The run ended when Eddie Scott asked if she had a retrieve in her first run. Run on heather and white grass the dog was a clear winner. The water test was uneventful. At the prize giving a delighted Ed McAuley was generous in his praise for the help and assistance he had received from Norman. And so ended a tough two days. Gunner was the second FtCh made up in Skronedale in 5 days. She has been very consistant on the Test and Trial circuit with over 25 awards.

Trial was very testing and after 3 drives only 2 dogs remained for the last drive. Judges were Willie Ford and Sean Moore. Picking a strong running cock bird in her second run helped to get Jazz into a runoff for her first Open Stake win and qualification for the IKC Championship. A good supply of rabbits and pheasant with Mick Walsh and Ronan Gorman on the books ensured the Trial was over at twelve.

Jazz had another podium finish this time in fourth place. Two days on the beautiful estate of Jori Android with dogs having to hunt for half an hour brought the cream to the top. All dogs hunted really well in difficult terrain where retrieving was difficult at times. Oct 18 th Only 5 dogs finished with retrieving being the main problem. Jazz finished 2nd with no winner. Judges were Robin Young and Hugh Houston. Oct 15 th At the end of the day 68 birds was on the Game cart. Jazz had 2 action packed runs but did not do enough to catch B.

Caffreys FtCh Ainninn Thunderbolt. Oct 1 st Norman took Colcourt Firecrest to the Ulster Gundog League's Novice Trial at the Corrard Shoot, Lisbellaw Co Fermanagh, where overshooting a short marked retrieve on her first run was enough to have her in the tickets. Carlisle's Brackenbird Edward third.


Her co judges were Gary Wilso n and Michael Corr. This was his last Test of the year and it is now down to the serious business.

By kind permission of the Buller family and Mr W. For the second week in a row Gunnar finished in the awards. Clones Retriever Club had organized one of the better and more technical courses of the season making full use of the natural topography and stone walls. The Test was won by John Behan with a full sister of Gunnar. The event was sponsored by Redmills and held at Smithborough, Co Monaghan. An enjoyable day was had by all.

The Late Capt Tom Bartle's , Marbeech Duke did his usual finish of one point behind the winner, but this could only get him to third place. He was beaten by a son of Buccleuch Pleasure in a field of The standard of puppies has been high this year. Gunner ran a good test with some tricky retrieves to finish third. Conditions were warm with the Open dogs hunting a cheek wind. Rushes was the cover and the retrieves were testing. Dexter was third out of 19 puppies entered on a short course with an easy marked retrieve.

The ground was ideal with low heather and rushes. Wet and windy conditions greeted competitors for the North Tipperary Working Gundog Club's annual working tests held near Nenagh. Colcourt Firecrest ran a good Open Test finishing fourth with 86 ex and 1 point off Top Hunting dog. Norman and Sara were married today in Athlone with not a cloud in the sky! A podium finish on the last trial of the season run by the Donegal Working Spaniel Club in Brackenhill.

Skronedale Lillis whelped today. Unfortunately we lost a dog pup leaving four dogs and three bitches all doing well. Heavy drives were the order of the day. At just over 2 Gunner was the second youngest dog to qualify and gained valuable experience.

We would like to wish all our clients and friends a very Happy Christmas and a successful New Year. The trial was held in Smithborough, Co Monaghan and game consisted of pheasant, partridge and snipe. Gunner handled the difficult ground conditions superbly and got a grading of Excellent. Once again she finished in the bridesmaid position.

The Trial was held on the Glasfryn Shoot near Pwllheli. No rosettes came home as the handbrake failed on her second run! She was a pleasure to handle and we had a special bond from the first day she came to our kennel. The first time I saw her with Binky in Slane at six months I thought she was a Superstar and she was. She never let me down and I will miss her so much. A dear friend has passed on. This was first time out for Jazz who performed well especially on her second run where she handled some heavy game pressure.

A run off was required to separate her from the winner which hunted a neater pattern on a downwind beat. Both dogs were graded Excellent. There was a field of 20 in the Novice. The Tests were well organised by Club stalwart Tom Brennan and held on his shoot. Judges were Mr P. Brennan and Mr P Carragher. Competition was stiff and also was the course with a testing water retrieve and a couple of blind retrieves that sorted the men from the boys. Gunner put in a good effort but a struggle on the 'blind with diversion' had him in the minor places. This was a result that both handler and dog learned a lot from.

Each team had 4 novice dogs and 4 open dogs. After the Novice Ireland Select team was in the lead with points followed by Leinster with , Munster had and Ulster got points. After lunch the Open test started and after some very testing retrieves Ireland Select ended in second place 2 points behind Leinster. It was a very well organised day on testing grounds for both handlers and dogs. David Beattie won the Open test. We would like to wish all our clients and friends a very happy and peaceful Christmas.

