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Schilling, University of Chicago. Schmidt-Wartenberg, University of Illinois. Faust, Hermann Schoenfeld, Cornell University. White, Late of Earlham College. Henry Wood, Johns Hopkins University. By Marion Dexter Learned. The part which Pastorius played as Agent of the German Company, the so-called Frankfurt Company, was by no means the most important service which he rendered to the newly- founded German Town.

He was far more useful to the settle- ment as burgher, lawgiver, schoolmaster, scrivener, and writer of both prose and verse. It is in these varied activities of the man that we see his true importance as the great German pioneer in America. In the early annals of Germantown Pastorius has left last- ing testimonials to his indispensable services as a burgher. The first five years of its existence the German settlement had no cor- porate form, but grew on as a more or less close community.

In these years Pastorius was the virtual official factotum, as he man- aged the affairs both of the German Company and the Cref elders. The first year was one of great privation and not a little suffering. Provisions were scarce and had to be brought some- times all the way from the Swedish settlement in Upland. The colony met with an unexpected economic hindrance at the very outset.

It was made up largely of weavers who knew but little of tilling the soil. Their products were in little demand, because 4 Francis Daniel Pastorius the newcomers had brought with them a good supply of wear- ing apparel. This is seen from the slight sales at the fair held Nov. Pastorius as early as November, , writes the German Company that they shall send over a quantity of grape cuttings and all sorts of field and garden seeds. In addition to the lack of money and market for the products of the loom, came the great need of skilled craftsmen and husbandmen, the first to fell the forest and build houses, the second to till the soil.

Pastorius wrote home to the Company that workmen and peasants were most needed of all classes of colonists. As he looked out from the settlement, whichever way he went, it was "a way into the primeval forest. What wonder he wished for a dozen strong Tyrolese to lay low the thick oak trees! Itur in antiquam silvam, es ist alles nur ein Wald. Francis Daniel Pastorius 5 Although Pastorius faltered during these first years, he was an unfailing factor in the life of Germantown.

His close personal association with William Penn drew forth the constant concern of the Governor for the little German colony. It was doubtless the friendship and aid of Penn which held the Germans together in this trying period of the new settlement. The following verses of Pastorius show his- state of mind: And if I could return home to my father's house.

Perhaps great riches and preferments might espouse, etc. Pastorius mentions this fact in his chapter "On the Religions of the Province," without telling us what the character of the worship was. As early as March 7, , Pastorius, after having asked the Company in Germany to send over a supply of field and garden seeds, pots, kettles, an iron stove, bed covers, mattresses, a piece of Barchet and Osnabriick linen cloth, the last named for sale at a profit, he remarks that a tanner might find profitable employment, and speaks of two things as most neces- sary: The original passage is in German: This Charter pre- scribed the general form of government adopted for the towns of the Province and named the following as the first officers: The president at the time the charter was granted was "Herman Isaacs Optegraaf" op de Graeff.

It is now the property of the Histor- ical Society of Pennsylvania. The minutes are kept partly in German and partly in Dutch and cover the period from to In the record we can trace the several activities in which Pastorius served his countrymen in Germantown. As has al- ready been seen, Pastorius was named by the Charter as the first Bailif of Germantown. The following references to him are found in the minutes of the Court Book: On the first day of the tenth month, , a so-called "new election" was held at which Pastorius was chosen Bailif.

In order to show the full machinery of the Corporation, we print the results of this election from the Court Book: Jacob Isacks Jjan Duden 4. Arnold Kassel Stadt V. Original in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Raths-Buch, page inserted out of order. On the 23d of the 12th month, , Pastorius made an accounting to the General Court and Paul Wulff and Jan Liicken were appointed to ex- amine and audit it.

The 7th of the ist month it was ordered that the appraised estate of Gisbertje Williams be sold at public auction in the presence of Dirck op de Graeff [Bailif], F. Daniel Pastorius should request the Governor for the confirmation of the Charter of Germantown, as friends in Philadelphia deem that advisable. Daniel Pastorii und Anthonij Loofs umb I uhr vcrkaufft und ausgehoht werden.

Dito kauffte die General Court vor Fr. Daniel Pastorius bey dem Gour umb Confirmation unseres Charters soil anhalten. Francis Daniel Pastorius g The occasion of this appointment is given by him in a letter to his father, dated June i, This was the first time a tax of any kind was levied for military or other purposes. Gov- ernor Fletcher confirmed the Germantown Charter anew and con- stituted Pastorius a Justice of the Peace or Irenarcha, in the County of Philadelphia, as the newly appointed Justice pedanti- cally termed himself.

Daniel Pastorius were ordered to make an inventory of the estate left by Herman Trapmann. I, Pastorius was again elected Clerk and made Collector of Rents. It is interesting to note the fees allowed for making the inventory of Trapmann's estate: Daniel Pastorius, 4 shillings and for extra clerical ser- vice, 18 d. Deme wir zu Ersetzung der Reise-Kosten den sten Pfenning, scmcl pro semper consentiret. Paul Castner Kast- ner was chosen in WulfT's place and Pastorius was directed by the General Court to keep a record of all marriages, births and deaths in the German Township in a special book, for which service he was to receive the usual fees, so long as the Court find reason for appointing another in his place.

Cron, an Anthonij Loof 6. Daniel Pastorius 4 schill. Daniel Pastorius und Peter Schuemacher Junr verordnet einen Stock umb die iibelthaters darin zu setzen, zu bestellen. Frantz Daniel Pastorius nochmals abgefertigt, zu Philada. Todesfall, die in der Germantown- ship vorfallen in ein absonderl. It is interesting to note here that Loof's minutes are kept in Dutch and illiterate German, wdiich is in striking contrast with Pastorius' smoothe German style.

In the minutes of Jan.

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At the following session of the Court of Record Pastor- ius was appointed to represent Heifert Papen, who could not at- tend because of the confinement of his wife. In the minutes of Loof we have the important item that the General Court directed Pastorius to copy all the ""Den December entschuldigte sich Paul Castner in der damahligen gen. Court, dasz Er gewissens halben das Raths- und Gerichtschreibers Amt nicht bedienen konne. Wurde darauff von der genn Court einmiitigl. Gerichtsschreiber dienen solle vor 4 lb. Unterzeich- nete Arnold Cassel u.

Die Geburten, Verheurathungen und Todesfall sollen nach Verordnung der ersten in diesem Jahr gehaltenen Session in Englischer Sprach eingeschrieben werden. Dito wurde beschlossen, dasz jahrl den I3ten u. This was probably due to the fact that the minutes kept by Wulff and Loof presented a very motley, not to say almost illegible, appearance in the Raths-Buch, as some specimens of Loof's minutes given here in the footnotes will show. The minutes now appear in Pastorius' handwriting. On the 8th of December Pastorius was again made Collector of Rents, and directed by the Court to examine the accounts of Lenert Arets, the previous Collector.

The next and last item of relating to Pastorius states that Jacob Delaplaine was elected Recorder and Clerk in Pastorius' place, as the latter intended to move to Philadelphia in the next few days. During the years he was teaching in the Friends' School in Philadelphia. At the same session Daniel Falkner was elected Bailif. Pastorus geordert sey alle biszhero Record sauber vndt rein in English abzuschrei- ben. Daniel [Pastorius] soil gede rcqucsten an behorige Ort einliefern, u. The petition was recognized as one of great importance for tlie future policy of the colony and, after being dis- cussed at length, was deferred till another Council day for full consideration of.

