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Martin Il metodo del coccodrillo by Maurizio. Watson I detective selvaggi by Il giro di vite by Arancia Meccanica: Le cronache dell'assasino del re. Connelly I racconti di Pietroburgo by Nikolaj Vasil? Maximum Ride by La morte non dimentica by Oscar: Mercedes by Stephen King Camel club by Phantoms! Il romanzo di Roma by Emma. Attualmente il WWF ha segnalato invano alla provincia di Rovigo la presenza di numerosi appostamenti fissi di caccia attivi addirittura all'interno del Parco del delta. Numerosi sono stati nel tempo i recuperi di uccelli non cacciabili feriti o uccisi dai bracconieri tra i quali l'uccisione di una gru Grus grus.
Alla luce di quanto esposto, ritiene la Commissione di intervenire per verificare quanto illustrato al fine di adottare tutti quei provvedimenti necessari per la tutela degli uccelli acquatici migratori che ogni anno svernano nel comprensorio del delta del fiume Po provenienti dal nord Europa? In tale contesto, nel luglio la Commissione ha partecipato, insieme a rappresentanti degli Stati membri, di BirdLife International, della FACE e di altre ONG, ad una conferenza internazionale sulla caccia, la cattura e il commercio illegali di uccelli, organizzata dal segretariato della convenzione di Berna a Larnaca Cipro.
The Po delta in the Veneto is an important rest stop, breeding ground wintering area for migratory birds, particularly waterfowl. The whole area is unfortunately affected by intense poaching activity. In a series of surveys carried out in different sites, on different dates and at different times since , the WWF observed the constant and widespread presence of poachers in every single case. The supervision carried out by the bodies in charge has proven totally inadequate in dealing with this phenomenon, which has not diminished over the years.
The WWF has recently reported the to the Rovigo provincial authorities the presence of several hunting emplacements situated within the delta wildlife park itself. However, no action has been taken. Many protected birds either injured or killed by poachers have been recovered, including a dead crane Grus grus.
In view of this, will the Commission investigate matters and take all necessary measures for the protection of migratory waterfowl flying in from Northern Europe to winter in the Po river delta area every year? In particular, how does the Commission plan on taking legal action against local authorities in relation to:. It is the responsibility of each Member State to put in place the requisite system of protection to prevent the problem of poaching and to take the necessary action to address it where it occurs. Further to this conference the Commission is exploring different ways to raise awareness and support Member States' efforts to tackle the problem.
On the particular issue raised by the Honourable Member, the Commission will investigate with the Italian authorities about the effectiveness of the measures taken to tackle the problem. I was approached by a member of the Lithuanian Parliament who drew my attention to the fact that the biometric system is not linked to the Police fingerprint database. Lithuania is moving over to a system of biometric passport controls, i. Does the Commission not think that merging these systems and records would help identify persons sought by the police or suspected or accused of crimes more effectively?
At the same time, biometric identifiers should be integrated in the passport or travel document to establish a reliable link between the genuine holder and the document. The regulation does not make provisions on the manner whereby personal data shall be stored by Member States. National data protection authorities must also be given authority to monitor this processing of personal data and ensure the protection of rights of data subjects as well as compliance with security measures that have to be adopted.
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The fulfilment of these requirements is essential to prevent a violation of the fundamental right to the protection of personal data. The Commission, therefore, is not in a position to evaluate the overall level of implementation of programmes and the general take-up rate of funds by Greece. What are the reasons for the serious delay in closing the first annual programmes for and ? When are they expected to be completed? Does the Commission consider that this delay will impact on the take-up of Community funds for immigration in Greece and on the implementation of projects under the and annual programmes?
The closure of these programmes is a procedure requiring various technical checks at both operational and financial levels. The time needed for the closure of each programme depends on the complexity of the programme, the completeness of the required information and its timely submission to the Commission. Each annual programme has its own project life cycle and every closure is an administrative procedure that starts when a programme has already ended.
This means that any delay within the closure procedure has no impact on the actual implementation of the subsequent programmes. In considerazione delle sconvolgenti affermazioni di cui sopra e delle forti preoccupazioni causate da queste gravi rivelazioni riguardanti atti sostanzialmente ostili nei confronti di uno Stato membro, si chiede alla Commissione:. In caso di risposta affermativa, intende la Commissione ricercare ulteriori informazioni sulla questione? Qualora la parte turca dovesse scegliere di non prendere provvedimenti in vista di una risoluzione globale della questione, questo sviluppo cosa potrebbe significare per le relazioni UE-Turchia?
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Coinvolgimento del governo turco negli incendi che hanno colpito la Grecia nel Nel , il governo greco ha fatto circolare all'interno dell'UE e della NATO un documento che indicava il coinvolgimento del governo di Ankara negli incendi che hanno ripetutamente devastato le foreste della Grecia nel corso degli anni Novanta. Il governo greco sosteneva di aver ottenuto queste informazioni dal proprio servizio nazionale di intelligence l'EYP.
Nel dicembre , l'ex Primo Ministro turco Mesut Yilmaz ha confermato quanto contenuto nel documento emesso da Atene, dichiarando che il governo turco aveva effettivamente ordinato ad agenti dell'intelligence nazionale turca MIT di appiccare incendi nelle foreste greche. Further to the above shocking revelations and in view of the major concern triggered by these grave revelations regarding essentially hostile acts against a Member State, will the Commission answer the following:.
Is the Commission aware of the above information referring to illegal activities by the Turkish Government? If so, does the Commission intend to seek further information on the matter? Does the Commission intend to refer the issue to the Turkish authorities and seek clarification on a case apparently linked to attacks on further EU countries other than Greece, and assurances that such acts of sabotage will not be repeated or tolerated?
Involvement of the Turkish government in the fires in Greece in The Greek Government claimed to have obtained this information from its own national intelligence service the EYP. In the event that the charges against Ankara are confirmed and given their seriousness, what action will the Commission take? Dans ce contexte, quelles mesures et quels financements envisage-t-elle? The Arab Spring has given rise to new hopes of reviving and deepening the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. Civil society has demonstrated its importance in the political changes that have taken place in the southern Mediterranean, and our cooperation should now be founded on a new basis, that of closeness to the citizen.
In order to consolidate the democratic advances that have been made and work on concrete projects bringing together the two sides of the Mediterranean, a new Euro-Mediterranean governance should be put in place, involving cities and regions more intensively in the Union for the Mediterranean. This will undoubtedly strengthen the feeling of ownership of the cooperation process among Euro-Mediterranean citizens. Two initiatives should be welcomed and supported. More broadly, what place does the European Commission aim to give to decentralised Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy?
In this context, what measures and financing does it envisage? In the framework of decentralised Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, what measures does the Commission plan to support in the areas of sustainable development, waste, water, transport and urban management?
It envisages concrete financial support to local authorities to assist them in their decentralisation process through three main channels i. Esta muerte se suma a la de otras tres personas muertas en circunstancias confusas en el mismo CIE y, al menos, a otra muerte en el CIE de Valencia, y son numerosos los casos de denuncias por deficiencias en el tratamiento de enfermedades y adicciones. Moreover, there have been numerous complaints regarding deficiencies in treatments of illnesses and addictions in these centres.
