When he saw it, the wrath of the world. For all things are good. Of that There were much to be said. And the friends saw How he gazed forth victorious, The most joyful of all, at the last. Yet they mourned, as now It was grown evening, astounded, For in their souls the men weighed A mighty decision, but they loved Life under the sun, and they would not leave The face of the Lord and their homeland. Inwrought was that As fire in the iron, and at their side Went the shadow of the Beloved.

Therefore he sent them The Spirit, and the house trembled. And the storm of God Rolled far-thundering over their fateful heads. Where brooding Were gathered the heroes of death Now as he, in departure, Once more appeared before them. No good Had it been later, cleaving abruptly And truthless, the work of man, and it was joy From now on To dwell in loving night and maintain Steadfast in simple eyes Abysses of wisdom. And deep On the mountains too Living images flourish.

Yet it is dreadful how far and wide God endlessly scatters the living. Dreadful it is to leave The face of dear friends and to wander Far over the mountains alone. When the Heavenly Spirit, Known before in communion, Was single in meaning; and though it was never foretold them, Yet by their very Hair did it seize them. As, hastening away into the distance, God of a sudden looked back, and conjuring Him to remain, naming the evil, Bounden henceforth as with golden cords. They gave one another their hands. It is the cast of the Sower, as he seizes The wheat with his spade And flings across to the clear grain.

Driving it over the threshing floor. The husks fall at his feet, But in the end cometh the com. And no evil it is if something Is lost and the living sound Fades from our speech, For heavenly labor is like to our own. The Highest would not have AH at one time. So long as the pit bear iron. And Etna ghttering resin, So I have riches To fashion an image and see in the semblance Christ as he had been. But when one spurred himself on, And sadly speaking on the way where I was weaponless.

Overpowered me, so that I marveled and an impostor Would be moulding an image of God- Visible in anger did I once See the sovereigns of heaven. Not that I were To become anything, but to learn. Kindly they are, but most Hateful to them as long as they reign Is falsehood, as there dwells Himianity then no more among men. For they do not reign, rather Fate Reigns more immortally. And when ascends higher The heavenly pageant of triumph.

The exulting Son of the Most High, Like to the sun itself, is named by the mighty An emblem, and here is the staff Of song signaling down. For nothing is common. It wakens the dead Who are not yet caught by the rawness of death. But many shy eyes Wait to behold the Hght.

They would not Blossom forth in the sharp radiance. Though the golden bridle guideth their courage. But when, As from swelHng eyebrows Forgetful of the world. Quietly shining strength falls From the Holy Scriptures, Rejoicing in grace They yield themselves to calm vision. Quiet is his sign In the thimderous sky. And One stands beneath it His life long.

For Christ Hves yet. But the heroes, his sons. All are come and the Holy Scriptures From him, and the deeds of the earth Have illumined the hghtning till now, A contest unwaning. But he is there. For his works Are known to him from everlasting. Too long, too long already Has the glory of the Blessed been viewless. For each of the Blessed demand sacrifice. Yet if one were passed over Ne'er did it bring about good. We have served the earth our mother And of late we have served The light of the sim Unwittingly, but the Father who rules over all Loves best that the constant Letter be fostered, And enduring existence Interpreted well.

With this is accordant The song of my people. Wo aber Gefahr ist, wachst I Das Rettende auch. So sprach ich, da entfiihrte Mich schneller, denn ich vermutet I Und weit, wohin ich nimmer Zu kommen gedacht, ein Genius mich Vom eigenen Haus. Denn alles ist gut. Vieles ware Zu sagen davon. Und es griinen Tief an den Bergen auch lebendige Bilder. Doch furchtbar ist, wie da und dort Unendlich hin zerstreut das Lebende Gott. Nicht alles will der Hochste zumal.

Zwar Eisen traget der Schacht, Und glii- hende Harze der Atna, So hatt ich Reichtum, Ein Bild zu bil- den, und ahnlich Zu schaun, wie er gewesen, den Christ, Wenn aber einer spornte sich selbst, Und traurig redend, un- terweges, da ich wehrlos ware, Mich iiberfiele, dass ich staunt und von dem Gotte Das Bild nachahmen mocht ein Knecht— Im Zome sichtbar sah' ich einmal Des Himmels Herm, nicht, dass ich sein soUt etwas, sondern Zu lernen. Giitig sind sie, ihr Verhasstestes aber ist, Solange sie herrschen, das Falsche, und es gilt I Dann Menschliches unter Menschen nicht mehr.

