According to OECD , the household transaction demanded approximately accounts for over half of all domestic final demand. This segment is thus of strategic importance for e-commerce development. For demographic data in Germany, two types of sources were strongly applied: The Census in , found by the Federal Statistic Office, provided a rich menu of demographic information.
Zukunftskonferenz 2018
However, this information is reported at the county level. Internet, in contrast, is deployed at the level of the individuals. Consequently, the research objectives had to be divided into many much smaller geographic units than a county. As a result, the demographic of a county provide a broader brush than the demographic of the individuals.
But in the smaller geographic units, the wanted variables could be more easily identified, such as population density, number of households, educational level, disposable income and age groups, as well as their relations to e-commerce diffusion. A lot of authors have contributed to the demographic research in Germany. Among them is for example Ulrich In his study on German demographic characteristics, he applied different fertility assumptions for natives and foreigners and different immigration levels, and estimated the population size of Germany.
He further predicted the demographic trends and its structure in His projections showed that, even with a relatively high level of immigration, the population of the country would start falling in the near future. As observed, many firms providing online products or services are now restructuring their organizations and taking more and more elder people as their target costumers.
He confirmed that concerns about an ageing society often arise not only from the growing number and proportion of elderly, but also from the rapidly changing ratio of the working-age population to the retired population. In particular, the sharp drop of the ratio may directly affect the viability of pension systems.
Le Bras further insisted that the declining population implied logically less human capital resources in the future. The human capital is another issue concerning demographic patterns of a country.
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Human capital theory was first developed by Wozniak He further identified government investment as a key driving force for educational development. For example, the basic education is totally free; the Basic Law guarantees everyone the right to self-fulfilment and the right to freely choose his or her school or place of training as well as his or her occupation or profession.
It is also guaranteed by law that every region in Germany enjoys an equivalent level of education. Furthermore, various studies were done to clarify online consumer behaviours. Solomon felt that, in the primary phase, the reducing costs of PCs and their accessories present the key factor determining B2C e-commerce, because PCs are currently the main access device to Internet. Another determinative might be the length of surf time.
Active Media found out that the longer shoppers use the Internet, the more likely they are to buy online and less likely that they are to shop in traditional stores. Active Media further pointed out further the different purchasing behaviour in different age groups in Germany. This report provides us important evident for our research in the digital divide of Internet users in Germany. Like traditional commerce, e-commerce requires a substantial infrastructure composed of intermediaries that allow sellers to conduct business with customers. OECD classified e-commerce infrastructure into 4 parts:.
Providers of Internet service currently generate about , million in revenues Active Media, The new intermediaries that help buyers and sellers conduct business are emerging. They provide services such as directories, advertising, e-payment, insurance, network diagnostics, etc. In this dissertation, information infrastructure in Germany was mainly addressed. The initial research of Koenig compared Germany with other EU countries and confirmed the overall excellence of its information infrastructure: Germany was one of the first countries where DSL was installed.
According to the International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, , in Germany, 11 of 1, households had DSL access, more than in any other country in Europe in As a matter of fact, the high speed and declining price of Internet access also lead to a steadily growing penetration of multimedia PCs with Internet connection in Germany. In the infrastructure sector, the private or public investment and support are key. EITO reports that these developments are highly desirable as prerequisites for e-commerce applications and practices.
This will be detailed explained in the chapter four. The recent issues suggest that e-commerce diffusion depends highly on industry sectors Bandyo-Padhyay, For example, e-commerce dominates mainly in the manufacturing, retailing and financial service sectors. Especially in B2B e-commerce, likely drivers that lead to quick diffusion of e-commerce are identified by Bandyo-Padhyay:. The first factor of reducing costs drives the second and third one. He emphasized the importance of e-commerce application in small and medium-sized enterprises and pointed out that as many large businesses already have EDI systems, the accessibility of Internet makes e-commerce a realistic possibility for SMEs and is likely to lead to widespread e-commerce in the whole country.
Some authors, such as Davies , Baptista , Bertschek , Rosenbloom , Cortright and Fritz , believed that the adoption of e-commerce was likely to depend on firm size and status.
According to Christensen and Rosenbloom , new firms are more flexible and thus more likely to adopt a new technology than old firms. Furthermore, Cortright identified that the traded sectors, including manufacturing, have the most intra-metropolitan clustering. An economically well-developed country will attract more skilled labour force, which is a decisive local factor. He further pointed out that, although improved communication in the information era, the location of firms is still key for success.
