As well, it seems as though there are 50 dated quarts for each dated pint Dolan. About 10 or 15 years ago, a quart threadless Dolan turned up in Calais Maine as part of a very large collection of ginger beers. Many felt that it was an We could not say for sure, as the label on this Dolan's was badly blurred due to the manufacturing process. Perhaps if we could examine this bottle under a black light we would get the answer to the mystery of the missing ! Dated Dolans were produced until , when the crown cap came into play.
I feel the lightning stopper quart Dolan was produced from and perhaps used right up until about I know of 3 variations in this quart lightning style: John Dolan passed away on June 8, , at which time Martin carried on until his death on Jan 22, Henry Dolan ran the business until when it closed for good. The Dolan Brothers were one of the largest producers of ginger beer in Eastern Canada, and certainly the largest firm to have so many examples Rare brown top quart Dolan, possibly the earliest transfer printed bottle.
Despite looking hand painted, this label was applied in a of ginger beers on the market today. Who would ever want it to be so? It makes it that more fun for us to acquire the rare example Three blue top Dolans - a pint dated , a blue transfer quart there is also a rare black transfer variant of the same bottle and the blue transfer pint - much rarer than the equivalent blue top Terriss pint. To understand how to do this, example pontilled vs. For many collectors, though, this Of course, there was a time when rough estimation of age there was NO regulation of this is not enough. When type of product.
The use of pat- was the company in ent medicines in the 19th century business? When were was rampant and tens of thou- their different products sands of products existed on the first marketed? Sales for the most part type of knowledge is were brisk and products could harder to gain, but with make fortunes for their proprie- diligent effort in tors.
It is easy for us to think libraries, the dates of that the public was always duped operation of a patent by these mysterious cure-alls; medicine company can however, this was not always the be found, at least for case. Two Northrop and Lyman To- information for small story of how a particular medi- ronto Products with the same PPM Act num- businesses or for cine man was made most unwel- ber, 40, dating to between and , companies that were come in Kingston, Ontario in the with a closeup of one of the numbers.
The anonymous author, while dis- From these humble objections to cussing health issues for farm- the sale and use of patent medi- ers, stated " Review to legislate patent medi- Every country store contains a cines so that the public could tell large stock of these [sic] worth- what was in the products. In less rubbish, and we are told a report was published by Figure 2. There need to be given to would have been a lot of expense the consumer. In with the PPM Act. Two examples of Kaskareta Bitters Fra- Instead, a special try. It was estimated that sier and Thornton, Cookshire, Que.
The one on the applied to these the act while only 3, regis- right a screw-top bottle in a box with the PPM Act stating that they tered products were on the books after The committee recom- Commons discussed deficiencies products were registered and on mended that legislation be en- with the PPM Act. In it what date they were registered? The amendment to have disappeared.
Despite extended the legislation to ex- attempts by myself and others to This act required all manufac- ternal medicines, increased the locate the records, the appropri- turers to be registered they list of drugs to be noted on the ate authorities, including the were given a PPM Act number label, prohibited false, mislead- Patent Medicine Price Review and formulas to be provided to ing or exaggerated advertising Board and the National Archives the government see Figure 1. Luckily, because of a la- ited and 34 other drugs were not claim to treat.
Also, the belled product, we do know added to a list. Figure 6 bottom left. Figure 8 bottom centre. Figure 9 bottom right. It prior to April 1, " stamp - tion from the same company, was the Dr. Williams Medicine dates to the year or late you can tell. If they all have the Company of Brockville, Ont. Williams Pink the product was sitting on the number used by the company Pills for Pale People.
An inter- store shelf. For instance the esting bottle is pictured in Fig- bottles in Figure 1, put out by ures In contrast, those in Figure some made by hand and some after or , before the 3, also put out by the same com- put on by over-printing. This box company printed new labels to pany, all have different numbers, must have been printed shortly conform with the act. Be- companies got a single number. This means that was claimed to relieve, reflecting There are a few drawbacks with over-stamped labels may not the changes in the PPM this approach.
The obvious dis- necessarily have been put on the Act outlawing products from advantage is that you have to bottle just after the Acts were claiming to cure certain dis- have a bottle or container with passed - they could have been eases. The proprietors of this the original label or box in order used over several years, de- particular product Frasier, to date it! Alternately, pretty conscientious in following some small companies or the This system of dating is not the PPM Act.
At least some bottles can be have been registered at all. How dated within a period of 10 So here we have a lot of good the new PPM Act was enforced years or so - which is better than information, but the essential is unknown - there conceivably most systems of dating bottles. How can could have been a great number In any case, the more tools we we use the above information to of products that were never reg- have at our disposal the better.