Colonial Records, II, Tower and Gate, Sommerhausen. At the session of Dec. The minutes of the session of May 9, , show that Justus Falkner and Pastorius were delegated to confer with Edward Farmer concerning the cost of the Road to Phila- delphia. At the session of the 5th of the nth month it was ordered that the clerk bring in all the books and documents relating to the Corporation of Germantown at the next General Court.

When the question of a change in the method of keeping the records of the Court of Record came up Oct. Peter Schu- macher Junr Auffseher darvon seyn, u. Schul soil zwey Jahr wah- ren. The minutes of Dec. At the session of the 22nd of the 2nd month, , these three men handed over the revised rent accounts in one book in folio to the Court showing the receipts and disbursements to Dec.

On the 12th of Sep- tember it was ordered that Pastorius should copy the records in Paul Wulff's hand neatly in English. Er dazu versucht und gestellt worden, sauber und rein in Englisch einschreiben solle. Although the Raths-Buch breaks off here, this record of the brief span of fifteen years is sufficient to show the significant part which Pastorius took in the affairs of Germantown and to make evident the fact that he was not only the agent of the German Company, but even after he was succeeded by Daniel Falkner, Johannes Kelpius and Johann Jawert he was regarded as the leading man, who could bring things to pass.

There are numerous entries in the minutes showing that he acted as attorney for many of the citizens as well as for the German Company before the Court of Record. It was but natural that Pastorius, who had studied at the best German universities of his time and acquired the best the age had to offer, should be found at the head of the educational enterprises of the Province of Penn. Besitzer oder Eigener einiges lands in der Gremantownship sollen taxiren nach dem Werth ihres real und personal Vermogens, und sothanig ihr Assessment r,el cnst denen Nahmen derjenenj Mans pt-rsoncn, so ihre Nahrung in gedr Township gewinnen, an nechste Court of Record einbringen.

This I had to do because W. This was of the nature of a Pay School. At the meeting of the Provincial Council, Feb. Wiewohl ich Frantz Daniel Pastorius an statt Aret Klinckens zum Rentmeister erwehlt worden, habe ich doch von ihm weder der Ge- meinde Rent- od Rechnungs Buch, noch einig pfenning gedr Gemeind an- gehend, empfangen, so dasz dessfalls gantz klar bin, u. The only form of it, which seems to be extant, is a very inaccurate manuscript copy found in the Historical Society of Penn- sylvania.

Pastorius first appears in the school records of the Friends' Monthly Meeting of Philadelphia in , by the 31st of the lOth month, , we find the following minute: Colonial Records, I, Some records remain to tell us of the kind of school Pastorius taught in Philadelphia and of the manner and method of his teaching. The subjects taught were doubtless those prescribed by the Resolution of the Provincial Council in December, , for the school taught by Enoch Flower, the first schoolmaster of Philadelphia: Ilaigue, Lasse Cock, Wm.

Both letters are dated April 12th, , and here printed in the quaint style and orthography of the time. Though thy two little ones never were spoken to for coming too late, yet they seeing others corrected for that fault, are as it seems afraid; which argueth their good disposition, and that the very shadow of the rod will do more with them, than the spur wth.

J am glad to hear by the sd. No more at pres- ent but ye cordial salutation from thy sincere friend F. Another glimpse into the schoolroom of Pastorius is to be gained from an experience of Israel Pemberton, one of the pupils, dating from the same year and showing that what Pastor- ius had written in the letter given in full about the use of the rod, took another turn three months later: Introdiictory remarks of Israel Pemberton to his copy of the original letter.

There is no doubt that "another" in the letter refers to Pastorius. It is likewise to be supposed that the stripes inflicted "The original MS. Pennsylvania Magazine, xxviii, Outer Wall with Square Tower. Nevertheless the punishment must have been severe, or the otherwise rule-loving father would not have taken his son out of school. Judging from the contents of the let- ter and the severity of the punishment we may suppose the "dif- ference" between Israel and his schoolmate took the form of an outright fisticuff.

It is also interesting to see the character of the more vigorous discipline based on the old doctrine, "Spare the rod and spoil the child," of the German school and schoolmaster reflected in Israel's description: We learn also incidentally that Pastorius taught Latin in this school and that too in this case to a boy of thirteen years.

Ye 22th day of ye 5th mo. Israel Pcmhcrton's Letter to Richard Johns. Tho they have not felt so much of it as my self. Mother Js in health Margret and Hannah were much pleased wth thy notice of them wiching they were Big annuf to write to prissilla. A copy of a letter which J received from Richard Johns the 12th day of the 6th month His children went to school in Philadel- phia, presumably to the school in which their father taught.

This we learn quite incidentally from a letter written by them to their grandfather Melchior Adam Pastorius in Windsheim and dated Philadelphia, Mar. In this letter we learn that the school was kept eight hours every day except Saturday afternoon and Sunday , and between the lines we read a sign of relief at the thought of this "last day of the week," when there was no school in the afternoon.

The very interesting passage of the letter be- ing as follows in English translation: Pennsylvania Magazine, xxviii, no. It seems more than likely that Pastorius was the originator of the proposal to open a school in Germantown, which was ap- proved by the General Court Dec. This school was opened on the nth of Jan. These were the original sub- scribers to the School: Tlie voluntary con- tributors gave from 2 to 10 shillings a year. Those who paid tuition gave from 4 to 6 shillings a week. The names of the patrons who sent children to the school the first year were: Pennypacker, but seems to have disap- peared since that time.

The present writer will be very grateful for any information as to the Cash-Book. Old Fountain and Woman with a Watertank. Schoolmaster Gutmann and his son on the right. Aret Klincken, Reinert Tysen, Tiines Kunders, Wilhelm Strepers, Paul Kastner, Renier Hermans, Abraham op de Graeff, It will be seen from this list that very few of the original voluntary subscribers sent children to the school the first year, the most of them contributing evidently to encourage the undertak- ing. In connection with this day school there was also an even- ing school for those who could not attend during the day.

In the year the following attended this evening school: The growth of the Germantown school is clearly indicated by the increased list of patrons for the year Walter Simons, Heinrich Kassel, Howel James, Peter Keurlis, James Delaplaine, Richard Huggin, Anthony Klincken, It would seem strange that a community like that of Ger- mantown, with a highly educated man like Pastorius at the head, should not have had a school before , nineteen years after the settlement of the town.

It seems more likely that the instruction of children was given in the meeting even from the earliest assembling in private houses till the building of the church in It is quite likely that the opening of the Germantown school was directly stimulated by the renewed effort to improve the Friends' School in Philadelphia, where Pastorius had just finished an engagement as teacher in the Friends' School. For there is no longer any question that Pas- torius taught for the Friends and not in a private school of his own in Philadelphia as was considered possible by Professor Sei- densticker.

Bruner papers loaned me by Mr. Abram Bruner of Roanoke, Va. Francis Daniel Pastorius 27 There seems little reason for supposing that the language of in- struction was German, although teacher and pupil alike no doubt often spoke German, as most of the pupils were from German families. But the fact that the General Court as early as had ordered the minutes of the Raths-Buch to be copied in English by Pastorius is evidence that they already recognized the neces- sity of using the official language of the Province in business in- tercourse and it is hardly likely that they would have taken an opposite policy by establishing a strictly German school, especially as the pupils, who spoke German at home, needed a knowledge of English above all else.

The other works of Pastorius of a pedagogical character but with German sub-titles are of a more advanced character and scarcely designed for use in the school. It is not unlikely that Pastorius taught some of the subjects of his other English books in the school, as for example The Young Country Clerk, The Good Order and Discipline of the Church of Christ, particularly to the more advanced boys of the school.

