I can make toast on occasion, and in a blue moon pizza, but that is pretty much it, except for one thing. It supports my low effort approach and clean-up is a snap. Here's why making your own yogurt is so important. You can control what is in it. Do you have variatio. A Random Note on Sorting. These three categories are: Insertion sortsExchange sortsSelection sortsInsertion sorts find an out-of-order member, put it in the correct position, and then reorders the remaining members to account for this.

When an array is us. Ok, I admit it, I recycle everything. It's nuts, but it's a healthy outlet for my obsessive preoccupation that garbage should all be turned around to make new things, rather than rotting away in a landfill somewhere. The only exception to this rule is, "chicken juice drippings", but I digress. This is a tale of an obsession gone wrong, one two many trips to the bin. There is even a double entendre in there somewhere. Since the average attention span is now onl. I woke up this morning hearing the rumblings of an unknown who had entered into our apartment.

Struggled for consciousness I heard him going from room to room singing, "Morgan", first softer then louder. Who was Morgan and why was he in my house? Why was this guy looking for him? Was a timer ticking off my last seconds? He goes into my daughter's room and I'm still waking up thinking, "What am I going to do? Light Unit Testing and the Barely Bloggable. From the annals of the barely bloggable comes today's adventure, the repair of the light that refused to be repaired.

I am a unit testing nut. I have a deeply held and mathematically-decidable aesthetic about testing things before they are assembled and then testing them after they are assembled to make sure that they work, the whole work, and nothing but the work so help me God. This little light of mine, I was going to let it shine. It also magnifies and I was going to let it do that.

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Ice Water and ALS. I've seen a lot of people dumping ice water over their heads, but not a lot of people talking about the underlying die off of motor neurons - the hallmark of ALS. Why just motor neurons and not sensory neurons? What is special about outgoing neurons compared to incoming neurons? According to OMIM - online mendelian inheritance in man. There are ALS tagged genes on chromosomes 1 2 3 6 7 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 21 The Four Costs of System Conversion.

I wanted to write a short addenda to my last note on System Administration Principles. In that first part I introduced: The Repair or Replace DecisionPrinciple 2: The Cost of Additional ComputersPrinciple 3: The Cloud AdvantagePrinciple 4: Backups and ArchivesPrinciple 8: Low Value ContentPrinciple Radio, digital or analog, is all about mixed signals. There is a popular saying, "I'm getting mixed signals", which implies confusion. But in radio, mixing is everything.

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Without it we cannot send or receive audio signals over radio frequency connections that use space itself as the connecting "wire". Audio signals can be electronic, meaning they are represented by electrical signals flowing in wires. They can also be mechanical as in solids, liquid or air when we hear.

Ten Computer System Administration Principles. The Device BoomWith the explosion of tablets, smart phones, apps, fitness monitors, remote controls and personal computers, we have been thrust into being computer system administrators. BreatheMaking matters worse the tools we use to manage these devices has not kept pace with their population explosion. Anding on the Backend. We use Boolean operations everyday without thinking about it. Whenever we read, write, say or decide using the terms "and", "or", or "not" we have used a Boolean operation. Whenever we think about selection, inclusion, exclusion or negation, we have used a Boolean operation.

When programming computers stay with me for second we often write phrases like: Ode to an Orchestra Obscured. The concert is a time to stop and think, third row center C. My muse, my mizzen mast, cracks the rust off from above. The conductor is drinking stratospheric air; a shining breath of freshness from Olympus and the rest. I would write this ode for him alone - a focal point for sure, but my problem runs much deeper. I am in love with an entire orchestra, whose story I yearn to know. Each player a dedicated life of practice and disposition, each a bag of presents, tricks and tips.

What I Learned from Bill the Buddhist. He opens the door and says, "I'm going to jump out". He thinks a half thought. He doesn't think about what will happen when he jumps. I want you to forget the mountai. IntroductionI am going to write a short paper. The stupefying beauty of this. Scaling Laws for Fractal Antennas.

