1. Don’t hole up alone with hundreds of tins of baked beans

Promote multi-channel personal communications planning using redundant strategies including social media for system failures or delays; maintaining charged personal electronic devices and recharging options during power failure; designating and reaching a remote communications relay person; and accessing relief services for emergency communications and other support.

In the Washington example, uncertainties about survivorship were sadly endured by loved ones, responders working at great personal risk , emergency managers, and a gripped public; anxieties can be lessened everywhere with stronger readiness messages for making plans for post-disaster rendezvous points and relaying messages. Third, vigorously engage people in constructing their personal health narrative and health identity: What makes me feel healthy?

What is required for me to be healthy, ready, and resilient? What will most help me? A reasonable sense of personal control can powerfully motivate change, amplify coping, and lead to autonomy and self-determination, all important factors for resiliency. Disaster wellness planning can be advanced by cross-training preventive medicine and health specialists with emergency management professionals in the basics of health literacy and risk reduction and resilience strategies.

Fourth, promote mental and emotional preparedness as vital signs of disaster readiness. Risk awareness and acceptance of grief and shock as natural consequences of disaster are essential; arming people with positive coping mechanisms is important for short-term safety and long-term outcomes.

Build awareness that resilience trajectories are expressed variably between and within people over time; acceptance and compassion for others and oneself is also vital for resilient communities. Integrating mindfulness messages into national campaigns, community partnerships, and volunteer responder initiatives is one option. At the population level, some likely benefits of greater personal presence include less panic and fault-finding before the cause or consequences of disaster emerge, which unfortunately transpired within hours of the Washington landslide [ 7 , 8 ].

Competing interests The authors report no conflicts of interest. Contributor Information Monica E. Community resilience as a metaphor, theory, set of capacities, and strategy for disaster readiness. Am J Community Psychol. Jour of Public Health Manag Pract. Kunreather H, Michel-Kerjan E. Managing catastrophic risks through redesigned insurance: Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion: World Health Organization; Retrieved 23 May Accessed 23 May Preliminary interpretation of pre landslide deposits in the vicinity of Oso, Washington.

Zombie apocalypse survival guide – rules and facts

Stone R, Service RF. Even for slide-prone region, landslide was off the chart. Preparedness saved lives but needs are still significant after major earthquake [Internet] http: General summary for M8. Accessed 12 October Frequency and structure of precautionary behavior in the domains of hazard preparedness, crime prevention, vehicular safety, and health maintenance. The protective action decision model: Measuring psychological resilience to disasters: Health Qual Life Outcomes.

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Bumps on the road to preparedness. Am J Prev Med. Toward a psychology of human agency. Chile keeps having earthquakes. Effects of personal experience on self-protective behavior. Health-related qualify of life domains and household preparedness for public health emergencies: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, — Disaster Med Public Health Prep. Communicating actionable risk for terrorism and other hazards.

Disaster preparedness in medically vulnerable populations. Constraints and barriers to public health adaptation to climate change: Variations in disaster preparedness by mental health, perceived general health, and disability status. This War of Mine review. With a stalwart crew and reliable steamship, you can cut through the murky, underground world, discovering new ports, smuggling opportunities and quests. But simply getting from A to B is a bit of an undertaking. Your ship needs fuel to move, while your crew needs supplies to survive.

If you run out of supplies, your crew will be forced to take drastic measures. It can all go a bit Donner Party. A crew with low morale, meanwhile, might stage a mutiny, or start to lose their grip on reality, throwing themselves overboard. Failbetter spent years developing Fallen London, a gothic browser game, before embarking on Sunless Sea, and all that experience writing about this universe has benefited the nautical sandbox immensely.

The Zubmariner DLC unpleasantravel beneath the unterzee, and not surprisingly, there are some deeply unpleseant things lurking down in the dark. Cosmic follow-up Sunless Skies is still in early access but looks very promising.

How to survive a global disaster: a handy guide | Games | The Guardian

Your first instinct might be to conflate Terraria with a 2D Minecraft, what with all the mining and crafting, but Terraria pinches just as much from action games and RPGs, sending you below the surface of its randomly-generated worlds to kill monsters and snatch loot. And because every dungeon worth its salt has a village full of people ready to help adventuring heroes, you can build one yourself.

