If he is unaware of this fact, he knows less about the matter than the late Mr. Charles Reade, whose knowledge Dr. Phipson thinks fit to disparage. I have made and applied both oil and spirit varnishes to violins, and shall be pleased to show the results to Dr. Phipson if he will pay me a visit. Very truly yours, May 9th, To the Editor of The Strad. Dear Sir, — Dr. Phipson's description of the celebrated Cremona varnish is very interesting to lovers of Cremona violins.
I wonder could Dr. Phipson give a reason why Stradivari wrote a letter apologising for the delay in repairing a violin which was given to him for repairs. The excuse he gave for the delay was that the varnish did not dry quickly enough. If it were a spirit varnish he used there would be no occasion for an apology. Phipscm's version, that the Cremona makers did nae an mi varnish as a substratum, and the top varnish was a beantifolly coloured spirit varnish.
CsiUag was first instructor of the violin to Mr. I should be greatly obliged if you would kindly insert this in your esteemed paper. Yours truly, Sharrow, Sheffield. But as Henry Ward Beecher is a reverend gentleman he shonld be no bad judge of preachers or sermons. Now for myself I have heard " Home, Sweet Home " rendered on a violin by far more effectively than any pneacher can preach it. The numbers placed after the pieces in- dicate the degree of difficultv thus: An album of pieces for violin and piano, edited by Fr.
Scholz, who has made the fingering and bowing very clear, a great assistance to the student 6. The Reverie and Air Varie have also been treated in a similar manner. All three are capital editions of these good works. Andante Religioso for violin and piano, by William Henley, is a well written composition, and will command attention from those who appreciate any thing original 7.
Barcarolle for violin and piano, by G. Finlayson Bell, is suitable for teaching purposes 4. Althaus has cer- tainly a gift for writing easy tuneful pieces, nothing could be better for the young student than this set of pieces. Chanson sans paroles, 6. A fine work indeed, and one that will soon find its way to the concert room. All the six movements are written with a freshness that is sure to charm all players 8. The small difficulties that present themselves are such that can soon be overcome by the young student.
The piano accompaniments are most interesting 4. We have just received while going to press the announcement of the sudden death of the famous violinist, Kduard Rememyi, whilst at a concert at San Francisco. A more detailed notice of this eminent musician will no doubt be acceptable to our readers, and some interesting notes concerning him and his career will appear in our next issue. Leon, who was a ijfreater violinist than he was a dancer, the Dancing Frog was a much better mimic and dancer than he was a violinist.
I have lately received a letter from an old friend in Paris who has occupied the position of first violin at the Opera for, I dare not say, how many years — he is on the retired list now — the very mention of dates would make us feel very much older than we really are. The earth turns quicker on its axis than it used to in former times, as Euler, the great German philo- sopher, once pointed out f- the earth is gradually getting nearer to the sun, he said, hence its rotation must be more and more accelerated as time rolls on.
The days and nights are shorter, the months and years are shorter, and life is quicker, to make up for it all. Lipinski, De Beriot, Lafont, and even Paganini himself, when I thought of the queer figure they would have cut in the music of the ballet. It was Baillot who was grand in such music — the real music of the violin — he was my great master, the man I looked up to. But Cherubini would have him, when he could not get his beloved friend Viotti. Well, mj dear Pfaipson, he is dead I We all mourn his loss intensely, and it makes me think of those happy days when I,.
He onca gave me a fine old Amati violin. And to whom do you think he has left his fortune? To Marie Taglioni Desvoisins the granddaughter of our divine Marie Taglioni that tail, fair girl with large blue eyes that has ngurod here, in the ballet, since I retired. But the lad would not become a naturalized Englishman, and so, in time, he was drawn into the French army.
He was at Metz, in the army of Marshall Bazaine. On his death bed, he confided to his mother that he had left a young infant in Paris, a few months old, whose mother was dying of consumption. Taglioni took this orphan grandchild in hand ; she educated her with great care as a dancer ; for she knew she would have little fortune to leave her. Perrot owed everything to Taglioni, and when he came out as the Dancing Frog, established his repu- tation and the basis of his fortune.
Being a prudent man, who had seen great hardships, he amassed money, and took care of it. That money has now fallen to the lot of this grandchUd, to whom the very modest fortune left by the great Taglioni, could not have been a sufficient resource, in remembrance of the kindness he had received from her in the days of her prosperity and his poverty. He was born at Lyons, the son of the chief machinist of the theatre of that city, on the i8th August He was educated as a dancer from childhood, and at a very early age appeared in various ballets at Lyons.
After fulfilling his engagements at the French opera, he accepted others in various parts of Europe ; and at Naples he met the dancer, Carlotta Grisi, who became his pupil, and afterwards his wife. But he owed his first great success to Marie Taglioni. As proof of this, we have only to turn to his twb exquisite compositions: Hbrr David Popper, the celebrated 'cellist, whose portrait was presented with No.
The viohns of this maker are consequently, whilst of surpassing ucellcDce in design and construction, without any vagaries or OKaJled inventions amd improvements. Used by the greatest artists in Germany. These strings are prepared by a new process from the finest gut of ENGLISH lambs ; and owing to the use of a powerful antiseptic Salicylic Acid during manufacture, the finished strings remain in prime condition for years, even in the hottest climates. It Mill therefore interest violinists, to know that the Stainer Company of Martin's Lane, Charing Cross, W.
Teachers will doubtless appreciate this arrangement. Identical with the best of the old Cremona varnishes. Easily applied Dries ouickly. Gives fine quality of tone. Perfected up to date and nothing better in Violin Varnish can ever be made. The experiments have occupied years and, have cost hundreds of pounds. All the Varnish now sent out is at least one year old. Unsolicited testimonials come in every day. Sole Agents for United States. Great reduction in all Musical Instru- ments and fittings, no reasonable offer refused.
A quantity of wood over years old for violin making to be sold cheap. Note the address— S. Three Nocturnes x o 4. Heller and Ernst Les gages d'amitte, Book I. Book IL 6 pieces 20 6. Four Morceao de Salon x 6 7. Six pieces x 6 9. Grand Violin School, complete 40 xo. Fint dme of placiog a violin to her ibovilder. Pupils can hold it bflnnuaOy ooly. Better tone because neither front nor back of JBumi n ent is toocbed by chin, shoulder or rest. Bottom bar adjasts to any angle. Green Terkacb, London, E. They are very effective and taking, having a large and rapidly increasing sale.