The existence of these centres is in response to current European immigration policy, supported by both social democrats and conservatives, which dehumanises foreign people and treats them as cheap labour, expelling those the market does not need. Several social organisations have complained that these centres are uninhabitable. Conditions are worse than in common prisons, and confined people have their fundamental human rights violated and face acts of political repression and mistreatment that are seldom punished, since those who do dare to report such acts are deported.
The management of these centres and the conditions to which people confined there are exposed are characterised by opaqueness and the absence of control over the treatment of detainees. In fact, there is still no kind of regulation regarding their day-to-day operation and there are even centres used as CIEs that are not recognised by the Spanish State. Will the Commission call on the Spanish Government to close down these centres in order to end the violation of fundamental rights of the people confined in them?
Does the Commission have any information on these centres, or will it request information from the Spanish Government? The assessment of individual incidents and pursuit of possible criminal offences which take place in national detention centres is a matter primarily for the national authorities and courts concerned. In addition, a study relating to the practical application of the Return Directive in Member States will be carried out in the course of Both studies will serve as factual basis for launching — if necessary — infringement procedures focusing also in particular on the situation in detention centres.
The Commission regrets that it does not have sufficient information at this moment to be able to answer the questions of the Honourable Member related to the situation in detention centres in EU Member States in general. Problematik bekannt, und ist der Kommission bekannt, wie die Umsetzung dieser Vorschrift in den anderen Mitgliedstaaten erfolgt ist? Sieht die Kommission u. Thus, in comparison with urban dwellers, rural communities, which are dependent on these small sewage treatment plants, are subject to disproportionately high financial costs and other burdens.
All measures need to be operational by the end of The WFD covers all pressures on the aquatic environment, including small waste water discharges, if these are causing significant impacts. It is for the Member States to define the precise measures to achieve the WFD objectives and to establish the financing modalities. However, in setting the policies, Member States may have regard to the social, environmental and economic effects of the cost recovery. The WFD includes the possibility to delay the achievement of the objectives to later than for reasons of disproportionate cost and technical unfeasibility.
The Commission is assessing the river basin management plans reported by Member States and will scrutinise the application of exemptions to ensure they are in line with the obligations of the WFD. Respuesta de la Alta Representante y Vicepresidenta Sra. Estamos muy pendientes del asunto Falun Gong en Rusia. There were numerous violations in the court proceedings, in which the rights of Falun Gong practitioners to defend themselves were not respected and taken into account. This court decision may result in restrictive measures against Russian Falun Gong practitioners: The Falun Gong association has been legally registered in several cities in Russia and Falun Gong practitioners in Russia are law-abiding residents, who follow the peaceful meditation practice of Falun Gong.
The case of Falun Gong in Russia is being followed closely. Staff from the EEAS have met with the Falun Gong representatives from Russia on numerous occasions to get the firsthand information on this case. Issues relating to the freedom of expression, the application of the anti-extremist law, and the due process of law in the Russian courts are all being raised with the Russian authorities.
The issue of the use and abuse of the Law of the Anti-Extremism has been raised during the last three consecutive human rights consultations with Russia. One of such is our Partnership for Modernisation with Russia. Dalle ultime notizie, sembrerebbe che il governo ucraino abbia deciso anche di prendersela con la sua famiglia, per aumentare la pressione sulla Tymoshenko.
Il governo della Repubblica Ceca ha concesso asilo politico al marito, contro il quale sarebbe stato aperto un procedimento penale. L'attuale presidente ucraino Viktor Yanukovich e, naturalmente, i tribunali sostengono che l'ex Primo Ministro ha danneggiato il Paese firmando l'accordo sul gas con il premier russo Vladimir Putin. Le relative dichiarazioni dell'Alta rappresentante e del suo portavoce possono essere consultate online.
Di recente, medici tedeschi e canadesi sono stati autorizzati ad effettuare una visita medica indipendente. It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain that the way the former Ukrainian Prime Minister, Yulia Tymoshenko, is being treated does not amount to political persecution. She is now being subjected to harsh prison conditions. Yulia Tymoshenko is being filmed in prison against her will, and has been transferred to a penal colony where she is forced to sleep with the lights on and kept under constant CCTV surveillance.
According to her lawyers, she is being denied access to the medical treatment she needs. According to recent reports, it seems that the Ukrainian government has also decided to increase the pressure on Tymoshenko by victimising her family. The Government of the Czech Republic has granted political asylum to her husband, against whom criminal proceedings have reportedly been initiated. There is a possibility that her daughter will also decide to move abroad in the near future The current Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and, of course, the courts claim that the former Prime Minister damaged the country by signing the gas deal with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
If not, would the High Commissioner state whether, and in what way, she intends to intervene to uphold the dignity of a person who has appeared on several occasions before the European institutions and the Members of the European Parliament? The verdict came after a trial which did not respect the international standards as regards fair, transparent and independent legal process.
Recently, German and Canadian doctors were allowed to undertake an independent medical examination. Paragraph 5 appears to be intended to cover those cases that are not covered by the preceding paragraphs. Pursuant to paragraph 3 , food business operators who are not involved in the labelling of food information are only obliged to refrain from supplying food which they know, or presume, on the basis of the information in their possession as professionals, to be non-compliant with EU and national food information law. Thus, Member States may not, through national law, require that a food-business operator who is not involved in the labelling of food information be obliged to check for the presence or accuracy of food information.
Paragraph 5 would cover all cases not directly falling within paragraphs 2 to 4, for instance the use of language, obliging food-business operators who are not involved in the labelling of food information to ensure that national language requirements are satisfied. The misleading character of any food information is to be assessed by the national competent authorities on a case-by-case basis. Dies hat sie unter anderem mit ihren am For some months, Europe has been experiencing a disproportionate wave of price rises involving foodstuffs, representing an increasing threat to the purchasing power of our population.
The explosion in the prices of daily comestibles is a matter of the highest priority for me as the social affairs spokesperson of the Austrian EPP delegation, particularly in view of the forthcoming austerity packages and tax increases throughout Europe, and the consequent fears of a decline in income in real terms. Those on low incomes, such as the elderly, often find it impossible to get by on a day-to-day basis.
Betting on higher prices often leads to actual price rises on the supermarket shelves. While fully acknowledging the important function of the international raw materials markets for food supplies, and the general regulation of the financial markets already implemented by the Commission, one urgent question remains:. How does the Commission intend to put an end to the irregularities in foodstuff speculation with immediate effect?
Confidential information that has been made available to us by leading distribution managers indicates that this can mainly be explained by the practices of international food producers, who demand significantly higher cost prices when selling identical goods to Austrian distributors than in other EU countries. Like similar businesses in other countries, distributors in Austria are powerless in the face of this. How does the Commission intend to put a stop to this practice, which flies in the face of the objectives of the internal market and free trade, so that the internal market will finally become a reality not just for consumers, but also for retail distributors?
