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Sadly, I was disappointed. We first met Annette in Fresh Catch, and she is heart broken when she finds out the man she has been in love with, is in love with another man. This irked me because she has been crushing on Owen for years, yet he never showed any interest in more than a friendship. It just all seemed a little like high school drama to me. Her inner dialogue plucked 2. Her inner dialogue plucked my nerves, definitely putting her in the TSTL category.

Jackson Lau is the new hot, sexy sheriff in town, and is crazy about Annette. In my opinion, Jackson definitely deserved better. I think the final straw for me was the relationship Annette had with her family. I almost lost it when they visited Annette. Like I mentioned, I did like a previous book by this author, and I would try another book by her. Please read other reviews before you decide to read this one, because it is just my cranky opinion. View all 17 comments. Jun 27, Ivy Deluca rated it it was amazing Shelves: His love for Annette, all of her, exactly as she is, well He wants her, he adores her and it shines through every page AND yet, you don't miss out on any beats.

You get to enjoy the whole journey, you still feel like you're falling in love with her alongside him. Now Jackson, I fell for him from page 1, Chapter 1. Annette is as complicated a heroine as any other Canterbary, and I mean that in the best way possible. Can she frustrate me and herself? But I understood her and sympathized with her plight and once you get to see her family, you will too. Brooke is my BFF, and we will be drinking wine and taking names, hopefully in a future book. It truly feels new and fresh. I'm always impressed at that level of attention to detail and the straight-up storytelling skill it takes to make it work.

Is it is slanted to one side? Canterbary I say If you love character-driven contemporary romance with humor, heart, sweet treats, and plenty of smut to make a pervy girl squirm, I would not hesitate to recommend this. Off to finish my re-read…. View all 8 comments. Sep 02, NMmomof4 rated it liked it Shelves: I didn't hate it, but I just thought it was okay. I struggled with the h and her pushing the H away. I also didn't quite understand their feelings. Yeah, I got that. Just the other stuff I didn't, because it felt like all their relationship was was sex and the h pushing the H away. Pretty low angst too.

So, anyone looking for a small town, easy, and sexy read -- this very well might work for you! Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Annette 3 Stars Overall Opinion: This is Annette and Jackson's story. Annette just found out that the man she was holding out for is gay, and finds herself drunk and being taken home by the new sheriff in town.

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Jackson has been lusting over Annette from afar because he needs to focus on his new position, but he finds himself unable to resist her and starts his strong pursuit. Annette is damaged from her last crush as well as her family that has always made her feel like she was never good enough, so she doesn't understand Jackson's ineterest in her.

There is a lot of cat-and-mouse activity going on, some sexy times, and some sweet moments Overall Pace of Story: I felt like it was slow at times, but I never got to the point that I skimmed -- I just was easily distracted and it took me a while to read. Other than sexual connection, I didn't get their progression into deeper feelings. I wanted more for him than the h at times tbh. I struggled with her. While I understood her hang-ups, I felt like they caused her to push away too much. This frustrated me a good bit.

The H is definitely the main pursuer of the relationship. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story. Yes view spoiler [They are separated shortly days? This had alright closure with what I would call a HFN ending view spoiler [living together and engaged hide spoiler ] , though some readers might be just fine in calling it a HEA. I just thought that we needed more of them as an actually outed couple! Apr 17, AJ rated it it was amazing Shelves: OMG, I loved this book! Annette was introduced in the first book of this series, Fresh Catch as the owner of the local bookstore, and a woman with a mad crush on lobsterman Owen Bartlett who in fact turned out to be gay.

Heartbroken — more over the 4. Heartbroken — more over the loss of what she dreamed may have been possible than the actual loss of Owen — she heads to a bar to drown her sorrows. Sheriff Jackson Lau used to be a NYPD police officer, but he left life in the city behind to move to a small town where he could get to know the people he served and make a difference. He has only been in town for a year and he loves his job, but every day he is distracted by the sign of Annette in her bookstore over the road.

Hard-pressed | Definition of Hard-pressed by Merriam-Webster

She looked altogether too by-the-book for fuck buddies, and there was no room for a tomcat sheriff around here. When Jackson is called to remove a drunken Annette from the bar, he ends up taking her to his home to let her sleep it off, where she proceeds to strip naked and attempt to seduce him. Thank you for giving me a soft place to land. Sorry about rubbing my ass all over your house.

I hope we can be friends even though I attacked you. Thank you for shutting down all of my attempts at seduction. Have a muffin; now please forget all the things I said when I was drunk. Did you mean to kiss me back? Would you do it again? Teasing, banter, flirting and absolutely epic chemistry! I could feel the attraction between them, and watching it all unfold was awesome! That was the best I could do. But I could be here, with this man who made swallowing sexy, and I could want him. Holy damn, the man is pure, swoony hotness! I was a goner for this girl. Was gone when I started lusting over her ankles but this was some higher-level cosmic soul mate shit.