Of moderate diftcaky ooly, ascemfing to the thvd position. It makes the strings more duiable and gives them a thicker volume of tone. One wouM expect that Oil makes strihgs soft and tender, but yours has bracug qualities, and makes them stiff and hard, and emiaeatly fitted for orchestral playing. Believe me, dear Sir. MakU Hill, London, W. However, the second time it was a complete success. I shaU he glad to know how, and at what price, both articles can be obtained ; and if my testimonial is of any use 10 you.
I give it most wilhngly. Yours very truly, R. Dear Sir,- It is with great pleasure that I write these few lines to you to say, after having severely tried your Oil and Resin for some years for Solo PUying, I can safely! I am also pleased to say my pupiU use both, and find them a great advantage. Professor at-Portman Academy, Baker Street: Metropolitan College; PhUharmonic Soaety: May sth, Sir. I cannot speak too highly of it ; it is far superior to any other Oil that I have ttied, 1 that obtained from Italy.
Arpeggios in all keys, with inversions, from Elementary to Profes- sional grade, including diminished and domi- nant sevenths, as required for the R. Elemen- tary Violin School. Elementary Exercises and Intervals with Pianoforte Acoompts. Trois Morceaox pour Violon aveQ Piano. Three pleasing Pieces without difficulty Na z. Cataloguis smt Postfru of Donajowski's Orchestral 5.
Four eharming Pieces for the Violin, with Piano Aocompts. Song of the Shepherd Schulhoff. These Exer- cises should be possessed by every violinist. A few minutes practice giving the fingers great elasticity. Numerous recommendations and thanks for the invention from Members of the Scottish Orchestra, etc.
No Violinist, 'Cellist or Pianist should be without a supply. From the Manufaptuier, G. Spohr's testimonial to Carrodus. This Catalogue may be said to be the most elaborate of the kind ever issued. To professors and amateurs alike this Catak gue will prove most useful, as it will enable them from the pages submitted to form a satisfactory idea of the works much better than where only a few bars are given. The well-known Violinist and Composer. Also Hannony, Counterpmnt and Compositioo. Warwick Road, Earls Coukt, S.
Does the whole of the work himself, both on the new instraments and the old ones sent to him for restoration. Wasdouk Stkbbt, Londok, W. This is because the outer Strings hnve a direct bearing on the belly of the Instrumeot, ediiovas the inner ones have not. Qear ringing tone, dearer piiricato notes, notes in high positions more mellow, greater carrying power, and above all every String equal in power and brilliancy. Used at the Prindpal Conservatoires on the Continent. In their preparation they are sub- jected to chemical traatment which renders them oo mpninU ve l y ' ' by mintnre and heat of the hand, at the sanm time of a giving them a mors brilliant voHune of tone, neater durability, and such strsagth that the "E" will bear pulling up to "A,' thus standing a greater strain than any other string ever produced.
C lAunr Lavbndbk, 3, Giuc bn ndon, E. C Cheques and P.
Gregorian chant books
For the United Kingdom, per annum post free as. It is not so very long ago — I believe it was in — that Mdlle. Wietrowet2 made her first appearance in London, playing at the Crystal Palace and the Popular and Phil- harmonic concerts with great success ; since this time the young artist has fully established her claims as one of the foremost artists of the day. It was her father from whom she received her first musical instruc- tion at the early age of five, having been born at Laibach, South Austria.
Joachim, also receiving some instruction from Pro- fessor Wirth. Wietrowetz has been heard at frequent intervals and since then her fame has extended all over Europe and she has made most successful appearances in most of the great continental musical centres, includ- ing Stockholm, Wiesbaden, Munster, Magde- burg, Amsterdam, Bremen, Cologne, Breslau, Frankfurt on Main, Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig, Gotha, etc. She has now attaint to the highest rank in the art of violin playing and her chief aim is evidently to be a true and worthy follower of her great master. She plays with the consummate and masterful ease of an artist who possesses the fullest command over her instrument ; she is an artist and virtuoso in the truest sense of the terms and any one who has heard her playing the concertos of Spohr, Bruch, Brahms, Mendelssohn or Beethoven, will admit that for breadth of tone and artistic finish, she has few, if any to surpass her.
Like her great master Joachim , Mdlle. Wietrowetz is an ardent admirer of classical music, and her great powers as an interpreter of such, both as soloist and quartet leader, are well known. One of the feyourite items of her repertoire is Brahms's Violin Concerto in D ; she was heard in this work at one of the Philharmonic concerts about five years ago and one of. Wietrowetz, and those who, knowing this young artist's power and genius, were prepared for great things were more than satisfied, not so much by the technical skill, which is undoubtedly great, as by the broad conception of the masterly work, the great underlying strength making itself continually felt, ahd the reverent delivery of the Concerto, from the somewhat heavy opening movement with its remarkable and difficult cadenza by Dr.
Joachim, through the tender Adagio, perhaps the most perfectly given of the three, to the energetic finale, which was played with a breadth and dignity which we have never heard excelled. An intrepid attack, a brilliant shake, great volume of tone, and unerring precision and skill, are amongst the least of Frl. Wietrowetz's gifts ; her greater ones are the sweet tenderness, the sympathy, the humanity in her playing, which appeals to the soul of the listener. It is often amusing to hear some people talk as they take up a violin that bears the resemblance of age, and remark, " How old it looks!
I was talking with an amateur violin-maker the other day, when he remarked, that he finished a violin not long ago, and it was purchased by a maker of violins for an old one. The purchaser said it was an excellent old instrument, and offered a price for it, which was taken and considered proper, as no repre- sentations were made about it. To give an idea of this matter I copy a letter written to a connoisseur, which will throw light on the methods employed in Italy: You can not with brushes and iron tools imitate the wear of hands and movements, but the use of the hands and chin and the rubbing of locomo- tion can be intensified in their own manner.