How does the Commission intend to involve the European social partners in its future activities and induce national governments to take responsibility in their respective areas of competence? The proposals are intended to significantly improve market stability, transparency and supervisory oversight in commodity derivative markets, and include a number of measures specific to the commodity derivatives markets, such as reducing exemptions, enhancing transparency, position reporting requirements, limits and management powers, and improved provisions to reduce abuse.
Within the Forum, business organisations representing the food supply chain agreed principles of good practice. In , the Forum will work on options for the implementation of these principles in business practice.
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The Commission stands ready to investigate any indications of intra-EU price discrimination or market segmentation by food sector operators, if it is provided with prima facie evidence of such behaviour. The Commission is preparing a detailed report of the most significant enforcement, advocacy and monitoring actions taken by NCAs and the Commission in recent years in the food sector. The Commission will inform Parliament of this report when published this year.
What steps will the Commission take to resolve this problem, and in what timeframe? As regards market surveillance, it is primarily the responsibility of Member States. European Territorial Cooperation is mainly aimed at promoting greater territorial cohesion among Member States or between Member States and third countries;.
The scope of activities currently undertaken by European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation EGTCs is very broad, ranging from the joint management of natural resources, to improved access to cross-border transport systems or management of services of general interest such as health or education. Institute for Environmental Protection and Research and without conducting a scientifically validated alternative faunal census.
Does it intend to seek clarification and take appropriate measures with respect to the Sardinian regional authority which, as in the past, is failing to comply with the requirements laid down in the Birds Directive and in the Italian implementing regulations? The Commission understands, also from the text of the mentioned decisions of the regional and national administrative courts that such a decision by the region of Sardinia was taken without the opinion of the national Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, which is required by national law.
The Commission has also received information about the more recent regional decisions mentioned by the Honourable Member decrees of The Commission will assess all the available information and will determine any further appropriate steps in order to ensure compliance with the relevant provisions of the Birds Directive. The recent tragic shipwreck off the coast of Tuscany Italy goes to show that despite the latest technology, human error can still cause disasters of this sort.
The question is to what extent improved training, qualification and educational measures certification can contribute to greater safety for passengers, maritime transport and the environment. Does the Commission intend to take action in this area following the abovementioned shipwreck?
Training and certification of seafarers is the subject-matter of the Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers. This proposal is currently under consideration by the European Parliament. In addition to certification and training, the Commission has started work on a review of the rules on passenger safety which may lead to appropriate proposals.
Dall'inchiesta risulta infatti che non solo vengono acquisiti i dati bancari dei cittadini americani, ma che anche quelli dei cittadini europei che usufruiscono del sistema SWIFT vengono intercettati. La Svizzera, a quanto pare, ha riconosciuto la morte del segreto bancario e la stessa UE ha chiesto di discutere la cosa con urgenza. Quali iniziative intende intraprendere per garantire il diritto a tale segreto ai cittadini europei?
The investigation showed that not only had the banking details of US citizens been acquired, but that those of EU citizens using the SWIFT system were also being intercepted. Can the Commission say whether these discussions have taken place and, if so, what the outcome was? Does it not consider that the disappearance of banking secrecy represents a serious attack on privacy and the sacrosanct principle of private property? What measures does it intend to take to guarantee the right of European citizens to banking secrecy? While the Commission is in no doubt of the importance of bank customers' wish for confidentiality of personal financial information in general, this must not thwart efforts to effectively fight serious crime such as money laundering or the financing of terrorism.
Consequently Recommendation 9 of the Financial Action Task Force, the global standard setter in the context of anti-money laundering and countering terrorist financing, explicitly asks countries to ensure that financial institution secrecy laws do not inhibit the implementation of these global standards. La UE ha establecido varios instrumentos legislativos para preservar los recursos costeros. It is certainly the case that some aspects of the Coastal Law have been applied arbitrarily and chaotically, affecting hundreds of owners of legally acquired homes, as the aforementioned report acknowledges.
Partial reform of the law could therefore be justified. However, the reform announced by the new Spanish Government Minister for Agriculture, Food and Environment envisages a complete reform of the law, leaving the coast unprotected and allowing unrestricted urbanisation. This reform, moreover, is part of a government strategy to strengthen the construction sector to help with recovery from the economic crisis. The Commission is concerned about the increase in environmental pressures on the Mediterranean Sea Coast which is threatening coastal ecosystems.
The Spanish Government has not yet published the legal texts relating to the announced reform of the Coastal law. The Commission will only be in a position to assess the announced changes once the legal texts become available. The Commission's assessment will take into account the international obligations of Spain resulting from the Barcelona Convention as well as the existing acquis relating to coastal ecosystems. In gaining control of these two companies, the Chinese State has acquired the potential to access and control an advanced technology sector of strategic importance to Portugal and hence to Europe.
The Treaty on the European Union sets out clearly the EU's commitment to openness towards foreign direct investment FDI including from third countries. The case for openness must be sustained by engaging state controlled companies in a cooperative effort to enhance their governance standards and the quality of information they provide to markets. If such investments were motivated by political rather than commercial objectives, they could be a source of legitimate national security concerns. However, measures that address national security concerns should be transparent, predictable and proportionate to the national security issue identified, and precisely circumscribed so as to avoid unduly disrupting the flow of investment and maintaing the EU's strong commitment to an open investment environment.
When Member States decide to sell shares in state owned companies it is up to the Member States to assess the bids and chose the investor. In this model, shareholders exercising rights in the Transmission System Operators cannot at the same time exercise any rights over an undertaking performing any production or supply activities in the electricity or gas field.
The effective independence between the two Chinese companies concerned will have to be assessed in detail by the Portuguese Regulator in the context of the certification procedure foreseen for REN. Interventi per favorire l'utilizzo dei pagamenti elettronici. However, this measure is not coupled with incentives for using electronic currency, which actually costs people more.
For example, if a person to pay his or her road tax and television licence fee by electronic means, using a credit card, he will pay a higher fee than that charged by the Italian post office for cash payments. It should be borne in mind that, among other things, a recent study by the European Central Bank ECB highlighted a tendency among Italians to use cash, demonstrating the extent to which they find it difficult to accept that electronic payments are reliable?
In the area of electronic payments, the Commission concentrates its current efforts on the creation of a legal environment that stimulates growth, competitiveness, innovation and promotes the use of common standards and technical infrastructures. The Commission is of the opinion that electronic payments may offer many advantages to consumers, businesses and Member States thanks to the registered nature of such transactions.
The use of electronic payment means entails a comprehensive protection of rights of payment services users in case of any transaction error and, unlike cash, in case of fraud or theft. While from the perspective of a consumer credit card payments are in some situations more expensive to use than cash, other forms of payment, such as credit transfers and direct debits, are fully comparable. In some Member States it is even more advantageous to use credit transfers and direct debits than cash.
