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This book is not yet featured on Listopia. May 26, Phoebe Baker rated it it was amazing. The authors presentation of her life as a child and young woman in Hungary before, during and after the Nazi occupation of her country and home in a Budapest Hungary and continuing through the soviet occupation the nations struggles and her families struggles to live in the horrid times of the Iron Curtain where the rest of the world seemed to be blind to their plight.

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The book presents daily life' the joys and sorrows. And what humans seem to be able to inflict on each other and how some surviv The authors presentation of her life as a child and young woman in Hungary before, during and after the Nazi occupation of her country and home in a Budapest Hungary and continuing through the soviet occupation the nations struggles and her families struggles to live in the horrid times of the Iron Curtain where the rest of the world seemed to be blind to their plight.

And what humans seem to be able to inflict on each other and how some survive. The love of country and the struggle to come to terms with the fact that life will never be the same in a Hungary and the need to leave. And what that took.

My Only Choice: 1942-1956 Hungary

Reads like a novel. Really helped confirm much of what I learned and saw on recent trip to the Eastern European countries and Budapest specifically. Liz Cowan rated it really liked it Mar 22, Schmidt rated it it was amazing Nov 20, Rose Jakab rated it liked it Jun 01, Christine Crowell rated it really liked it Feb 04, Claudia Zumbro rated it really liked it Jun 25, John rated it it was amazing Aug 28, Maria rated it it was amazing Aug 28, Alsoszatai-Petheo rated it it was amazing Nov 30, Judy rated it really liked it May 01, Rose Jakab rated it liked it Nov 03, Martina rated it liked it Aug 13, JB rated it really liked it Jan 30, Shahar rated it it was ok Aug 27, These stories of coming to America, of being born in the old Buckeye Road neighborhood, of weddings, of Christmas and Easter traditions, of harvest festivals, were all transcribed and edited into a paperback book of pages, with over 60 older and newer photos of life in Cleveland's Hungarian ethnic community.

The book is all in Hungarian, and includes background information about the group, as well as an introduction written by an professional ethnographic scholar from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest.

AHF Featured Member: Helen Szablya

For a long time, leaders of Hungarian groups in the United States have urged that the responsible parties in Hungary undertake a scientific analysis of the current social and demographic conditions of Hungarian-Americans, their organizations, the way the organizations function, and the size and composition of their membership. After several years of discussions, the Government decided to fund the task of undertaking a comprehensive survey of Hungarian-American organizations in The book was edited by Attila Z.

The authors of the book are: The book is written in Hungarian, but it includes an introduction and a summary in English language. The book mentions a database of Hungarian American organizations in the United States. The database can be accessed at: The Association maintained a school and an oral history program, and published ten books. Its lecture series provided a forum for more than outstanding Hungarian writers, scientists and artists from Hungary and from the other countries of the Carpathian Basin.

Published by the Hungarian Alumni Association, To order, please write to the Hungarian Alumni Association, P.


Box , New Brunswick, NJ Copies of this historical novel, written for young adults about the Revolution, can be ordered from the Coalition's Washington office. Original side-by-side with its English translation, this beautiful collection of poems, quotations and proverbs comes from the pens of Hungary's greatest writers. Filled with romantic imagery, they provide a glimpse into Hungarian culture and its approach to affairs of the heart. You can obtain this book from the following website: This is the first time since the Treaty of Trianon dismembered historic Hungary that a scholarly journal published in the U.

It also includes a chronology of recent events as they relate to the Hungarian communities of East Central Europe. The editor of this volume, Prof. The Coalition has purchased some copies of this volume for its work in educating and informing public officials. If you would like a copy, please write or call the Coalition's office in Washington, DC. Download the book here. Read more about the Coalition's anniversary publication.

One family's escape to freedom, written by Helen M. Edited and researched by Dr. Available only in Hungary, in Hungarian.

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Boyds Mills Press, or any bookstore can order it. Book also translated into Hungarian.

Hungarian Uprising, Budapest (1956)

Mind Twisters English translation and editing from the original Hungarian. Currently out of print but used copies can be found on amazon.