Denn sie nicht walten, es waltet aber Unsterblicher Schicksal und es wandelt ihr Werk Von selbst und eilend geht es zu Ende. Die Toten wecket Er auf, die noch getangen nicht Vom Rohen sind. Es warten aber Der scheuen Augen viele Zu schauen das Licht. Still ist sein Zei- chen I Am donnernden Himmel. Und Einer stehet daninter Sein Leben lang. Denn noch lebt Christus. Er ist aber dabei. Denn seine Werke sind Ihm alle bewusst von jeher.

Zu lang, zu lang schon ist Die Ehre der Himmlischen unsicht- bar. Dem f olgt deutscher Gesang. Ripened the fruit, in fire cast, baked And tried on the earth, and it is the law That all go back into it, like snakes, Prophetic, dreaming on The hills of the heavens. And there is so much Like a burden Of logs on the shoulders That has to be borne.

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Though the roads Are not right. For discrepant, As horses, go the tethered Elements and the immemorial Laws of the earth. And ever A longing strains after the fetterless. But there is so much That has to be borne. And one must be true. Let us look not before, though, Nor after. May we be rocked, rather, as A boat is cradled at sea. Aber bos sind Die Pfade. Und immer Ins Ungebundene gehet eine Sehnsucht. Vieles aber ist Zu behalten. Und Noth die Treue. Vorwarts aber und riikwarts woUen wir [ Nicht sehn.

Uns wiegen lassen, wie Auf schwankem Kahne der See. Voices calmly wending filled And aired is the ancient Bliss-wont hall; fragrant above green carpets floats The happy cloud, stand gleaming wide, Of ripest fruit abundant, and of golden-wreathed bowls. Well meted out, resplendent rows Uprising here and there aside of the Smoothed ground, the tables.

For, coming from afar Hither, at eventide, Loving guests have bid themselves. Dawn fills my eyes. Well-nigh I deem This celebration's prince. Him, to behold That smiles upon a day's great labor: Although you will deny your strangeness And, wearied by your glorious course, Cast down your eyes, forgotten, softly shaded. And will take on a friendly shape, O Widely Known, Yet bends the knees your awe. Nothing outstrips you; But this I know: Wisdom may show me many a thing, but Where a god enters as well A more luminous day wiU break.

Yet not xmheralded he comes: And he whom neither flame nor flood deterred Need not be vainly startled by this stillness, now That neither man nor spirit yields to order. Downstream to sleep, at the sounding of peace. But, days endeared of innocence, you also bring Today, O loved ones, the celebration, and The spirit blossoms in this quiet round; And hasten forth I must, although, O friends, my locks are gray, an eternal youth Preparing the wreaths for the feast.

And many a one I would gladly ask; but you. Concerned, stem but friendly, for mankind, who Far off beneath Syrian palms, Close by that city, would sit by the well: The com fields mstled, quietly the cool Air breathed in the shade of the sacred mountains. So did loving friends shade you, Like faithful clouds tempering Your rays cast toward man.

A mortal doom, amidst your words, was to fold A darker shade around you, dreadful fate. So transient Is what Heaven proffers; but not in vain therefore, For but lightly a god will touch, knowing What are our limits, the human abode. Nor can we reckon the moment. Then, too, Hcense may walk unleashed, Blasphemers shall reach the holy spot From distant parts, exercising their frenzy To strike at a fate; yet gratitude Does not come straight in the wake of divine gifts: It must be won through ordeal.

Had not the giver been thrifty always, Surely the sacred treasures of our hearth Would have turned all to destruction. Even so, much was granted us from above. And the shores, and the floods of the sea. Before your eyes the stars Teach you, who shall never become their equal. Of the eternally living, however. Whence joy flows, and song, One came, a son, valiantly calm. And now we behold him. Knowing his father, now That, to hold his celebration. The high Spirit of the World Has descended toward us. Too great he was to be the lord of ages; Too far his realm to be ever exhausted. Even so, one day a god may choose labor To be like the mortals, sharing their fate.

For it is decreed that all shall recognize each other. And language hold sway once silence has returned. Yet where the Spirit liveth we venture forth. Contending for the best. Thus I judge it best —When the painter has at last achieved his likeness And stepped, masterful, from his workshop, lord of love only— That equity reign All the way from earth to heaven.

Man has experienced much since the dawn. Ever since speech began, and mutual notice; But song follows apace. And the vision of time, divinely unfolding. Sign of the Spirit, lies before us, bonds of aUiance Fastening his might to the powers of nature. Not him alone, but the unborn generations This token proves: Yet as a final token, O holy powers, This very day of celebration testifies For you, a mark of love.