I date old bottles and packages of istered. This means that prod- hope you can add this tool to Canadian patent medicines? If you have articles cbandsc. As a result sults speak for themselves. These pictures are not then again, the rarity of a bot- hobby are reflected in all the small thumb-nail photos or tle can be very subjective.
Having said that, I printed bottles featured in this photographs are breathtaking! The Brantford Well was I ever wrong! Leafing must for your library! Among the newcomers were Hairdressing Saloon. Edmond, The population stood at just Edmond Miles, hairdresser, impeccably dressed in formal at- under 7, While the family bears an uncanny resemblance to Bytown achieved city status was from England, it is not none other than Sir John A. Mac- in and was renamed known whether they immi- donald.
Given the caption below Ottawa. Only two short grated directly to Ottawa from proclaims the patronage of Gover- years later, the new city was there or from someplace else. Seven Edmond is employing some myste- geography. It was located at years later, the civil servants rious, possibly mechanical device a mid-point between the arrived from Quebec City to to give Sir John that explosively business centers of the two occupy the new Parliament.
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John looks ill, and was Montreal with the opportu- demonstrated his business quite probably drunk, staring nity for trade both to the savvy by moving his shop from bleary-eyed into the mirror. In changing its name to the Par- line the luxurious vanity. The cap- addition, what with the high liamentary Hairdressing Sa- tion states that Edmond is a wig bluffs of the Ottawa River loon.
As early as and exporter to all parts of the position in the event of war , he is listed as a hair- Dominion. One puzzling thing with the United States. References to the theatre had the opportunity to travel for remained and expanded with and the music store appear for extended periods. The shop remained on Sparks St. It is difficult to say exactly when Edmond stopped cut- ting hair or when he left the business.
The last en- try in the business directories for E. However, it is likely that Edmond either died or left the busi- ness long before this. In , Edmond would have been 97 years old. It is likely that he used paper labels on the majority of his products. The embossed bottle is rectangular in shape with paneled sides and an unusually long neck.
It is about 8" tall. The product quite possibly promised to stimulate hair growth. This bottle is known in both aqua and am- ber, both of which are rare. Bibliography Taylor, John H. Next issue goes out August 15th, Deadline for advertise- ments is July 20th. Call or email us for details. Rhonda Rhonda cbandsc.
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- Ginger beer maker Hawkes looking for lashings of cash from investors.
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I had gether an awesome bottle show. That is, of was a lot of buying and selling lon Toronto, Upper Canada course, until you stop by Don going on. Saturday evening was crock, with cobalt blue decora- Thompson's fruit jar display. The range of colours and the Three different Robertson gin- wonderful condition of his jars ger beers traded hands: I have always were blob top pints, the third a was last at a Toronto bottle thought that Don's collection lightning stopper quart. None show and it was great to see was the best.
As I Terry Matz's table was also a and sellers were pleased. In addition to his sales Stoneware, both decorated and ized that the pieces that at- items, his display of torpedo plain, made its way out the tracted me the most had one bottles was great. Two sur- door with regularity. And for thing in common: I prises were one torpedo from those seeking the best, it was could not have been more sur- the Boer War and another from there. A gorgeous cobalt- blue decorated W. One of the three A.
Robertson, Mount Forest, Ont. The price of the Robertson bottles has skyrocketed over the past few years. The thought is that American collectors have overwhelmed the market supply, all wanting to add the bottle with the dis- tinctive "bunny and guns" logo to their collections.
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Apthorpe tle seals, representing 24 dif- sealing in order to protect their provided the Earl's next orders ferent types, have been found bottles from theft, especially of bottles possibly because Mr. The vintner for filling. Dumbrell In March of , Apthorpe following is an attempt to iden- supported this idea, supplied "2 dozen plain, quart tify the owners of these seals noting that "with so many bot- glass bottles for 7s" and a and to provide some insight tles arriving at the vintner's for month later he supplied "18 into the practice of bottle- filling it was an obvious pre- dozen and 3 quart sealed glass sealing.
Such a seal would also sealed bottles. In February of in archaeological contexts of serve as a form of advertise- , the Earl received his last this period that fragments of ment.
However, it is unlikely order of sealed bottles since all "shaft and globe" type wine bot- that theft of a gentleman's bot- other orders were for plain bot- tles first appear in larger num- tles was common enough to tles. In total, between bers. It was also around the warrant the extra cost involved and , the Earl ordered mid- seventeenth century that in having his bottles marked. The seal consisted of a As revealed in the household consumption rate of 58 dozen molten glob of glass which the account books of William Rus- or bottles.
