Quando si scrive un romanzo e si delineano i personaggi, una faccia ce l'hanno dentro di noi e anche nella mente del lettore. La protagonista, ladra braccata dai cani dei contadini del piccolo paese di Iernut, figlia di nessuno, vittima di un passato fatto di abusi. Il protagonista, solitario signore del cupo castello di Iern. Divertente, ironico, veritiero, sottile E siccome legge per primo, per primo dice la sua. Ecco il link del suo blog, sul quale mi ha riservato un piccolo spazio. Il grido che infranse il silenzio mattutino fece quasi vibrare le ampie vetrate trapassate dal bagliore esterno.

Altre grida, disperate, terrorizzate, lo strisciare di un corpo sul pavimento in legno dell'ultimo piano. E siccome non ci facciamo mancare niente Popularity Popularity Featured Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Avg. Available for download now. Available to ship in days. Morsi alla luna Italian Edition Oct 09, Provide feedback about this page. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Amazon Music Stream millions of songs. Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers.

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O gran Dio, che ne' cuori penetri, Tu ne assisti, in te solo fidiamo; Da te lume, consiglio cerchiamo A squarciar delle tenebre il vel! L'ira tua formidabile e pronta Colga l'empio, o fatal punitor; E vi stampi sul volto l'impronta Che stampasti sul primo uccisor. King Duncan has been murdered! Open your mouth, hell and swallow all creation in your womb. Heaven, let your flames fall on the unknown, detestable murderer. God, you can look into our hearts, aid us, we trust in you alone.

We look to you for light and counsel to tear through the veil of darkness. Deadly castigator let your formidable, ready anger take the villain and mark his head as you marked that of the first murderer. Act 2 Top Act 1 Act 3. Macbeth pensoso, seguito da Lady Macbeth. A room in the castle. Macbeth enters, deep in thought, followed by Lady Macbeth. Veraci Parlar le maliarde, e re tu sei. Ma le spirtali donne Banco padre di regi han profetato. Dunque i suoi figli regneran? Ma vita immortale non hanno.

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Ah si, non l'hanno! Al venir di questa notte. Immoto sarai tu nel tuo disegno? Why are you avoiding me, and why do I always see you sunk deep in thought? The deed cannot he undone. The sorceresses spoke the truth and you are king. Because of his sudden flight to England Duncan's son has been accused of parricide and the throne was left empty for you. But the witches predicted that Banquo would father kings. So will his sons reign? Will Duncan have died for them? He and his son are alive, it is true.

But they are not immortal. No, they are not! My lady, more blood must flow! Will you be firm in what you intend? Banquo, eternity opens its realm to you. La luce langue, il faro spegnesi Ch'eterno corre per gli ampi cieli! Compiersi debbe l'opra fatale. O scettro, alfin sei mio! Ogni mortal desio Tace e s'acqueta in te. The light is fading, the beacon that eternally crosses the wide sky has gone out.

O longed-for night, throw a veil over the guilty murderous hand. It must be so! The fatal deed must be done. Power means nothing to the dead; for them a requiem and eternity. Oh, desire of the throne! Oh, sceptre, at last you are mine! Every living desire is quieted and calmed in you.

The man who was prophesied king will soon fall lifeless. In the distance is Macbeth's castle. Two groups of assassins enter from several directions. Chi v'impose unirvi a noi? Ed a che far? Rimanete, or bene sta. Sparve il sol, la notte or regni Scellerata, - insanguinata. Cieca notte, affretta e spegni Ogni lume in terra e in ciel. Who commanded you to join us?

We are to slaughter Banquo. He will come here with his son. The sun has disappeared, now let night reign, wicked and bloodstained. Blind night, hurry to extinguish all light on earth and in heaven. The time is near, now let us hide.

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We shall wait for him in silence. Tremble, Banquo, the point of a dagger is stuck in your side! Studia il passo, o mio figlio usciam da queste tenebre un senso ignoto nascer mi sento il petto, Pien di tristo presagio e di sospetto. In notte ugual trafissero Duncano, il mio signor. Mille affannose immagini M'annunciano sventura, E il mio pensiero ingombrano Di larve e di terror. Si perdono nel parco Voce di Banco entro la scena: Fleanzio attraversa la scena inseguito da un sicario. Hurry, my son, let us escape from these shadows.