Esplosione di una condotta del metano a Massa Carrara. Una condotta del metano saldata male, il gas che fuoriesce, la scintilla e poi il boato. Fiamme alte fino a cento metri, case e fienili sventrati, auto in fiamme, una colonna di fumo sopra al cielo della Lunigiana e un cratere largo fino a 25 metri e profondo quasi Questione di secondi, poi il boato con una lingua di fuoco che ha aggredito i tecnici al lavoro in subappalto.
Cinque operai stavano lavorando per sostituire un tubo del metanodotto che serve la linea La Spezia-Parma e alcuni comuni abbarbicati tra le Alpi Apuane e il mare. A poorly welded methane pipeline, leaking gas, a spark and then an explosion — and the village of Barbaresco, in Tresana, province of Massa Carrara, became an inferno.
Flames shot up to nearly a hundred metres, houses and barns were gutted, cars set ablaze, a column of smoke reached up to the skies above Lunigiana and a metre wide, metre deep crater was formed. All of this took place within a matter of seconds, followed by the explosion and a tongue of flame that reached the subcontractor engineers at work.
The toll was tragic: Five labourers had been working to replace a section of the methane pipeline that serves the line between La Spezia and Parma and some hillside municipalities between the Apuan Alps and the sea, when something went dramatically wrong. The team had been using an excavator to position the new pipeline when it broke in two, falling to the ground and creating the spark that caused the explosion.
The amount of gas that leaked in just a short time was lethal. Has Greece utilised funding from the programmes in question? What has been the take-up of funding by Greece and what is its ranking in this respect compared to the compared to the European average? Such technical assistance is managed directly by the Commission and the target countries will be identified depending on the most urgent needs. In particular Member States and regions where unemployment among young people is very high, as is the case for Greece, will be encouraged to participate in the action.
In its recent own-initiative report on youth opportunities, the Commission calls on Member States to confront issues such as youth unemployment and in particular measures to help newcomers to the job market in finding their first job.
EUR-Lex - C/E/01 - EN - EUR-Lex
What has been the take-up by Greece of European Social Fund appropriations for measures to encourage youth employment? What is the European average? What is the reason for such low take-up of funding by Greece and the other Member States, despite the impact of the economic crisis on young people? The integration of young people into the labour market is an issue of the highest priority for the Commission given the negative impact of the crisis on youth unemployment.
In many ESF programmes initiatives to help young people are included in measures under wider priorities so it is difficult to give exact figures on spending or participation of young people. The Commission will support the Greek authorities in increasing this measure further. The Greek Human Resources Development operational programme had a slow start, also because it had to be adopted to better respond to the impact of the crisis.
However, implementation of the ESF programmes has improved significantly in Under the powers granted to the Task Force for Greece, an undertaking has been made to restrict bureaucracy while at the same time improving the government monitoring mechanisms. Has the Commission noted any improvement in Greece regarding the take-up of European Structural Fund appropriations for upgrading public sector IT systems restricting bureaucracy and improving government monitoring mechanisms?
What are the recent data? Has there been any improvement? The Commission considers that there has been an improvement, as evidenced from the figures and the actions undertaken. By end , the Structural Funds absorption for Greece was The deployment of e-Government in Greece is a major pillar of the administrative reforms aiming to improve the quality of services to citizens.
As part of this, projects in four key e-government areas are being implemented: According to the available information, the percentage of the population that made electronic transactions with the public administration stands at The percentage of citizens that submitted electronic files to the public administration e.
Information on e-Government and ICT services is online at http: What is the level of this financial assistance and what factors will influence it? Given that the choice of the young people involved will be made exclusively via the EURES portal, how can the objectivity of this choice be guaranteed? This scheme will provide information, job search, job matching and financial support to both young jobseekers aged willing to work in another EU Member State and businesses SME in particular recruiting young European mobile workers and providing them with an integration programme.
Young people and SMEs are the end-recipients of flat-rate financing support. This scheme is designed to address EU labour market imbalances by facilitating supply and demand of labour. This means that job placements will not be governed by pre-established country quotas but will be the result of EU labour markets' needs and vacancy offers. It will be implemented by European employment services selected through calls for proposals. A broad range of customer-oriented services will be provided in addition to online services e.
As is the case with other mobility schemes co-financed by the Commission, access conditions for target groups will be made widely known. Rilancio del progetto FAST sulla fusione nucleare. In vista del nuovo programma quadro , intende la Commissione destinare risorse alla realizzazione di impianti sperimentali, esistenti o in fase di costruzione come FAST, garantendo un impegno a livello europeo nel rispetto del programma quadro dell'Euratom?
La Commissione sta coinvolgendo esperti esterni e le principali parti interessate nella pianificazione strategica del futuro programma di ricerca europeo sulla fusione. Nuclear fusion is considered to be one of the useful options for ensuring a large-scale, safe, sustainable and inexhaustible source of energy. ITER is a decisive step towards demonstrating the scientific and technological feasibility of the production of energy using controlled thermonuclear fusion, while the FAST project was born from the creativity and competence of Italian industries and aims to accompany ITER in its operational phase.
In view of the new framework programme , does the Commission intend to allocate resources to the development of existing experimental facilities or those that are under construction, such as FAST, ensuring commitment at European level in compliance with the Euratom framework programme? The Commission is involving external experts and principal stakeholders in the strategic planning of the future European fusion research programme.
However, it is not possible today to anticipate the conclusions of these deliberations. Un recente appello da parte di un attivista sudafricano richiede all'Unione europea di riconoscere l'indipendenza dello Stato Afrikaner in Sudafrica. Inoltre, aziende e industrie situate nella provincia menzionata e operanti in diversi settori formerebbero un primo tessuto economico del neo-Stato. According to the activist, every day there are many incidents of abuse and violence by the South African government towards the Boer population.
An Afrikaner pro-independence group proposes an independent state in the province of Gauteng, South Africa, which would include the cities of Heidelberg, Vereeniging, Vanderbijlpark, Deneysville, Sasolburg, Parys, Fochville and other small neighbouring towns. Secondo le ultime notizie riportate dal Consiglio nazionale della resistenza iraniana NCRI , il governo di Al Maliki sta equipaggiando l'area di Camp Liberty con materiale da spionaggio per intercettare e controllare i futuri residenti.
Camp Liberty era stato costruito per ospitare giovani soldati statunitensi per un breve periodo. Oltre a limitare lo spazio fisico e ad installare strumenti di controllo e spionaggio, Al Maliki vuole far costruire dei muri che isolino quella parte del campo da tutto il resto.
Il governo iracheno intende trasformare il nuovo campo in una vera e propria prigione per gli abitanti di Ashraf. Al Maliki ritiene che i residenti di Camp Ashraf siano terroristi e criminali, pertanto non vuole che restino nel suo territorio. L'Unione europea segue attentamente la questione dei profughi di Camp Ashraf, il cui futuro continua a destare preoccupazione. Camp Liberty was built to accommodate young American soldiers for a short period of time. According to the American army, the camp is not suitable for long stays and may cause psychological problems in those who reside there for a long time.