With such glass blower placed on the sell, the 5th Earl of Bedford at large quantities of sealed bot- shoulder of the bottle and im- Woburn Abbey, it was an ex- tles being ordered each year, it pressed with a circular seal ma- pensive yet common practice is likely that breakage was trix. Inscribed on this seal ma- for gentlemen to purchase large common.
Surviving records for trix was a name or initials, quantities of sealed bottles a banquet held in , in sometimes a date, coat-of-arms Thorpe For instance, honor on the Second Duke of or crest. For ex- sealed bottles, wine merchants dozen glass bottles with my ample, among the items listed also adopted the practice by the Lords Coat upon them at 5s per in the account books for the late s.
Around , in- dozen. Green supplied both of cost of "marked" bottles aver- individuals or taverns had their these second orders, however, aged one shilling a dozen more bottles sealed. Buckley the prices were 6p per dozen than "plain" bottles, the total assumed that gentlemen and higher than those from Mr. As an his status in society. Again, the connection added expense, before a gen- especially true during social between wealth and the owner- tleman could order sealed bot- gatherings where the gentle- ship of sealed bottles is evident tles, he first had to pay an en- man's personalized bottles as all identified seals belong to graver to make and cut a brass stood on the table in view of all the most prominent colonists.
In addition, every time the his guests. This appears to be Furthermore, it is important to gentleman requested a new or- the image Samuel Pepys pro- remember that the prices of der of bottles, he usually had a jected in when he wrote these bottles increased before new seal made. A cheaper al- in his Diary about "Mr. An- wine, about five or six dozen of mission fees Wills Pe- letter stamps mounted in a pys seemed to be excited and The Seals wooden handle. Surviving bot- proud that he could afford tle seals, though, reveal that sealed wine bottles and even 1. In consid- commented on visiting his "ele- eration of these expenses, it is gant" house.
Evelyn wrote in apparent that a gentleman did his Diary that he admired, not have his bottles sealed only above all else "his pretty cellar to protect them from theft. Found at Ferryland, which is During the seventeenth century, located approximately 80km the elite probably ordered By the mid- seventeenth cen- south of St.
Ferryland sealed bottles to commemorate tury, the elite in the North is the site of George Calvert's an event, such as a marriage or America had adopted the prac- later the first Lord Baltimore birth. A gentleman could order tice of glass bottle usage and first colony in the new world, sealed bottles to refer to the sealing. For instance, during established in This is year that he bottled wine. Johnson uncovered over 20, frag- vert in P K alistic attitude developed as bottle seals, comprising of 34 spaces became more private different types.
Hudson and activities, such as enter- suggests that the lack of bottle taining, moved inside the seals may indicate that few house. Johnson further sug- colonists who ordered wine and gests that the elite used objects bottles from England could af- to fashion an image of them- ford this practice. Similarly, selves and "to buttress their po- excavations at The Colony of sition in society. Tho Holdfw[orth] in Sara Kirke. Phillip was a out of Trinity, Newfoundland.
He died merchant, and boatkeeper at in Ferryland beginning in the s. Philip operated five boats at Ferryland in He died as a prisoner of War at Placentia in Two of the three seals have different letter styles, indicating that Found at Ferryland. This is the Kirke ordered sealed bottled on seal of Thomas Holdsworth of two different occasions.
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Dartmouth, brother of Arthur 6. South Castle was a military fort erected on the 8. John Strang south side of the narrows of St. John's harbour, following the French attack of Arthur Holdsworth was a fishing cap- Found at Ferryland. This is the tain and merchant born in seal of John Curtis, a planter Dartmouth, Devonshire, Eng- operating out of Port land in Holdsworth de- Bonavista, Newfoundland by veloped the family interests in Curtis owned one boat the Newfoundland fish trade and employed two men.
This is the captain to arrive in St. John's seal of John Strange, Master of 4. Slofs harbour and became Fishing the ship Ann, of Barnstaple, admiral for that season. In which fished at Ferryland in , Holdsworth was Vice- and John Strange Admiral and in he was was a merchant at Bideford Admiral again, at which time and Barnstaple and in , he he arrived to find St. John's petitioned the Board of Trade destroyed by the French. After for protection of the fishery at , Holdsworth returned to Ferryland.
Dartmouth and had little per- sonal contact with Newfound- 9. P Gely Found at Ferryland. The land; however, his brothers re- owner of this seal has not been mained prominent in the New- identified. Holdsworth died in while serving as 5. Hold- sworth Street in St. John's is Found at Ferryland. Put in a glass ice cubes, add the pisco, lemon juice and angostura bitters.