I was doing some simulations of fractal antennas recently and a friend said, "I'm talking about the postage sized antenna for meters. Testing a cool posting style excerpted from Matt Might. Right now I am pasting his code into the html editor of my Google blogger to see if I can reproduce the trick he uses.

The part that follows is in double quotes, as it is Matt's work: Open Double Quote The following example expres. If such a G exists, then F would be called a lossless or inv. All Formats Kindle Edition Sort by: Popularity Popularity Featured Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Avg. Volume 5 - Homomorphic Shape Encryption Jul 18, Available for download now. Volume 4 - Bezier Curves Oct 21, Reading the Waves Aug 12, A Mathematical Exploration of Feedback: Low frequency signals travel better at night than in the daytime. Some high 8 frequency signals are the opposite. Where do we look when an aircraft is lost?

Figure 6 — Keeping a log enables discovery. After you log a few entries it will be time to improve the radio. We will do that with the amplifiers mentioned above. Now for a little about how the crystal radio works. Basic Parts Picking up the card and shining the light on it you will notice it contains but five parts! The radio contains a diode, a resistor, an inductor, and two capacitors. Crystal Radio Schematic and Values Just as in the Richter scale of earthquakes and the Fujitsu scale of tornadoes, we use a logarithmic scale when comparing the intensity of radio signals. This scale is measured in decibels dB.

This makes for much more reasonable comparisons. If two signals differ by a factor of two, they are about 3 dB apart. If they differ by a factor of four, they are 6 dB, and so on. Logarithmic scales turn multiplication into addition. This is useful when we want to talk about very large or small numbers. To convert a factor of to dB, you first count zeros to get 3. Then you multiply by So if two signals differ in power by a factor of , then they are 30 dB apart: Can you feel the power?

Tip - Use dB to compare the power of radio signals. The resistor Re and capacitor Ce simulate the earphone. To really understand the crystal radio, we must understand the principles of the parts. If you are already an expert skip this quick review, but you might want to glance at the gain curves for voltage, current and power.

Ohms dissipate energy as heat.

A Blazing Fast Introduction to Software Defined Radio (SDR)

They impede the flow of electrical current, causing a voltage drop across the terminal ends. You can think of an Ohm of resistance as the volt of force required to make an ampere of current flow. Is your resistor rated for the power passing through it? Power With Ohms Law and Power, you can derive six others! Two other handy resistor formulas: Add two resistors in series to obtain the equivalent resistance: Series Equivalent Resistance Use the product over sum for resistors in parallel: I highly recommend it.

Make sure your volt-ohm meter has a fresh battery. Thin-film and metal film resistors are preferred to wirewound resistors, which are really just lossy miniature inductors! Speaking of inductors… 12 Inductors units: Henries store energy as a magnetic field. They are usually coils of wire or other conductive material in various shapes. Inductors have a direct current DC response and an alternating current AC response. These responses can be steady state or transient. The magnetic field is established and this opposing voltage disappears.

If the switch is opened, the magnetic field collapses and sparks can ensue! This is an important principle when working with sensitive semiconductor components. To track current we add an arrow connection seen at the bottom of the circuit. By convention positive current flows from positive to negative. The top curve shows the current in the circuit.

Since a coil is a conductor, keeping the switch on drains the battery.

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The bottom curve shows the induced voltage as it decays over time. This transient DC response ends with the steady-state DC response.

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What about AC, the stuff of which radio signals are made? This delay is caused by the union of magnetic field workers whose boss is Maxwell and whose contact is binding. Voltage E Leads Current I in an inductor. This is called phase shift.

Radio is all about keeping track of phase. We draw voltage in red and current in blue on the same graph so we can see their relationship in time. But what about frequency? Now we can play with the inductor and resistor values and see what happens in our circuit. We will measure this by comparing the gain of various configurations. Gain is the amplitude of the signal in a circuit. Gain comes in three flavors, voltage gain, current gain and power gain. Power gain is voltage gain times current gain. We want to know how the gain changes as we change the frequency of our input signal.