To begin, when you varnish leave a conic patch below where the neck comes, lighter in colour than the rest. This is because the masters used a long false finger board to protect the fitted neck, and under it the belly was protected from the brash. This can not be done naturally with a file. This will wear the centre of the back, and back of the scroll in a quite natural way, you may also slide it up and down against a wall, with a string on a loop on the wall, but the string often wears first and the violin falls. This must go on until the proper flatness of the scroll, and the proper back- paten and clippings out are made.
This most be still more amplified in tbe eastern C to show how careless bows have wounded the poor violin. When it Ia3rs white on the belly, warm it before a fire nntil it sticks. But this would be dishonest deception. Each time fill the fiddle Mth greasy wheat rolled in fine dust, and when quite dry. Then a patch has been removed and the violin not tampered with. No doubt there is considerable food for reflection in the above, but possibly no one sells new old violins. Evidence was given to show that on Good Friday last the premises of Messrs. Tbe matter was placed in the hands of Detective-sergeants Tupper aad Scholes.
About a week after the robbery it was ascertained that the stolen instruments were being ofiered for sale in Stuttgart, Germany, and an extra- dition warrant was applied for. John Beare H-eat to Germany, where he fotmd the accused in cnstodv, and identified nine violins which had been found in his possession on arrest, as part of the stolen property.
On July 17th the prisoner arrived in London in the custody of a German officer. He was committed ifor trial at the next , which will be held on August 3rd. The Editor will U glad to answer questions on any sabiect Ukefy to interest any pijiyers of stringed instruminte. Rbadbrs may obtain our opinion endorsed by a leading London expert as to the value, etc.
All instruments should be sent, carriage paid, to the Manager. We are not acquainted with any " difficult " duets for " violin " and guitar. Ricordi's catalogue, or to the lists of other publishers who make a speciality of those instruments. We can recommend Peters' edition of Bach's six sonatas for violin with piano accompaniment. He was buried at Moorfields, but his remains were afterwarda removed to Dresden. The "Jubel" overture was written while Weber was operatic conductor at Dresden, where he went about We do not know who publishes the "Variations in C minor" for violoncello, by Rubio.
Possibly it is in MS. The articles by Mr. However, if you suffer much from hot and damp hands we should advise you to give Hay's " Palmaline " a trial. The violin scales by La Tarche are up to date fingering. The second book deals with advanced arpeggios and double notes. We will consider the question. Guhr's treatise on " Harmonics " can be obtained from Messrs. Sarasate's arrangement of the E flat Nocturne by Chopin, is one of the best.
There is also a good arrangement by Polonaski. Williams, Great Portland Street. Joannes Ulrictts Eberle was a maker at Prague. He was a clever imitator of Cremonas. As to whether your instrument is genuine or not we cannot possibly say without seeing it. Kindly refer to head of this column 2 Leave your wrists alone. On enquiry bX the, R. Answers to Fifth ; W. E, Btrmineham ; A W. Restn, Carlisle and Iv. MirejUld, are unavoidably left over until next month.
If yon are expert with the brush, it might be possible to put the matter right with a little varnish coloured to match. We have seen instruments so strung with five strings. From a practical point of view, however, the idea is not very desirable, as besides the unavoidable deterioration in the qualitv and body of tone peculiar to the viola, it lacks the brilliancy of the vioun. Of course as a make shift instrument under circumstances such as you. On paper the principle of the Stelzner instruments seems good, but we have not tried them, so cannot give an opinion as to their merits, but hope to be able to do so shortly.
Many players and teachers prefer the strings fairly close together. It stands to reason that narrow fingers require them closer than bro ul ones, otherwise they would not be able to finger fifths with one finger. Monsieur Vuillaume having been the owner of the "Bessie " for many years, it is unlikely that he did not make very many copies, the number it is of course not possible to tell. The written particulars seem to point to German possibly Mittenwald make, the tracing of the sonndholes is agreeable with this. Photos being so small render discrimination impossible in the way desirable, at the best it is dangerous to express any opinion from a photo, the difierence between a copy and an original being such as the camera will seldom if ever disclose.
Taking the copy of the ticket to be correct in detail it wbuld not be likely to be genuine as the V ought to be U as in all the genuine tickets. The other particulars mentioned do not help the probability of the violin being genuine. Technical Studies in Single Notes, op. TechnicalStudies in Double Stopping, op. Technical Studies in Harmomcs, op. Serenata in C Arranged by Basil s. Will send any articles from a 4d. As for price and quality they are far ahead of any competitors. Below is a few of their Specialities.
Send for lists and samples. Special reduction for quantities. OasaKal Ylotoocello Mmic by celdvaled masters of the xTtb ft i8th centuries: Scak and Arpcigio Manual for cbe VioloDodlo Chords and easy Ar- ChroaMtic Passages. J fioa First to Second Position Changing between the - — W--J. Oumging between the First and Sixth Positions. Changing between the I First and Seventh Positions Bankaof Allan water a. Hoase Sweet Home 3. March in D H. U the Twilight BpringtiaM ,. Bernart Street, London, W. StnuL Model is the best and cheapest Violin in the World.
IV Send for Price List. Beautifullv figured back and sides, finely carved scroll. Outfit consists of Violin, Bow. IV" Send for Price List. We have a very large demand for this fine-toned Instrument, and nothing better is nuide at the price. IV Send for Price list.
How to Mastsr It,' says: The work displa3rs skill and patience of the highest order equal to the best of the kind that I have seen. No one need hesitate to entrust you with the most valuable Violhi for adjustment or restoration. Old Violins repaired and restored. Purest Italian Solo Strings. By Sptcial ApponUmnt to H. All kinds of Repairs done skilfully. No connection with any others of the name of Tubbs.
Charge for insertion, 90 words 6d. Trade adTertlsements not inserted in this coluiiui. Fine riolin by Mayson', cheap: Smith, , Chapel Street, Salford. Music for plMioforte alone and with one and twoviolins accom- paniment, cheap. Dowle Jones, 2, aUtnmor Crescent, Swansea. Music toe riolin and piano, good condition, cheap. Davis, 39, Orchard Ghuxlens, Teignmouth.
Baker, , Queen's Boad, Hastings.

