His theories about the polymer structure of fibres and plastics as well as his later studies of biological macromolecules formed the basis for countless modern developments in the materials and biosciences and for the rapid growth of the plastics industry.. Staudinger received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in for his work in the polymers field. The Berlin artist Nasan Tur, for example, has a man turn somersaults in various public spaces and captures the reactions of bystanders with a video camera..
Klara Hobza, who has made it her artistic project to dive through Europe, sometimes eats a banana under water during diving lessons, and Fabian Hesse explores in his works both public space and cyberspace, using, among other things, models that he makes sculptural with a 3-D printer and plastic chord.. Materials and articles made either entirely or partially from recycled plastics and used in contact with food should only be obtained from processes which have been assessed for safety by EFSA and authorised by the European Commission..
MANNOL Super Glue is designed for instant and extremely strong bonding of all types of plastics , ceramics, china, glass goods, metals, polyvinyl chloride, vinyl, wood, paper, cement, leather, marble, as well as their compounds.. MANNOL Super Glue Gel is designed for instant and extremely strong bonding of all types of plastics , ceramics, china, glass goods, metals, polyvinyl chloride, vinyl, wood, paper, cement, leather, marble, as well as their compounds..
Die vertrauten Modula Vorrats- und Aufbewahrungsdosen gibt es seit den 60er Jahren und sie bleiben ewig jung.. No wonder, because they are made of high quality plastic , are easily stackable and with its great selection in sizes the Modul still fits perfectly in any kitchen!.
Synonyms and antonyms of Folie in the German dictionary of synonyms
Jahrhunderts jedoch an Bedeutung.. Then, with the new possibilities of digital technology, concrete material began to lose importance by the late twentieth century.. But today materials that are now seen as established classics have returned to the focus, including wood, ceramic, paper, concrete, coal, gold, plastic , polystyrene and textiles, and are being treated in new ways - not least in regard of their processuality and context.. Artists are harking back to crafts traditions and industrial means of production, seeking an unconscious link between head and hand, turning their minds to material analysis and the reconstruction of specific locations, and developing fragile, architectural constructions..
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The editorially approved PONS Online Dictionary with text translation tool now includes a database with hundreds of millions of real translations from the Internet. See how foreign-language expressions are used in real life. Real language usage will help your translations to gain in accuracy and idiomaticity!
The search engine displays hits in the dictionary entries plus translation examples, which contain the exact or a similar word or phrase. This new feature displays references to sentence pairs from translated texts, which we have found for you on the Internet, directly within many of our PONS dictionary entries. The PONS Dictionary delivers the reliability of a dictionary which has been editorially reviewed and expanded over the course of decades.
In addition, the Dictionary is now supplemented with millions of real-life translation examples from external sources. So, now you can see how a concept is translated in specific contexts. We are able to identify trustworthy translations with the aid of automated processes. The main sources we used are professionally translated company, and academic, websites. In addition, we have included websites of international organizations such as the European Union. Because of the overwhelming data volume, it has not been possible to carry out a manual editorial check on all of these documents.
So, we logically cannot guarantee the quality of each and every translation. We are working on continually optimizing the quality of our usage examples by improving their relevance as well as the translations. In addition, we have begun to apply this technology to further languages in order to build up usage-example databases for other language pairs. We also aim to integrate these usage examples into our mobile applications mobile website, apps as quickly as possible. My search history My favourites.
Javascript has been deactivated in your browser. Reactivation will enable you to use the vocabulary trainer and any other programs. Show results in the Wyhlidal Automotive Engineering Dictionary. Are you missing a word, phrase or translation? Submit a new entry. Compile a new entry. The synthetic material gives it the necessary stability and hygienic safety, while the aluminum protects the sensitive contents of the pouch from oxygen and light. At 8 micrometers, the aluminum layer is so thin that it would take a stack of sheets to create a thickness of one millimeter.
Die Fassaden sind aus transparentem Kunststoff oder aus goldenem Bronzegewebe geflochten und ergeben ein Lichtspiel durch die unterschiedliche Reflektion der Beleuchtung bei Tag und Nacht. The facades are plaited from transparent synthetic material or golden bronze-fabric and result in a lightshow because of the different reflections of the illumination in the day and in the night. The pavillons will be presented temporary until in different cities of China. In the next room you can see inner protheses - artificial joints made from metal, porcelain, plastic, and other synthetic materials.