They have their ups and downs, and there are things they need to deal with, but the ride is beautifully written with lots of emotion to go with all of that chemistry and hotness, and I completely fell for these two and their love story. The woman is completely bold, sassy, and completely filterless and I freaking love her!

She stole every scene she was in and had me laughing out loud as she helped Annette and Jackson along the way. She pushed her sunnies to the top of her head and rubbed the bridge of her nose. Not some quick tap but a full slap, the kind that leaves a handprint on your face and knocks this bullshit out of your head. This is SUCH a fun read! I laughed so many times, and I got completely swept up with these fantastic characters and their gorgeous love story. An Advanced Review Copy was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. View all 4 comments. Annette was cute and sweet.

At times, she was a little too wacky for me. Brooke was the typical crazy bff. I love this author's writing. Cute small town RomCom. View all 3 comments. Jackson was a babe. He deserves songs to be written about him. Annette on the other hand I wanted to strangle with my bare hands. The ONLY set up I enjoy reading in books is extremely stubborn women who make heroes chase them to a totally unreasonable degree. I fucking eat it up. I love seeing the hero work for it. So in theory this should have worked for me BUT her reasons for pushing him away were so fucking annoying.

The crush was mentioned one billion times. Literally half this book was probably just the name Owen repeated over and over again. Owen Owen Owen Owen Owen. It was just pathetic. Get a fucking spine lassie. The worst part is that I actually agreed with some of the awful things her family said. The Owen thing was desperate and embarrassing.

What did the hero, who was literally perfect, see in this lassie?

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Jun 26, Lisa added it Shelves: I loved the cover on this one and the blurb responded to my need for something light and romantic without all the angst and darkness of what I've settled on for several weeks now. Although I found a lot to like, I just never felt this story was fully developed. There were so many unanswered questions and dangling ends.

The big case the sheriff and FBI were working on together was so inadequately covered and who the heck did they arrest? What's the deal with Brooke keeping her father's situation I loved the cover on this one and the blurb responded to my need for something light and romantic without all the angst and darkness of what I've settled on for several weeks now. What's the deal with Brooke keeping her father's situation so quiet?

And speaking of Brooke -- Loved her! That girl could definitely preach it! I know readers will most likely get answers to that conundrum since Brooke appears to be getting a book of her own. And then there's all this "Cinderella-type" relationship between Annette by the way love that name -- I share it! There seemed to be so much missing from what could be drawn from the book.

I just never fully understood what their problems were with Annette. It wasn't like she was a total zero. Let it go and move on from what little past they had and improve the here and now with more development. And last, but certainly not least, I totally was head-over-heels for Jackson. I would have like to have had a little more info on his past. And I was thrilled with the way he supported Annette.

But their relationship was either baking or having sex. Okay, that's not all bad - but it certainly felt like maybe there should have been a little more actual relationship building. Too much repetitiveness in the sex and dialogue. The ending was sweet and what I expected it to be. However, once again, it wrapped up quickly and without readers actually sharing the experience.

It was just hurriedly wham-bam and over. Not my favorite kind of happily-ever-after. Overall, what was there to read was well-written -- it just felt incomplete. Dec 12, Sarah - Musings of the Modern Belle rated it really liked it. I fell in love with it during Fresh Catch, and became even more enamored with this little seaside town during Hardpressed. Jackson and Annette are such a fun couple. She was just utterly adorable from the moment you meet her, and she has your sympathy from page one.

I loved this little indie business woman. Jackson, who is he sherif is this small town, is just fabulous with his alpha dominance and the way he wants to take care of Annette. I loved these two together. The story is entertaining. I was engaged by their relationship, the physical chemistry, and the sex ensues Kate never disappoints in this regard.

I enjoyed the conflict and resolution choices as well. I could put the book down and walk away, and at the end of the day, I want to be swept away in a fictional world. I hope she plans to stay in this world for just a bit longer. ARC received in exchange for an honest review Jul 01, Lorena rated it liked it Shelves: A light and fun book. I loved the H!! He was lovely and sweet and nice. Didn't like the h that much, I know it was because of her issues but she got on my nerves with her attitude for more than half the book Great chemistry and good steamy moments.

I wish the prologue had looked further into the future though! All in all though, it was quite a nice and enjoyable read. Jun 29, Laurie rated it it was amazing. But yeah, this book stole my heart. From the moment I read that blurb, I should have known it was going to happen. More like kicked down a door and taken up residency. Annette Cortassi and Sheriff Jackson Lau are sure to become your favorite couple.

They have potent chemistry that crackles and pops off the page. I loved how it all played out with a heat that requires much fanning and a nice cold beverage to take the edge off. Annette Cortassi is a like a ripple and while she may not always know it, she makes a difference in so many ways.