Romance in F, Op. Air with Variations, Naa, Oo. Air with Variations, No. Andante in B flat from Vn.
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Barcarolle in G, Op. Recitative and Adagio from Concerto, No. Adagio from' Concerto, Na xi,Op. Hymn to the Emperor Men of Harlech F. Auld Lang Syne F. Voices of the Woods The Ash Grove F. The Minstrel Boy F. The Bloom is on the iLjn F. The Harp that Once H, Romance Dmmatique 4d. Violin Exercises b the xst, std, 5th and 7th Positions Meditation on Bach's second pre- lude Nocturne in F major Don Giovanni Motart 3d.
La Favorita Dooiietti 3d. Four original Studies 3d. Printed for tlie Proprietor, by E. C, Published by D. Mbssrs, Thompson ft Co. James's HaU, and lun glad to find it earned so well. A ntiqu e Violin Repairing a Speciality. Harmoniums, American Orxans, Harps, Violins. Property intended for same or a notification thereof, should be sent at least ten days prior. Joachim, Emile Sauret, D. Wolfin 14 Berceuse Dedicated to Lady Amherst. Le Desir, Romanze 14 A.
One artbt writes ns. I don't know how many times 1 have givcB iu and your name in response to enquiries. Hkler,— I baTe nsed your Besin and I find it admirable tn erery respect. It is remarkably clean, and does not produce banhnesi; in fact, I think it the best I have erer used, and shall eenalnly recommend it to my friends and pupils —Yours faithfully, A.
Mantenan Qlebe, Askeaton, Co. Geotlanea,— I am much obliged for the specimen of prepared Besio yon so kindly forwarded. In it I conclude that Besin is broagitt to a pitch of perfection nerer before attained. I shall be yasm to introduce it to the f avonrable notice of the Limerick Biie WsniionMa. We specially commend this work to the notice of all Violinists, as being the most complete exposition and also the only onb published which deals exclusively with the third position.
It com- prises exercises, short studies, duets for two violins, standard DMlodies and duets for violin and [nano— all fingered and arranged in the third position. So I polished as much as I re-polished. However, this least-favorite job led to my most-favorite duty: I loved arranging the china, the now! As I inspected my completed handiwork, I always felt immense pleasure with what I saw as a magnificently set table, which made the silver cleaning bearable.
Or, close to it. Fast forward through dinner, when the last silver fork was put down after the homemade pumpkin and pecan pies were devoured, and my family and guests happily heaved themselves from the table to watch football, the ball was in my court … I was in charge of cleanup.
After recruiting family and friends to help because of favors owed, along with bribery and threats, our group would hand-wash and dry every piece of cherished china and silver. Although I would have never admitted it at the time, I loved being in that small, steamy kitchen laughing, talking, washing and drying. At NOAG, we are so proud to offer such a carefully selected variety of beautiful china and silver, with which to make your own special occasion memories. Our silver specialist, Charles C.
Cage — who, among many notable professional honors, recently served as guest curator of the New Orleans silver gallery during the reinstallation of the permanent collection at the LSU Museum of Art in Baton Rouge — has been with us for 12 years. The craftsmen literally leave their marks on the pieces they make, while the owners proudly engrave their coats-of-arms, names and monograms on them.
And as an adult, I still get that same thrill from creating a beautiful tablescape, set with my silver and china collected through the years. Before each celebratory meal, I inspect the table and think, Mom would be proud. And then I say a little prayer of gratitude for the one who polished the silver! Our festive and fun preview party will be held on Thursday, Oct. This auction, with nearly 1, lots, offers great timing to find early holiday gifts - and maybe something special for your own table this year.
See you at the auction,. She attended the University of Mississippi, graduating in She began her illustrious business career in as a management trainee at Neiman Marcus in Dallas, Texas, an exciting time to be with the company. She held that position for nearly a decade and was then promoted again to Associate Divisional Merchandise Manager in From , she worked as the Divisional Vice President. Holmes, a position that she proudly held from After more than three decades with D.
Liz worked as a marketing consultant, conference speaker and business writer, using her own experience to conduct workshops on negotiating skills, merchandising, positioning and customer service. She spoke at and conducted workshops all over the world, from Brazil to Japan. In addition, she was the recipient of several prestigious awards, including the Fashion Group International Alpha award and Lifetime Achievement award. Liz Tahir photographed with her brother, Abe Tahir, by George Dureau Aside form her extensive professional achievements, Tahir also had a love of art and culture, which she shared with her brother, Abe Tahir.
He worked first as a journalist, editor and translator, and then became involved in foreign affairs around the time of World War I, working for the U. He served as vice-president of the Maryland. Historical Society, and contributed articles and reviews to the Maryland Historical Magazine. A wellknown authority on Maryland history and architecture, Paul strongly advocated architectural preservation of downtown Baltimore, especially the Mt.
This area later became part of Susquehanna State Park, the establishment of which was accomplished partly through Mr. When Paul died, he had no heirs and his estate passed to his cousin, Henry Wallace Wallingford Todd Rose of Lima early 19th century, the carved hardwood figure depicted with her hand at her heart, wearing her signature wreath of flowers in her hair. Period carved and painted wood frame.
Period giltwood and gesso frame. Handsome antique giltwood frame. Private collection, New Orleans, Louisiana. Detailed list of pieces available on request. Antique giltwood frame with oval aperture. Carroll Ball, Jackson, Mississippi. He seems to have become a member of the Gainsborough household at an early age Gainsborough painted his nephew several times, and a portrait very similar to the one presented here is conserved at the Tate, Britain. Both of these portraits, with their eyes of reflective translucence, softly rounded cheeks and chins, hint at the youth and frivolity which contemporary accounts attribute to the personality of the young man.
We would like to thank Mr. Hugh Belsey for his help in cataloguing this portrait. Elaborate antique carved giltwood frame. Presented in an elaborate antique gesso and carved giltwood frame. Impressive shaped sand cast and gilt exhibition frame. Greenhalgh, a wealthy miller, was a keen sportsman and prominent member of the Mansfield Game Association. Buck served as M. Giltwood frame with artist plaque. Framed and with artist plaque. Niek van der Plas. Niek van der Plas: Een impressionist uit Katwijk Rijnsburg: Theo-Sanders Fine Art, pp.