You, unforgettable one, at time's decline, Our celebration's youthful prince. No sooner wiU This race lie down imtil You, promised ones, each single one Of you, immortal beings, to pronounce Your heaven's bounties, have arrived In our house. Fragrant breezes Are your herald.

The steaming downs announce you And the ground, still resounding with tempests. Now the cheek is refreshed with hope And in front of the opened bouse The mother sits with her child. Regarding this utter peace. And fewer seem the agonies. A harbinger has caught the soul, A promise sent, of golden light.

Keeping the aged from dying. Well wrought from above are The savors of life. For all is pleasing now, But most of all Simphcity: This, nothing else, is the shape of gods. You grieved, O Mother, like The Honess when. Nature, You lost your children. Too eagerly loving, you suffered their loss. When robbed of them by a foe Whom you almost took for your own son, A satyr mingling with gods.

Thus you did much of your building And buried many a thing. For you are hated by those whom You, powerful beyond time. Had drawn forth into hght. Now you know and, knowing, relax: For gladly rests down below. So it may ripen, the anxiously caring world. Denn feme kommend haben Hieher, zur Abendstunde, Sich liebende Gaste beschieden. Nichts vor dir, [ Nur Fines weiss ich, Sterbliches bist du nicht.

Welt der Waffeln

Ein Weiser mag mir manches erhellen; wo aber Ein Gott auch noch erscheint, Da ist doch andere Klarheit. Das ist, sie horen das Werk, Langst vorbereitend, von Morgen nach Abend, jetzt erst, Denn un- ermesslich brausst, in der Tief e verhallend, Des Donnerers Echo, das tausendjahrige Wetter, Zu schlaf en, iibertont von Friedens- lauten, hinunter.

Und manchen mocht' ich laden, aber o du, Der freundlichemst den Menschen zugethan, Dort unter syrischer Pahne, Wo nahe lag die Stadt, am Brunnen geme war; Das Komf eld rauschte rings, still athmete die Kiihlung Vom Schatten des geweihetenGebirges; I Und die lieben Freunde, das treue Gewolk, Umschatteten dich auch, damit der heiligkiihne Durch Wildniss mild dein Straal zu Menschen kam, o JiinglingI Ach' aber dunkler umschattete, mit- ten im Wort, dich I Furchtbarentscheidend ein todtlich Verhang- nis.

So ist schnell Verganglich alles Himmlische; aber umsonst nicht; Denn schonend riihrt des Maases allzeit kundig Nur einen Augenblick die Wohnimgen der Menschen Ein Gott an, imver- selm, und keiner weiss es, wenn? Auch dart alsdann das Freche driiber gehn Und kommen muss zum heilgen Ort das Wilde Von Enden fern, iibt rauhbetastend den Wahn, Und trif t daran ein Schicksal, aber Dank, Nie folgt der gleich hemach dem gott- gegebenen Geschenke; I Tiefpriif end ist es zu f assen.

Des Gottlichen aber empfiengen wir Doch viel. Und es lehret Gestim dich, das Vor Augen dir ist, doch nimnier kannst du ihm gleichen. Denn langst war der zum Herm der Zeit zu gross Und weit aus reichte sein Feld; wann hats ihn aber erschopfet? Einmal mag aber ein Gott auch Tagewerk erwahlen, Gleich sterblichen und theilen alles Schicksal.

Schicksalgesetz ist diss, dass alle sich erfahren, Dass, wenn die Stille kehrt, auch eine Sprache sei. I Wo aber wirkt der Geist, sind auch wir mit, und streiten, Was wohl das Beste sei. So diinkt mir jezt das Beste, Wenn nun vollendet sein Bild und fertig ist der Meister, Und selbst ver- klart davon aus seiner Werkstatt tritt, Der stille Gott der Zeit und nur der Liebe Gesez Das schonausgleichende gilt von hier an bis zum Himmel. Und das Zeitbild, das der grosse Geist entfaltet, Ein Zeichen liegts vor uns, das zwischen ihm und andem Ein Biindnis zwi- schen ihm und andem Machten ist.

Nicht er allein, die Uner- zeugten, Ew'gen Sind kennbar alle daran, gleichwie auch an den Pflanzen Zulezt ist aber doch, ihr heiligen Machte, fiir euch Das Liebeszeichen, das Zeugnis Dass ihrs noch seiet, der Festtag. So hast du manches gebaut, Und manches begraben, Denn es hasst dich, was Du, vor der Zeit Allkraftige, zum Lichte gezogen. Nun kennest, nun lassest du diss; I Denn gerne fiihllos ruht, Bis dass es reift, furchtsam- geschaftiges drunten. What here we are, far oflF a god amends With harmonies, everlasting recompense, and peace.

