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I guess I asked for it, eh? Well, it is difficult to imagine Canadian Identity without thinking about Robert Service who played an immense role in Canadian evolution. What was the question?

Canadian Poetry From Laurel Reed Books

What would you do to it, especially if you are Canadian? Make it wear a toque and flatten its hair? Or dress it up like a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and push it out in the snow?

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You're also a teacher. How do you balance your teaching and writing? Are they complementary in any way? My writing and my teaching are mutually parasitic.

Marshall Davis Jones : "Touchscreen"

They nourish each other. I am fortunate to be able to read some really great writing with some fabulous, enthusiastic, smart students. How lucky can you get? What are some of your all-time favourite books of Canadian poetry?

And who are the contemporary poets about whom you're most excited? Well, they change all the time. Contrary to the ignorance of all those anthologizing professors, who are probably also moonlighting as Creative Writing Instructors, I consider Robin Blaser to be a Canadian poet since he was a Canadian citizen for nearly 50 years and published most of his work here, so I am going to put The Holy Forest right up there as one of the great books of Canadian poetry.

I also read Sharon Thesen and Meredith Quartermain with delight.

rob mclennan's blog: Michael Boughn, Great Canadian Poems for the Aged, Vol. 1

A student just lent me M. I am in the midst of a book called City. It is in three books, each of which has three parts, each of which has six longish poems. I am flailing around in the second one now, occasionally finding traction — certainly having fun.