What is its opinion? Apart from this one, does the Commission know of any other floating offshore wind farm projects within the EU? If the answer is yes, how long has it been running, how much power does it produce and with what results? Demonstration of cost-competitive floating structures was included as a topic in the FP7 Energy call Whereas, until recently, on-site experience was limited to a few prototypes such as the HYWIND project in Norway , the FP7 call aims to demonstrate and assess benefits and cost competitiveness of grid-connected multi MW offshore turbines on a floating structure.
The evaluation process is ongoing. Acuerdos de comercio internacional: Recent experience involving the Association Agreement between the European Union and Central America as well as the Trade Agreement with Peru and Colombia has shown that the interval between conclusion of the relevant negotiations and the time when the Commission proposes that signing be authorised can be very long. The delay has been attributed to the translation and legal verification process. Since in global economic affairs it is often important to gain market access and tariff reductions as soon as possible, this time lag creates a clear disadvantage for the European Union and the Member States over economic competitors, in particular the United States, where the need for translation is non-existent or fairly limited.
As EU trade agreements are voluminous texts, usually containing very detailed liberalisation schedules, legal verification or. Thereafter, the verified texts are translated in 22 official EU languages and are put in to a Commission proposal for a Council decision authorising signature. They are further verified by the Council's lawyer linguists. It thus takes well over a year between the end of negotiations and the actual Council decision authorising signature, despite efforts of all involved to move more quickly.
The agreements referred to by the Honourable Members took an exceptionally long time to prepare for signature because the Association Agreement was concluded with six Central American countries that needed to coordinate their positions among themselves and the Multiparty Agreement with Colombia and Peru had been negotiated in two languages. The Commission has introduced efficiency measures through better planning of work and earlier notification of Commission's translators and Council's lawyer linguists.
Further savings would be possible if all three institutions involved were to agree on standardised formatting requirements for the relevant texts — a wider issue than presently raised by the Honourable Members. Delays in signing trade agreements obviously defer the gains awaited by economic operators on both sides. Wenn ja, welche und wie? The countries affected by the Arab Spring, such as Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia and Libya, are experiencing major political and social upheaval.
If so, which and how? If so, what instruments is it using and in which countries? It is a key element for building deep democracy. As well as a dedicated programme towards gender, a number of instruments are available to civil society in their efforts to ensure women's rights. Inoltre, per la prima volta, la recente proposta della Commissione di revisione della legislazione in materia di protezione civile prevede disposizioni sulla prevenzione, con l'obiettivo di coprire l'intero ciclo di gestione delle catastrofi.
Il regolamento CE n. Als reactie op de ernstige overstromingen in Centraal-Europa in de zomer van , richtte de Europese Unie het Solidariteitsfonds op om de landen in nood te helpen. Het recente voorstel van de Commissie om de wetgeving inzake civiele bescherming te herzien, combineert bovendien voor het eerst preventiebepalingen met de doelstelling om de gehele rampenbeheercyclus aan te pakken. De mechanismen om het Solidariteitsfonds te activeren en in te schakelen en de manier waarop de noodzakelijke begrotingsmiddelen worden vergaard, los van de normale EU-begroting, zijn op die doelstelling afgestemd.
Afhankelijk van het resultaat van de discussie met het Parlement, de Raad en andere belanghebbenden over deze mededeling zal er een wetsvoorstel volgen. O Regulamento CE n. Fondul de solidaritate al Uniunii Europene. The European Union is built around the principles of solidarity and of shared responsibilities within the Community to provide quality of life for all citizens. In response to the severe floods in Central Europe in the summer of , the European Union set up the Solidarity Fund to help those countries in need. Does the Commission agree that prevention of natural disasters is of essential importance to minimise the consequences of future natural disasters?
The Commission, together with Member States and supported by the Parliament, is implementing an ambitious prevention strategy covering enhanced knowledge, risk assessment and risk management planning, in addition to making full use of EU financing possibilities to support measures such as flood management. Furthermore, the recent Commission proposal to revise the Civil Protection legislation integrates, for the first time, provisions for prevention with the objective to address the full disaster management cycle.
The EU Solidarity Fund was set up with the specific purpose of granting financial assistance for emergency operations in the aftermath of major natural disasters. The mechanisms to activate and implement the Solidarity Fund and the way in which the necessary budgetary appropriations are raised — over and above the normal EU budget — are geared towards that sole objective.
While the prevention of disasters is a key priority among EU policies, the Commission believes that the Solidarity Fund should remain focused on its initial purpose. Depending on the outcome of the discussion of this communication with the Parliament, the Council and other stakeholders, a legislative proposal will follow. The European Commission has launched Europe , a strategy for creating conditions for the European Union to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Foremost among the various strategic objectives is to create an economy with high levels of employment in order to ensure economic, social and territorial cohesion.
Both programmes prioritise support for citizens in the areas of employment and social inclusion. Together they form a major European initiative in the areas of employment and social change. The European Union has a strategic and integrated policy approach involving different Structural Funds aimed at supporting people experiencing employment problems, encouraging new opportunities which should solve the most pressing problems.
The PSCI will focus on supporting policy coordination, sharing best practice, capacity-building, gathering evidence, developing statistical tools at EU level and testing innovative policies.
EUR-Lex Access to European Union law
Although the two instruments are the main source of EU funding for promoting employment and social inclusion, other EU instruments, such as the Structural Funds and the Lifelong Learning Programme LLP and Youth in Action, also have an indirect impact on employment.
The question of organising emergency healthcare response for Alzheimer's patients in specific Member States is, however, an issue under the responsibility of each individual Member State in accordance with the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Roj Women also claims that civilian human-rights activists and elected BDP Peace and Democracy Party members, BDP supporters and non-Kurdish supporters have been arrested and detained on a large scale.
Roj Women alleges that the armed forces have prohibited post-mortem examinations of these fighters to establish the true cause of death. The Commission will continue to monitor the issue. Has the Commission raised these allegations with the Turkish Government or demanded an investigation to establish the facts, given that Turkey is an EU candidate country? The Commission is concerned about the allegations regarding the use of chemical weapons in recent months, and has raised the issue with the Turkish authorities.
The Commission will continue to raise the issue. In this context, the Commission would like to underline that all parties need to work unremittingly to bring peace and prosperity for all the citizens of Turkey. The south-east of Turkey needs peace, democracy and stability as well as social, economic and cultural development. This can only be achieved through consensus on concrete measures expanding the social, economic and cultural rights of the people living in the region.
La realizzazione di un simile progetto potrebbe favorire gli scambi commerciali, il turismo e il dialogo interculturale. These two cities share a strong Christian and European tradition, as well as a vast artistic and cultural heritage. The aim of partnerships between cities is the forging of links between municipalities and their citizens so as to strengthen cultural and commercial ties.
In this case, it was none other that the citizens of both cities who asked the municipalities to establish an official partnership. The partnership will focus on areas such as art and culture, the environment, sports and leisure, development, work, youth and education. The partnership also will hinge on cultural tourism, on the arts and on literary traditions, which have always played a key role in the economies of both cities.