For a while, especially during his sojourn in Jena, he was subjected to Schiller's influence. In Leipzig he met Friedrich Schlegel and became deeply attached to him and his new ideas. After his graduation from the Wit- tenberg law school , he moved to Tennstedt, in Thuringia, to train for a pubHc post and met there in the thirteen-year-old Sophie von Kiihn with whom he fell in love. At her death the poet was imconsolable, and out of his grief sprang his Hymns to the Night in which he expressed a mystical death wish, granted soon there- after: In addition to the Hymns, considered a land- mark in the history of German poetry, Novahs wrote two lyrical novels— The Novices of Sais and Henry of Ofter- dingen, wherein the symboHc 'l lue flower" of the Roman- tics first blossomed— an essay, "Christianity or Europe," in which he glorified the medieval spirit, and finally his Spir- itual SongSy inspired by the rituals and festivals of the church and praising the Virgin Mary as the great symbol of the Infinite.

When numbers, figures, no more hold the key To solve the living creatures' mystery, When those who kiss and sing have knowledge more Than all the deeply learned scholars' store. And when in poesy and faerie Men read the world's eternal story, Then will a secret word obhge to flee All of this mad perversity. Gifted with feehng, Bestows not his love On the all-joyful light? As life's inmost soul It is breathed By the giant world Of restless stars Who swim in its blue ocean. By the sparkling stone, The peaceful plant. By the creatures' Many-fashioned Ever-moving Hfe.

It is breathed by the clouds Many-hued, by the zephyrs. And, above all, By the glorious strangers, With the thoughtful eyes. The swinging gait, And the sounding lips. As a king It summons each power Of terrestrial nature To numberless changes, And alone doth its presence Reveal the full splendor Of earth. Sunk in deep vault; How dreary, forlorn her abode! Deep melancholy Stirs in the chords of the breast.

Far oflF lies the world With its motley of pleasures. Elsewhere doth the Hght Pitch its airy encampment. What if it never returned To its faithful children, To its gardens In its glorious house? Yet what flows so cool. So refreshing, So full of hid tidings To our hearts, And absorbs the soft air Of melancholy? Hast thou too A human heart, O dark Night? What boldest thou Under thy mantle Which steals unseen Upon my soul, Giving it strength? Thou seemest but fearful- Precious balm Drops from thy hand. From the bundle of poppies. In sweet intoxication Thou unfoldest the soul's heavy wings, And givest us joys Dark, inexpressible.

Secret as thou, Joys which are promise of heaven. How joyful and bless'd The departure of day. It is but because Night withdraws those who serve thee That thou sowest In the wide realms of space Shining spheres. To proclaim in the times of thine absence Thine omnipotence, Thy returning again. More heavenly than those flashing stars In those wide spaces, Seem to us the infinite eyes Which the Night In us opens. Farther see they Than the palest Of that numberless host. They look through the depths Of a love-enfiUed heart Which fills with unspeakable joy A loftier space.

Praise to the world's Queen! To the lofty proclaimer Of holy world, To the nurturer Of blissful love. The Night is here- Rapt away is my soul- Finished the earthly way. Once more art thou mine. I gaze into the depths of thy dark eyes. See naught but love and bhssfulness therein; We sink upon Night's altar.

Must ever the morning return? Endeth never the thraldom of earth?

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Unhallowed aflFairs swallow up The heavenly coming of Night? Will never love's offering bum Eternal and hid? To the light was appointed its time, A time to its watching— But timeless the rule of the Night; Without end the duration of sleep. Holy Sleepl Bless not too seldom Night's consecrated ones— In this earth's daily round. Only the foolish mistake thee And know of no sleep But the shadows, Which thou in compassion Castest upon us In that twilight Of the true Night.

They feel thee not In the golden flood of the grape, In the almond tree's Magic oil, In the brown juice of the poppy. They know not It is thou That hoverest over the breast Of the tender maiden, And makest her bosom a heaven— They guess not That out of old histories Thou comest to meet us. And bearest the key To the dwellings of the bless'd: A silent messenger Of infinite mysteries. Melancholy flowed into a new unfathomable world; thou, O inspiration of night, slumber of heaven, camest o'er me. All that lay round me softly arose, and above it hovered my unbound, newly bom spirit.

As a dust cloud became the mound; through the cloud I beheld the glorified features of the Be- loved. In her eyes rested eternity. I grasped her hands and my tears became a sparkling indestructible cord. Thousands of years drew away down into the distance as a thunder- storm. On her neck I wept enchanted tears for the new life.

