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Lord, remember your artists. Have mercy upon them and remember with compassion all those that reflect the good, the ill, the strengths and the weaknesses of the human spirit. Remember those who raise their voices in unending song, those who pour their souls into music loud and soft. Remember those who put pigment to surface, carve wood and stone and marble, who work base metals into beauty, those building upwards from the earth toward heaven. Remember those who put thought to paper by computer and by pen; the poets who delve, the playwrights who analyze and proclaim, the dreamers-up of narrative, all those who work with the light and shadows of film.
Composer: Fulmer, Mimmi (editor)
Remember the actors moved by Spirit and dancers moving through space. Remember all these artists whom you have placed among us, for are they not, O Lord, the fellows of your inspiration? Do they not, Lord God, bring to your people great proof of your divinity and our part in it? Remember your artists and show them mercy and compassion that they may do the same and so uplift all your people.
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We begin the second part of the liturgy, the Holy Communion, with the offertory sentence. The foundation and center. In the tradition of our faith, sacrifice is not a painful loss imposed by God, but rather a joyful. We bring our alms—gifts of money and material goods—because the life of our community depends upon our sharing.
We do this thankfully because we know that everything we have has come to us from God. We do this faithfully because.
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- About Prayer: A Guide for the Perplexed.
You may participate by receiving the Bread and Wine, or by receiving only the Bread or only the Wine. Or you may come to the Altar for a blessing while others come for Communion. Instead of receiving the Bread and Wine, you may place your hands over your heart. We are reminded through listening to Scripture that God continues to be present in our own day.
We then come to the heart of the Eucharist, recalling Jesus' last supper with the disciples, shared the day before his crucifixion. Over the centuries, Christians have been divided over how we understand what happens to the bread and the wine. Anglican teaching is that when we consume the bread and wine of the Holy Communion, Christ is really present in us, not in some cannibalistic way, but in our hearts by faith.
The emphasis is upon what happens to us, the transformation of our lives, rather than upon what happens to the bread and wine.
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We sanctify, make holy, the bread and wine that we may be holy people, strengthened for the work we have ahead of us, to be Christ's body in the world and feed others as God has fed us. We respond to the Word heard and proclaimed by reciting the Nicene Creed. It is much more than a statement of religious beliefs.
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It is a proclamation of trust and a promise to live as Jesus lived: J esus Christ, Word of God, Icon of God, we praise you for sanctifying the earth in your incarnation, confirming the goodness of the physical world of stone, wood, metal, wind and fire and flesh. We ask that you would rule our imaginations with wisdom and love. Deliver us from fear and pride. H oly Spirit, Lord and Giver of life, Power and Fire, we praise you for sustaining all things in being, energizing them with vitality, and ushering them to their future and final state of glory.
Purify our souls; scour our hearts; re-order our minds; strengthen our bodies. Free us to be playful today. We praise you for the extravagant love that you demonstrate in the creation of this world. I was very encouraged by this.
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