As his lover, wife and muse, she inspired some of his most prolific work. Through her, Foujita redefined feminine beauty in ivory and bone from the negative space of an ink drawing, born par excellence of Eastern calligraphy. Foujita and Youki were the celebrities of the Parisian art scene in the s. Hailed a shining star, Foujita was more successful than Picasso and more acclaimed than Matisse. Youki, a figurehead in her own right, rivalled Foujita's other famous models - Kiki of Montparnasse and Modigliani's muse Fernande Barrey, whom Foujita took as his second wife days after meeting her in a cafe.
When Foujita met Badoud in , he was smitten by the pallor of her skin - her body he likened to white-capped peaks on sensuous, figural slopes; her visage to porcelain with lacquer black eyes framed by golden hair. Foujita christened her "Youki"- snow in Japanese, a name she legally retained until her death in Through Youki, Foujita perfected the "fond blanc" white ground technique - the crowning earmark of his work. The bravura of the white ground artistry seamlessly blends the aesthetics of the orient and occident while compromising the identity and integrity of neither.
The art of Shodo - of Japanese. In his portraits of Youki, Foujita celebrates Shodo in oil painting; while all forms are delineated through the pen and ink lines and lack three dimensionality, the negative spaces are painted in - matte black Indian ink blots out the background and the white pigment of the middle and foreground are the centerpiece. Made of mixed flaxseed oil, crushed chalk, white lead, and magnesium silicate, Foujita's pigment fascinated viewers with its milky iridescence as it captured both the "snow" of Youki's skin and the translucent luminosity characteristic of fine Asian porcelain and ivory.
Portraits of Youki as a reclining odalisque are rare because they were mostly executed in the early s. Even more rarely are these "fond blanc" masterpieces offered at auction. Presented in a custom-made artist frame. Richard Smith, New York? Jacques Bailly will include this painting in a forthcoming volume of his Jean Dufy catalogue raisonne. Editions JBL, p. Philippe Cazeau, Maximilien Luce Lausanne: La Bibliotheque des Arts, , p.
JBL, Sous le vent, , no. Born into a family of modest means, Luce always had a deep predilection for the working class. After serving in the military for four years, Luce began his artistic career as an engraver, before turning to painting full time in Influenced by the Impressionists, who advocated plein air studies, Luce took multiple day trips to the outskirts of Paris - painting the changing effects of sunlight on the woodlands and fields through the juxtaposition of colors quickly applied in wet overlapping impastos through rapid short brush strokes.
A fine example of this is lot , which was painted on the wooded bank of the Chalouette river in Moulineaux, a commune in Ile-de-France, 70 kilometers southwest of Paris. In these works, Luce elucidates the depth of the shaded foliage through layered blues and greens offset by warm yellows, beiges and pinks created through the mixture of complementary colors.
Though Luce first studied the Impressionists when he began painting, and would later revert back to a tempered Impressionist style that he maintained in various facets throughout his life, some of his most exploratory, political and powerful work was executed in the last decade of the 19th century. In Luce was introduced to the NeoImpressionist group by fellow artist Camille Pissarro, and quickly adopted the Divisionist technique of color application in separate patches or dots, believing it achieved a greater luminosity in color than Impressionism proper.
Few artists at the turn of the century were as versatile in their range of subjects as Luce.
He painted sunlit landscapes and the coast of St. Tropez with the same passion and sensitivity that he did factory and mine workers. In the s, Luce made several trips to the mining industry in Belgium, of which Charleroi was the epicenter. The region, called pays noir black country for its ashen soil, rich in ore, which bore proletarian toil and soiled the faces and air of Charleroi, fascinated Luce - and he celebrated both the natural beauty of the geography and the brutish conditions it produced. A fine example is this landscape of Couillet, an area in the town of Charleroi.
It captures not only the innate splendor of the village, depicted from the verdant banks of the Sambre river with the spire of the 16th-century St. Lawrence church in the distance, but it also portends a more somber reality through the roiling storm clouds raining reflective blues and grays above the town hall. The pendant painting to this work, executed in the same palette and dimensions, depicts Couillet, Charleroi from the other side of town in which the smoke stacks of industry, instead of spires of faith, billow forth from the horizon.
Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, the scene of this painting, is a fortified medieval village in the Department of Lot Midi-Pyrenees in southwestern France that Henri-Jean Martin depicted numerous times. The cliffs of Saint-Cirq-Lapopie have austere facades that rise an imposing feet above the Lot River and are summited by a picturesque village of narrow winding roads, tiered timber buildings with mullion windows and terracotta roofs. Martin, a gifted landscape painter who worked in the postImpressionist style, created a unique blend of pointillism and symbolism in painting these bluffs.
While the palette and small parallel brushstrokes in thick impasto are indebted to Seurat's more scientific approach to the Impressionists' optics and plein-air observations, the scale and unusual assignation of color orange and blue water to better elucidate the texture of the precipice as it is reflected in the river, privilege a personal and emotive approach.
Martin's stunning depiction of the cliffs of Saint-Cirq-Lapopie popularized the destination among Parisian artists, notably Andre Breton, and are a recurrent subject in the artist's work. Martin, a native of Toulouse, spent the majority of his career in southwestern France capturing the rock, cliff and elaborate cave formations for which the Pyrenees region is well-known. His early works met with wide acclaim, earning him numerous medals and awards from the Paris Salon that included a Grand Prix in that enabled him to travel to Italy and study the Renaissance masters. Martin was inducted into the Legion of Honor and won first prize at the World's Fair.
Illustrated in David Klein, Edouard Cortes: Klein Art Gallery, , p. Nicole Verdier, Edouard Cortes: Contexte, , p. Tara Shaw, New Orleans, Louisiana. Antique giltwood and gesso frame. All glazed and presented in matching frames. Framed and with brass artist plaque. Eventually I added any type of information which would be relevant in that matter. A book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible. Consists of hymns and prayers composed by King David and other sources. Pre-Christian translation into Greek of the Hebrew Bible.