That was the first dream in thee. It passed, but its image remained— the eternal, imshakable behef in the heaven of night, and its sim, the Beloved. IV Now know I when the last morning will be— when the Hght will no longer scare away love and the night, when slumber will be eternal and only one inexhaustible dream. Heavenly weariness deserts me now no more. Long and toilsome was the way to the Holy Sepulchre, and the Cross was heavy.

He whose lips have once been moistened by the NOVALIS 61 crystal wave which, unseen by common sight, has its source in the dark womb of the mound at whose foot breaks the earthly tide, he who has stood above upon this boundary of the world, and has looked across into the new land, into the dwelling place of the night— he, of a truth, turns not back to the aflFairs of the world in the land where light holds sway, and eternal unrest makes its home.

Up above he builds himself tabernacles, dwellings of peace, he longs and loves, gazes across, until the most welcome of all hours draws him down into the wells of the foimt. All that is earthly floats on the surface, and is washed down from the heights; but what has become holy through contact of love runs released into hidden ways in yonder realm, where cloudlike it mingles with the slumber-wrapped loved ones. Still thou awakest The weary to work, O cheerful Light— Thou inspirest me with joyful life.

But thou allurest me not From remembering That moss-grown monument. Canst thou show me An ever-true heart? Has thy sun Friendly eyes Which know me? Do thy stars grasp My longing hand And give me in turn A tender pressure? Hast thou bedecked her With color And Hght outhne? Or was it she Who gave to thine adornment Higher and loveher meaning?

What delight And what pleasures Offers thy life Which outweigh The enchantments of death? Doth not all that inspires us Bear the color of night? She beareth thee as a mother. And to her thou dost owe All of thy splendor. Thou wouldst vanish Into thyself, Thou wouldst dissolve Into endless space Did she not hold thee— Not bind thee, So that thou grewest warm. And flaming Begottest the world.

Verily I was, ere thou wert. Not yet have they ripened, Those thoughts of the gods. As yet are the traces but few In our age. One day thy clock will depict The ending of time. When thou wilt become As one of us, And full of longing. Melt away and die. I discern thy removal In wild grief From our home.

Thy resistance To the glorious Ancient heaven. In vain is thy fury. Indestructible Stands the Cross, Triumphant banner Of our race. I wander across And every pain Will turn to a pricking Of joy again. Unending life Comes over me, And I look from above Down below upon thee. Thy brightness fades On that httle hill, A shade is bringing The chaplet cool. Beloved, Of me drink deep. That soon I be wrapped In eternal sleep.

I feel death's encroaching. Youth-giving wave, And wait through life's stresses Full stalwart and brave. Over the widespread race Of man There formerly ruled An iron destiny. A dark and heavy band Lay round their Anxious souls. Infinite was the earth, Abode of the gods And their home. Rich in treasures And glorious wonders. Since eternity Stood her mysterious frame.

An ancient giant Supported the blissful world. And the befriended Joyful mankind. The dark blue depths Of the sea Was the womb of a goddess. Heavenly hosts Dwelt in joyful delight In the grottoes of crystal- Trees and brooks, Blossoms and beasts Had human sense; Sweeter tasted the wine. For a god in youthful bloom Gave it to man. The full sheaves Of golden com Were divinely bestowed; The rapturous joys of love A sacred service To heavenly beauty. Thus was life An eternal festival Of gods and men.

Only there was one thought Which frightful to the festive tables trod, And in wild panic fear all hearts enveiled. Here words of counsel even failed each god. Which with sweet comfort could their hearts have filled; Mysterious was this monster's dreadful road, Whose rage no gift, no anxious prayer availed— For it was Death, who this gay banquet scene Broke up in pain and tears and anguish keen.

Forever now from all things separated Which here do stir the heart in sweet delight— From loved ones parted, whom, down here, belated. Vain longings and an endless grief incite— Dull dream the lot to which the dead seemed fated, Unconscious struggling deemed their dreary plight. Broken and shattered was the wave of pleasure Upon the rock of misery without measure. With daring mind, and lofty feeling's zest, Did man embellish that grim mask unkind, A pale wan youth puts out the light to rest, Soft is the end, as harp strings touched by wind, And memory melts in shadow-flood at last: Thus poets eased the need of troubled mind.

Yet still unfathomed stayed eternal night. The solemn symbol of a far-off might. To its end inclined The ancient world. The happy garden Of the youthful race Withered away; Out into freer spaces Strove the full-grown, Unchildhke mankind. Laws arose, And in ideas As in dust and air Fell to pieces The measureless prime Of the thousandfold life. Fled away Were all-powerful faith And fantasy. All-transforming, AU-imiting, Heavenly comrade.