Norman judged the event with Damian Kelly from Co Tyrone. All the top Irish dogs had qualified plus some of the top British professionals were present. The Ground was made up of various cover and was technically challenging with an abundance of Game. Game finding was of a priority coupled with accurate marking was a necessity. She was Norman's top dog over the two days and her first run under him on Day 1 was a pure pleasure to watch. Hardly off the lead she produced a cock pheasant from the bottom of a tree where you would expect to find nothing.

When the bird was shot it ran across a small stream and up into woodland. She worked a superb line and dealt with the situation with ease. To win overall she put in a long shift in her second run and then had to face up to Barry Caffrey's , Gortnacor Daffodil. This Black and White powerhouse had a competitant first run but really turned a challenging performance in her second run under Norman.

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She had a multiple flush with a lot of temptation at the edge of a steep riverbank. A bird was shot on the other side, but an in spate stream did not deter her and she finished by showing determination in getting back when others may have left the bird in the water. A runoff was needed which started in her favour but the better pattern of the cocker decided the day in her favour. His luck has to change one of these years! A number of Diplomas was awarded to the following;.

Roll on for a repeat performance! A training day was held on Sunday. Aggie is by FtCh Skronedale Romulus. She was mated to. Leinster finished second, Ulster selection third, Munster fourth and Connaught brought up the rear. Celebrations are reported to have gone on until the small hours! He has Judged the Swedish Championship in the past. This Trial is only surpassed by the Championship and had 16 Championship qualified dogs competing. She is a daughter of Monty and a real hunting machine with a class nose.

Club Secretary Anthony Smyth was second. The current 'Pack' including the security division. Ground conditions were tough for all with a stock of young birds especially the Guns. Rabbits were in short supply and those that showed were sick. Rob Patterson came out on top with Aine's in the Pink. Needless to say Sara was delighted too. The first of the Training Days passed with the usual high degree of organisation by the team at Gortin. Ivan and staff put on a great display of game that tested the Guns as the strong wind made shooting difficult.

The dogs coped well and there was some promising performances especially from Patsy McCarthy and Tom Hayden's bitches. We were joined by the Golden Retrievers of John Williamson and Shauna McGroarty and it was great to see one of the lesser breeds perfo rm in the field. It was a very warm day for both dogs and handlers. Despite the heat Sara and Ally had a good run and came second. All Ireland Utility Gundog Club. Running in the Novice, Ally was beaten by 1 point after a two retrieve run off. She scored a perfect ex on her three retrieves. Tullyah Diesel handled by E Moore was the winner.

This was another good performance by both handler and dog. Ally also got the Best Yellow Lab award. Meningitis Charity Test in Drumbanagher. We did a gundog display and Sara was judging the dog show. It was 6 classes and over 50 dogs taking part. Norman was doing the commentary for the day. Mullingar pet Hospital and Pro Pack dog food was sponsoring the day.

After lots of training over fences, a dummy thrown on the near side of the fence caught quite a few out. With a score of 86 out of They were in a run off for Fourth place in the Prelim which went to three further retrieves. A good experience for both handler and dog. Sunday had the same team competing in the Broadmeadows Gundog Club tests in Mullingar.

This time scoring 99x in the Prelim but made a hash of the run off and finished fourth again. Ally seemed happy enough.

I'm not sure about Sara! She finished third out of a field of The event was sponsored by Massbrook Petfoods. Conditions were ideal with the dogs hunting in rushes. Course builder Gavin Tegetmeier kept it simple with the idea of everybody succeeding. Proceedings got underway with the puppy test for dogs born after Jan 1 This consisted of a short hunt, drop to command and short marked retrieve. Her uncle Hollydrive Theo was to get the same mark in the Open.

These three were well ahead of the rest. The Novice Test was kept simple which had scorin close. Both third and fourth were first time out, for handlers and dogs. This result should give the CLA Captain plenty of food for thought. Overall this was a good event and it was pleasing to see new Field Trial Secretary being well supported by his committee. Cheweky Wriggly of Sliabh. It was a clean sweep for cockers and for lady handlers.

The winner was Elizabeth Person with a well trained liver cocker. Another good day in Gortin. Weather was kind to dogs and humans. With mostly novice dogs Ivan arranged for all to hunt into the wind which was downhill. This meant walking uphill to take another beat. There were some complaints and it is rumoured that a chairlift is being installed part sponsored by Massbrook Petfoods!

Mick Finglas pulled off a couple of superb retrieves with his black cocker and Jon Binley showed an amazing turn of pace over 10 metres. Sara and Ali took over from Alan Rountree and had a good day. A big thank you to all who took part over the three weeks, especially the Guns, and in particular Mick Donnelly who took more than his fair share of slagging. Also to Ivan, Gail and Julie who made the Days so enjoyable with their welcome and good humour. Sept 9 th Partridges in Gortin. Normal weather conditions returned to the Sperrins with rain that I'm sure the dogs were pleased with.