It is not stated how long Pastorius taught the Germantown school, but it seems likely that he continued the school as long as he was able to teach, at least till Although Pastorius was educated in the humanities and deeply read in the scholastic literature, his contact with the reali- "Cf. Lingua Latina or Grammatical Rudiments. Collection of English Rhymes, Alphabetically Arranged. Vademecum or the Christian Scholar's Pocket Book. He even goes so far as to regret the great outlay, which his father had made for his now somewhat useless preparation for life. As early as in a letter to his father, he set forth this changed attitude in significant detail — a point of view far ahead of his time and anticipating the educational revolution of the nineteenth century.

The German part of the letter in question is given here in English translation with the Latin passages unchanged as they appear in the original: Others passed the precious time with nothing but useless ques- tions and indagationibus, an vera sit ilia Jnscriptio scpulchralis in Monte Fiascone: Propter Verbum est est Dominus meus mortuus est. Others look for the ablative case in the Greek declensions, but for what purpose they need it, they themselves do not know.

Indeed nowadays the students are beginning to drink one in every ten of their number to death, and to send him into the Hell- ish realm of Satan, which is in very truth greatly to be lamented, and it were to be sought of God, that the eyes of professors as well as students might be opened, so that they might know how vain it is to boast of the light of the Gospel and yet remain in such abominable works of darkness. Such lofty haughty spirits wish after- ward to live in great state; for this they need large sums of money, which they try to obtain to the harm of their neighbor, in order that their wives and children may be able to strut around a la mode.

In opposition to this the humble people taught of God say with Antonius: Non data non ciipio, and think it right with Palingenius, contentum vivere parvo, cum quihus concordat S. He expressed this in strong language, in reflecting upon his early education: As early as the 7th of the 3d month, , some sixty High and Low Germans of Germantown declared their allegiance to King Wil- liam and Queen Mary, and fidelity to the Proprietor of the Prov- ince. All seems to have gone on smoothly in the German Town- ship until , when the conduct of the affairs of the German or Frankfurt Company assumed a more serious aspect and the civil rights of the Germans were felt to be insecure.

Accord- ingly a petition was laid before the Colonial Council asking for Cf. Opening of the Bechstein Library, Addresses, p. Francis Daniel Pastorius 31 the prayer of the said Petition leave is given to the sd. Colonial Records, II, ff. Make a snout snoot. Make one's self home. Go home usually at once. Provincialisms of Southeastern Pennsyhiania 33 Make out.

I do not need it. Prepare one's self by changing clothes or otherwise. Ethical dative, with put. So used in Scotland. Glove; hand covering with fingers. The meanings are interchanged; so in Ger. Hand- schuh is used colloquially in both senses. Here the confu- sion perhaps arises from the Pa. Also henshing is used for both gloves and mittens. The days of the week used in plural when but one day is referred to. Possibly a loose use of Ger. A marble, any kind except a commy. Grub in decayed wood. The word is used indifferently in meanings i and 2, but I have not found it in meaning given in Century.

Used at end of interrogative sentence. The words ain't, ain't not, ain't so, are used in the same way. Grumbine says, used after a request or invitation ; but it is often used in other ways, as in second example above.

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The form ornelse is also found. Paddy, an Irishman, hence one ready with his fists. Perfect tense used for preterite. The pret- erite tense occurs only in a very few verbs. Part of the way. A dish like fried mush, made by boiHng buckwheat flour and corn meal with the juice of fried meat, and some- times scraps of pork. When cold this is cut into slices and fried. The word scrapple is often used for this dish. To heal by conjuration. Also used as noun and adj. Hoover gives a description of the method of powwow- ing.

The construction is, of course, German, the preposition being treated as part of a separable verb and placed last. The order in Pa. Learned gives a future form p. Provincialisms of Southeastern Pennsylvania 41 Rig. Used only by and to children. Same as ponhaws, q. The day after Christmas is also kept as a holiday, and is a great day for visiting. The expression "Second Day New Year" is also found. Next to the last. Possessing proper self-esteem, consideration.

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Put it out on Christmas eve for gifts ; corre- sponding exactly to hang up a stocking. Haldeman, Pennsylvania Dutch, p. Short in one's mind. The form short-minded also occurs. Young person ; used contemptuously. Dried fruit, usually apples. When used of other fruit, the name is given, as "peach snits. Schnits, dried fruit, usually pears; Pa. Words to be spelled. Usually in past tense. Full of upright objects. In example i the trees might still be there though cut down ; example 2 means that the hall was full of people who were standing; it would not be used of a crowded house when the people were seated.

Stick the light on. Used at end of sentence to denote customary action. The word is used of the future with no reference to the past at times. Low sled, drawn by one or two horses. Tangled, dishevelled; usually of hair. The same, used without article. Used by telegraph operators on Pa. Provincialisms of Southeastern Pennsylvania 47 Tell good-by. Thank one's self to.

So used colloquially in Cork, Ireland, fr. The form "through another" is also found. XVL In glossary "through other" is defined "confusedly, all together. The Judgment Day, 1. The word would never be used of a pot and of a pan, only in combination, as pie-tin, cake-tin. Said to be colloquial in Scotland, fr. Underneath, with idea of motion. McClellan was getting thrashed ugly at Richmond. Used to be able.

Ger, wawrtd uf; Ger. Provincialisms of Southeastern Pennsylvania 51 Want out. Want to get out. Germans and their neighbors. Pig; the second form used as diminutive. Recently fallen, of snow. The first part of the meeting was devoted to the business affairs of the Society, among which was the election of officers. The following officers were elected ; President, Dr.

Albert Bernheim, Philadelphia, Pa. Secretary and Business Manager, Chas. Breitbarth, Chester Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. The activity of the Society during the year was centered very largely in the publication of matter relating to the history of the Germans in America, through its official publication, Ger- man American Annals. Among the more important contri- butions were "The Diary of Rev.

On nomination of the first President of the Society, Dr. Hexamer, President Theodore Roosevelt was unanimously elected an honorary member of the Society, and a few days later accepted membership in the following communication: The White House, Washington. The President has received your favor of the 24th ultimo, with enclosed certificate of honorary membership in the German- American Historical Society, and requests me to assure you that he accepts with much pleasure.

Conveying to you, and thru you to the members of the So- ciety, the President's thanks for the compliment thus paid him, believe me. Very truly yours, Wm. The business part of the meeting was followed by a banquet, at which some thirty-five ladies and gentlemen participated. The following toasts were responded to: Penny- packer, former Governor of Pennsylvania.

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Hexamer, President German American Alliance. Rudolph Blankenburg in the absence of Mr. Blankenburg, this toast was responded to by Mr. Learned in Professor Learned's absence on account of illness, the toast was answered by Professor K. This was generally recognized as the most successful an- nual meeting in the history of the Society, and a number of new members have already been added to the list. It is hoped that the list, both of annual and life members, may reach the full limit of two hundred during the present year.

The publication plans of the Society are not intended to conflict with the purposes of either State or Local Societies throughout the country. Articles will be gladly received from historical societies or historical investigators throughout the coun- try. It is the policy of the German American Annals to pub- lish materials of permanent value, and the Society solicits such from all who are active in the field. Carefully written biogra- phies of notable German Americans are particularly welcome. Ex-Governor Pennypacker referred to one of the descend- ants of Germantown, now a resident of Philadelphia, who, in his article on the State Capitol, had cast aspersions upon his German 56 The German- American Historical Society ancestry.

The speaker then traced the significance of rehgious views of the Anabaptists for the history of Pennsylvania and the part played in it by the Quakers. He referred to the late Dr. William Pepper German Pfeffer , Dr. J, Hexamer then pointed out the importance of Ger- man American historical research as an incentive to American citizenship, referring to the fact that too little account has been taken of the Germans by writers on American history.

