It consists of a base page together with a rear wheel that spins around. After putting the wheel together, the student follows the instructions on the front wheel coloring in the state on a US map and drawing a small map of the state and fills out the 12 sections of the wheel with information about one state. When you spin the wheel, facts about the US State appear, including: Map the location of the news event and your location. Explorers of the Americas Read about the people who explored the Americas. Where I Live Write your country, state, and city, and then find and label your state and a few other geographical features.

Write a Question for Each Answer In this worksheet, the student is given a series of short answers using US history words. For each answer, the student writes a short question.

50 US States Abbreviations Quiz Game & List

Write a Question for Each Answer In this worksheet, the student is given a series of short answers about US geography. Think of mountains, bodies of water, and other geography features.

Sunday Puzzle: Drop And Give Me 6

Find words for as many letters as you can. Or go to a sample answer page.

Or go to sample answers. States Bordering the Atlantic Ocean, S.

  1. Enchanted Learning Search;
  2. U.S. State Abbreviations.
  3. Nationbuilding im Kontext von Krisenprävention (German Edition);

Write ten things about the USA plus one thing you would like to change. Write ten things about your state plus one thing you would like to change. United States of America: Go to worksheet with 30 blanks or a worksheet with 50 blanks. Acrostic Poem Write a poem about America.

Start each line with a letter from the word "America.

What Is My State Abbreviation Again?

Or go to a pdf of the poem worksheet. Perimeter Poem Write a poem around the perimeter outer edges of the map of the contiguous US states. African-American History Trace the history of African-Americans from the 's, read biographies, print out quizzes and activity pages. The Census A census is an official count of the number of people in a region.

The survey is done by a government, usually periodically. This page explains how and why censuses are taken. Printable Read-and-Answer Worksheet A printable worksheet on the census, with a short text to read, a map to color, and questions to answer.

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  • Or go to a pdf file with the worksheet and the answers. Geography Crafts and Activities These are crafts that help you learn geography. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet. Or go to a pdf of the quiz and the answers site members only. US States Determine if the statements are facts or opinions. A fact is supported by evidence and can be proven; an opinion is how you feel about something and is open to debate.

    U.S. State Abbreviations |

    Or go to a pdf of the worksheet and answers subscribers only. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet subscribers only. Where Do You Live in the USA A short activity book on geography to print for fluent readers; the student reads maps, draws maps, and answers questions abouts maps and direction. Follow the Instructions Color Alaska according to simple directions, such as, "Color Alaska light green. Crossing of the Mayflower: Follow the Instructions Color the map of the voyage of the Mayflower from England to America according to simple directions, such as, "Draw a dark blue circle around Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts.

    Follow the Instructions Color the trail that Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery followed in their exploration of the Louisiana Purchase according to simple directions, such as, "Draw a red star at their starting point.

    Abbreviations vs. Acronyms vs. Initialisms

    Follow the Instructions 2 Color the trail that Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery followed in their exploration of the Louisiana Purchase according to simple directions, such as, "Draw a red star at their starting point. Map Reading Activity Printout 1 Color the map, read compass directions, estimate distance, and read latitude and longitude. Color and Count Color the flag of the United States of America according to the directions, then count the stars, stripes, number of points on each star, and other components of the flag.

    Follow the Instructions Color a pirate map according to simple directions, such as, "The pirate then walked 25 miles south. Mark this path in orange. Follow the Instructions 2 Draw lines on the USA map according to simple directions, such as, "Draw a line back to the easternmost point of Maine. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet and the answers. Color and Count the US States 1: Color and Count the US States 2: Color and Count the US States 3: US States Map 1A: Follow the Instructions Color states on a map of the contiguous US according to the directions, such as, "Color Texas red.

    US States Map 2A: Follow the Instructions Color states on a map of the contiguous US according to the directions, such as, "Color Arizona dark green. Both answers consist of an 8-letter word with two consecutive pairs of doubled letters. Drop each pair to leave a 4-letter word that answers the second clue. Think of a popular two-word song title in 7 letters. If you have the right one, you can rearrange the letters to name an animal and the sound it makes.

    The title is in a foreign language. Easter is coming up next Sunday. Name a small but well-known U. This string of letters, reading from left to right, spells two consecutive words that name distinctive characteristics of bunnies. What city is it? If you know the answer to next week's challenge, submit it here.