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So when children make the decision to start taking hormones, they have to consider whether they ever want to have biological children. They do have the option to start their puberty and delay their treatment in order to store eggs or sperm, but some of them may not want to. While transgender adults have taken hormones sometimes for years, the generation growing up now is among the first to start taking hormones so young. Most of these treatments are still very expensive and often out of reach for people without the help of insurance.

But the trend might be changing, with some insurance companies starting to cover the cost of transitioning. But they too would like the answers to the unknown consequences of these medications. By submitting comments here, you are consenting to these rules:. Readers' comments that include profanity, obscenity, personal attacks, harassment, or are defamatory, sexist, racist, violate a third party's right to privacy, or are otherwise inappropriate, will be removed.

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WhiteGuard Wipes

Vasectomy is most often done in the surgeon's office using local anesthesia. You will be awake, but not feel any pain. You may have a vasectomy without a surgical cut. This is called a no-scalpel vasectomy NSV. In a regular vasectomy, a small incision is made on each side of the scrotum.

In a no-scalpel vasectomy, a sharp instrument is used to pierce the skin and make a single opening. A stitch or surgical glue is used to seal the openings in both forms of the procedure. Vasectomy may be recommended for men who are sure they do not want to get a woman pregnant in the future. A vasectomy makes a man sterile unable to get a woman pregnant. A vasectomy is not recommended as a short-term form of birth control.

The procedure to reverse a vasectomy is a much more complicated operation. There is no serious risk to vasectomy.

Why the Procedure is Performed

Your semen will be tested in the months after the operation to make sure it does not contain sperm. As with any surgical procedure, infection, swelling, or prolonged pain can occur. Careful following of aftercare instructions reduces these risks significantly. Very rarely, the vas deferens can grow back together again. If this happens, sperm can mix with semen. This would make it possible for you to make a woman pregnant. Two weeks before your vasectomy, tell your health care provider about of the medicines you take, including those bought without a prescription and vitamins, supplements, and herbs.

WhiteGuard Wipes

You may need to limit or stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen Advil, Motrin , and other medicines that affect blood clotting for 10 days before your surgery. On the day of your surgery, wear loose, comfortable clothes. Clean your scrotum area well. Take the medicines your provider told you take.

WHO Guidelines for Safe Surgery 2009: Safe Surgery Saves Lives.

You should be able to return home as soon as you feel well. You can return to work the next day if you do not do heavy physical work. Turn recording back on. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. World Health Organization ; Confirm all team members have introduced themselves by name and role Operating team members may change frequently.

Confirm the patient's name, procedure and where the incision will be made The person coordinating the checklist or another team member will ask everyone in the operating room to stop and verbally confirm the name of the patient, the surgery to be performed, the site of surgery and, where appropriate, the positioning of the patient in order to avoid operating on the wrong patient or the wrong site. Has antibiotic prophylaxis been given in the last 60 minutes?

Anticipated critical events Effective team communication is a critical component of safe surgery, efficient teamwork and the prevention of major complications. How long will the case take?

What is the anticipated blood loss? Are there equipment issues or any concerns? Is essential imaging displayed? At this point this phase is completed and the team may proceed with the operation.

Confirm all team members have introduced themselves by name and role Confirm the patient's name, procedure and where the incision will be made Has antibiotic prophylaxis been given in the last 60 minutes? Anticipated critical events To surgeon: Other titles in this collection. Clear Turn Off Turn On. Support Center Support Center.