He also paid a glowing tribute to the influence of the German Emperor in the relations of Germany and America. Legationsrat Werner Hagen, the German Consul of Phila- delphia, replied with a fine appreciation of the efforts of Presi- dent Roosevelt, who, like the German Emperor, had contributed much to bring about a cordial understanding between Germany and America and thus laid a firmer basis for universal peace. The addresses of Mr. Arno Leonhardt and Mr. Henry Detreux we give below in full: Rede des Hcrrn Leonhardt. Es ist keine kleine Aufgabe vom Komitee mir gestellt wor- den, den Toast auf die Deutsch-Amerikanische Historische Ge- sellschaft zu beantworten.

Obgleich hier in der Stadt der Bru- derliebe geboren, habe ich mich wenig um deutsch-amerikanische Geschichte bekiimmert und befinde ich mich darum auf einem mir fremden Felde. Ich habe viel gelesen, namentlich haben mich die Mittheilun- gen des Deutschen Pionier-Vereins mit seinen ausfiihrlichen Be- richten aus der Feder unseres Mitgliedes C.

Huch sehr inte- ressirt. Unsere historische Gesellschaft ist noch jung, feiert sie doch heute erst ihren 6. Dieselbe ist nicht zu friih The G erman- American Historical Society 57 entstanden, um die unsere Deutschen interessirenden Schrift- stiicke, Dokumente und sonstigen Wahrzeichen aus der Ge- schichte vom Lande unserer Pioniere unter Pastorius bis zum heutigen Tage zu sammeln, niederzuschreiben und unserer Nach- kommenschaft zu erhalten.

Ausser diesem Werke sollte unsere Gesell- schaft dahin wirken, dass die Wahrzeichen unserer Geschichte in der Form von Monumenten dem alltaglichen Publikum vorge- fiihrt werden, wie die beiden deutschen Monumente, fiir welche wir schon Propaganda gemacht haben — Pastorius, durch den Deutsch-Amerikanischen Central-Bund, und General Muhlenberg, durch unsere Deutsche Gesellschaft.

Es ist beschamend fiir unser Deutschthum, dass erst jetzt, nach 50 Jahren, die ersten Schritte in dieser Richtung gethan werden, aber noch bescha- mender, dass die Mittel so langsam einkommen, dass wir voraus- sichtlich noch Jahre lang auf die Ausfiihrung zu warten haben werden. Keiner sollte zuriickstehen, dass diese beiden Werke so bald als moglich erstehen, dadurch fiir unser Deutschthum und seine Geschichte indirekt Propaganda machend.

Um unserem deutsch-amerikanischen historischen Felde mehr Anerkennung zu verschaffen, miissen wir auch auf die Ausschmiickung der zwei Zimmer in Valley Forge hinarbeiten, welche als Beispiele deutsch- amerikanischer Geschichte unsern Nachkommen dienen sollen. Das eine im Namen des Generals von Steuben, das zweite fiir De Kalb, welche als deutsche Verbiindete unseres Generals Wash- ington so viel zur Griindung unserer grossen Republik beigetra- gen haben.

Wenn diese Monumente errichtet sind, muss die Jugend aufmerksam werden und wird fragen: Unci deutsch-amerikanische Gescliichte muss so antwor- ten, dass der verdiente Respekt nicht ausbleiben kann, was unsere deutschen Vorvater fiir Amerika gethan haben. Hat der wiss- begierige Theil der Jugend die Frage gestellt, wird dieselbe dann die Antwort in unseren Annalen suchen, in den Werken, die wir aus alter Zeit gerettet und unserem Archiv einverleibt haben. Dies ist unser heiliger Zweck, er bedeutet die Errettung unserer deutschen Muttersprache in diesem Lande, ihre Erhaltung fiir unsere deutschen Lieder, fiir unsere deutschen Kirchen, unser deutsches Theater, deutsche Literatur, Kunst und Wissenschaft.

Wir sollen es zu unserer Aufgabe machen, dahin zu wirken, dass die historischen Unrichtigkeiten in den Schulbiichern, welche die Deutsch-Amerikaner behandeln, berichtigt werden, und unsern Vorkampfern Gerechtigkeit fiir ihre Thaten gezollt wird. Ausser den Kampfern in den Kolonien oder Befreiungskriegen, sollten die Deutschen, welche fiir unsere Union in den Krieg zogen, be- riicksichtigt werden ; dann was die Deutschen und ihre Nach- kommen fiir Antheil an Industrie und Handel, Kunst und Wis- senschaft, Technik, Landwirthschaft u.

Unsere Gesellschaft sollte Leute, welche die Fahigkeiten, die Zeit und die Lust dazu haben, anregen, innerhaib der engeren Grenze unserer Stadt oder dem weiteren Umfang unseres Staates Penn- sylvanien die Spuren der deutschen Pioniere aufzusuchen und den Antheil, welchen die eingewanderten Deutschen und deren Nachkommen an der Entwickelung unseres Landes genommen haben, festzustellen und aufzudecken.

Wir sehen ein, was fiir eine kolossale Arbeit wir uns auferlegt, aber — aller Anfang ist schwer. Wenn unser Junge das Die Presse ist das grosse Medium, das die Reibungen und Kollisionen des tag-lichen Lebens und Strebens beseitigen und Wahrheit und Klarheit in das Wirrsal des rastlosen Schaffens der Neuzeit bringen soil — und wie manchen Strahl der Erleuchtung bringt unsere deutsch-amerikanische Presse in die Dunkelheit und Oede des engherzigen Lebens und Treibens gewisser Kreise, die ich jetzt nicht nennen will; die zu bekampfen jedoch gerade gegenwartig von unserem Bunde Vorbereitungen getroffen wer- den und worin wir fast ausschliesslich auf die Unterstiitzung der deutschen Presse angewiesen sind.

Der Stand eines Zeitungsmannes ist, wie die meisten der hier Anwesenden wohl wissen, kein leichter. Es vergehen manchmal Jahre und Jahrzehnte, bis wieder einmal etwas Be- sonderes am Horizonte der Neuigkeitswelt auftaucht, und wah- rend dabei die ausserhalb der Sphare der Presse stehende ge- wohnliche Menschheit siisser Ruhe pflegen kann, muss gerade der arme Zeitungsmensch sein Gehirn anstrengen, um etwas Neues auf's Tapet zu bringen.

Bismarck hat einmal gesagt, ein Zeitungsschreiber sei in der Regel ein Mann, der seinen Beruf verfehlt habe. Das mag ja von seinem Standpunkte aus ganz richtig gewesen sein. Mir scheint jedoch, dass es von dieser Regel bei unseren deutschen Zeitungen glanzende Ausnahmen gegeben hat, solche, die ihren Beruf mit warmem Herzen und hervorragenden Fahigkeiten ver- folgten und darin ihren Landsleuten mit leuchtendem Beispiele und grossem Erfolge vorangingen. Moge unsere deutsch-amerikanische Presse auch in Zukunft ein Bollwerk bilden gegen die Fluth von Unduldsamkeit und ge- gen unamerikanische, puritanische Engherzigkeit.

Es wiirde, wie gesagt, zu weit fiihren und Ihre Geduld miss- brauchen, wollte ich mich iiber die Stellung der deutsch-amerika- nischen Presse der englischen gegeniiber verbreiten, jedoch so weit erlauben Sie mir, mich in kurzen Worten zu aussern: Dass die Stellung der deutsch-amerikanischen Presse der englischen gegeniiber stets eine ausserst schwierige sein wird, da dieselbe immer in zwei Sprachen arbeiten und gegen eingewurzelte Vorur- theile kampfen muss. Mogen die Vertreter der deutsch-amerikanischen Presse nie vergessen, dass dieselben nicht nur dazu da sein sollen, um der Sensationssucht des Publikums zu frohnen, sondern immer ein- gedenk der Mission bleiben, die sie in diesem Lande zu erfiillen haben.