There were some lovely young dogs on show with Patsy McCarthy's Puppy Test winner showing huge potential. An eighty yard 'push bang fetch' was executed with Open Stake quality at the end of the day. Captain's pups continue to show potential. Mick Donnolly's shooting was consistant according to Ivan. We look forward to next Sat. Nice to see some new kids with some new dogs and some old kids with new dogs. Alan Rountree shot superbly and his dogs behaved impeccably pulling off the retrieve of the day with Galahad.

Tom Hayden had an official unveiling ceremony of his new signing from Andrew Platt. One of his colleagues mentioned 'bouncy castles and blow up dolls' but Tom said stress is for steel girders only The transfer fee is a closely guarded secret. Captain Kelly regaled us with tales of flying with turkeys over the Boyne. Tilly's babies at four weeks, first day on the lawn.

After her long trip to Newmarket with Lenny the dog transporter, to the day she had four pups finishing at 3. After an examination he decided there was no more pups but gave her a jab to clean out the womb. Ravens Inquest x Whitehope Gilda. Wyndhill Swank x Keeperscourt Dream. The Washitaw Moorish Nation is a U. Many who claim membership to the Washitaw Nation say it exempts them from federal and state government jurisdiction, attempting to use laws that were made for Native Americans for their own ends Law enforcement says the group sells fake drivers license and birth certificates.

Stars Screen Binge Culture Media. Tech Innovate Gadget Mission: Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. Find out what's happening in the world as it unfolds. Baton Rouge gunman posted this video on social media Story highlights Gavin Long was discharged from the Marines in He left a large footprint online. Investigators trying to figure out why a former Marine sergeant would eventually kill police in broad daylight will likely look to the writings and online footprint of Cosmo Setepenra, the name Long legally changed his name to.

Setepenra wrote books about "esoteric health and nutritional practices" and "how to develop your higher-self. And in one video online he claims that victims of bullying need to resort to brute force: Zero have been successful just over simply protesting. It has never worked, and it never will.

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Here's what we know about Long's background and the views and opinions he espoused under the Setepenra pseudonym. In a video posted on YouTube July 10, Long, who was African-American, speaks at the camera eloquently about recent protests and officer-involved shootings, often employing the motifs of blood and money and revolution. Montrell Jackson, slain police officer: That video, he says, was recorded from Dallas, where five police officers were recently killed by a sniper targeting cops.

When police are shot, America is the target. Long mentions the July Fourth holiday as a celebration of an uprising against oppressive forces, and without mentioning Micah Xavier Johnson -- the Dallas shooter -- by name, he questions why some violent actions are perceived as criminal while others are celebrated. The contract dispute was settled in September In , Newsom pushed for a state law to allow communities in California to create policy restricting certain breeds of dogs.

The animal control agency under his direction created a working dog task force report that cited Denver, Colorado, as a best practice for a law in California. In , Newsom came under attack from the San Francisco Democratic Party for his failure to implement the City of San Francisco's sanctuary city rule, under which the city was to not assist U.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement. In , Newsom received the Leadership for Healthy Communities Award along with Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City and three other public officials for his commitment to making healthful food and physical activity options more accessible to children and families. He signed a menu-labeling bill into law, requiring that chain restaurants print nutrition information on their menus. In , then-San Francisco Supervisor Newsom promoted the Care Not Cash program which cut county general assistance programs to be replaced with housing and other forms of service.

He also promoted a ban Proposition M: Aggressive Solicitation Ban on aggressive panhandling which included a ban for panhandling on public transportation and near ATMs. It also prohibited repeatedly soliciting money, blocking the way, touching or following a person while soliciting, or intentionally trying to intimidate.

How Not to (Re)Write World History: Gavin Menzies and the Chinese Discovery of America

On June 30, , then-Mayor Newsom pledged to fix San Francisco's homeless problem within 10 years and clear downtown streets of its widespread homeless population. He stated that people who were homeless and seriously ill would be given shelter. Before the program in , there was an 8, generally homeless and 4, street homeless population in San Francisco.

However, after , the homeless population has stayed approximately the same. In fact, the San Francisco population of homeless rose 3 percent between and The percentage of the homeless population in jail was cut in half between and , which is an indicator that some of the homeless population who would have ended up in jail were now being housed and treated. In , Newsom gained national attention when he directed the San Francisco city—county clerk to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples , in violation of the then-current state law.

Still, Newsom's unexpected move brought national attention to the issues of gay marriage , solidifying political support for Newsom in San Francisco and in the gay community. During the election, Newsom was a prominent and vocal opponent of Proposition 8 , the ballot initiative to reverse the California Supreme Court ruling that there was a constitutional right to same-sex marriage. It's going to happen, whether you like it or not. In April , Newsom announced his intention to run for governor of California in the election.

