The Sodium Theory Revisited - Or 45 Years of a Full Time Cnrs Neurophysiologist (Paperback)
Alain Destexhe, Cortico-thalamic feedback: Computational Neuroscience in Epilepsy Soltesz, I. Alain Destexhe, Sleep Oscillations, In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience Squire, L. R Academic Press , Alain Destexhe, Corticothalamic feedback: Computational Neuroscience in Epilepsy. Petersen, Spontaneous activity in the rodent primary somatosensory cortex, In: Mechanisms of spontaneous active states in the neocortex Igor Timofeev Research Signpost , Dahlem Workshop Report Andrew Davison, Biologically-detailed network modelling, In: A Comprehensive Approach J.
Daniel Shulz, Neurones et apprentissage, In: Enveloppe Genetique et Variabilite Culturelle. The Neural Basis of early Vision. Kaneko Springer-Verlag , Nature Cognitive Science Encyclopedia , A Practical Guide R. Sejnowski, Synaptic interactions, In: Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, 2nd edition.
Arbib MIT Press , Andrew Davison and Gordon M. Shepherd, Olfactory Bulb, In: Sejnowski, Sleep oscillations, In: Shunting inhibition in early vision, In: The Approach of Biophysics and Neuroscience, Volume Musio World Scientific Publishing , Alain Destexhe, Which formalism to use for modeling voltage-dependent conductances , In: Realistic Modeling for Experimentalists.
Mechanistic Relationships between Development and Learning: Beyond Metaphor, Dahlem Konferenzen. Wiley and Sons , Mechanistic Relationships between Development and Learning.
The sodium theory revisited Or 45 years of a full time CNRS neurophysiologist
Biological basis and computational theory of Vision A. Braitenberg Springer-Verlag , Sejnowski, Synaptic currents, neuromodulation and kinetic models, In: Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks. Advances in Neural and Behavioral Development V. Imprinting and cortical plasticity J.

Marler John Wiley and Sons , NeuroFrance , Bordeaux Isabelle Ferezou, Real time voltage sensitive dye imaging of cortical spatiotemporal dynamics evoked by tactile sensory inputs in mice, Talk At: Network dynamics at mesoscopic scales , Marseille Cerveau et Cognition , Ecole Polytechnique [abstract]. Brain-i-nets project meeting , Gif sur Yvette France ED3C meeting , Roscoff France Problem of the day co-chair with Giacomo Indiveri and Rodney Douglas: Neural computation, architectures, and function.
Event-based processing in neural systems. Frontiers in Neuromorphic Computation: School of Informatics , Edinburgh UK The Denise Fessard Lecture. Ecole des Neurosciences de Paris , Paris France Conference Abstract Neuroinformatics , Kobe Japan Ecole Neuroscience de Paris , Paris France Active touch sensing meeting, Royal Society , Chicheley Daniel Shulz, Exploring sensory processing of natural tactile scenes in the somatosensory system of the ra, Invited Talk At: Workshop GDR "Multi-electrode recordings and signal processing applied to the study of neuronal networks" , Paris France Alain Destexhe, Stochastic activity and high-conductance states, from single neurons to macroscopic levels.
Alain Destexhe, State-dependent computations in neocortical neurons and networks, Poster At: Alain Destexhe, How much stochastic is neuronal activity? Stochastic Models in Neuroscience , Marseille France Shapes of Brain Dynamics , Paris France Alain Destexhe, The Nervous System, still noisy after all these years?
Alain Destexhe, Modeling in vivo activiy states at microscopic and macroscopic scales , Invited Talk At: Alain Destexhe, Combining experiments and theory to investigate stochastic brain states, Invited Talk At: Alain Destexhe, Microscopic and macroscopic scales of neuronal noise from single cells to local field potentials , Invited Talk At: BrainModes conference , Copenhagen Denmark Alain Destexhe, Discussant in Panel Discussion 2: Complex systems and multiscale analysis: Theorical reconstruction and modelling , Invited Talk At: Nima Dehghani, Adrien Peyrache and Alain Destexhe, Dynamics of excitation and inhibition, and local interactions, during slow wave sleep oscillations in rat Prefrontal cortex, Poster At: Lyle Muller, P Polack, Diego Contreras and Alain Destexhe, Analysis of voltage-sensitive dye imaging data during propagating cortical waves in mouse visual cortex reveals fine structure and state dependence, Poster At: Renger and Thierry Bal, T-type calcium channels boost the thalamic relay of sensory inputs during cortical-like synaptic background, Poster At: Battaglia and Alain Destexhe, Inhibition recruitment in the prefrontal cortex during natural sleep spindles and gating of hippocampal input, Poster At: Lambert, Replaying thalamocortical interactions via artificial conductance injections in biological neurons.
