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We provide workplace advice and support, professional and clinical guidance and information, and learning opportunities with our broad range of events, conferences and online resources. Contact the RCM by email, telephone, and post 24 hours a day. Find the latest RCM and professional midwifery news here. Read blogs, watch video blogs and read in-depth articles, briefings and reports on clinical midwifery practice, development and professional issues.

Our members know that should the worst happen they have got the best support in their corner. You can turn to the RCM should you need support with disciplinary hearings or clinical negligence, and many other issues.

Launching Your Career in Nursing and Midwifery

The RCM has a vital role in disseminating information about professional midwifery practice, and in ensuring that there is a recognised UK-wide platform for sharing good practice. Sign in here to view evidence-based guidelines and positions statements. We have three types of WPRs; stewards, learning reps and health and safety reps. Our networks spread further with workplace branches, student forums and societies.

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Joining us at our UK-wide events, supporting our campaigns or sharing your opinions in our consultations enables our members to voice their concerns and ensure we are representing all their opinions. Looking to advertise your event or have your event accredited?

Career Discovery - 6 eBooks

There are many different ways to continue your personal and professional development with our online study tools and resources. You can even visit our heritage collection library in London. To access these resources sign into the website here. The Royal College of Midwives, since its foundation in , has sought to work with and support midwives from all over the world, through international forums and committees and by fostering links with individual midwives and associations.

eBooks and Journals - Midwifery - Guides @ UF at University of Florida

For more information on global midwifery, contact us. Skip to main content. You are here Home. New figures have revealed today that the average midwifery and nursing role advertised in the The journal is devoted to compiling the latest worldwide and interdisciplinary approach and findings including original manuscripts, meta-analyses and reviews, health economic papers, debates and consensus statements of clinical relevance of Nursing and Midwifery fields.

Placenta Placenta publishes high-quality original articles and invited topical reviews on all aspects of human and animal placentation, and the interactions between the mother, the placenta and fetal development. Topics covered include evolution, development, genetics and epigenetics, stem cells, metabolism, transport, immunology, pathology, pharmacology, cell and molecular biology, and developmental programming.

It is part of the BMC series, which publishes subject-specific journals focused on the needs of individual research communities across all areas of biology and medicine. We offer an efficient, fair and friendly peer review service, and are committed to publishing all sound science, provided that there is some advance in knowledge presented by the work.

Choosing a career in nursing or midwifery

This collection of essays contains leading research in maternity care from Europe, the United States and Canada to discuss systems of care for pregnancy and childbirth. This is a ground-breaking work that looks not only at maternity, but also the act of childbirth. Young people can work in any profession they want, but do they have the knowledge of what the job requires of them? Our career titles will provide them with valuable information that gives them that extra edge in the job market.

Midwifery: eBooks and Journals

This exciting career has been around as long as the human race has existed. It has recently gained prominence and importance as more and more people practice alternative medicine and seek a more natural setting for childbirth. Croft provides detailed information regarding this career path. Normal and Problem Pregnancies by Steven G.