In September , he received the endorsement of former president Bill Clinton. During the campaign, Newsom remarked that, if elected, he'd like to be referred to as "The Gavinator" a reference to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's nickname, "The Governator ".

Throughout the campaign, however, Newsom suffered low poll numbers, trailing Democratic frontrunner Jerry Brown by more than 20 points in most polls. In February , Newsom filed initial paperwork to run for lieutenant governor , [73] and officially announced his candidacy in March. The one-week delay was to ensure that a successor as mayor of San Francisco was chosen before he left office. Lee , the city administrator, took office the day after Newsom was sworn in as lieutenant governor.

In , Newsom drew criticism for his negative view [ clarification needed ] of California's state capital Sacramento. On November 4, , Newsom was re-elected as lieutenant governor of California, defeating Republican Ron Nehring with His second term began on January 5, , the same date when Governor Brown was sworn in for a second term after his re-election.

Newsom released his first book, Citizenville: The CRC exemplifies ideas presented in Newsom's Citizenville , encouraging direct public involvement in government affairs via modern technology. In , Newsom partnered with the Institute for Advanced Technology and Public Policy at California Polytechnic State University to launch Digital Democracy, an online tool that uses facial and voice recognition to enable users to navigate California legislative proceedings. In November , Newsom joined then-Long Beach City College Superintendent Eloy Oakley in an op-ed calling for the creation of the California College Promise, which would create partnerships between public schools, public universities and employers and offer a free community college education.

In December , Newsom called on the University of California to reclassify computer science courses as a core academic class in order to incentivize more high schools to offer computer science curriculum. In , the Lieutenant Governor passed a series of reforms at the University of California to provide student-athletes with additional academic and injury-related support, and to ensure that contracts for athletic directors and coaches emphasized academic progress.

This came in response to several athletics programs, including the University of California - Berkeley's football team, which garnered the lowest graduation rates in the country. In , Newsom was the only statewide politician to endorse California Proposition 47 , a piece of legislation that decriminalized nonviolent offenses like drug and property crimes, turning them into misdemeanors as opposed to felonies.

The report's recommendations to regulate marijuana were intended to inform a legalization measure on the November ballot. In response to pro-enforcement statements made by Press Secretary Sean Spicer , Newsom sent a letter on February 24, , to Attorney General Sessions and President Trump, urging them not to increase federal enforcement against recreational cannabis firms opening up in California. Dealers don't card kids. I urge you and your administration to work in partnership with California and the other eight states that have legalized recreational marijuana for adult use in a way that will let us enforce our state laws that protect the public and our children, while targeting the bad actors.

Newsom supported a failed measure in that sought to end capital punishment in California. Newsom also supported failed Proposition 62 in , which also would have repealed the death penalty in California. On February 11, , Newsom announced that he was opening a campaign account for governor in the elections , allowing him to raise funds for a campaign to succeed Jerry Brown as the fortieth Governor of California. Newsom was baptized and reared in his father's Roman Catholic faith. He describes himself as an "Irish Catholic rebel [ The couple appeared in the September issue of Harper's Bazaar , a fashion magazine, in a spread of them at the Getty Villa with the title the "New Kennedys.

In January , it was revealed that Newsom had had a romantic relationship in mid with Ruby Rippey-Tourk, the wife of his then campaign manager and former deputy chief of staff, Alex Tourk. Newsom's affair with Rippey-Tourk impacted his popularity with male voters, who viewed the adultery as a betrayal of a close friend and ally.


In September , Newsom began dating film director Jennifer Siebel. In February , he announced he would seek treatment for alcohol abuse. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Appointed to Kevin Shelley 's seat. Mayoralty of Gavin Newsom. Electoral history of Gavin Newsom. The New York Times. Retrieved November 7, Xavier Becerra to open Washington office, cap-and-trade auction revenue results are revealed". Retrieved April 13, The City and County of San Francisco. Archived from the original on November 23, Retrieved November 27, The San Francisco Chronicle.

Retrieved March 7, Newsom's running for lieutenant governor". Retrieved March 6, Retrieved June 6, Retrieved November 18, Retrieved February 24, What makes them run From modest beginnings, Newsom finds connections for business, political success". Retrieved March 8, Mayoral hopeful has parlayed Getty money, family ties and political connections into local prominence". Archived from the original on February 20, Retrieved March 11, Retrieved November 5, Retrieved November 13, Retrieved March 10, He hopes business success can translate to public service".

The San Francisco Examiner. Retrieved March 16, Archived from the original on April 26, Vega April 1, Retrieved April 12, Archived from the original on May 17, Retrieved April 24, Retrieved April 16,