxious Brooklynite, eat up like candy. The magazine publishes a fine mix of short fiction and longform journalism, and stays loyal to its namesake by covering the goings-on in New York. Yet out of everything they publish, most are familiar with the cartoons. The irony is deep. Renowned for its prim words, we flip through The New Yorker to look at its screwball pictures.

Typeset underneath the drawing is a wry caption that undercuts the wackiness of the picture. While the illustrations are great, the captions are the hook.

Hi, I’d Like to Add Myself to the New Yorker

It begs to be defiled, especially since it seems like it would really piss off the magazine. Each issue has a caption contest to find the best match for a lonely illustration. This invitation, of course, becomes an opportunity for impishness. There is a seedy underbelly of prospective New Yorker caption writers, and they have been working for years to define the ultimate caption, one that works for all New Yorker cartoons, ever. Some other wooden options linger around the internet, but they lack the humor and timeliness of a great New Yorker caption.

They have no ennui about our hyper-connected society, no opinion of Drake. Clearly, we can do better. I gave this situation about twelve seconds of thought, and stumbled upon a universal caption of my own.

Walt Disney Quotes That Perfectly Capture His Spirit

And, like any thought that takes twelve seconds to think, I put it on Twitter. Caption every New Yorker cartoon with: Just know this is the subject of an email many people get daily. Anywho, folks demanded evidence to back up my idea, so I did what any self-respecting designer would do: I dusted off my copy of Photoshop and got to work.

Of course, nonsense loves company, so folks sent me some examples of their own. This is one of my favorites:. All in all, a very good day of internetting. And how could he not? Media organizations love pot shots against other media organizations. So, later that day, I found myself on The Atlantic website:. Just think of it:. The cartoons kept moving. They were picked up by Slate. Everyone was apparently very bored at work that day. Dear reader, we have infiltrated Dad Facebook. Caption that works for every New Yorker cartoon: Many online publications have quotas for their writers, sometimes up to 10 posts per day.

What does this mean? There is very little time for original writing, so staff spend most of their day rewriting the interesting posts they find elsewhere. No rewrite is ever complete, though. Small elements of language stay intact, and they can act as tracer cells which track the lineage of content.

Reading Quotes

Sign in with Facebook Sign in options. Quotes tagged as "people" Showing of 3, These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen. Too much of the time, we are blinded by our own pursuits of people to love us, people that don't even matter, while all that time we waste and the people who do love us have to stand on the sidewalk and watch us beg in the streets!

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It's time to put an end to this. It's time for us to let ourselves be loved.

Frank Chimero

And when you break a person, he can't be fixed. So let them go, let go of them. I tie no weights to my ankles. That's what's going on. Or just feel in the wrong ways?