Lambert, Minimal differences in biophysical properties of T-channels drastically affect thalamocortical burst firing pattern, Poster At: Forum of European Neuroscience , Amsterdam Holland Andrew Davison, Challenges and solutions in replicability and provenance tracking, Poster At: EuroSciPy , Paris France Frontiers in Neuromorphic Computation , Paris France European Community Review Panel , Heidelberg Seminars in Neuroscience , Alicante Spain Brain Machine Interface , Paris France Hearing and Sight Loss. Organisation and Plasticity of the visual cortex , Pisa Italy Neuromathematics and Visual Cognition , Bologna Italy Interface Cerveau —Machine , Paris France Petersen, Voltage-sensitive dye imaging of cortical dynamics in awake mice, Talk At: Alain Destexhe, Modeling local field potentials in neocortex and their frequency dependence , Invited Talk At: Alain Destexhe, Modeling network activity states based on conductance measurements , Invited Talk At: Computational Neuroscience Workshop , Marseille France Alain Destexhe, Seemingly random but structured network activity in wake and sleep states, Invited Talk At: Complex dynamics in large-scale interacting brain networks Towards physical models of sleep and consciousness , Dresden Germany Alain Destexhe, The frequency-filtering properties of local field potentials in cerebral cortex data, models and consequences , Invited Talk At: Michelle Rudolph, Mathieu Dubois and Alain Destexhe, Analytical integrate-and-fire neuron models with conductancebased dynamics and realistic PSP time course for event-driven simulation strategies, Poster At: NeuroComp , Marseille [pdf] [abstract].
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NeuroComp , Marseille France V1 au bord du chaos? Romain Brette, Zuzanna Piwkowska, J. NeuroSpin Conferences , Saclay France Complexity in neural network dynamics , Gif sur Yvette France Colin Molter and David Colliaux, Working memory and spontaneous activity of cell assemblies. A biologically motivated computational model, Poster At: Julie Le Cam, Vincent Jacob, Luc Estebanez and Daniel Shulz, Diversity of spatio-temporal receptive fields in the barrel cortex studied with a 25 piezoelectric actuators device.
European Barrel Cortex Meeting , Alicante [pdf] [abstract]. Luc Estebanez, Yves Boubenec and Daniel Shulz, Recording and replaying whisker deflections induced by textures in anaesthetized rats. Daniel Shulz, Non-linear sensory processing in the somatosensory cortex.
Daniel Shulz, Context-dependent non-linear sensory processing in the rat barrel cortex. Alain Destexhe, Microscopic and macroscopic approaches to understand information processing during activated states, Invited Talk At: Alain Destexhe, Stochastic dynamics, chaos or self-organized critical states: Reliable signal propagation and pattern completion in chaotic neuronal networks, Poster At: SFN , San Diego [pdf] [abstract]. A possible fit between natural scene perception and eye-movement. From travelling waves to constrained high conductance states for natural images.
American Neuroscience Association Symposium: Joint Meeting between Facets and Daisy. An interdisciplinary approach for processing texture and natural images , Paris France CNS , Toronto [abstract]. Ladislav Tauc conference on complexity in neural network dynamics , Gif sur Yvette France Daniel Shulz, Modulation of spatio-temporal integration in the barrel cortex by stimulation context and timing, Invited Talk At: France meeting on Neuroscience , Bordeaux France Alain Destexhe, Fitting diverse neuron types with minimal number of channels.
Workshop on Quantitative Neuron Modeling: Alain Destexhe, Computing with complex dynamics in cerebral cortex: Alain Destexhe, Intracellular and extracellular images of complex neuronal operations in cerebral cortex. Alain Destexhe, Stochastic aspects of neuronal dynamics. Nonlinear dynamics tomorrow , Paris France Alain Destexhe, Extracting timing information about network activity through conductance analysis. Neural Coding , 7th international neural coding workshop , Montevideo Uruguay The Golgi centenary conference on Biologically inspired systems , Rome Italy Experimental and theoretical views on synaptic plasticity , Lausanne Switzerland International Symposium of Neuroscience: Vision by Brains and Machines , Montevideo Uruguay From liquid computation for sparse stimuli to constrained high conductance states for natural images.
The functional architecture from the brain: Attempts and failures to map function onto structure, Invited Talk At: In a nutshell, it generally raises the world's vibration. Dialogue with the SELF is a book that holds the most promise of a better and saner living for all and sundry.
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The Sodium Theory Revisited : Yves Pichon - Book2look
The book has got the potential of taking humanity to a higher dimension of existence. In a nutshell, it generally raises the world's vibration. Dialogue with the SELF is a book that holds the most promise of a better and saner living for all and sundry.
If you are genuinely in quest of a book on enlightenment, self-realignment, self-realization and truth about your existence, this book, Dialogue with the SELF is one of your best bet. The book is a must read for all those who truly believe in restoring the sanity light of this beautiful world through the portal of their own higher selves. We will send you an SMS containing a verification code.