Die Vereinigung alter deutscher Studenten in Amerika hat wiederum ein neues Reis an ihrem Stamme gezeitigt, namlich den Zweigverein Philadelphia. Schon seit Jahren, selbst vor Be- stehen des Central- Verbandes wurden in Philadelphia von ehe- maligen deutschen Akademikern Versuche gemacht, einen aka- demischen Verein zu griinden, aber ohne den ersehnten Erfolg.

Es ist endlich den Bemiihungen des Herrn Professor Dr. Derselbe wurde am Oktober offiziell durch die Herren Dr. Carl Beck und Dr. Ein frohlicher Kommers hielt die Mitglieder noch lange zusammen, wobei auch in einem Telegramm des Geburts- tages des Prasidenten Theodore Roosevelt gedacht wurde.

Mit Ungeduld erwartete man die Einladung zur zweiten Zusammen- kunft. In Folge der Schwierigkeiten, ein geeignetes Lokal zu finden, dauerte es langer als man anfangs erwartet hatte. Der Zweigverein, der inzwischen auf iiber 40 Mitglieder angewachsen war, hielt seine zweite Zusammenkunft im alten Ratskeller am Die auf dem Programm vorgesehene Beamtenwahl ergab das folgende Resultat: Walter; Schatzmeister, Max Kuttner. Learned und Max J. Lustige und ernste Erinnerungen an die einstige Alma Mater jenseits des At- lantischen Ozeans hielt die Teilnehmer noch lange in hochst frohlicher Stimmung vereint.

Carruth, University of Kansas. Hermann Collitz, Johns Hopkins University. Cutting, University of Chicago. Adolph Gerber, Late of Earlham College. Julius Goebel, Late of Harvard University.

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Hohlfeld, University of Wisconsin. Schilling, University of California. Schmidt-Wartenberg, University of Chicago. Hermann Schoenfeld, Columbian University. Calvin Thomas, Columbia University. Breitbarth, Business Manager, pbtlaOelpbta. It is natural to inquire into the private life of a public man at any time, but it is particularly instructive to do so in the case of a man of the most liberal education, when he steps from the aula of the university into the wigwam of the wild man in the primeval forests of the New World.

The motives leading to this apparently abrupt change of con- dition were not altogether single, nor without reflection and prep- aration in the case of Pastorius. The dominant motive was the desire to escape the turmoil of the Old World by finding a quiet refuge in the West. Closely linked with this selfish desire was the higher motive of bearing the message of Christian truth tr the Red Men of America. This was the attitude of Quietists oi that time, and common to Pietist, Mennonite and Quaker alike — the spirit that lives on in these sects, especially the German Quietists of Pennsylvania, to the present day.

It is possible to reconstruct an outline sketch of his appearance from scanty notes found here and there in his works and in the letters of Israel Pemberton, already given above, particularly the following: J doubted he would prove an angry master he asked me why so J told him J thought so by his nose.

If He can' any do him wrong, e can't remember't long. Sowerness," in his letter to Richard Johns. The first five years of Pastorius' life in Germantown were busy with the work of settling the German colony, and, in spite of moments of despondency and discouragement, the jurist- pioneer seems to have been fairly contented with his lot in the little German Town. He saw, one after another, new houses rise in the clearing, and the smoke of comfort and contentment rise from freshly built chimneys, heralding the progress of the German settlement.

Francis Daniel Pastoriiis 67 It was a lonely life for the agent of the German Company with his little personnel of servants in these far-off western wilds, but with no companion to share the fears and hopes of the passing years. What memories of his early years still lived in his fancy, we do not learn from his personal notes or reminiscences. Whether any fair figure out of his student days still passed like a guardian spirit athwart his dreams, he does not tell.

But one fugitive song has come down to us in his writings, which seems to date from this earlier period of the days in Europe and which may be the one witness that his life was not utterly void, at least of memories of romance of the lighter vein. Darf man dich Corinna kiissen So kom mein Liebe zu mir her, Ich werd es wohl am besten wissen, Das war die antwort ungefahr. Sie Hesse zwar u. Lass o mein Kind! Lass uns Liebe werck begehen, Wir sind in unsrer besten zeit. So halte nun und lass dich kiissen, Kein mensche soil in dieser Stadt Nicht der geringste darvon wissen, Dass jemand dich gekiisset hat.

Sie zuckte zwar u. Hiemit so zog ich meine strasse, Daher ich neulich konien war, Erfuhr in dessen bester massen, Von der Corina wunderbahr, Dass, Ja bey vielen pfliget Nein Und Nein so viel als Ja zu seyn. Come, Corinna, let me kiss thee! Come, my dearest, to me here! I would know why joy should miss thee, I would have thine answer clear! Smiling sweetly said she, "No," Then demurely yielded so. Raise thy head and let me kiss thee! Not a man shall ever learn How with longing I caress thee. How my lips to thine do turn. Then she trembled and said, "No," But demurely yielded so.

Often since whene'er I wander, Whether far or near the way. O'er the lesson do I ponder From Corinna learned that day. Pennypacker and set to music by Arthur L. Church, who published both the English and German text with the music. Church kindly presented the present writer with a copy of this print. Francis Daniel Pastorins 69 her first husand two children, Willm von Nensheim, ahas Spikermanns, living at Speltrop, and Gertrud von Nensheim, who had married and gone to live in Amsterdam.

Account has already been given of the personal effects which Pastorius brought with him, in , to America. Ein Schwartz seiden Kaper, 12s. Schwartz gronraschen Schiirtz, 2. Hollandsche Elen fein liiien, 8. It appears also in the records, that Ennicke had real estate in Germantown. She bought in all fifty acres of land in Ger- mantown, as follows: Thirty acres of the German Frankfurt Company next to Isaac Dilbeck, according to an agreement dated August 18, ; further twenty acres next to Jan Doeden from the same company by an agreement dated August 21, This land was purchased on terms of a perpetual rental of six shillings and five pence to be paid annually on the first day of the sixth month.

Enneke Klostermanns, nun Pastorius hat in Germantown an land fiinffzig ackers, oder ein gagtzes Stattlos, gelegen zwischen Isaac Dilbeck und Jan Doeden. Die Copey darvon folgt pag. Dessen Copey sihe pagina Pensylvanischen gelds, den iten. Die Liingte im Dorff ist im Seitland. Ennicke suffered from the effects of the birth of this second son all the rest of her life, as it appears, from the lack of proper surgical care. The name Pastorius has come down through direct descendants of these two sons to the present time, as will be seen in the genealog- ical chart at the end of this work.

Although greatly concerned for the education of his two sons, Pastorius recognized the economic conditions in Pennsyl- vania and the importance of a practical breadwinning trade, and accordingly had each of his boys learn such a trade. The elder son, John Samuel, at the age of sixteen years , learned the weaver's trade with Paul Kastner, and afterwards carried on this trade in the house of his father, who furnished him the out- fit. The younger son Henry, likewise learned the trade of weaving from his brother, but in 3 took up shoemaking by himself. At the approach of winter, , he went to Bombay Hook, and remained there and in the Duck Creek region until 1 71 6.

By a curious coincidence both John Samuel and Henry narrowly escaped death by the fall of a horse. Mein altester Sohn Joh. Samuel gebohren ut supra, pag. Icrnte ano das Weben von Paul Kastner, u. Da Er eben zu vor mit einem fferd fallende den fusz sehr verrenckt hatte, u. Mein jiingster Sohn Heinrich, gebohren, ut.