The carrying out of such a project could benefit trade, tourism and intercultural dialogue. Finally, apart from being supported by several Councillors of the City of Rome, the project is also known to the Irish Embassy in Italy. The Commission supports gatherings of citizens and citizens' groups from twinned towns so as to benefit from the partnership between municipalities to develop better understanding and good relations between their citizens. Since the launching of the Programme Europe for Citizens there has been a very positive development of town twinning activities, especially in relation to multilateral projects and networks of twinned towns.
Every year the Programme funds almost 1, town-twinning projects, involving more than 3, cities. The number of multilateral town twinning projects has been increasing and they are now just over half of such projects. Die derzeitige Behandlung besteht aus Blutentnahme oder Aderlass.

Hereditary haemochromatosis HH is a genetic condition marked by iron overload in the blood. At present, simple and cost-effective ways already exist to diagnose and treat hereditary haemochromatosis effectively. A suspected diagnosis can be given by means of very simple and low-cost blood tests transferrin saturation and ferritin and can easily be confirmed by a sensitive and specific genetic test search for CY mutation. The current treatment consists of blood-letting or phlebotomy. Phlebotomies are periodically repeated in order to eliminate iron overload.
Given the cross-border dimension of hereditary haemochromatosis as well as the number of European patients potentially affected, and while recognising the primary responsibility of Member States for the organisation and delivery of health services and medical care, could the Commission answer the following questions:. Is the Commission considering initiatives or programmes which could enhance awareness of hereditary haemochromatosis, notably targeting risk-group populations and health professionals particularly general practitioners?
Would the Commission consider the development of specific guidelines to enhance early detection and diagnosis of hereditary haemochromatosis, thus allowing cost-effective management of the disease for healthcare systems in Europe by reducing the number of late-diagnosed patients? Does the Commission intend to continue and step up its support for research into hereditary or genetic diseases? Haemochromatosis is one of the most frequent hereditary diseases in Europe. It tends to be under-diagnosed, partly because its symptoms are similar to those of a range of other illnesses.
There is no accepted European study on the prevalence of the disease. The Commission's action on rare diseases is presented in the communication on Rare Diseases: Due to the very high number of diseases, the Commission does not have the means to address each individual rare disease with specific actions.
This is why the Commission seeks to provide solutions for rare diseases as a whole and does not intend to develop specific guidelines on early detection and diagnosis of hereditary haemochromatosis, nor is it planning to organise awareness campaigns addressing health professionals. The Commission has however been supporting collaborative research in this area through its Framework Programme for Research FP7 since Further opportunities for investigating diseases of iron metabolism may arise in future calls for proposals within FP7. The Commission has proposed to the Parliament and the Council to give due consideration to genetic diseases in the Health, demographic change and wellbeing section of the Societal Challenges priority in its proposal for Horizon , the FP for Research and Innovation With the adoption of country-specific recommendations, so that the Member States might apply these recommendations before taking any key budgetary decisions.
This programme, still in its initial phase, is undergoing constant revision in order to make it into an efficient tool for effectively coordinating the budgets of the Member States of Europe. Notwithstanding, it does not yet take into consideration the role of regions with fiscal and legislative powers nor their crucial importance in combating the deficit and working towards budgetary harmonisation in Europe. Therefore, coordination is also necessary at regional level in certain cases. This is particularly relevant when a region applies economic measures in line with European standards, but is unable to receive the approval of the European institutions to legitimise these, which makes it even more difficult for its citizens to understand the importance of measures of this nature.
Does the Commission believe that it would be useful to include some mechanism within the framework of the European Semester which would allow for the inclusion of those regions with fiscal and legislative powers which, given their economic turnover and volume of exports comparable to those of Member States, are of systemic importance for the entire European Union?
Does the Commission believe that it is possible to find some voluntary mechanism so that regions with fiscal and legislative powers which make them of systemic importance can participate in the European Semester process? Does the Commission not believe that participation in the European Semester by the aforementioned regions with fiscal and legislative powers could be a rational and legitimising incentive for the approval of the budgetary harmonisation measures required if we are to achieve greater coordination at European level?
As provided for by the Treaty and the relevant secondary legislation, the recommendations formulated by the Commission and adopted by the Council in this context are addressed to Member States. It is the responsibility of national or federal governments to ensure that action is taken in response to the recommendations adopted by the Council. In view of the importance of the ownership of necessary economic reforms, the Commission has however always called on Member States to ensure that relevant stakeholders, including regions, are appropriately involved in the formulation of National Reform Programmes.
More generally, national legal and political arrangements should ensure that, all relevant stakeholders are involved within the framework of the European Semester as appropriate. The primary responsibility for effectively enforcing the rules lies with Member States. Il delta del Po veneto rappresenta un'importante zona di sosta, riproduzione, svernamento per uccelli migratori, in particolare acquatici.
Nel la polizia provinciale di Rovigo ha sequestrato con un singolo controllo oltre uccelli abbattuti in una valle da pesca in violazione del limite consentito di uccelli abbattibili. Attualmente il WWF ha segnalato invano alla provincia di Rovigo la presenza di numerosi appostamenti fissi di caccia attivi addirittura all'interno del Parco del delta. Numerosi sono stati nel tempo i recuperi di uccelli non cacciabili feriti o uccisi dai bracconieri tra i quali l'uccisione di una gru Grus grus. Alla luce di quanto esposto, ritiene la Commissione di intervenire per verificare quanto illustrato al fine di adottare tutti quei provvedimenti necessari per la tutela degli uccelli acquatici migratori che ogni anno svernano nel comprensorio del delta del fiume Po provenienti dal nord Europa?
In tale contesto, nel luglio la Commissione ha partecipato, insieme a rappresentanti degli Stati membri, di BirdLife International, della FACE e di altre ONG, ad una conferenza internazionale sulla caccia, la cattura e il commercio illegali di uccelli, organizzata dal segretariato della convenzione di Berna a Larnaca Cipro. The Po delta in the Veneto is an important rest stop, breeding ground wintering area for migratory birds, particularly waterfowl.
The whole area is unfortunately affected by intense poaching activity. In a series of surveys carried out in different sites, on different dates and at different times since , the WWF observed the constant and widespread presence of poachers in every single case. The supervision carried out by the bodies in charge has proven totally inadequate in dealing with this phenomenon, which has not diminished over the years. The WWF has recently reported the to the Rovigo provincial authorities the presence of several hunting emplacements situated within the delta wildlife park itself.
However, no action has been taken. Many protected birds either injured or killed by poachers have been recovered, including a dead crane Grus grus. In view of this, will the Commission investigate matters and take all necessary measures for the protection of migratory waterfowl flying in from Northern Europe to winter in the Po river delta area every year?