First, we fix the resistor at 1 Ohms and set the inductor to 1 microHenries. We get a graph that yields major insight. One milliHenry Inductor Frequency Response 15 Next we want to know what happens if the inductance changes, say, to a thousandth of its value. That would be 1 microHenry uH.

This feels more like radio! Out pops our next graph. Decreasing the inductance has shifted all our gain curves to higher frequencies.

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  5. The trick is to focus on essential relationships. What happens if we change the resistor value but not the inductor? How does increased input resistance affect frequency response? Inductive Frequency Response — Increased Series Resistance If we compare Circuit 4 and Circuit 6, there is a loss in current gain as a direct consequence of the resistor. So to first order, we observe that with respect to voltage we have a high pass filter — so named because high frequencies are passed and low frequencies are blocked. With respect to current, we have a low-pass filter, and with respect to power, we have a band-pass filter.

    Adding two inductors in series gives the equivalent inductance of the pair: Series Equivalent Inductance Use the product over sum for inductors in parallel: Parallel Equivalent Inductance Transformers are inductors that are magnetically coupled by their proximity to each other. We will discuss them in more detail later. Inductors have a kind of imaginary AC resistance called inductive reactance that has units of Ohms. Inductive Reactance Inductive circuits have a time constant that we alluded to above. This is the time it takes for the current to build up to The units are seconds.

    More on that and its upscale digital cousin in a moment. They consist of plates of foil separated by an insulating or dielectric material. Like their inductive counterparts, capacitors have a direct current DC response and an alternating current AC response. When the switch is closed, there is a surge of current until charge accumulates on the plates of the capacitor. The electric field is established and the current surge disappears. If the switch is opened, nothing happens but the capacitor remains fully charged!

    A large capacitor can shock you! Time, Transient DC Response This simulation uses a 1-Farad capacitor, which is physically large, about the size of a large soup can. In radio, we typically work with much smaller values as we shall soon see. The principles and response curves are similar; the time constants are much shorter. Remember these units and abbreviations; you will use them often, especially nano and pico.

    Current Causes Voltage in a capacitor. Just like before we play with capacitance and resistor values to see what happens in our circuit. Again, we will measure this by comparing the gain of various configurations. First, we fix the resistor at 1 Ohms and set the capacitor to uF.

    A graph again provides insight: We set the capacitor to 1 uF 1 microFarad. That radio feeling is coming on strong. What happens if we change the value of the resistor but not the capacitor?

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    How does increased series resistance affect circuit frequency response? Capacitive Frequency Response — Increased Series Resistance If we compare Circuit 9 and Circuit 11, there are two effects of keeping the same capacitor and increasing the resistance. The second effect is to shift the curves to the left.

    We observe that our capacitor drains more slowly when the resistance is higher. In an opposite sense to inductors, capacitors are a low-pass filter with respect to voltage and a high-pass filter with respect to current. With respect to power, we have a band-pass filter as before. Capacitive circuits have a time constant. This is the time it takes for the voltage to build up to Capacitive Time Constant Capacitors also have a kind of imaginary AC resistance called capacitive reactance that has units of Ohms. Consult the references in the last chapter if you want to delve in deeper than time allows here.

    The figure below summarizes what we have just discovered by direct simulation. Inductors and Capacitors are the inverses of each other. This is an idea as deep as the electron itself. The left column shows a capacitive circuit and the right column shows its inductive counterpart. The component values are summarized in the lower left corner of each diagram. As before voltage gain is red, current gain is blue, and power gain is yellow. The following figures catalog voltage, current and power gain as we vary component values. You can reproduce these results in Tidy TINA and see which values result in which curves, a worthwhile bit of fun.