Unfriendly blew A cold north wind Over the frozen plains, And the wonderland home Passed away in the ether. The infinite distance Of heaven Was filled with shining worlds. Into a deeper sanctuary. Into the mind's higher realms. Drew the soul of the world With her powers. There to reign Till the new day Should break. No longer was Hght The abode of the gods. And a heavenly token- Around them they drew The curtain of night. In the midst of mankind. In a folk Despised above all. Too soon grown ripe, And proudly estranged From the blessed innocence Of youth.

Before all others Did the eastern wisdom, Rich flowering, full of foreseeing. Know the approach Of the new age. A star pointed the way To the King's humble cradle. In the name of the far future They paid him homage. With the splendor and perfumes Of the highest wonders of nature. Unfolded the heavenly heart In sohtude To a glowing bosom of love, Turned toward The Father's lofty countenance, And resting on the holy foreboding breast Of the gracious earnest Mother. With worshiping ardor The prophetic eye Of the blossoming child Looked into future times.

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Soon the most childhke natures, Wondrously gripped By the almighty love. A strange new life Flowered forth In his presence- Inexhaustible words. Most joyful of tidings. Fell hke sparks Of divine spirit From his gracious lips. Thou art that youthful form our tombs display Standing above them, deep in contemplation, ConsoHng emblem in our darkest day Of higher manhood's joyful new foundation. What once had sunk us down, to grief a prey.

Now draws us thence with longing's sweet elation. In Death was germ of hfe eternal found, Thyself art Death, and first doth make us sound. So that a thousand hearts Inchned themselves to him. And the glad gospel Upward waxed Branching a thousandfold. But yet short time After the singer passed, The precious life Became a sacrifice For the deep fall of man- Young in years he died, Tom away From the loved world, From the weeping Mother, From his friends.

The holy mouth Emptied the dark cup Of untold sorrow. In dreadful anguish Drew nigh to him the birth hour Of the new world. Hard wrestled he with the horrors Of ancient death. Heavy upon him lay The weight of the old world. Once more he gently looked upon the Mother- Then came the loosening hand Of eternal love— And he fell asleep. Few were the days Hung a deep veil Over the roaring sea, over the dark heaving land. Uncounted tears Wept the beloved ones. Awaked to new godlike glory He ascended to the heights Of the rejuvenated, new-bom world.

And the old world Which with him had died. With his own hand he bm'ied In the forsaken cave. And with almighty strength he laid above The stone which thence no power should ever move. Still weep thy loved ones Tears of joy, Tears of emotion. For, when, in haughtiness, you left us, her heart closed to our song; we saw her cheeks grow pale, she ever shunned our circle.

Oh, return, you valiant Singer, let not your song be far from ours. Let her no longer be absent from our festivals, let her star shine on us once more! Have one with dissension and strife! Let our lays ring out in unison, and brothers let us call ourselves from henceforth. Have done with dissension and strife! Ha, how I recognize it again, the lovely world that I renounced!

The heavens look down upon me, the meadows sparkle, richly-decked! The spring, the spring with a thousand lovely sounds has entered into my soul, rejoicing! In sweet impetuous urgency my heart cries aloud: To her, to her! Lead me to her! War's Zauber, war es reine Macht, durch die solch Wunder du vollbracht, an deinen Sang voll Wonn' und Leid gebannt die tugendreichste Maid?

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Zweitracht und Streit sei abgetan! A miracle has brought him hither! Glory be to the sweet power that has charmed his arrogance away! Now may the high-born lady's ear once more harken to our lays! In joyous animated tones the song goes up from every breast! The whole valley fills with huntsmen The Landgrave sounds his horn and is answered by loud blasts from every side. Ein Wunder hat ihn hergebracht! In thee his lays awake and waken me from gloomy dreams. When he departed from thee, how desolate thou didst appear to me!

Peace forsook me, joy took leave of thee. How strongly now my heart is leaping; to me now thou dost appear exalted and sublime. He who thus revives both me and thee, tarries afar no more. Thou precious hall, receive my greeting! Aus mir entfloh der Frieden, die Freude zog aus dir! Wie jetzt mein Busen hoch sich hebet, so scheinst du jetzt mir stolz und hehr, der mich und dich so neu belebet, nicht weilt er ferne mehr!

I may not see you here! Oh, stay and let me remain at your feet! You shall not kneel here, for this hall is your kingdom. Receive my thanks for your return! Where did you tarry so long? Deep forgetfulness has descended betwixt today and yesterday. All my remembrance has vanished in a trice, and one thing only must I recall, that I never more hoped to greet you, nor ever raise my eyes to you. Nicht darf ich Euch hier sehn! Wo weiltet Ihr so lange? Forgive me if I do not know what I am about. I am in a dream, and foolish as a child, surrendered, powerless, into the power of the miracle.