I can feel an unknown sensation rising in my heart, filled with sad foreboding and suspicion. How the gloom falls more and more darkly from heaven! It was on a night like this that they stabbed my lord Duncan. A thousand feverish images foretell misfortune to me and cloud my thoughts with phantoms and fears. They go off into the park Alas! Fleance crosses the scene pursued by one of the assassins. A magnificent hall with a table laid for a banquet.

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Voi pur salvete, nobilissimi signori. Ricevete la merce' dei vostri onori. Prenda ciascun l'orrevole Seggio al suo grado eletto. Pago son io d'accogliere Tali ospiti a banchetto. La mia consorte assidasi Nel trono a lei sortito, Ma pria le piaccia un brindisi Sciogliere, a vostr'onor. Al tuo regale invito Son pronta, o mio signor. E tu ne udrai rispondere Come ci detta il cor. Si colmi il calice Di vino eletto; Nasca il diletto, Muoia il dolor. Da noi s'involino Gli odi e gli sdegni, Folleggi e regni Qui solo amor.

Giustiamo il balsamo D'ogni ferita, Che nova vita Ridona al cor. Cacciam le torbide Cure dal petto; Nasca il diletto, Muoia il dolor. Ripetono Cacciam le torbide Cure dal petto; Nasca il diletto, Muoia il dolor. Hail to you, most noble lords. Accept my thanks for your praise. Let everyone take his place according to his rank. I am pleased to greet such guests at the banquet. Let my consort take her appointed place on the throne.

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But first let her offer a toast in your honour. I am ready to answer your royal request, my lord. And you will hear our reply, prompted by our hearts. Fill the cup with the choicest wine. Give life to pleasure And death to sorrow. Let hate and scorn fly from us and let love alone reign here. Let us savour the balm for every wound which gives new life to the heart. Let us cast dull care from our hearts; give life to pleasure and death to sorrow. Un Sicario si affaccia ad un uscio laterale. Macbeth gli si fa presso.

An assassin appears at a side door. Macbeth goes up to him.

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You have blood on your face. Is this the truth? What about his son? Macbeth dismisses the assassin, who leaves. Macbeth va per sedere. Le ciocche cruente non scuotermi incontro. Lo sono, ed audace S'io guardo tal cosa che al dimone istesso Porrebbe spavento Vuotiam per l'inclito Banco i bicchieri! Fior de' guerrieri, Di Scozia onor. Spalanca una fossa, O terra l'ingoia. Quel sangue fumante mi sbalza nel volto! Quel guardo a me volto trafiggemi il cor! Quant'altri io pur oso! Diventa pur tigre, leon minaccioso M'abbanca Macbetto tremar non vedrai, Conoscer potrai - s'io provi timor Ma fuggi!

L'Ombra sparisce La vita riprendo! My royal husband, what has drawn you away from the delights of the banquet? Banquo is not here.

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That courageous man who would complete the chosen circle of the most worthy in all our kingdom. He said he would be here but he has failed us. I shall sit in his place. Do not shake your bloody locks at me! His sickness is passing. I am, and a bold man if I can look at such a thing which might frighten the devil himself. I saw him with my own eyes.

Sit down, my husband! All our guests are unhappy. Let the cheering toast be sung again, and let us not forget Banquo who is not with us. Fill the cup with choicest wine. Give life to pleasure and death to sorrow. Let us empty our glasses to illustrious Banquo! The flower of warriors, The pride of Scotland.

To the ghost who reappears Go, spirit of hell! Earth, open a ditch and swallow him. Those bones are burning, that steaming blood sprays in my face! That look is turned on me And pierces my heart! I am as daring as any man! You may become a tiger, a threatening lion, you may snatch me, but you will not see Macbeth tremble. You will discover if I feel fear! Leave me, awesome ghost! The ghost disappears I am coming back to life!

That shadow demands blood from me, and it will have it, I swear it will have it! I shall go to the witches and pierce the veil of the future. Your fright has created idle phantoms. The crime is done. The dead cannot return. He has spoken terrified by phantoms. This land has become a den of thieves. Act 3 Top Act 2 Act 4.