Da daii dieses sofort todt blieb und er auch selbst vortodt auffge- nonien wurde. Doch schenckte ihm Gott vor diszmahl das leben, welches er ja danchbarl erkeiien, und sich rechtschaffcn bessern mag. The correspondence in the Beschreibung shows that Pastor- ius kept alive his friendship with a number of his old friends in Germany during the first years of his life in Pennsylvania.

The letters written to his old preceptor, Schumberg, and to Mode- lius, rector of the school at Windsheim, contain much important information concerning the new country. In addition to the Latin verses concerning the vanity of the world, he dedicated his first work, printed after his arrival in America, Vicr Tract'dtlcin, to Schumbergius. Id quod jam Francis Daniel Pastorius 73 In the letter to Rector Georg Leonhard Model Modelius , he exhibits a keen interest in the importance of the life of the Indians as an object lesson for civilized Europeans, and gives an interesting description of the Red Men as he saw them in Pennsylvania.

Other letters from his correspondence with members of the German Company, and with his father, show that he kept in touch with affairs in the Fatherland. The letters of Pastorius' sons to their grandfather, and the latter's long and detailed account of his life, written in reply, form one of the most inter- esting parts of the Bcschrcibung, and exhibit the gentle affection still linking the Colonial offspring to the old home beyond the sea.

It is apparent, also, from the records and events of German- town, that Pastorius was on friendly terms with his fellow- countrymen in the little German Town. He speaks of these Ger- man friends as among those who were especially kind to him during his severe illness. In a passage in the Beehive, he men- tions Jacob Tellner as one of his friends: Ut vero, Vir Doctissime! Et tu jam num cam corde manuq ; prehcnsam tenebis. The first is inscribed: Tellnercm aeuropaeantcm; the second with the superscrip- tion: Man musz durch das Wetter dringen, Will es heute nicht gelingen Jacob!

Dei Voluntas mea felicitas. Haec ego propere, Tu prospere. Vale ac Salva; [ei] iterum iterumque. After rumbling, after roaring, After thunder and downpouring, Follows oft the clear sunshine. Men must forth whate'er the weather, And to-day must forth together, Jacob! Up the morn is fine. Be not then so sad and moping, Dawns the freedom you are hoping, Comes another brighter mood What God wills is luck and good. Pennypacker, whose English translation is subjoined to the original.

Francis Daniel Pasforius 75 men in the Province, with some of whom he formed a life-long friendship. On the journey across the ocean, Pastorius made the ac- quaintance of the Welsh physician, Thomas Lloyd, whose per- sonality and learning strongly attracted the German jurist. The first bond of sympathy seems to have been the knowledge of the Latin language which enabled both of them to carry on conver- sation.

Which tongue he did pronounce right in our German way. These poetic memories were still accessible to Watson in a separate manuscript, when he wrote his Annals of Philadelphia in the Olden Time, but seem to have disappeared into private hands or to have been lost since that time. Fortunately, the Beehive has preserved many of these verses, which contain important information concerning the rela- tions of Lloyd and Pastorius. As special mercies he makes mention of '"Cf. John Jay Smith, Letters of Dr.

Thus long ye have been here! And like pure Jncense yield sweet Savour at his Throne: John De la Val with them his Strength about this bends. And all Eternity in Hallelu — Jahs spends. I'm far from Flattering! Which Tongue he did pronounce right in our German way, Hence presently we knew, what he or J would say. Moreover, to the best of my Rememberance, We never disagreed, nor were at Variance ; Because God's sacred Truth, whereat we both did aim, To her indeared Friends is everywhere the same. And if I would Return home to my Father's house. To me they're very near.

Dear Friends, another year besides the thirty-one, Whereof my former Sheet, is now elapsed and gone. Sith that we landed here on Philadelphia's Shore Our Duty then requires, to praise the Lord once more. Our Bodies thus prepared. He graciously would give A never-dying Soul, thereby to move and live. And of His Handy-work did ever since take Care. So having been poor things!

He gave us our desires ; For one, that rightly seeks, Does never miss to find. Our All and Everything. To Him the Holy One, we his Redeemed bow. And Glory, Majesty, Renown and Praises owe. For what He hitherto was pleased to bestow. On us poor Creatures, whose Cup did overflow, In two parts of this Globe, especially here, Where we at present breathe, which Tense, tho' ne're so near, H '"aFrancia Orientalis: Jt suddenly posts by, E'en in an Jnstant, and the Twinkling of an Eye.

It vanishes like Smoke, like Dust before the W'ind, And leaves as sounding Brass, an Echoing Voice behind, Which minds us, that it should be Carefully imploy'd, So as the same has been by honest Thomas Lloyd, My quondam real Friend, whom with this Epithet J honour thankfully, and never shall forget His many Courtesies, to my Departing hour, Altho' my years should reach to other Sixty-four. And this to wit the last, adorned thus his life, That J may truly say, she it was his second Wife.

He kindly deal'd with all, to ev'ry one did good. Endearing chiefly God, and then the Brotherhood. Keith's dull lowing of an Ox. Eternity, a word whereof J fain would speak. A perfect Bedlam, ay! Let us be therefore wise, and thus retract the Days, Which from our Cradle up in Jdleness and plays. Or infinitely worse, have frequently be [en] spent, That for transacted Sins we seriously repent: And take what heed we can, that in this ruhing Time, We nothing may mis-do, mis-think, mis-speak, mis-rime.

As to Futurity, none of us all can say. The 4th day of the 6th mo: Rachel Preston died, and was buried the 15th ditto at Philada. Blessed are the Dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may Rest from their Labours; and their Works do follow them. This Obelisk, in haste made by a sorry hand. Serves only for a Draught, to show how thine should stand. God's Serjeant, Death, must do, what he has in Coniand. The 4th day of the 3d Mo.

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Der Verkauf von Tieren auf xxx-xxx. Alle Markennamen, Logos und eingetragenen Warenzeichen auf xxx-xxx. Die Verwendung von xxx-xxx. I never slept that hard, and coming out of it was something I was unaccustomed to. I knew instantly that it was going to be a rough morning by the pounding in my temples. The clock showed five a. A twenty-four hour layover was never enough time to adjust to the time difference. Since there were no longer any lingering effects of alcohol buzzing through my system, I knew I had a problem. I was starting to like that kinky rich bastard.

I went directly into the shower, pinning my hair up and keeping it carefully dry. I threw my shift back on my slightly damp skin, planning to wear it until it was time to change into work clothes. I was so used to sharing adjoining rooms with Stephan that it was just second nature for me to stay at least partially decent while I got ready.

My bathroom door was slightly ajar, so when my hotel room door clicked open and then closed, I froze in alarm. I peeked out of the door, both surprised and relieved to see that it was James. He joined me in the bathroom without asking. He handed me a cup of coffee and two white tablets. He set two bottles of water on the counter. A long drink of the coffee and I felt nearly human again. I saw that he had changed his clothes. He was back in a suit, looking fresh and well rested. My eyes were on his impeccable suit. It was a soft gray, his shirt and tie blue today. As I looked at him, my eyes moved up to his in the mirror.

We were both facing it, and his lovely turquoise eyes were glued to my body with an intensity that made my eyes follow his. My thin shift, combined with my slightly damp skin, had, not surprisingly, made my nightgown transparent. I might as well be naked, I thought, a little stunned.