Pour ginger ale to complete the glass and garnish with a slice of lemon. Strain into chilled Martini glass. Garnish with green Olive. A Dirty Vimto also known as a dirty pint is an alcoholic cocktail drink popularised in which replicates the fruit extract drink Vimto with the use of beer , alcopop and port wine.
To a pint sized mL glass is added large 50 mL port usually Cockburns. This unusual combination has a flavour reputed to be both delicious and remarkably similar to that of Vimto. Other names include Cheeky Vimto. Pour just a Splash of Dry Vermouth in a mixing glass top with ice, stir, and empty the liquid of the glass, this is for take the aromatics of Martini then, pour the Dry Gin, Stir well.
Strain in to a Martini Chilled glass. Take a little peel of lemon and squeeze the zest like a spray garnish with green olive. Pour vodka in a highball glass. Fill balance of glass with cider, stir, and serve. Add ice cubes if you like. Stir ingredients together over ice in a short glass, and serve. A Gibson is just like a Martini qv , except garnished with cocktail onions. It's been said to have been named after one Mr Gibson, renowned for his tolerance until it was revealed that he had an agreement with many bartenders to give him a glass of water with an onion as a signal.
Pour gin and lime cordial into a mixing glass and top with ice. Strain into a frosted Martini glass and garnish with a lime peel or green cherry. Pour gin and juice of lemon into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes. Fill with ginger ale, stir and serve. In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine the gin, lemon juice and sugar.
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Strain into a Collins glass almost filled with ice cubes. Add the club soda. Drop the cassis into the centre of the drink. Shake gin, juice of lemon and powdered sugar with ice and strain into a highball glass over two ice cubes. Fill with carbonated water, stir and serve. Built as a highball. Pour juice of lime and gin into a highball glass over ice cubes. Fill with carbonated water and stir.
Add the wedge of lime and serve. In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine gin, lemon juice and sugar. Strain into a sour glass and garnish with the orange slice. Popular during the s, Kevin Starr includes it in "an array of drinks the gin sour, the whiskey sour, the gin rickey, the Tom Collins, the pink lady, the old fashioned that now seem period pieces, evocative of another era. A recipe is as follows: Fill with Lump Ice.
Shake well, strain into cocktail glass and serve. Originally published by Small, Maynard and Co. Collected from newspaper columns. Online sources cite as the year of this particular quotation. Build as a highball. An origin legend tells that the traditional gin and tonic came about when British colonists in India, drinking a far more bitter anti-malarial tonic, mixed gin with the medicine to make it palatable. Whether or not the story is true, the tonic water used as a present-day mixer contains only a fraction of the quinine, and is sweetened. Pour all ingredients into a shaker, shake well and pour into a highball glass filled with ice.
Garnish with a slice of lime. The drink is notable for sharing a name with the Snoop Dogg song Gin and Juice. Avoid using cardamom powder or cinnamon powder. Mix together the spices and pour in the vodka. Let the mixture soak for at least a day. Separate the spices from the vodka, and pour in the wine. Heat the mixture, but do not let it boil. Serve warm with raisins and almonds. The main ingredients are usually red wine, spices such as cinnamon and cloves, and optionally also stronger spirits such as vodka or even Cognac.
The mixture is prepared by heating, but it is not allowed to boil in order for the alcohol not to evaporate. Try brandy instead of vodka for robustness. A godfather is made with scotch in place of vodka. A fairy godmother is made with creme de noyaux in place of amaretto. Combine ingredients, sans cherries, in a cocktail shaker. Shake well and pour over cherries in whiskey glass. A Goodbye Russia With Love is a sweet cocktail with equal parts of vodka, brandy and amaretto.
It was created in Salford and dedicated to a beautiful Russian girl. The ingredients are shaken and served either straight up or on the rocks. Variations include using cream or vodka. The Pisang Ambon liqueur that is used to make a green cow is green banana flavoured liqueur. It is a sweet, bright green herb. The name for this liqueur comes from an Indonesian Island, Ambon and Pisang means banana.
This is a type of drink that is better well blended and frozen.
Canadian Bottle & Stoneware Collector Magazine | Phil Culhane -
Serving it cold helps keeps the taste and makes the flavour last longer than served warm. It also helps keep the milk in it cold. There are many varying recipes for this drink. For each person that tries it they develop their own taste and way of making it. Then mix everything and serve. Here the Absolut vodka comes from Sweden and is produced from distilled winter wheat. One can taste a bit of dried fruit in in, when it is drank straight.