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So it goes without saying that Angie deserves a massive shout out for being so brave about sharing her innermost thoughts and feelings about what it is like living with these conditions! Thank you for reviewing this book. I have dermatillomania too and maybe you can tell me where you got it from?

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I hope for an answer. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

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You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Home What is Dermatillomania? Twitter Facebook Tumblr Google. Leave a comment Comments 3. Meagan August 14, at 1: Kyra March 9, at 5: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: I cannot express how much this book has touched me. I have been dealing with dermatillomania since I was three, though I didn't come to learn what it was called until a few years ago, thanks to Angela and her book.

My arms are my worst area, but my chest, back, and face are not far behind. It's been more than a decade since I was able to go swimming in a public pool and summers for me are just a never ending montage of hidding and covering up my marks. I've only told two people in my life about I cannot express how much this book has touched me.

Sunday Skin Pick Book Review: Forever Marked: A Dermatillomania Diary | End Picking

I've only told two people in my life about my disorder, due to the intense shame and guilt I feel over it. I did not find the acceptance and support I needed from them, due to being rejected by one of them in the end over how my skin looked and the other just completely brushing it off as a phase, and came to regret breaking my silence. I have never been a very open and sociable person and have really just thought that my personality was too contrary and bizarre to be able to relate to many people. I think that was the main thing I loved so much about this book.

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My copy is practically riddled with dog-eared pages and highlighted passages. I have thought and felt so many of the things Angela has written about time and time again and truely felt that I was just strange and an outcast from society for feeling this way. To be honest, I can scarcely read this book for too long without bursting into tears.

Angela's Extreme Picking Disorder

Dermatillomania is such a debilitating disorder and to be able to find someone who understands, well, it's truly amazing. It is a depressing book, but this disorder is depressing and the fault of this is due mostly to the way society perceives people with mental disorders. What a great step forward for raising awareness of this horrible disorder. I highly recommend this book to everyone who suffers from dermatillomania and anyone who might know someone with it.

Aug 04, Lila Lockhart rated it it was amazing Shelves: I need to stay true to myself by standing up for what I believe in, even if it means standing alone.

  1. Saartjie se wedstryd (#23) (Afrikaans Edition).
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  3. FOREVER MARKED: A Dermatillomania Diary by Angela Hartlin (, Paperback) | eBay.
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  5. FOREVER MARKED: A Dermatillomania Diary - Angela Hartlin - Google Книги.
  6. Brutally honest and beautifully insightful. Hartlin's journal provides a touching, unflinching account of her experiences with the impulsive skin-picking disorder, Dermatillomania. Value is further added to this book by just how little information exists on this silenced disorder. It's only been recognized as a disorder in recent times and only as a sub-category in the DSM , is poorly understood, I need to stay true to myself by standing up for what I believe in, even if it means standing alone. It's only been recognized as a disorder in recent times and only as a sub-category in the DSM , is poorly understood, not widely known about even among health professionals and lacks sufficient research.

    Furthermore, it only affects a small portion of the population an estimated 1. Thus, Forever Marked provides a source of hope for those suffering from this disorder. It shows that we are not alone in this fight, and that we all are more than our scars. While there are sections in this book that may trigger some individuals, I believe this is a worthwhile read for anyone with, who knows someone with, or is interested in learning more about, this disorder.

    I wrote a nice long review and then I had a not-so-well timed browser crash, so here lies a slightly shorter one. May the old version R. Feb 01, Mikayla Kailee rated it it was amazing. I absolutely loved this. At first it was very hard to read because it was a trigger for me, but after I was able to control the urges to pick while reading, it was very helpful.

    It reminds me of the emotional and physical roller coaster I feel like im riding sometimes. I specifically like the passage in the book that tells about the struggles with emotional control and how sometimes explaining and verbalizing our problems out loud sounds like complaining, but it is only our way of trying to find I absolutely loved this. I specifically like the passage in the book that tells about the struggles with emotional control and how sometimes explaining and verbalizing our problems out loud sounds like complaining, but it is only our way of trying to find answers that we do not have for ourselves.


    We are all in this struggle and are constantly searching for answers. I believe spreading the word and teaching people about this will bring us one step closer to whatever missing link we are searching for. Angela Hartlin has really captured how I feel in certain situations and it really gave me a new perspective. Luck to all and keep smiling. Mar 06, Laura Barton rated it really liked it Shelves: I've read this book a couple times and each time it was a different experience as I was at different stages in my own battle with Dermatillomania.

    While I don't identify with Angela's story to the letter, this book played a big part in my own journey of recovering with this disorder and helped me really realize all those years ago for the first time that I was not alone with this disorder. Aug 12, Kelli rated it really liked it Shelves: This book was very poignant for me. Angela writes honestly and heartbreakingly about her struggle with dermatillomania. I appreciated her honest look at the issue, and how it affects her life. I wonder if she wrote the book a little prematurely.

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    • Book Review: Forever Marked: A Dermatillomania Diary | Dermatillomania?

    She hasn't really come to grips with her issues surrounding the disease by the end of the book. I suppose that's part of the point, that it's a lifelong struggle. Reading her blog has given me more insight into her changing mindset. She seems to be in a This book was very poignant for me.

    FOREVER MARKED: A Dermatillomania Diary by Angela Hartlin (2010, Paperback)

    She seems to be in a better place now than when she first wrote the book. I'd love to see a sequel. This book really hit home for me. It took the words right out of my mouth. Sep 17, Leanne rated it really liked it. This book is so helpful to read if you have dermatillomania. It made me feel less alone.

    Don't Suffer In Silence

    It was such a relief to read about someone else's experience with this all too consuming habit. Jan 12, Adrienne Sanden rated it it was ok. While it had some rather compelling passages, the tone of the book quickly became too much for me. I recognize that the bulk of the content is from the author's personal diary. Sharing that material is a remarkable act of courage. Still, I had some issues with the book as a whole. This individual was clearly struggling with some deeper issues that manifested themselves in Dermatollomania, which is a compulsive behavior and not a disorder in its own right.

    I was saddened by the irresolution at th While it had some rather compelling passages, the tone of the book quickly became too much for me. I was saddened by the irresolution at the end of the book.