From the Latin word septuaginta meaning seventy. Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Wiki Link , Link2. One of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. Death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Roman Psalter, called also the Versio Romana or Psalterium Romanum , traditionally has been considered to be the same as Jerome's first revision of the psalms completed in , which was made from the Versio Vetus Latina , and corrected to bring it more in line with the Greek psalms.
The Roman version was used in the Roman Missal well into the 20th century. In the Divine Office , however, it was soon replaced throughout most of the west by Jerome's so-called "Gallican" version. Jerome's second revision, which he made from the Greek of the Hexapla ca. This became the psalter of the Vulgate bible, and the basis for Gregorian chant. It became the standard psalter used in the canonical hours throughout the West from the time of Charlemagne until it was replaced in the 2nd edition of the breviary by the Versio Nova Vulgata in It is still used today in some monasteries and churches and by traditionalist Catholics.
Wiki Liber Psalmorum Vatican. Pope Celestine I officially introduces the responsorial singing of a Gradual psalm in the Roman Mass. Venantius Fortunatus creates some of Christianity's most enduring hymns, including "Vexilla regis prodeunt", later the most popular hymn of the Crusades. Gregory I Pope 3 September to 12 March Gregorian chant is named after Pope Gregory I, who is traditionally credited for having ordered the simplification and cataloging of music assigned to specific celebrations in the church calendar.
Stephen turned to Pepin the Short, the recently crowned King of the Franks, and even traveled to Paris to plead for help in person. On January 6, , Stephen re-consecrated Pepin as king. In return, Pepin assumed the role of ordained protector of the Church and set his sights on the Lombards. Cantatorium St Gall The so-called Cantatorium of St.
Gallen, the earliest complete extant musical manuscript in the world with neume notation. It contains the solo chants of the Mass and constitutes one of the main sources for the reconstruction of Gregorian chant. Written and provided with fine neumes in the monastery of St. Gall between and Bound in a wooden box with an ivory panel on the front cover, most likely Byzantine c. The ivory panel was once the possession of Charlemagne. Antiphonale missarum Laon Antiphonale missarum Sancti Gregorii.
The first extant sources with musical notation were written around Graduale Laon. Before this, plainchant had been transmitted orally. Antiphonale missarum Chartres Introduction compares the notations of Chartres, St. Antiphonale missarum Einsiedeln Graduale - Notkeri Sequentiae. This Codex comprises the oldest complete surviving neumed mass antiphonary; it includes assorted appendices such as Alleluia verses, Antiphons and Psalm verses for the Communion Antiphons.
Because the mass antiphonary is complete, the manuscript remains important to this day as a resource for Gregorian chant research. Recent research has established that the codex was written in Einsiedeln itself in about , most likely for the third abbot of the cloister, Gregor the Englishman. Regarded as the oldest complete manuscript of Gregorian chant missal propers.
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Antiphonarium missarum St Gall Antiphonary, dating from around the year , with Calendar and Gradual written and provided with fine neumes probably by the monk Hartker , Ordo Missae and Sacramentary. An invaluable monument of music history. Antiphonarium officii St Gall St Gall Hartker of monk St. Gallen died , writer. Chants for the liturgy of the hours of the St. Gallen monks, written and provided with finest neumes by the St.
A masterpiece of script, neumes and illuminated initials. The most important choral manuscript, with four colored pen drawings of outstanding quality. Foundation of Solesmes Abbey in France, Sarthe district. Fondation de l'abbaye de Solesmes dans la Sarthe. This was the last of the ordinary chants to be added to the Roman Mass. Guido d'Arezzo describes the musical staff, solmization, and the Guidonian hand in his Micrologus.
This early form of do-re-mi created a technical revolution in the speed at which chants could be learned, memorized, and transmitted. Graduale St Gall Calendar, Computus, Tropary, Gradual, Sequentiary. Deluxe manuscript for the celebration of the Mass in the monastery of St. Gall, containing sequences of the St. Gallen monk "Notker the Stammerer" died The local chant tradition of Rome, which scholars now call Old Roman chant, gives way to Gregorian chant.
Our Lady of Guadalupe. Convened the Council of Trent in Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina composed his most well-known and most often-performed mass Missa Papae Marcelli in honor of Pope Marcellus II , who reigned for three weeks in Psalms , comp , all. Wiki , Link Rorate. Pius V , a coalition of Catholic maritime states, decisively defeated the main fleet of the Ottoman Empire in five hours of fighting on the northern edge of the Gulf of Patras, off western Greece. The Holy League credited the victory to the Virgin Mary, whose intercession with God they had implored for victory through the use of the Rosary.
Best known for his reformation of the calendar. The Gregorian calendar was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII , after whom the calendar was named, by a decree signed on 24 February , a papal bull known by its opening words Inter gravissimas. The Editio medicea of Gregorian chant is published, rewriting the old modal chant according to the contemporary aesthetic style.
Antiphonale Romanum juxta Breviarium. Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum. Chapitre XIV du volume 1: Complectens Suis locis disposita omnia quae, juxta ritum sacro. Alexandrum Douillier, , Divione. The decree was promulgated on the date of the annual Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Wiki text , text2. Our Lady of Lourdes. In , faced with rebellion against his temporal sovereignty in the course of the Risorgimento, Pope Pius IX ordered that special prayers three Ave Marias, and a Salve Regina followed by a versicle and response and a collect be said after Masses celebrated in the Papal States.
He did not make these prayers obligatory in other countries, but did ask Catholics everywhere to pray for the defeat of those bent on destroying the Holy See's temporal sovereignty. Michael Hermesdorff's historic Gradual. Graduale juxta usum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Trevirensis Dispositum. It condemns several propositions relating to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the separation of church and state. QC [en] [2] Wiki , fr.
Following encyclical Quanta Cura , it is made up of phrases and paraphrases from earlier papal documents, along with index references to them, and presents as a list of "condemned propositions". Apud Jacobum Lecoffre, , Parisiis. Papal infallibility is the dogma in Roman Catholic theology that, by action of the Holy Spirit, the Pope is preserved from even the possibility of error when he solemnly declares or promulgates to the universal Church a dogmatic teaching on faith as being contained in divine revelation, or at least being intimately connected to divine revelation.