The researchers have successfully created tailor-made synthetic materials with new and unusual properties that could be utilised across a broad range of products in the form of thin, flexible and transparent films. These materials promise applications in transistors, light-emitting diodes and solar cells and pave the way for innovative lighting and photovoltaic applications.
Specifically, the partnerships focus on launching new projects with mutual customers and partners, offering college graduates access to interesting research and industrial projects, involving the IFB in Manz projects as an expert partner, making advancements in joint projects in the field of research on fiber composites, as well as organizing and holding joint talks and publishing articles in trade magazines and at conferences on fiber composites. It is possible also to measure polymer coatings like paints, varnishes and synthetic materials as well as glass, ceramic or metallic coatings on virtually any substrate.
Varnish on synthetic materials, copper on ceramic, synthetic materials on wood, or glass on metal form the typical coating systems that can be measured by the QuintSonic 7. Secondary Modern, London; Kerber Verlag: Bielefeld, , ISBN Privacy — today this almost seems like a concept from the past. It hardly appears apt in times when everything is posted on Facebook, from your favorite recipe to your current relationship status.
Exhibitionism, self-revelation, the urge to tell stories, the pleasure of presenting and voyeurism are the social strategies of our day and age — a structural change of the public sphere has long since taken place. Photographs, polaroids, cell-phone photos, objects, installations and films show domestic scenes and reveal personal secrets.
The new medium of photography played an important role in the development of his pictorial inventions. Koons is skilled at manipulating the media, exploding the boundaries of all genres with his appropriations from Pop Art and popular culture, and playing the keyboard of the art market like no other. Collectors scramble for his large paintings and colossal, stainless steel balloon animals. Yet, in his eye-poppingly colorful, immaculately perfect works Koons also exposes the seductive potential of the glittering world of commodities; his art works are amusing and thought-provoking at the same time.
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This publication presents his oeuvre in two volumes: His sculptures are the focal point of the second volume, in which objects from the Liebieghaus collection, stemming from five thousand years of cultural history, are set in a dialogue with his works. He uses the strategy of recording, labeling, and playback. The resultant works frequently serve as starting points for new ones.
The catalogue is the first overview of his work. Edited by Matthias Ulrich und Max Hollein. With a preface by Max Hollein. Text by Matthias Ulrich, and 30 short texts by Marcel Bugiel.
Meaning of "Folie" in the German dictionary
In her works Bettina Pousttchi born reflects on the urban and social changes that mark our times. Her photographs, films, sculptures and installations enable us to experience these fundamental changes to the urban fabric. Bettina Pousttchi became known to a wider audience with her monumental site-specific photo installation Echo on Schlossplatz in Berlin His artistic style combines mercilessly the beautiful and the grotesque, seriousness and absurdity. Thereby he is ironic, provocative and witty.
Skillfully drawing on the pictorial language of past centuries, Condo incorporates a variety of painterly and pictorial styles into his work. One focus is on his imaginary portraits — archetypes, evoking different mental states, which unsparingly exposes the yawning abysses and ridiculousness of modern society. Edited by Ralph Rugoff. English edition, pages, hard cover, 31 x 28,5 cm, ca. His works reveal the extent to which he adopted specifically photographic or filmic forms of composition and narration, poses, or even effects, in his paintings.
The volume furthermore demonstrates how Munch worked on one and the same subject in different media of painting, drawing, graphic arts, photography, and even sculpture. German Edition, pages, ca. The publication proves how his paintings took on specific structural and narrative forms, poses, and even effects used in photography and film. The volume furthermore demonstrates how Munch worked on one and the same subject in painting, print, drawing, photography, and even sculpture.
His frequent use of the same motifs is an important key to understanding his work. Rebellious, provocative, and polarizing, the oeuvre associated with the name Kienholz has always caused quite a stir since its beginnings in the mids, first the works by Edward Kienholz — alone, then later, from on, the collaborative projects with his wife, Nancy Reddin Kienholz. This is hardly astonishing, since religion, war, death, sex, and the more inscrutable sides of society and its social conflicts have always been at the center of their work.