It was an intoxicating feeling, to put that look in his eyes. He stepped in directly behind me, his eyes steadily on my chest. My breasts felt heavy and I wanted him to touch them so badly. I unconsciously arched my back a little, my shoulders going back, my chest forward, my nipples clearly visible as they rubbed against the thin fabric of my shift.

They were pebbled to hardness, and tightened even more as I watched them. His hands covered my breasts, finally, and I moaned, arching back. He kneaded them firmly and my eyes fell closed. One hand stayed kneading my breast, and plucking at my nipple just perfectly while the other ran along my ribs, down my abdomen, and straight between my legs. They started to shut instinctively against the invasion. I just need to touch you. Lay your head back against my shoulder. He sucked in a breath as he felt me. You are too much, Bianca. The fit was excruciatingly tight. I masturbated sometimes with my own fingers, but his were just so much bigger and rougher, and more talented.

He knew how to touch me with far more skill than I knew how to touch myself. The thought was a little daunting, but my mind quickly wandered back to the sensations at hand. He worked his finger all the way in and began to stroke, his finger seeking out just the right spot inside of me. His thumb never stopped circling my clit, and his other hand still kneaded my tender breast with consummate skill.

He was a hell of a multi-tasker. As he stroked, his arousal brushed against my back with increasing pressure. He slipped a second finger in and I felt impossibly full. I cried out, grinding against him. Cavendish, make me come. I came in seconds, before I even really knew it was happening. I felt like I may have lost myself for a moment.

We were both panting heavily as I came back to myself. He caught my gaze in the mirror as he shifted his fingers out of me. I watched, absolutely mesmerized, as he raised them to his mouth and licked them clean. When he finished, he grabbed my chin and turned my head to his for a deep kiss. I tried to reach for his still heavy arousal. He caught my hand, knowing where it was headed.

He was apparently frustrated and moody about it. James watched me the entire time, not giving me a second of privacy. I was in too much of a hurry to worry about it. That thing should be illegal. Stephan will help me. There has to be something I can do for you. Impulsively, I knelt in front of him. My face hovered just inches from his groin, but I checked the urge to touch him, just looking up at him instead. He gripped my hair a little roughly. I shook my head, licking my lips again.

And right in my face. It was no hardship at all to take him into my mouth and start sucking on him hungrily. He used his hands to show me. He used the moisture that my mouth had spread on the tip and the shaft to lubricate my hands. He coached them into a twisting motion at the base. Both of his hands were gripped in my hair tightly. I could get addicted to this feeling. Instead of pulling back, I sucked harder, swallowing instinctively when the warm essence of him shot against the back of my throat.

He pulled me up and kissed me. His hands were rough in my hair, almost to the point of pain, but, caught up in the moment, I loved it. He finally set me down, glancing at the clock. I grabbed my bags and my half-empty cup of coffee on the way out, not saying goodbye.

Beautiful my phone number. Ohne danach zu fragen kam er zu mir ins Bad. Dann stellte er zwei Flaschen Wasser auf den Tisch. Ich sah, dass er seine Kleider gewechselt hatte. Denn er hatte sich wieder einen Anzug angezogen und sah frisch und ausgeruht aus. Meine Augen ruhten auf seinem tadellosen Anzug. Als ich ihn ansah, bewegten sich meine Augen zu seinem Spiegelbild.

Seine Augen permanent auf meine Brust geheftet trat er direkt hinter mich. Sie waren hart wie Kieselsteine, und straffer als zu dem Zeitpunkt, da ich sie mir angesehen hatte. Er knetete sie fest und meine Augen schlossen sich. Du bist einfach zu viel, Bianca". Der Schlitz war unglaublich eng. Er konnte zum Teufel noch mal alles auf einmal machen.

Ich schrie auf, rieb mich gegen ihn. Mir war nicht bewusst, dass ein Orgasmus so sein konnte, so schnell hervorbrach. Als er seine Finger aus mir herauszog fing er meinen Blick im Spiegel auf. Ich schaute absolut schockiert, als er sie jetzt zu seinem Mund bewegte und sie sauber leckte. Ich versuchte, seine immer noch starke Erregung zu greifen. Er fing meine Hand auf, da er wusste, worauf sie abzielte. Das Ding sollte verboten werden. Ich werde mit dieser Pseudo-Krawatte noch einige illegale Dinge mit Dir anstellen", sagte er in seinem ernsten Ton.

Stephan wird mir dabei helfen. Aber das passiert heute Morgen nicht. Ich komme nicht wieder bis ich mich in Dich vergraben kann. Spontan, kniete ich mich vor ihn hin. Mein Gesicht bewegte sich nur ein paar Zentimeter von seinem Unterleib entfernt. Er packte meine Haare ein bisschen grob. Ich mache nichts dergleichen. Und mitten in meinem Gesicht. Es war kein Problem, sie in meinen Mund zu nehmen und damit zu beginnen, gierig an ihr zu saugen. Ich habe noch nie etwas so sehr in meinem Leben gewollt. Wir werden ein andermal reden. Ich habe gesehen, wie wichtig Dir Deine Arbeit ist.

This topic describes how to use Active Technologies reports for Adobe Flash Player for enhanced report presentation, more in-depth data interaction, and faster analysis. The reports and dashboards described in this topic are enabled to use the full capabilities of Active Technologies. They are called Active Technologies reports or active reports, and Active Technologies dashboards or active dashboards.

An active report delivered as a self-contained Adobe Flash file an SWF file that is Adobe Flash Player compatible provides faster analysis of large data sets and interaction with the active report. The output is compiled into an Adobe Flash file an SWF file that is Adobe Flash Player compatible with the data embedded at the time that the procedure is run.

You can open the file with the Flash Player installed on your machine, and have all the active report functionality without the need of connecting to the server. The following image is an example of the active report for Adobe Flash Player output and the active report menu options available. For example, you can generate a chart to view the interactivity embedded in the report, show or hide the chart legend, and use the chart icons to change the chart type, as shown in the sample image.

From the Report menu, select Output. The Report Options dialog box opens. The Features and Format tabs of the Report Options dialog box are identical to the active report options. Click OK to close the Report Options dialog box. Click Run to view the report output. The default file name may appear similar to WFServlet? If you have trouble locating the Flash files, you may need to clear the browser cache if the file does not appear. Paste the Flash file into any other directory.

Be sure to keep the page and Internet Explorer open to avoid clearing the cache file. If you double-click to open the SWF file and receive a message that the file type is not associated with any programs on your computer, choose the Select the program from a list option and select Internet Explorer as the program.

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The Adobe Flash file opens in Internet Explorer, displaying the embedded data from the active report and all its functionality. The Save As dialog box opens. Select the Save in location, enter a File name, and click Save. If you double-click to open the SWF file and receive a message that the file type is not associated with any programs on your computer, choose the Select the program from a list option and select the appropriate internet browser as the program. The Adobe Flash file opens in the selected browser, displaying the embedded data from the active report and all its functionality.

The Filter and Highlight menus appear individually when you use the active report for Adobe Flash Player output format. Click Filter or Highlight, and then the operation. The Filter Selection or Highlight Selection dialog box opens. You can change the operation after you select it. Enter a value or values, depending on the operation that you select. Values are entered either by typing a value in a text box or selecting a value from a drop-down list. Hold down the Ctrl or Shift key when selecting multiple values in the Filter or Highlight dialog box.

Click the Add Condition drop-down list if you want to enter additional filters or highlights. The AND logic considers all filters, and all data must pass all filters, in order to be included in the report output. The OR logic considers filters independently and includes data that meets any of the applied filters in the report output. Click Filter or Highlight. Once you apply a filter or highlight, and minimize the selection dialog box, the selection dialog box appears as a button Filter Selection or Highlight Selection in the bottom of the window.