This doctrine was defined dogmatically in the First Vatican Council of In the late 19th century, early liturgical and musical manuscripts were unearthed and edited. Earlier, Dom Prosper Gueranger revived the monastic tradition in Solesmes. Re-establishing the Divine Office was among his priorities, but no proper chantbooks existed. Many monks were sent out to libraries throughout Europe to find relevant Chant manuscripts. Imprimatur 2 Feb Edition Quarta , Dessain Mechlin editors.
Directorium chori ad usum omnium ecclesiarum in quibus officium divinum juxta ritum S. Romanae ecclesiae cantari solet with Preface. A theoretical and practical manual of Gregorian chant. Approbation 5 Feb In the s ? John the Evangelist, their object being to restore Christian art in liturgical publications.
At first the society relied upon English workmen, compositors, and printers, England being the country in which the old traditions had been best preserved. The first publications attracted the attention of connoisseurs. The Society, following first the work of the Rev. Dom Pothier, and afterwards the studies of the Benedictines of Solesmes, issued the first publications for the re-establishment of the liturgical chant, commonly called "plain chant".
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These editions served as a basis for the edition brought out by the Vatican printing press, and imposed by Pope Pius X on the Catholic Church. Wiki Link Link 2. Imprimatur 10 Mar A second edition will come in The monks are expelled from Solesmes Abbey on 6th Nov Imprimatur 27 Jul Imprimatur 23 May Published on 11th July , feast of St Benedict and 50th anniversary of re-establishment of Solesmes Abbey.
Graduale de tempore et de sanctis. On 6 January , in the context of anti-clerical political and social developments in the new Kingdom of Italy, Pope Leo XIII ordered that the prayers be recited throughout the world. It is from Leo's name that the term " Leonine Prayers " is derived.
Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio; contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: Hymni de tempore et de sanctis. Solesmes unknown id By Dom Pothier.
Offices de l'Eglise du matin et du soir suivant le rit romain: Officium defunctorum et Ordo exsequiarum pro adultis et parvulis una cum Missa et absolutione defunctorum: Office for the dead. Link Wiki , fr. Cum cantu multarum ecclesiarum usibus Processionale monasticum ad usum congregationis Gallicae. Imprimatur 13 Sep ? Next edition year See year for the reprint. Variae Preces ad Benedictionem SS.
Solesmes unknown id Dom Joseph Pothier. Imprimatur 27 Feb Liber Antiphonarius pro diurnis horis. Juxta ritum monasticum kalendario proprio Congregationis Gallicae ordinis Sancti Benedicti accommodatus. Dated 25 May Liber Antiphonarius pro Vesperis et Completorio. Cum supplemento pro aliquibus locis. Dated 23 Jun Liber Antiphonarius pro Laudibus et Horis Minoribus. Dated 9 Jul Compendium Antiphonarii et Breviarii Romani. Concinnatum ex editionibus typicis, cura et auctoritate sacrorum rituum congregationis publicatis.
Officium pro Defunctis 2nd ed. Officium et Missa Ultimi Majoris Hebdomadae. Rit Romain avec points rythmiques. Imprimatur 25 Apr Adorationis perpetuae Sanctissimi Sacramenti. Variae Preces 3rd ed. Imprimatur 29 Nov Juxta ordinem Breviarii, Missalis et Pontificalis, Romani cum cantu ex editionibus authenticis. Quas curavit sacrorum rituum congregatio. Ratisbonae, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnati. Sumptibus chartis et Typis Friderici Pustet, S. Imprimatur 13 Sep The monks are back to Solesmes Abbey on 23rd August Imprimatur 22 Aug For the reprint see below.
Jesu Christi Regis, Dom. GI , WikiM , title , Nat. Solesmes Cantus officii nocturni de Communi Sanctorum ad normam Breviarii romani. Solesmis E typographeo Sancti-Petri. Cum invitatoriis pro omnibus officiis. Link , Link2 , Link3. Liber Gradualis 2nd ed. Restitutus cum supplemento pro Ordine S. Benedicti et pro aliquibus locis.
Imprimatur 2 May Variae Preces 4th ed. Imprimatur 2 Mai Editor Pustet's edition of the Graduale Romanum. Approbatio 16 Jun Imprimatur 25 Feb Imprimatur 18 Dec Le Melodie gregoriane secondo la tradizione , 2nd ed. Graduale Cisterciense Cistercian Graduale. Imprimatur 15 Sep Solesmes unknown id Hartker, Saint-Gall Antiphonaire de l'office monastique transcrit par Hartker: Saint-Gall et Variae Preces 5th ed.
Imprimatur 15 Dec Concinnatum ex editionibus typicis. Imprimatur 22 Jan Monks leave Solesmes on 20th September and find refuge on the Isle of Wight. Imprimatur 17 Dec Manuale Missae et Officiorum. Imprimatur 8 Dec In the monks from Douai Abbey are expelled from their monastery in France and driven back to England, bringing with them the name of Douai. Motu proprio by Pie X, 22 Nov Special efforts are to be made to restore the use of the Gregorian Chant by the people, so that the faithful may again take a more active part in the ecclesiastical offices, as was the case in ancient times.
Imprimatur 23 Jan Liber Usualis de Dom Mocquereau. Imprimatur 9 Oct A Manual of Gregorian Chant. A manual of Gregorian chant ; compiled from the Solesmes Books and from ancient manuscripts. Imprimatur 19 Jan ADI [en] Wiki , fr. Missae et Officii pro Dominicis et Festis Duplicibus. Imprimatur 1 Mar Kyriale seu Ordinarium missarum in recentioris musicae notulas translatum. Vatican unknown id E graduali Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae desumptum. By the benedictines of Stanbrook. At the end of the book it says: The Society of S. Decretum 14 Aug Kyriale seu Ordinarium Missae, cum canto Gregoriano.
Ad exemplar editionis Vaticanae concinnatum. Imprimatur 30 Oct Ad exemplar editionis Vaticanae concinnatum et rhythmicis signis a Solesmensibus monachis diligenter ornatum. Kyriale ou chants ordinaires de la messe. According to the Vatican edition with rhythmical signs by the monks of Solesmes. Conforme editioni Vaticanae a SS. Concordat 2 Dec Encyclique de Pie X. Manuale pro Benedictionibus et Processionibus.