In particular, how does the Commission plan on taking legal action against local authorities in relation to:. It is the responsibility of each Member State to put in place the requisite system of protection to prevent the problem of poaching and to take the necessary action to address it where it occurs. Further to this conference the Commission is exploring different ways to raise awareness and support Member States' efforts to tackle the problem. On the particular issue raised by the Honourable Member, the Commission will investigate with the Italian authorities about the effectiveness of the measures taken to tackle the problem.
I was approached by a member of the Lithuanian Parliament who drew my attention to the fact that the biometric system is not linked to the Police fingerprint database. Lithuania is moving over to a system of biometric passport controls, i. Does the Commission not think that merging these systems and records would help identify persons sought by the police or suspected or accused of crimes more effectively? At the same time, biometric identifiers should be integrated in the passport or travel document to establish a reliable link between the genuine holder and the document.
The regulation does not make provisions on the manner whereby personal data shall be stored by Member States. National data protection authorities must also be given authority to monitor this processing of personal data and ensure the protection of rights of data subjects as well as compliance with security measures that have to be adopted. The fulfilment of these requirements is essential to prevent a violation of the fundamental right to the protection of personal data. The Commission, therefore, is not in a position to evaluate the overall level of implementation of programmes and the general take-up rate of funds by Greece.
What are the reasons for the serious delay in closing the first annual programmes for and ? When are they expected to be completed? Does the Commission consider that this delay will impact on the take-up of Community funds for immigration in Greece and on the implementation of projects under the and annual programmes? The closure of these programmes is a procedure requiring various technical checks at both operational and financial levels. The time needed for the closure of each programme depends on the complexity of the programme, the completeness of the required information and its timely submission to the Commission.
Each annual programme has its own project life cycle and every closure is an administrative procedure that starts when a programme has already ended. This means that any delay within the closure procedure has no impact on the actual implementation of the subsequent programmes. In considerazione delle sconvolgenti affermazioni di cui sopra e delle forti preoccupazioni causate da queste gravi rivelazioni riguardanti atti sostanzialmente ostili nei confronti di uno Stato membro, si chiede alla Commissione:.
In caso di risposta affermativa, intende la Commissione ricercare ulteriori informazioni sulla questione? Qualora la parte turca dovesse scegliere di non prendere provvedimenti in vista di una risoluzione globale della questione, questo sviluppo cosa potrebbe significare per le relazioni UE-Turchia? Coinvolgimento del governo turco negli incendi che hanno colpito la Grecia nel Nel , il governo greco ha fatto circolare all'interno dell'UE e della NATO un documento che indicava il coinvolgimento del governo di Ankara negli incendi che hanno ripetutamente devastato le foreste della Grecia nel corso degli anni Novanta.
Il governo greco sosteneva di aver ottenuto queste informazioni dal proprio servizio nazionale di intelligence l'EYP. Nel dicembre , l'ex Primo Ministro turco Mesut Yilmaz ha confermato quanto contenuto nel documento emesso da Atene, dichiarando che il governo turco aveva effettivamente ordinato ad agenti dell'intelligence nazionale turca MIT di appiccare incendi nelle foreste greche. Further to the above shocking revelations and in view of the major concern triggered by these grave revelations regarding essentially hostile acts against a Member State, will the Commission answer the following:.
Is the Commission aware of the above information referring to illegal activities by the Turkish Government? If so, does the Commission intend to seek further information on the matter? Does the Commission intend to refer the issue to the Turkish authorities and seek clarification on a case apparently linked to attacks on further EU countries other than Greece, and assurances that such acts of sabotage will not be repeated or tolerated? Involvement of the Turkish government in the fires in Greece in The Greek Government claimed to have obtained this information from its own national intelligence service the EYP.
In the event that the charges against Ankara are confirmed and given their seriousness, what action will the Commission take? Dans ce contexte, quelles mesures et quels financements envisage-t-elle? The Arab Spring has given rise to new hopes of reviving and deepening the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. Civil society has demonstrated its importance in the political changes that have taken place in the southern Mediterranean, and our cooperation should now be founded on a new basis, that of closeness to the citizen.
In order to consolidate the democratic advances that have been made and work on concrete projects bringing together the two sides of the Mediterranean, a new Euro-Mediterranean governance should be put in place, involving cities and regions more intensively in the Union for the Mediterranean. This will undoubtedly strengthen the feeling of ownership of the cooperation process among Euro-Mediterranean citizens. Two initiatives should be welcomed and supported.
More broadly, what place does the European Commission aim to give to decentralised Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy? In this context, what measures and financing does it envisage? In the framework of decentralised Euro-Mediterranean cooperation, what measures does the Commission plan to support in the areas of sustainable development, waste, water, transport and urban management? It envisages concrete financial support to local authorities to assist them in their decentralisation process through three main channels i.
Esta muerte se suma a la de otras tres personas muertas en circunstancias confusas en el mismo CIE y, al menos, a otra muerte en el CIE de Valencia, y son numerosos los casos de denuncias por deficiencias en el tratamiento de enfermedades y adicciones. Moreover, there have been numerous complaints regarding deficiencies in treatments of illnesses and addictions in these centres. The existence of these centres is in response to current European immigration policy, supported by both social democrats and conservatives, which dehumanises foreign people and treats them as cheap labour, expelling those the market does not need.
Several social organisations have complained that these centres are uninhabitable. Conditions are worse than in common prisons, and confined people have their fundamental human rights violated and face acts of political repression and mistreatment that are seldom punished, since those who do dare to report such acts are deported. The management of these centres and the conditions to which people confined there are exposed are characterised by opaqueness and the absence of control over the treatment of detainees.
In fact, there is still no kind of regulation regarding their day-to-day operation and there are even centres used as CIEs that are not recognised by the Spanish State. Will the Commission call on the Spanish Government to close down these centres in order to end the violation of fundamental rights of the people confined in them? Does the Commission have any information on these centres, or will it request information from the Spanish Government?
The assessment of individual incidents and pursuit of possible criminal offences which take place in national detention centres is a matter primarily for the national authorities and courts concerned. In addition, a study relating to the practical application of the Return Directive in Member States will be carried out in the course of Both studies will serve as factual basis for launching — if necessary — infringement procedures focusing also in particular on the situation in detention centres.
The Commission regrets that it does not have sufficient information at this moment to be able to answer the questions of the Honourable Member related to the situation in detention centres in EU Member States in general. Problematik bekannt, und ist der Kommission bekannt, wie die Umsetzung dieser Vorschrift in den anderen Mitgliedstaaten erfolgt ist?
Sieht die Kommission u. Thus, in comparison with urban dwellers, rural communities, which are dependent on these small sewage treatment plants, are subject to disproportionately high financial costs and other burdens. All measures need to be operational by the end of The WFD covers all pressures on the aquatic environment, including small waste water discharges, if these are causing significant impacts.
It is for the Member States to define the precise measures to achieve the WFD objectives and to establish the financing modalities. However, in setting the policies, Member States may have regard to the social, environmental and economic effects of the cost recovery. The WFD includes the possibility to delay the achievement of the objectives to later than for reasons of disproportionate cost and technical unfeasibility.