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When we meet her, she is a bit off kilter and she begins to right herself with inspiration from The Great British Baking Show. Baking and cooking are perhaps the greatest forms of therapy and their output, gifts to other hungry souls. And speaking of that sheriff and being off kilter.


Jackson Lau knocked back on his heels by the lovely Ms. Cortassi is the most gloriously sexy thing. He is cool, calm and observant, unless there are baked goods or a certain book mistress involved and then two of those things fly out the window. He will more than make you swoon with his patience and all about consent self. Then there is Annette and Brooke Markham. These two women are meant for each other in all the best ways. They have a friendship that is the gold standard — It is blunt-force honest, tempered with moments that will have you literally laughing out loud, as well as tearing up.

Over the course of a 12 day period that at times felt impossible, Hard Pressed was my life raft, security blanket and comfort food.


These characters and their story were exactly what I needed when I felt despair and for that I am eternally grateful to Kate Canterbary. Jun 27, Bookgasms Book Blog rated it it was amazing Shelves: Reading a Kate Canterbary novel is legit like coming home for me. And revisiting Talbott's Cove? This story hit me right in the feels and was pure comfort for me. I LOVE this little world this genius author lady created and can not get enough of her words. Annette and Jackson were amazing. I loved their banter, chemistry and laugh out loud moments.

This was a pure joy to read. If you read Fresh Catch, you will know all about gorgeous bookstore owner Annette Cortassi and the reason for her heartbreak over lobsterman Owen Bartlett. But we could never have expected Sheriff Jackson Lau and everything he would do to convince his dreamgirl she was meant for him. This story was an absolute delight! It was so charming, swoony and sexy and I loved everything about it! What else can I say that I haven't already said about this brilliant author?

Kate Canterbary is so incredibly gifted and insanely talented that I just want to scream it from the rafters. Her words can transport you to a small town on the Maine coast or right to a conference table in Boston where you fit right alongside a crazy family of Architects during their Monday morning meetings.

I am so in love with everything she writes and feel so blessed that we all benefit from her words. Each of her stories is a gift and everytime a new one releases it feels just like Christmas. Hard Pressed was outstanding and amazing and ALL of the things and I seriously can't wait for her next one. It's got a bit of everything I love: God, I died a thousand embarrassing deaths right along with her.

The Boom Band & Ian Siegal - Hard Pressed

She's someone who wears her heart on her sleeve, and would do anything for anyone at anytime. She just doesn't realize that the whole town of Talbott's Cove would do anything for her too. One Jackson Lau who's been paying close attention to Annette and her sexy ankles for months. God, I loved how the romance bloomed between Annette and Jackson. That it was fresh and smart and swoony. That Jackson knew just how hard to push Annette and when to back off. I loved how he gave her the space she needed to work through her feelings. But not too much. I loved how Jackson helped Annette to realize that she's enough.

That their love is worthy of every risk, every chance, every step they take. Jul 01, Stephanie Rose rated it it was amazing. This is my first Kate Canterbary book and I freaking loved it! Annette was so relatable, the perpetual family underdog and town sweetheart who captured the attention of the new sheriff and couldn't understand why. And the way Jackson pursued her in all his sweet, hot alpha glory, sigh I read this book in a day and see myself rereading in the future.

Jul 07, Alissa rated it it was ok. I had so many issues with her, and I did not understand what Jackson ever saw in her. He was so sweet and sexy, and overly understanding and patient. I think he deserved a lot better. Jul 03, Emma rated it liked it. I enjoyed reading this one, it was sweet and hot, with a devoted, patient hero and kind but hesitant heroine. She did so much pushing away, and not for a reason I would like, view spoiler [ she was a bit insecure, her awful family convinced her the hero is too good for her my reaction was exactly that of her best friend Brooke hide spoiler ] but I had fun nevertheless.

Jun 30, Vanessa nessreads rated it really liked it. If you could only see the smile on my face. My cheeks hurt big time at this permanently placed smile on my face. This book gave all the feels. The two MCs were everything adorable. I couldn't read fast enough, but at the same time I didn't want the book to end.

More Definitions for hard - pressed. See the full definition for hard-pressed in the English Language Learners Dictionary. Words that rhyme with hard-pressed. All synonyms and antonyms for hard-pressed. What made you want to look up hard - pressed? Please tell us where you read or heard it including the quote, if possible.

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The awkward case of 'his or her'. Identify the word pairs with a common ancestor. Test your visual vocabulary with our question challenge! Synonyms for hard-pressed Synonyms baffled , confounded , hard put , nonplussed also nonplused , perplexed Visit the Thesaurus for More.

First Known Use of hard - pressed , in the meaning defined above.