I scarcely know myself more; oh, help me unravel my heart's enigma! To the Singers' skilful lays I used to listen often with great pleasure. Their singing and their praise seemed to me a pleasant show. But what a strange new life your song conjured up in my breast!

Now it would thrill through me like pain, now penetrate me like sudden joy. Emotions I had never experienced! Longings I had never known! That which once was dear to me vanished before a bliss nameless heretofore! And when you left us then, peace and joy were gone from me. The melodies the Singers sang appeared insipid to me, melancholy their temper. Dreaming, I experienced heavy sorrow, my waking hours became a troubled delusion, joy fled from my heart - Henry!

What had you done to me? Encompassed about with radiant bliss, sunshine smiles upon me; awakened to new life, I call happiness mine! Fast kenn ich mich nicht mehr Doch welch ein seltsam neues Leben rief Euer Lied mir in die Brust! Was sonst mir lieblich, war verschwunden vor Wonnen, die noch nie genannt! Was tatet Ihr mir an?

Von Wonneglanz umgeben, lacht mir der Sonne Schein; erwacht zu neuem Leben, nenn ich die Freude mein! To the newly-perceived life I may bravely turn; aquiver with joy, I call its fairest wonder mine! Does a festival of singing of our preparing attracct you then at last? Oh my kindest of fathers! That which his song so marvellously awoke and stimulated, he shall reveal today and crown with fulfilment.


Now the gracious art will come to fruition! Trumpets are heared from the background as if from the courtyard of the castle The nobles of my land whom I have invited here to a rare festival are approaching now; they come more numerous than of wont, for they have heard you are to be the festival's queen. Sprechen kann ich nicht. SCENE FOUR The Landgrave and Elisabeth ascend the balcony to watch the arrival of the guests; they are announced by the four noble pages, who receive from the Landgrave directions as to their reception The Knights and Counts enter, one by one, with their ladies and their retinue.

To the Prince of Thuringia, Count Hermann, hail! The assembled guests have now all taken their seats. The Landgrave and Elisabeth occupy seats of honour under a canopy, in the foreground The Singers step forward and greet the assembly with dignified bows. Vier Edelknaben treten auf und melden an. If our swords in battles grim and bloody did battle for the majesty of the German realm, if we withstood the furious Guelphs and averted ruinous dissention, then no less a prize was carried off by you. By your art you won for grace and gracious custom, for virtue and true belief, wholly sublime, magnificent and glorious victory.

Then, prepare for us today a festival - today when the valiant Singer, whom we have grievously missed for so long, has returned to us. That which brought him back again among us, appears to me a wondrous mystery; through the art of song you shall reveal it to us. Therefore I put the question to you now: Could you fathom the true essence of love for me?

To the man who can do it, to him who celebrates it most worthily in song, let Elisabeth present the prize, let him claim it, exalted and bold as he will - I will see she shall bestow it. The task is set! Compete for the prize and receive in advance all our thanks. Hail to Thuringia's Prince! Hail to the protector of the gracious art! All sit down The four noble pages come forward and collect from each Singer, in a golden bowl, a small roll of paper bearing his name; they present the bowl to Elisabeth, who takes out one of the papers and hands it back to the pages.

Greifet in die Saiten! So many heroes, valiant, upright and judicious, a forest of proud oaks, magnificent, fresh and green. And ladies I behold, charming and virtuous, a richly-perfumed garland of lovely blooms. My glance becomes enraptured at the sight, my song mute in face of such radiant loveliness. I lift my eyes up yonder to one star which stands fast in the firmament and dazzles me: Before me a miraculous spring appears, which my spirit glimpses, filled with wonder!

From it, it draws bliss, rich in grace, through which, ineffably, it revives my heart. And never would I sully this fount, nor taint the spring in wanton mood: I would practise myself in devotion, sacrificing, gladly shed my heart's last drop of blood. You noble ones may gather from these words how I do apprehend love's purest essence to be!

Praised be your song! He stares fixedly at nothing. A slight trembling of the hand - which has unconsciously sought the strings of the harp - and an uneasy smile indicate that a strange magic has taken possession of him. If you languish so fearfully, the world would come to an end, forsooth! To praise God in the sublime and lofty distance, raise your eyes to heaven, look up to His stars! Worship is due to such marvels, for one should not aspire to touch them! But that which inclines to touch, lies near the heart and senses, that which, conceived of the selfsame stuff in weaker mould, nestles to one - I do boldly approach that fount of delight with which no fear is ever mixed, for the fount is inexhaustible, as my longing is unquenchable!

