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  • Les Fiancés du Rhin (Cal-Lévy-France de toujours et daujourdhui) (French Edition).
  • Comme un cadavre... (French Edition).
  • The Isis Medallion!
  • Medallion with depiction of the goddess Isis Stock Photo: - Alamy.

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Please review your cart. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Later Black Adam, still mourning for her, finds a bloodied flower sprouting in their family shrine. He takes it as a sign that Isis is trying to communicate with him, which becomes apparent when he finds a larger collection of flowers in the shape of the Shazam lightning bolt symbol, pointing in the direction Adam must go to find her. The resurrected Isis is far less merciful and forgiving than before, and castrates Faust for his treatment of her.

Reunited, Isis and Adam travel to the Rock of Eternity, where they banish Captain Marvel back to Earth as a powerless Billy Batson, as Isis has turned him back using magic lightning from saying Shazam from a spell book, and begin setting a plan in motion to "cleanse the Earth" of evil their way, even recruiting Mary Marvel to their crusade.

Isis then kills several of the followers, claiming that they are tainted by this new Earth. Black Adam attempts to protect his people, only to be attacked by Mary and Billy, who had been tainted by Mary's power. At that point, Jay Garrick appears with the spirit of Billy's father, and Shazam, whom the former had helped Jay recover from the Rock of Finality.

Adam is convinced to return his power to Shazam, so that he could save Isis from her corruption. Shazam is released from his stone form.

Kodak black manifest souls & demons in medallion +Rihanna & Master P conjure Isis Innana

Some time later, a shadowy figure appears to the statues in a bolt of lightning, wanting them to be his "champions. After the events of the Blackest Night storyline, Osiris is resurrected by the White Lantern Entity and returns to Khandaq, vowing to restore the kingdom to its former prosperity. Osiris takes the petrified bodies of Adam and Isis and flies off to an unknown destination.

He ultimately aligns himself with Deathstroke and his new team of Titans after being told that the mercenary can help him return his family to life. It is ultimately revealed by the White Lantern Entity that Osiris was resurrected with the express purpose of saving Adriana from her fate.

He is told that he is guilty for his hand in the murder of Ryan Choi , and that in order to free her, he will have to kill more people. Osiris accidentally electrocutes Elijah after waking from his vision after yelling 'Isis,' and returns home to find that more cracks have appeared on Isis' statue.

Isis (DC Comics)

He then surmises that it was Elijah's death which caused the cracks, and states that he will indeed have to kill more people to free Isis from her prison. Somehow, Osiris manages to steal Freddy's power and give it to Isis. However, Isis' first words upon being reunited with her brother are "What have you done to me?

When Osiris' back is turned, Isis breaks out of the Labyrinth. In desperation, she attempts to commit suicide by lightning, but Osiris shields her with his own body. When they awake, Isis discovers that the corruption has left her, but she still feels it inside Osiris, and it worries her. It was later revealed by the Entity that Isis was brought back to life because she's the one that will aid the Swamp Thing. Later, Isis aids her brother Osiris in stopping the Quraci soldiers who are attacking Khandaq. Isis learns that Osiris has become more violent, killing the soldiers.

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When the Justice League attacks Deathstroke's Titans, they were stopped by Isis, who forced them to leave Khandaq at once. She declared her rulership of Khandaq, and withdrew the country from the United Nations, stating that they will outlaw outsiders and recognize no power but their own, and that any intrusion will incite World War III. The Justice League's only option is to leave and Deathstroke's Titans leave as well. Isis then tells Osiris that he is not welcome in Khandaq, because of his bloodlust.

The Isis Medallion - Carolyn Popkin - Google Книги

In this new timeline, Adrianna Tomaz is a young woman who, by fighting pacifically against Khandaq's evil rule, is opposed to her brother Amon entering The Sons of Adam terrorist group. However, after he is killed by Khandaq's forces and she is forced to resurrect Black Adam, Adrianna decides to follow a path of violence, with an unknown voice saying that she will be chosen to wield power.

In order to change form, Adrianna must be able to say "I Am Isis", thereby invoking spells involving the energies of the extra-dimensional being once known as Isis on Earth. This spell adds almost a hundred pounds of impervious godly muscle and tissue to her frame. This spell seems to be solely vocal; she cannot access this spell if she is gagged or hampered in some way from talking.

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The precision of this spell is somewhat askew. All Adrianna has to say is "I Am Isis" and she is mystically transformed and instilled with the powers of the goddess. It was later revealed that the powers that Adrianna draws from Isis are the most powerful of the Eight Egyptian Gods. When her powers were possessed by Black Adam, he was able to fight off most of the superheroes on Earth alone. After transforming, Adrianna gained physical abilities similar to her brother, husband, and the other Marvels.

She is also incredibly durable and cannot be harmed by physical force unless the being she is engaged with is stronger than her. She is also totally bulletproof and bladed weapons shatter against her skin. She is superhumanly fast, capable of moving at speeds past Mach 10 on Earth. She also has far superior reflexes and agility when compared to normal humans, or even other superhumans. Isis is also able to mystically fly through the air at incredible speeds and can travel across and around the planet in minutes.

Like the other Marvels, Isis possesses an immense degree of superhuman intelligence, allowing her to come up with solutions to complicated problems quickly. Unlike the other Marvels, Isis' powers focus on the control of nature. She has control over water, fire, earth, air and electricity and can control the weather and the lava within the Earth. These powers are tied to her emotions. When she cried, it began to rain and when she grew angry, enormous roses crushed the buildings around her. Simply put, Isis is nature and can control its every aspect.

In addition to her manipulation of natural materials, Isis possesses the power of telekinesis, allowing her to lift objects, fire blasts of telekinetic force, and to create telekinetic shields. Isis' godly energies are able to heal nearly any wound that she has been inflicted though she has died before with surprising speed. Using a second amulet, Isis is able to achieve clairvoyance, and is able to see events happening in the present at remote locations. She cannot use this power to see into the past or the future, however.

Due to her death and subsequent resurrection, Isis had a bit of trouble controlling her powers for a time. She stated that this was because Nature had deemed her a failed subject, but has since regained full control. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses of the name Isis in comics, see Isis comics. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

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Medallion with depiction of the goddess Isis.

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