In addition to three scholarly essays and an interview with the artists, shorter texts provide an introduction to the main works in the exhibition. German-English edition, pp. This becomes particularly evident in her films, whose surreal scenarios, abandoning all traditional patterns of narrative, confront the viewer with wondrous worlds in which dream images mingle with stories from Norse mythology and references to sexual psychology. The viewer is rather thrown back upon himself and his own associations. At once pop and baroque, eye-catching and narrative, critical of society and humorous, moral and inscrutable, he has produced an opulent, unmistakable oeuvre refusing all categorization in the course of the past fifty years.
Combining pictorial elements from a wide variety of popular sources reproduced in painting, his critical narrative collages unfold eloquent tableaus: Edited by Esther Schlicht and Max Hollein.
Secret societies—for centuries a fascinating and intimidating byword for structurally complex conspiratorial organisations. At first glance, secret societies would appear to be a somewhat intriguing theme in art context. Yet with their arcane rituals, their secret knowledge and exclusive membership, they do indeed reflect certain mechanisms present in contemporary art, and conversely, artists focus repeatedly upon the secret society phenomenon and its concomitant rituals.
The supposition alone that secret societies are connected to all areas of society and have the capacity to influence it imperceptibly, secretly, is reason enough for artistic engagement. For this reason, this publication questions the possible motivations that the art world might have in common with arcane, clandestine movements, that is to say, which ideas here might be predicated upon mutual ground.
Francesco Clemente has pioneered an extraordinary pictorial language that draws on a variety of timeless symbols, myths, cultures, and philosophies. In so doing it reveals a concern at the centre of his oeuvre: Edited by Max Hollein.
- Somewhere By Chicago.
- The Butterfly Rose.
- Home;
With a foreword by Max Hollein and a text by Pamela Kort. Clearly documented in this publication a fundamental component of the work by et al.
Kunststoff : German » English | PONS
EN PASSANT is a self-contained independent work as well as an idiosyncratic commentary regarding the artistic conception and exhibition practice of the surrealists. They deliberately shifted the boundaries between exhibition and event space, and left the viewer in the dark as to whether the object they were physically confronted with was a work of art or an object of daily use, to be touched and altered.
The work of artist group et al. The visitors experience an atmosphere of keen anticipation of what they might encounter within the historic exhibition of surreal objects. Gustave Courbet — is the preeminent representative of Realism and the spearhead of a style of painting committed to socially relevant issues. His lifelike portraits defy the artistic convention of idealization. The painter had another side, however: Edited by Max Hollein and Klaus Herding. Ranging from the nineteenth century to the present day, the catalogue arrestingly presents the individual worlds of the artists: The works direct our gaze toward the more opaque paths of thought and occasion us to fundamentally question the structures of certainty in our day-to-day lives.
The use of large, ostentatious lettering turns characters into images, makes language and meaning perceivable in a spatial manner. At the Venice Biennale, the artist showed Watershed, a single-family house, which he floated in a Venice canal in an attempt to promote the suburbanization of water. For the Schirn, Watershed was cut into pieces. The transformed house is a new sculpture titled Sir Walter Scott which physical components are used as material for an examination of the physical and psychological dimensions of contemporary suburban architecture.
With a foreword by Max Hollein and an essay by Matthias Ulrich. Celluloid is dedicated to a particular genre of artistic film, in which the image is generated directly, by physically processing the film strip. Unlike other forms of experimental film, the film material is interpreted as if it were a canvas by using a diverse range of artistic processes.
The exhibition catalogue contains outstanding examples of cameraless film and features approximately 20 international artists and filmmakers from the s to the present day. Within the space of just nine years painter Uwe Lausen assimilated styles such as Pop Art and Hyperrealism in a highly individual way while reflecting unsparingly on the authoritarian social structures of postwar Germany.
The fortieth anniversary of the death of Lausen, a self-taught artist who took his own life at just twenty-nine years of age, is commemorated by the appearance of two publications: In his paintings, Seurat transposed his subjects into his technique, Pointillism, as well as into his innovative compositions. In later pieces, he even repeated and varied human forms within a single work. English edition, 44 pp. Essays on his involvement with the Bauhaus School; his late paintings; his photographs, photograms, and photosculptures; and his accomplishments in the field of graphic art are complemented by numerous color illustrations.