Nel mezzo una caldaia che bolle. In the middle is a boiling cauldron. Tre volte miagola la gatta in fregola. Tre volte l'upupa lamenta ed ulula. Tre volte l'istrice guaisce al vento. Tu, rospo venefico Che suggi l'aconito, Tu, vepre, tu, radica Sbarbata al crepuscolo Va', cuoci e gorgoglia Nel vaso infernal. Tu, dito d'un pargolo Strozzato nel nascere. Tu, labbro d'un Tartaro, Tu, cuor d'un eretico, Va' dentro, e consolida La polta infernal.

Voi che mescere Ben sapete, Rimescete! Three times the cat has mewed in heat. Three times the hoopoe has mourned and wailed. Three times the porcupine has yelped to the wind. This is the hour! Come, let us dance quickly round the cauldron and mix powerful brews in our circle. The water is steaming, crackling and bubbling. Poisonous toad, which sucks wolfsbane, thorn, root plucked at twilight, cook and bubble in the devil's pot.

Tongue of viper, hair of bat, blood of monkey, tooth of dog, boil and be swallowed up in the infernal brew III. Finger of child strangled at birth, lip of Tartar, heart of heretic, thicken the hellish broth. Sprits, black and white, red and blue blend together! You who well know how, blend together! Si avanza verso le Streghe Che fate voi, misteriose donne? Per quest'opra infernal io vi scongiuro! Ch'io sappia il mio destin, se cielo e terra Dovessero innovar l'antica guerra. Dalle incognite posse udire lo vuoi, Cui ministre obbediam, ovver da noi?

Evocatele pur, se del futuro Mi possono chiarir l'enigma oscuro. Dalle basse e dall'alte regioni, Spirti erranti, salite, scendete! T'ha letto nel cuore; Taci, e n'odi le voci segrete. Da Macduff ti guarda prudente. Tu m'afforzi l'ascolto sospetto! Esser puoi sanguinario, feroce: Nessun nato di donna ti nuoce. O Macduffo, tua vita perdono feroce No! Un fanciullo col serto dei Re! Glorioso, invincibil sarai Fin che il bosco di Birna vedrai Ravviarsi, e venir con te. Per magica possa Selva alcuna giammai non fu mossa. Poi qual nebbia di nuovo sparite. Otto Re passano l'uno dopo l'altro.

Ridendo a me li addita? Trae la spada, s'avventa sugli spettri, poi s'arresta Ah, che non hai tu vita! Aerei spirti, Ridonate la mente al Re svenuto! He goes towards the witches. What are you doing, mysterious women? A work with no name. In the name of the infernal task I implore you, let me know my destiny, even if heaven and earth must renew their ancient struggle. Do you wish to hear it from the unknown powers: I invoke them, if they can tell me the dark secrets of the future.

Wandering spirits, arise from the depths, descend from the heights. There is a flash of lightning and a head wearing a helmet appears from out of the ground. He has read what is in your heart Stay quiet and hear his secret words. You confirm my suspicions at what I have heard! He will not hear questions. Here is another, more powerful. Stay quiet and hear his mysterious words. You may be bloody and fierce: O Macduff, I forgive you your life. No, you will die. Your death will be a double shield on my royal breast!

A child appears wearing a crown and carrying a sapling. But what does this thunder and lightning mean? A child with a king's crown! Be quiet and listen. Oh, what a cheering prophecy! No wood was ever moved by magic power. To the witches Now tell me: Or else my sword will fall on you! The cauldron sinks into the ground. The cauldron has disappeared!

What is this music? Then like mist vanish again. Eight kings pass by, one after the other. You remind me of Banquo. Your crown is a bolt of lightning burning my eyes. The last one is carrying a mirror, and new kings are endorsed within the crystal. And Banquo, oh, awful sight, you laugh while you point them out to me? Die, you deadly offspring! He draws his sword and strikes out at the ghosts. But you have no life!