You can click the button to access the dialog box. If you close the dialog box, all filters and highlights are cleared from the report output. By default, a Pivot Table groups the selected column as the vertical sort field and the selected row as the horizontal sort field. The Pivot Tool enables you to select multiple group fields in the Pivot Table generated. Click and drag the columns into the desired sort field. In the following image, active report for Flash is selected from the output format drop-down list on the Report Painter toolbar.

In any column heading, click an arrow to display a drop-down menu. From the menu, click Pivot Tool, as shown in the following image. You must include a column in the Group By and Measure sort fields a Measure typically defines how much or how many. The Across sort field is optional. You cannot use multiple Measures. The Pivot Table is generated in a new window based on the sort fields selected, as shown in the following image. The same column cannot appear in both the Group By and Across sort fields. You can drag columns between the Group By, Across, and Measure sort fields, but you cannot drag the columns back into the Columns section.

If a column already exists in the Measure sort field, an additional column that is dropped into the Measure sort field replaces the existing column. The Measure sort field displays Sum for numeric fields and Count for non-numeric fields by default. You can click and drag the desired columns into the sort fields. Once you define the report, you can display the data as a chart or Rollup Table.

In order for you to generate all the charts described in this topic, your environment must have access to or a connection to a WebFOCUS Client hosted on a web server. The supported charts in disconnected mode are the default bar, pie, line, and scatter charts. It also describes how to present the selected data in chart format, or in tabular format as a Rollup Table.

Run the active report. In any column heading, click the arrow to display a drop-down menu. The Columns list includes all available columns in the active report. You can drag and drop columns from the Columns list into the Group By or Measure sort field. The Charts tab allows you to select the desired chart type.

The Data tab displays the result of your report design as a Rollup Table. Left-click and drag the desired columns from the Columns list into the Group By and Measure sort fields. The following image shows a report that has been designed on the Series tab. To change the chart type, click the Charts tab and then click the chart type of your choosing Bar, Pie, Line, Scatter, or Other , as shown in the following image.

When you point to a chart label, the complete descriptive name of the chart is provided. The chart type in the output window dynamically changes to the chart type selected. The chart image in the tool window is highlighted to indicate the chart type selected and displayed in the output window. The following image shows an output window with the selected data presented as a pie chart. From the output window, you can change the chart format to one of the available types. The selected data is displayed in tabular format. Click the arrow on a column heading to display a menu of your data sort options, as shown in the following image.

You can use multiple Group By and Measure sort fields. Group By is the column used for the X-axis, and Measure is the column used for the Y-axis. You can use only one Measure sort field as the Y-axis when using a pie chart. The same column can appear in both the Group By and Measure sort fields. You can drag columns between the Group By and Measure sort fields, but you cannot drag them back to the Columns section. Headings for the chart are generated using the field name, or column title name. To display the hidden columns in the Rollup Table, select Show Columns from the active report menu, and select the column name that you want to display.

Working With Charts A chart often conveys meaning more clearly and effectively than data displayed in tabular form. A chart enables you to visually communicate quantitative information. On a chart, you can give data a shape and form, and reveal patterns and relationships among many data values. Erstellen eines Reports in ReportPainter. Daten filtern Interaktive Reports: Klicken Sie auf Filtern oder Hervorheben und dann auf den Vorgang.

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Klicken Sie auf Filter oder Highlight. Das Sortierfeld Across ist optional. Die folgende Abbildung zeigt einen Report, der auf dem Tab Serien entworfen worden ist. Awake the magician in you General field: Esoteric practices Source text - English The secret tricks to awaken the magician in you Last year we conducted a truly magical workshop called: Remote CHI The science of distance healing We had written a booklet on this subject and wanted to show people how easy, powerful and also how much fun it is to support the self-healing powers of others — at a distance.

We are still getting letters from people who have been able to profoundly help their loved ones with this method. We created Remote CHI to offer everyone interested the chance to hone their extrasensory skills and healing powers for the benefit of others — especially their loved ones. You will also receive our raved about sleep program in this package! For me, Remote CHI is magic at a distance.

I find it is the most enjoyable, playful way of conducting Universal energy. I guess I had numerous lifetimes as a magical being and this is why this subject is so dear to me in this life. It all starts with the intention! We all tend to overthink, overcomplicate most things that we do. And I feel this usually makes our lives harder and less enjoyable in all areas. Whenever we are connected to our hearts, being playful and enjoying ourselves we are creating magic.

When things are good, they usually get better … and once we are stuck we usually get even more stuck! Time to wake up the magician inside of you! Here are the first 5 steps of power you need to take in order to tap into your magical potential Speak your truth. Quit pretending or pleasing others. Take care of yourself, say what you need to say and learn to communicate authentically and clearly.

Watch your speech — are you coming from love or are you coming from blame or judgment? Ask for what you want. It simply means that you need to ask someone else. Honor your word, keep your promises. Not only towards other — also to yourself. Set a goal, commit and go. Stop making excuses for yourself. Take responsibility for your experiences. You are the only one to blame or honor for what you are experiencing. Instead of looking for someone or something outside: Associate with like-minded people.

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Stop hanging out with whiners and people who drag you down. Connect to people who inspire and motivate you — think of yourself as a role model for yourself and others. Where and how can you be the best version of yourself? Magical Boomerang Whatever you send out comes back to you!

Your intentions must come from love and having the best interest of all involved at heart. But I urge you to really take this fundamental law of attraction principle to heart and come up with creative ways to implement them in your daily life: Train your face and brain to be a reflection of joy! So Keep your space clean and tidy — honor your home and workspace and also our cars are reflections of who we are!

This is your only vehicle in this life — take care of it! From yourself and help others achieve theirs. If you ever feel tempted to work from other motives such as coming from a very egotistical interest or worse: Articulate your spells like your goals Be specific, clear, straightforward and concise! The clearer you state your goals, the better they will be understood and received. Be genuine about what you are going for and communicate your spell in the simplest form possible. If your spells arte too general, your energy is too spread out and the results will be dimmed. Start with the who?

The first 2 are easy to define: Who are you casting this spell for? What is it that you want? A new car, heal from a disease, meet your soul mate? This is where you want to be as specific as possible: Which type of car, what color, what model? Which disease, what are the symptoms you want relief from? With disease it is essential that you get the lesson or message your body is trying to convey to you. Because if you just work on getting rid of the symptoms, you might be missing out on a great learning experience and will instead provoke the need for a new lesson that usually only gets more intense… The when and the how can often be tricky to formulate.

A good way to prevent any unclarity here is to say: Now comes a part that most people forget to do. A spell is only really complete when you write it down. I like putting it in our meditation room, near a crystal or figurine of an angel etc. The Universe is there for you, conspiring to make the best happen for you!

Indulge in gratitude and a sense of being cared for. You are love and you are loved — there is nothing to be scared of. Here is my favorite prayer when I feel scared or feel that fear is creeping in is very simple and astoundingly effective: Ich finde, es ist die angenehmste, spielerischste Art Universelle Energien freizusetzen. Ich denke, ich habe viel Lebenszeit als magisches Wesen verbracht und das ist der Grund, weshalb mir dieses Thema in diesem Leben so ans Herz gewachsen ist. Es beginnt alles mit der Absicht!

Es ist an der Zeit, den Magier in Ihnen zu wecken! Sagen Sie die Wahrheit. Bitten Sie um das, was Sie wollen. Erwarten Sie nicht von anderen, dass die Ihre Gedanken lesen - oder Ihnen immer geben, was Sie wollen. Halten Sie Vereinbarungen ein. Setzen Sie sich ein Ziel, und gehen Sie darauf zu.