The further into it you get, the more wild it becomes. A Terraria spin-off was in the works, Terraria: Otherworld, but Re-Logic shelved it. Direct your pickaxe towards Steamworld Dig 2. The sheer number of diversions and items you can crash is almost overwhelming. You might be wandering around on a random planet when you happen across a huge anchor, and above it, a flying pirate ship.

Digging underground, you can encounter everything from ancient temples dedicated to eldritch gods, to research labs populated by ape scientists. I confess that I typically play on the casual difficulty. I prefer exploring without having to make sure I always have some meat in my pocket.

Even without hunger, there are other survival concerns. Oxygen Not Included is a very different kind of space survival game, but if you like the idea of running space stations and colonies, it might be your cup of tea. Has Starbound been improved by its updates? Survival games are typically wilderness survival affairs, but not Pathologic. The town creates all these different ways for you to get by.

How to survive a global disaster: a handy guide

You might, for instance, hit up some of the locals and try to find something to barter with; alternatively, you could choose to engage in less scrupulous activities, robbing and stealing to survive. You can increase your reputation by easing the pain of the ill, but those might be resources you need later, or for yourself.


The whole game is a gloomy, ethical conundrum. Killer bees, territorial pig men and giant, one-eyed birds can all send you to an early grave, but other dangers are less tangible. Even your own mind can become an enemy, summoning shadowy hallucinations whose attacks are all too real. Every step you take away from the safety of your campfire or base puts you more at risk, but the call of adventure is alluring.

I needed some wood, so I was merrily chopping down trees, only for one of them to spring to life and start battering me. I did the only logical thing: I set fire to it with my torch. Unfortunately, that just pissed the Treeguard off, so I bravely ran away. As it chased me, the fire spread, and before long the forest had been replaced by an inferno.

Neo Scavenger never arbitrarily makes you better. Every fleeting life is an opportunity to experiment and practise, even though you know it will probably be cut short in an unexpected way. This is a game where a little scratch can ultimately kill you. Neo Scavenger is pretty singular, but if you like hexes and exploration, Renowned Explorers will keep you busy.

Five times Graham died in Neo Scavenger.

  • Disaster & Survival.
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Out of this adversity comes an infinite supply of emergent stories. One of my colonies failed when the best hunter snapped after a nasty divorce and turned on his friends, while another turned to cannibalism after a harsh winter, kidnapping people and turning them into dinner. The elaborate simulation means that surviving amounts to more than just keeping colonists well-fed.

WE MUST SURVIVE! Roblox Natural Disaster Survival!

And what if that colonist is also the only doctor? Now, if someone gets badly injured, which is bound to happen, they might not be able to get the medical aid they so desperately require. Everything from stress to unseasonably hot weather can spell doom for your colony. There are just so many wildly different paths to take. Stuck on an underwater planet, you must delve below the waves to find food and resources, eventually constructing you very own underwater bases and submersible vehicles. Vehicles, air pumps and oxygen tanks allow you to stay under for longer, however, and the more familiar you become with the world, the more the ocean starts to become home.

Massive forests of kelp, labyrinthine underwater caves, infinite voids that contain creatures the size of small islands — every biome feels like its own little world. If you want to try surviving on top of the waves instead of beneath them, take a gander at Raft. Subnautica is the ultimate gaming safe place. What they discovered was that the country was ill prepared to cope. Within two weeks there would be enormous civilian casualties, a catastrophic breakdown in essential institutions, and mass civil unrest. Food supplies, electricity and transport infrastructures would all collapse.

And the same thing would happen all over the globe. It was just a bit of fun, and they added plenty of caveats to that figure, but still, something to think about, eh? With all this in mind, the Guardian spoke to the academic and author Nafeez Ahmed, who has studied global crises and mass violence, and recently advised Ubisoft on the authenticity of its post-pandemic video game, The Division. We asked him, in the event that society collapses, what should we do.

The more people who band together, the more likely you are to be able to rebuild something like a society. People will be competing with each other for these scarce resources, which creates violence. However, the other extreme — total isolation — may also not be a good idea, for the reason given above. You need a group of differently skilled people who can work cooperatively in order to build your own supply chains and flourish.

The basic method of acquiring information will be a wind-up or solar-powered radio. What about the internet? Sure, Google has nice offices and all, but people are less likely to go to work if the city is a death zone of marauding looter gangs.