Oh, I am lost! Spirits of the air, bring the unconscious King back to his senses. Scendono gli spirti, e mentre danzano intorno a Macbeth, le Streghe cantano il seguente. Spirits descend, and while they dance around Macbeth the witches sing. Ondine e Silfidi Dall'ali candide, Su quella pallida Fronte spirate. Tessete il vortice Carole armoniche, E sensi ed anima Gli confortate.

Spirti e Streghe spariscono. Nymphs and white-winged sylphs, blow upon that pallid brow, weave a whirl of sweet songs to comfort his body and soul. The witches and spirits disappear. Oh, sia ne secoli Maledetta quest'ora in sempiterno! Ancora le streghe interrogai. Da Macduffo ti guarda.

Morte e sterminio sull'iniqua razza! Di Macduffo arda la rocca! Perano moglie e prole! Di Banco il figlio di rinvenga, e muoia! Tutto il sangue si sperda a noi nemico! Or riconosco il tuo coraggio antico. Ora di morte, ormai t'affretta! Incancellabile il fato ha scritto: Oh, may this hour be eternally damned! What were you doing? I have been questioning the witches again. And what did they say? That no man born of woman will kill me. I shall be unconquered until Birnam wood marches against me. Death and destruction to that wicked brood!

His wife and children must perish! Let Banquo's son be found and put to death! All our enemies' blood will be spilled. Now I see your old courage again. Hour of death and vengeance, thunder and resound throughout the whole world, bewildering, like the dark intention that has shaken our hearts to their depths. Come quickly, hour of death, Fate's remorseless decree; this business will end with crime since it was begun with blood. Act 4 Top Act 3. Luogo deserto ai confini della Scozia e dell'Inghilterra. In distanza la foresta di Birnam.

Profughi scozzesi, Uomini, Donne, Fanciulli. Macduff in disparte, addolorato. A deserted p1ace on the border between Scotland and England. In the distance is Birnam wood. Scottish refugees - men, women and children. Macduff stands sorrowfully apart from them. D'orfanelli e di piangenti Chi lo sposo e chi la prole Al venir del nuovo Sole S'alza un grido e fere il Ciel. A quel grido il Ciel risponde Quasi voglia impietosito Propagar per l'infinito, Patria oppressa, il tuo dolor. O figli, o figli miei! Ah, fra gli artigli Di quel tigre io lasciai la madre e i figli?

Ah, la paterna mano Non vi fu scudo, o cari, Dai perfidi sicari Che a morte vi ferir! E me fuggiasco, occulto, Voi chiamavate invano, Coll'ultimo singulto, Coll'ultimo respir. Trammi al tiranno in faccia, Signore! Oppressed land of ours! You cannot have the sweet name of mother now that you have become a tomb for your sons. From orphans, from those who mourne, some for husbands, some for children, at each new dawn a cry goes up to outrage heaven. To that cry heaven replies as if moved to pity, oppressed land, it would proclaim your grief for ever.

The bell tolls constantly for death but no-one is so bold as to shed a vain tear for the suffering and dying. My homeland, oh,my homeland! You have all been killed by that tyrant, together with your poor mother! Ah, did I leave a mother and her children in the clutches of that beast? Alas, a father's hand was not there to shield you, my dear ones, from the treacherous assassins who put you to death. And in vain you called on me, a fugitive, in hiding, with your last gasp, with your last breath. Lord, bring me face to face with this tyrant, and if he escapes me let your merciful arms open to him.

Al suono del tamburo entra Malcolm, conducendo molti soldati inglesi. Drums sound and Malcolm enters, leading a large number of English soldiers. La foresta di Birnamo! Chi non odia il suol nativo Prenda l'armi e segua me. La patria tradita Piangendo ne invita! What wood is that? Let every man break off a branch and carry it in front of him to conceal himself. I cannot have it. He has no children. Whoever does not hate the land of his birth let him take up arms and follow me ALL: Our betrayed homeland calls us, in tears.

Let us run to rescue the oppressed! The wrath of God will destroy the villain. God has grown tired of his awful crimes. Scena nel Castello di Macbeth come nell'Atto Primo. Medico e Dama di Lady Macbeth. A hall in Macbeth's castle. A doctor and Lady Macbeth's gentlewoman. Vegliammo invan due notti. Di che parlava nel sonno suo?

Ridirlo non debbo a uom che viva.