For example, transportation costs have a fixed infrastructure and can not be reduced easily. As solution, high-value goods are better candidates for e-commerce, because they are less sensitive to transportation costs Fritz, Beside the electronic commerce application, this dissertation also examined the barriers that affect the usage of e-commerce. There is a need for more hands-on, customised delivery of information, assistance and demonstration tailored to specific sectoral needs or specific business functions, such as international market development, supply chain communications, and financial management.
In many OECD countries, trade associations and chambers of commerce promote the use of e-commerce through awareness campaigns.
In the following part, some of the factors that may hinder e-commerce diffusion are mainly addressed. One of the main organizational factor that may hinder adoption of e-commerce applications is the complexity and cost of electronic commerce with regard to the banking system; uncertainty about its benefits for their business ranked highly by Austria, Canada and Finland OECD report Another organizational factor that may delay e-commerce usage is the resistance to change.
According to Turban , electronic commerce can result in a fundamental and radical change in the manner in which business is done. Therefore, resistance to change from employers and employees as well as vendors and customer may develop. Informatik - Angewandte Informatik. BWL - Handel und Distribution. GRIN Publishing, located in Munich, Germany, has specialized since its foundation in in the publication of academic ebooks and books.
The publishing website GRIN. Free Publication of your term paper, essay, interpretation, bachelor's thesis, master's thesis, dissertation or textbook - upload now! Register or log in. Our newsletter keeps you up to date with all new papers in your subjects. Request a new password via email. E-commerce has slapped the face of the conventional retail business with the fear of helplessness and uncertainty Teece, This paper explores the effect of the increasing trend of e-Commerce over the traditional bricks and mortar shop retailing system.
It highlights several aspects regarding the manner in which the conventional retail businesses have been affected by the invention and growth of e-Commerce and whether there any strategies that traditional retail businesses are employing as a comeback strategy. Traditional commerce refers to a business segment that focuses on the exchange of services and products.
In traditional retail systems, inspection of goods can be done physically and there is no common platform for information sharing regarding the market and products offered Sherer, The traditional retail system focuses more on the supplier side, unlike the e-commerce that concentrates on demand of products. Marketing in traditional retailing is done on one way while means of payment include the conventional platforms such as Cheque, cash or credits cards Sherer, The traditional retail business was characterized by logistics. The movement of products from manufacturers to the end consumers was rather slow.
There are more inventories involved in distribution along the supply chain. Further operational costs of the retail facilities are exorbitant. Processing of transfer of goods in the supply chain is done manually at all stages and is dependent on people instead of machines. E-Commerce is an approach of conducting business transactions electronically mainly via the internet. Powered by consumer and technology preference, current logistics in the e-commerce platform is characterized by swift deliveries of goods and services from the suppliers and service providers to the customers.
This has enabled items ordered on a different region of the globe to reach their destination within a specified time Sherer, In e-Commerce, the focus is on the direct transport delivery across several stages of the supply chain. The e-retailers execute a multi-channel distribution model that requires handling of the products with precision and real-time access to the inventory. Aber auch Ideen, wohin es weitergehen kann. Wo ist der Mehrwert? Handele ich auf Basis von Werten und Prinzipien? Wohin geht meine Reise.
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Und schon sind wir beim Thema Wendepunkte. Ich freue mich auf anregende Begegnungen an der Konferenz. Florian Kaps einer der Redner ist. Er hat vor einigen Jahren das Polaroid gerettet und mir so u. Als kreativer Kopf Grafiker, Musiker, Fotograf bin ich begeistert von Menschen, die Emotionen zulassen und freue mich auf neue Impulse. Ist er schon da? Und wo stehe ich? Den richtigen Zeitpunkt gibt es nicht. Ich freue mich auf Inspiration, Austausch, Fragen und Antworten. Mag Wendepunkte, weil nachher Neues passiert. Und Transit, wo das Neue entsteht. Das geht ohne Umwege, ohne Hierarchie.
Wir entnageln Bretter, sowohl technische als auch die vorm Kopf. Dabei neue Wege zu beschreiten, braucht Mut und Bereitschaft zum Investment. Ich bin gespannt auf die Argumente und Strategien, die auf der Konferenz besprochen werden. Hin und wieder fehlt mir dabei etwas die Gelassenheit und die Geduld, um etwas wirken zu lassen. Ich freue mich auf einen regen und inspirierenden Austausch. Es stehen die Menschen im Mittelpunkt. Ich freue mich sehr darauf, neue Menschen zu kennenzulernen.