That my desire may ever burn I will ever refresh myself at the source! Da blick ich auf zu einem nur der Sterne, der an dem Himmel, der mich blendet, steht: Und sieh, mir zeiget sich ein Wunderbronnen, in den mein Geist voll hohen Staunens blickt: Gepriesen sei dein Lied! Anbetung solchen Wundern zollt, da ihr sie nicht begreifen sollt! Then know, Wolfram, thus do I conceive love's truest essence to be! Who could remain calm, when he hears you? If it please your arrogance, then harken, now, to me, too, blasphemer!

When sublime love inspires me, it tempers my weapon with courage; that it may remain forever unshamed, I would proudly shed my last drop of blood. For women's honour and highest virtue as a knight I wield my sword; but that which indulgence offers your youth is cheap and not worth a blow. Here are our swords! Do you sing of love, surely wolf? It's certain you cannot have meant that which seems fraught with delight to me! What, then, have you enjoyed? Your life has not been rich in love and that which gave rise to pleasure in you is truly not worth a blow!

Put a stop to his audacity!

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Keep the peace, you Singers! A profound quiet ensues Now, oh heaven, be moved by my entreaty! Grant my song the gift of divine inspiration! Let me see sin banished from this noble and unpollucted circle! To thee, sublime love, that hast penetrated in angelic beauty und wisse, Wolfram, so erkenne der Liebe wahrstes Wesen ich. Singst du von Liebe, grimmer Wolf! Gewisslich hast du nicht gemeint, was mir geniessenswert erscheint! Dein Leben war nicht liebereich, - und was von Freuden dir entsprossen, das galt wohl wahrlich keinen Streich! Gib meinem Lied der Weihe Preis! Thou dost approach like a messenger of God, I follow thee from the fair distance - thou leadest thus into the lands where thy star ever shineth.

Now let thy praise be sung aloud by me! Thy honeyed fascination is fount of all beauty, and every sweet wonder stems from thee! That man who has held thee locked in passionate embrace, knows what love is, and he alone. Poor creatures, who have never enjoyed her love, fare hence, fare hence into the Venusberg! He has been in the Venusberg!

Er war im Venusberg! Away out of his presence! Du nahst als Gottgesandte, ich folg aus holder Fern: Wer dich mit Glut in seine Arme geschlossen, was Liebe ist, kennt der, nur der allein! Armsel'ge, die ihr Liebe nie genossen, zieht hin! Zieht in den Berg der Venus ein! His wicked lips have made horrible confession of his sin.

He has shared in hellish delights, he has sojourned in the Venusberg! Steep your swords in his blood! Sent back to the bottomless pit, let him be condamned, let him be banished! What do I see? The chaste maid siding with the sinner! I take no heed else of death! What is the wound dealt by your swords to the death blow I received from him! What am I obliged to hear? How can your heart allow you to be so infatuated, as to exorcise punishment from the man who has so shamefully betrayed you? How can you be so infatuated, as to exorcise punishment from the man who has so shamefully betrayed you?

But he - his salvation! Would you rob him of his eternal salvation? The curse of heaven has fallen upon him, let him go hence in his sin! In seinem Blute netzt das Schwert! Des Todes achte ich sonst nicht! Was ist die Wunde eures Eisens gegen den Todesstoss, den ich von ihm empfing? Doch er, - sein Heil! Wollt ihr sein ewig Heil ihm rauben?

Des Himmels Fluch hat ihn getroffen! You are not his judges! Inhuman wretches, throw your furious swords from you and give heed to the pure maid's words! Learn from me what is God's will! Why should the unhappy man, whom a fearful mighty magic holds captive, not attain salvation through repentance and atonement in this world? Do you who are so strong in true belief thus misconstrue the counsel of the Highest?

If you would rob a sinner of hope, then say, what harm has he done you? Behold me, the maid whom he destroyed with one swift blow in the flower of her youth, who loved him deep in her soul, and whose heart he pierced, exulting! I pray for him, I pray for his life, may he turn his step penitently towards atonement! May the spirit of belief he granted him anew since for him, too, the Saviour suffered once!

See there, you infamous betrayer, acknowledge your misdeed! You dealt her death, she begs for your life - Who could remain stern when he hears the angel's prayer? Though I may not forgive the culprit yet I cannot oppose heaven's command. See there, you infamous betrayer! Nicht ihr seid seine Richter! Werft von euch das wilde Schwert! Vernehmt durch mich, was Gottes Wille ist! Patents, Trademarks, Copyright Law: Grading comment Thank you all for all your valuable info, espcially Renate!

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