The Commission is assessing the river basin management plans reported by Member States and will scrutinise the application of exemptions to ensure they are in line with the obligations of the WFD. Respuesta de la Alta Representante y Vicepresidenta Sra. Estamos muy pendientes del asunto Falun Gong en Rusia. There were numerous violations in the court proceedings, in which the rights of Falun Gong practitioners to defend themselves were not respected and taken into account.
This court decision may result in restrictive measures against Russian Falun Gong practitioners: The Falun Gong association has been legally registered in several cities in Russia and Falun Gong practitioners in Russia are law-abiding residents, who follow the peaceful meditation practice of Falun Gong. The case of Falun Gong in Russia is being followed closely. Staff from the EEAS have met with the Falun Gong representatives from Russia on numerous occasions to get the firsthand information on this case.
Issues relating to the freedom of expression, the application of the anti-extremist law, and the due process of law in the Russian courts are all being raised with the Russian authorities. The issue of the use and abuse of the Law of the Anti-Extremism has been raised during the last three consecutive human rights consultations with Russia. One of such is our Partnership for Modernisation with Russia.
Dalle ultime notizie, sembrerebbe che il governo ucraino abbia deciso anche di prendersela con la sua famiglia, per aumentare la pressione sulla Tymoshenko. Il governo della Repubblica Ceca ha concesso asilo politico al marito, contro il quale sarebbe stato aperto un procedimento penale. L'attuale presidente ucraino Viktor Yanukovich e, naturalmente, i tribunali sostengono che l'ex Primo Ministro ha danneggiato il Paese firmando l'accordo sul gas con il premier russo Vladimir Putin.
Le relative dichiarazioni dell'Alta rappresentante e del suo portavoce possono essere consultate online. Di recente, medici tedeschi e canadesi sono stati autorizzati ad effettuare una visita medica indipendente. It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain that the way the former Ukrainian Prime Minister, Yulia Tymoshenko, is being treated does not amount to political persecution. She is now being subjected to harsh prison conditions. Yulia Tymoshenko is being filmed in prison against her will, and has been transferred to a penal colony where she is forced to sleep with the lights on and kept under constant CCTV surveillance.
According to her lawyers, she is being denied access to the medical treatment she needs. According to recent reports, it seems that the Ukrainian government has also decided to increase the pressure on Tymoshenko by victimising her family. The Government of the Czech Republic has granted political asylum to her husband, against whom criminal proceedings have reportedly been initiated.
There is a possibility that her daughter will also decide to move abroad in the near future The current Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and, of course, the courts claim that the former Prime Minister damaged the country by signing the gas deal with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. If not, would the High Commissioner state whether, and in what way, she intends to intervene to uphold the dignity of a person who has appeared on several occasions before the European institutions and the Members of the European Parliament?
The verdict came after a trial which did not respect the international standards as regards fair, transparent and independent legal process. Recently, German and Canadian doctors were allowed to undertake an independent medical examination. Paragraph 5 appears to be intended to cover those cases that are not covered by the preceding paragraphs.
Pursuant to paragraph 3 , food business operators who are not involved in the labelling of food information are only obliged to refrain from supplying food which they know, or presume, on the basis of the information in their possession as professionals, to be non-compliant with EU and national food information law. Thus, Member States may not, through national law, require that a food-business operator who is not involved in the labelling of food information be obliged to check for the presence or accuracy of food information.
Paragraph 5 would cover all cases not directly falling within paragraphs 2 to 4, for instance the use of language, obliging food-business operators who are not involved in the labelling of food information to ensure that national language requirements are satisfied. The misleading character of any food information is to be assessed by the national competent authorities on a case-by-case basis. Dies hat sie unter anderem mit ihren am For some months, Europe has been experiencing a disproportionate wave of price rises involving foodstuffs, representing an increasing threat to the purchasing power of our population.
The explosion in the prices of daily comestibles is a matter of the highest priority for me as the social affairs spokesperson of the Austrian EPP delegation, particularly in view of the forthcoming austerity packages and tax increases throughout Europe, and the consequent fears of a decline in income in real terms. Those on low incomes, such as the elderly, often find it impossible to get by on a day-to-day basis.
Betting on higher prices often leads to actual price rises on the supermarket shelves. While fully acknowledging the important function of the international raw materials markets for food supplies, and the general regulation of the financial markets already implemented by the Commission, one urgent question remains:. How does the Commission intend to put an end to the irregularities in foodstuff speculation with immediate effect? Confidential information that has been made available to us by leading distribution managers indicates that this can mainly be explained by the practices of international food producers, who demand significantly higher cost prices when selling identical goods to Austrian distributors than in other EU countries.
Like similar businesses in other countries, distributors in Austria are powerless in the face of this. How does the Commission intend to put a stop to this practice, which flies in the face of the objectives of the internal market and free trade, so that the internal market will finally become a reality not just for consumers, but also for retail distributors? How does the Commission intend to involve the European social partners in its future activities and induce national governments to take responsibility in their respective areas of competence? The proposals are intended to significantly improve market stability, transparency and supervisory oversight in commodity derivative markets, and include a number of measures specific to the commodity derivatives markets, such as reducing exemptions, enhancing transparency, position reporting requirements, limits and management powers, and improved provisions to reduce abuse.
Within the Forum, business organisations representing the food supply chain agreed principles of good practice. In , the Forum will work on options for the implementation of these principles in business practice. The Commission stands ready to investigate any indications of intra-EU price discrimination or market segmentation by food sector operators, if it is provided with prima facie evidence of such behaviour. The Commission is preparing a detailed report of the most significant enforcement, advocacy and monitoring actions taken by NCAs and the Commission in recent years in the food sector.
The Commission will inform Parliament of this report when published this year. What steps will the Commission take to resolve this problem, and in what timeframe? As regards market surveillance, it is primarily the responsibility of Member States. European Territorial Cooperation is mainly aimed at promoting greater territorial cohesion among Member States or between Member States and third countries;. The scope of activities currently undertaken by European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation EGTCs is very broad, ranging from the joint management of natural resources, to improved access to cross-border transport systems or management of services of general interest such as health or education.
Institute for Environmental Protection and Research and without conducting a scientifically validated alternative faunal census. Does it intend to seek clarification and take appropriate measures with respect to the Sardinian regional authority which, as in the past, is failing to comply with the requirements laid down in the Birds Directive and in the Italian implementing regulations? The Commission understands, also from the text of the mentioned decisions of the regional and national administrative courts that such a decision by the region of Sardinia was taken without the opinion of the national Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, which is required by national law.
The Commission has also received information about the more recent regional decisions mentioned by the Honourable Member decrees of The Commission will assess all the available information and will determine any further appropriate steps in order to ensure compliance with the relevant provisions of the Birds Directive. The recent tragic shipwreck off the coast of Tuscany Italy goes to show that despite the latest technology, human error can still cause disasters of this sort.
The question is to what extent improved training, qualification and educational measures certification can contribute to greater safety for passengers, maritime transport and the environment.