The publication also documents the reconstruction of a never completed work, The Room of Today, which incorporates the most important themes Moholy-Nagy brought to his art. This publication is a detailed examination of both the production and reception of this one-of-a-kind work of art, which also aroused interest outside China.
- Translation of «Folie» into 25 languages.
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- FOLIE - Definition and synonyms of Folie in the German dictionary;
- Adoptions Hidden History: From Native American Tribes to Locked Lives?
- Splat the Cat: Up in the Air at the Fair (I Can Read Level 1).
These days people love art—especially contemporary art, which has become a constantly growing cultural factor. Fascinated by the artists' creative milieu, the public strives to share in its atmosphere. In a time of upheaval this publication offers a look behind the scenes of the contemporary art world. Many artists keep an eye on what happens in the art world and reflect the more and more lavish trade: It is in a Sicilian daily newspaper, where Aleksandra Mir's project Triumph had its start-in the form of a want ad run by the artist herself.
She was interested in the trophy, an object whose history reaches back to our distant cultural past and which today, awarded chiefly at sporting events, is among the everyday items of our society. More than trophies were collected. Although the trophies are contemporary mass-produced articles, each one is individualized by means of an engraving and tells a personal story. This publication focuses on the influence of Darwinism in the visual arts. Using paintings, drawings and lithographs, as well as rare documentary material as illustration, the book bridges a chronological spectrum from to the mid-twentieth century.
The innovative late work of Ernst Wilhelm Nay is one of the lesser-known chapters in his substantial oeuvre. Relying on a new, fast and aggressive style of painting—particularly inspired by popular sources such as caricatures and comics, but also with stylistic quotations from artists like James Ensor or Henri Matisse—Magritte, within only a few weeks, produced about thirty entirely uncharacteristic works that caused an outrage in Paris.
For this reason he reflected his own work and painting in general. Memories, biographical moments, popular pictures, and narrated stories congeal to form dreamlike sequences in his paintings whose peace seems to be a very precarious one. Edited by Judith Nesbitt. This comprehensive publication is devoted to the Conceptual Art movement in Russia, still relatively unknown in the West, of the late and post-Soviet period. Like their contemporaries in the West toward the end of the sixties, Conceptual artists in Moscow reflected on the existential experience of being part of a political concept.
In a radical departure from the romantic image of the autonomous artistic genius, the viewer is included in the art; processes of production and conditions of reception are exposed.
With his spectacular performances and intense installations, Terence Koh has become a widely noticed gesamtkunstwerk within only a short time. Unlike any other artist, Koh knows how to transfer post-minimalist and body art influences of the seventies into a universe of his own in which decadence and deliberate infringement prevail.
The publication invites to accompany Koh on a journey through a labyrinth which is to take him through the world — India, China, Burma, Belgium, Africa — into the nirvana on his search for himself. With a foreword by Max Hollein and text by Martina Weinhart.

Transformations, contextual shifts, spatial appropriations - Michael Sailstorfer's works soon reveal his interest in everyday things and the materials of his immediate surroundings, as well as his casual fascination with these objects' specific identity and history. Sailstorfer really takes care of these items, breaks them down into their component parts, deforms them, adapts them, and assembles them again, reinterpreting them to create powerful installations. With a foreword by Max Hollein and text by Matthias Ulrich.
There were quite a number of professional female artists in the second half of the nineteenth century: This publication contains many unfamiliar and surprising images, waiting to be discovered. They absorb us into the lives and minds of these artists—the pioneers of a new and dynamic view of women. Edited by Max Hollein and Matthias Ulrich. With a preface by Max Hollein and ten texts that have emerged from a public literary contest on the subject of tourism. The often expansive installations of Eva Grubinger treat power and impotence and the role of the observer.
Her most recent installations are formal abstractions of complex forms of social communication. In its totality, the work reads like a manifestation of political and economic power whose mechanisms become almost tangible by means of allegorical compression. With a text by Matthias Ulrich.
With a foreword by Max Hollein and texts by Raphael Rosenberg. German edition, pages, approx. German and English edition, ca. German and English, pp. With its presentation of the project "Anonymous", the Schirn investigates current exhibition practices and their economy of data and names. Under the programmatic title "Anonymous: In the Future No One Will Be Famous", the Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt presents an exhibition with works by 11 international artists who - like the curator - will remain unnamed.