All das waren Fragen in meinen Projekten der letzten Jahre und jetzt freu ich mich auf neue Geschichten und Ansichten dazu. Deshalb freue ich mich auch schon auf den Redebeitrag von ihr. Was veranlasst zur Wende? Und wie gelingt sie? Wie schaffen das andere? Ganz Europa steht an einem Wendepunkt. Wendepunkte gibt es jede Sekunde.
Ich freu mich auf spannenden Wendepunkte und Menschen, die noch nicht genug haben vom Leben. An Wendepunkten schlagen Herzen anders. Wie nehmen wir Menschen mit, um unternehmerische Zukunft zu gestalten?
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Welche Stolperfallen sollten dabei vermieden werden? Gezielte Wendepunkte, wie das Prinzip im Segeln? Und wie sieht dazu die Eigenaufstellung aus und die von Organisationen? Zukunft geht uns alle an!
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Wie wollen wir leben? Was kann ich tun? Dieser Tag im Mai verspricht ein aktiver lehrreicher spannender Tag zu werden! Wie viele andere Branchen stehen auch die Medien und Verlage am Wendepunkt. Ich nehme an dieser Zukunftskonferenz teil, weil ich glaube, dass Zukunft spannend ist, und weil ich glaube, dass ein gutes Netzwerk ein Erfolgskriterium ist. Mein Anliegen ist, dass Menschen ihrer tiefen Leidenschaft und ihrer Passion nachgehen.
Frei nach dem Motto: Zukunft braucht Menschen, die mit ihrer Perspektive auf die Welt zum kritischen Auseinandersetzen und Perspektivwechsel anregen. Was wollen wir denn? Was ist denn der kritischste Faktor bei einer Unternehmung? Es ist der Unternehmer Ich komme ganz privat, weil ich Lust auf Neues habe. Was das Neue sein kann? Wird sich zeigen, es gibt viele Ideen, jedenfalls freue ich mich auf regen Gedankenaustausch.
Im Rahmen der Konferenz freue ich mich auf viele neue Anregungen, Spielarten und Ideen, wie unterschiedlichste Menschen Zukunft gestalten! Ich freue mich auf spannendes Input! Mit der Zeit gehen — oder mit der Zeit gehen Wie kaufen wir in 20 Jahren ein? Lassen Sie uns die Zukunft gestalten! Wohin entwickelt sich der Handel? Tendenzen in Richtung Markthalle oder doch zum Hypermarkt? Welche Rolle spielen Amazon und Lieferdienste? Es gibt viele Fragen, die ich sehr spannend finde und ich freue mich jetzt bereits auf die bereichernden Inputs und Kontakte durch den Kongress.
Center Manager Michael Ernst designer outlets Wolfsburg. Die Zukunft des Handels — wie sieht die Zukunft aus? Ich freue mich auf neue Perspektiven und ein inspirierendes Networking. Freue mich darauf zu diskutieren wie andere das sehen und mein Netzwerk zu erweitern. Wie kann diese in Zukunft gesichert werden wenn der Handel im Strukturwandel ist. Der Grund meiner Teilnahme: Ich freue mich sehr auf den Austausch und das Networking im Rahmen der Veranstaltung. Shopping Center sind die letzte Feuerstelle der deutschen Familie. Wie geht es weiter im Handel? Wie begeistern wir unsere Kunden?
Ich freue mich auf viele Impulse und Erfahrungsberichte, die ich aus unserer Perspektive nur zu gern genauso teile. Die Leerstandsituation ist im Dorf sowie in der Stadt ein Signal. Neue Wege sind notwendig um diesen Strukturwandel sinnvoll zu begleiten. Was denken Experten und wie sehen Visionen aus? Was kann die Hotellerie vom Handel lernen? Ich freue mich auf Impulse aus einer anderen Branche und interessante Kontakte. Ich freue mich auf einen regen Austausch und hoffentlich viele Inspirationen, Erfahrungswerte und neue Erkenntnisse!
Es ist auch die grundlegendste Form des Wirtschaftens. Ich freue mich auf viele Impulse und darauf, Sie kennenzulernen! Ich erwarte mir von der Konferenz einen Austausch mit Menschen die inhaltlich etwas zu sagen haben. Ich mag den Wandel, das Neue und neue Perspektiven. Offenheit ist mir das wichtigste Gut! Man wird selten Jahre alt, wenn man einfach immer so weiter macht.
Zukunftskonferenz 2019
Private Banking zwischen Tradition und Innovation — das treibt mich an. Was mich zur Konferenz bewegt: Geht wirklich alles nur in Richtung online? Die digitale Transformation ist Chance und Herausforderung zugleich. Was es braucht sind frische Ideen, kreative Strategien und Entschlossenheit. Offline und Online verschmelzen immer mehr.