Sacramenti ex Libris Solesmensibus excerptum. Concordat 31 Oct Approbatio 7 Nov Same as previous except for a 4-page note by Pustet condemning mensuralism. Also, three pages worth of "approbation words" in the front from the year Imprimatur 10 Apr Concordat 22 Jun Encyclical by Pie X, 8 Sep The pope condemned Modernism, and a whole range of other evolutionary principles concerning Roman Catholic dogma.
Pius X instituted commissions to cleanse the clergy of theologians promoting Modernism and some of its liturgical consequences. PaDG [en] Wiki , fr. Pontificis Maximi jussu restitutum et editum. Imprimatur 12 Mar Solesmes was charged with the task, and the glorious book appeared in The PDF was released in Cui addita sunt festa novissima. Ad exemplar editionis typicae.
Decretum 7 Aug , 12 Aug Ad exemplar editionis typicae concinnatum et rhythmicis signis a Solesmensibus monachis. Decretum 7 Aug , 16 Oct Same as previous with two later additions: Vianney, Marguerite Marie Alacoque , Imp. Imprimatur 16 Mai Vol I in English published in Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de tempore et de sanctis. The fundamentals of Gregorian chant. Imprimatur 11 Nov Imprimatur 18 Mar Imprimatur 26 Jul Weinmann's Editio Vaticana in Pothier's Gregorian chant notation but on modern staves. Imprimatur 23 Mar It mandated that "all clergy, pastors, confessors, preachers, religious superiors, and professors in philosophical-theological seminaries" should swear to it.
Suppressed in July Wiki Texte , Text. The Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music is an institution of higher education of the Roman Catholic Church specifically dedicated to the study of sacred music. It is based in Rome, Italy. Pius X in under the name "School of Sacred Music". It was opened on 3rd Jan and received approval with the issue of the papal bull Expleverunt on 4 Nov Epitome e Graduale de Tempore et de Sanctis. Imprimatur 20 Oct Imprimatur 8 Feb Imprimatur 3 Jan Abolition of and interdiction to use the previous Psalter by Pope Pius V.
Chants for the Office. Decretum 8 Dec The list of psalms according to Pope St. Pius X schema for this Antiphonale Romanum can be found here. For the reprint in two volumes see below. Wiki Psalms Psalms , comp , all. Antiphonale Romanum Vatican reprint. Reprint of the Vatican Antiphonale Romanum by St. Elias Press, 21 Jun Epitome ex editione Vaticana Gradualis Romani quod hodiernae musicae signis trad.
Franz Xaver Mathias, prof. Imprimatur 1 Jul Liber Usualis Officii Vesperale. Pro Dominicis et Festis I vel. II Classis, cum Canto Gregoriano. Imprimatur 18 Apr Excerptum ex antiphonali S.
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Editio Parisiensis juxta Vaticanam. Imprimatur 7 Apr Vulgate , Liber Psalmorum. Ex editione Vaticana adamussim excerpto. Et rhythmicis signis in subsidium cantorum. A Solesmensibus monachis diligenter ornato. Imprimatur 14 Jan Wiki Link , 2. Imprimi permittitur 12 Oct Cum missa et absolutione. Imprimatur 16 Dec Here is the classic that kicked off many generations of rigorous and brilliant music pedagogy for children, especially those in Catholic schools who were trained for singing chant. But its use is not limited to this: Experts today are rediscovering the wisdom and power of the Ward Method, of which this is the very first book from Cantus praecipui ad vesperas completorium et beneditionem s.
Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctis. Cui Audita sunt festa novissima. Imprimatur 17 Nov Missae et Officii pro Dominicis et Festis I. Classis cum Cantu Gregoriano ex Editione Vaticana adamussim excerpto et rhythmicis signis in subsidium cantorum a Solesmensibus Monachis diligenter ornato. Imprimatur 12 Jul Avec les signes rythmiques de Solesmes. Imprimatur 19 Mar In , Pope Benedict XV, responding to petitions from Belgium, including one signed by all its bishops, established the annual celebration in that country of a feast day of Mary Mediatrix of All Graces.
In printings of the Roman Missal from that date until , the Mass of Mary Mediatrix of All Graces is found in the appendix Missae pro aliquibus locis Masses for Some Places , but not in the general calendar for use wherever the Roman Rite is celebrated. Monks are back to Solesmes. Pontificis Maximi jussu restitutum et editum ad exemplar editionis typicae concinnatum et rhythmicis signis a Solesmensibus monachis diligenter ornatum.
Approbatio 14 Apr An addendum 'Missae propriae sanctorum congregationis Belgicae sub titulo annuntiationis B. Imprimatur 15 Jun Imprimatur 3 Nov Officium Majoris Hebdomadae et Octavae Paschae. Editio Compendiosa I Juxta Typicam. Symptibus et Typis Friderici Pustet, S. All the Masses and liturgy of Holy Week, with readings and mainly music, including the chants for the four Gospel Passion narratives, and all other chants of Holy Week and Easter, according to the Roman Rite as it stood in Imprimatur 11 Dec Juxta ritum monasticum cum cantu Gregoriano ex editione Vaticana adamussim excerpto et rhythmicis signis a Solesmensibus monachis diligenter ornato.
Imprimatur 3 Feb Nec non et Dominicae Resurrectionis. Music Fourth Year - Gregorian Chant. This is the first edition of Justine Ward's classic instructional text on Gregorian Chant. Appearing in , it taught generations how to sing chant according to the methods and principles developed by Dom Andre Mocquereau at the Solesmes Monastery in France. It was Ward's pedagogy and systemization of the method that brought the beautiful sound of this chant into the American Catholic life.
All these years later, this book still holds up as one of the great chant method books ever published. Imprimatur 7 Jan Compendium Gradualis et Antiphonalis pro Dominicis et Festis cum cantu gregoriano quem; ex editione typica in recentioris musicae notulas translatum Solesmenses monachi rhythmicis signis diligenter ornaverunt. Imprimatur 23 Aug Antiphonale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclasiae.
Approbatio 23 Feb Imprimatur 23 Feb Decretum 28 Oct Concordat 11 Oct