The complexity of these tactics has to be clearly grasped. Campaigns of this kind combine both real and distorted information, as well as exaggerated facts and entirely made-up news stories. In a clever illusion, lies are dressing themselves as truth hidden from the people, intentionally shrouded from view by the elite, whoever they might be. The burden of proof has been reversed: Because we have let quantity, the sharing of information, the ability to spread it as widely as possible and sow doubt almost everywhere, become synonymous with truth.
Journée d'étude | Metaphor and Manipulation
This rise in fake news now goes completely hand in hand with this illiberal fascination that I was talking about, because the funding often comes from the same sources, it is often used by powers who take pleasure somehow in the weaknesses of democracy, its extreme openness, its inability to sort, order and recognize a form of authority at the end of it all. The much greater freedom of information stemming from the digital age can be a target for arbitrary political power.
It can also be an instrument for manipulation by various actors, including the major powers. The most recent elections, including in France, have all seen the spread of fake news and hacking aimed at disrupting public order, compromising the sincerity of the election poll and thus creating confusion, doubt and discord. Buoyed by a cynical vision of the digital space, the perpetrators of these manoeuvres try to turn the very principles on which these democracies are based against them - openness, freedom of information and communication - to make them instruments for interference and destabilization.
This is a new age of propaganda. Misinformation is not, of course, a new phenomenon, but the digital revolution and how it affects how the public, and particularly our young people, get their news, provides it with unprecedented scope. Acting together in motoric, vocal, sensory ways can be a substitute for being together in kinship. If buyer is shopping based on how product will affect them emotionally, use feeling-related arguments and say "I feel …. The more involved they are, the higher they rate its quality. Companies can get consumers to feel more loyal by inviting current and prospective customers to co-create new or updated products and services, mostly by giving info on desirable features.
Call it "advice," not "opinions" or "expectations. Aftereffects Persuasive openers can produce dramatic, immediate shifts in people, but to turn these shifts into lasting changes, get people to commit to them in active, effortful, voluntary way. Ideally, get them to behave consistently with the change. Incorporate behaviors that affect their personal identity. Jan 11, Mohammad rated it it was ok.
Oct 24, Sonya Choudhury rated it it was amazing. Robert Cialdini writes brilliantly on Persuasion and the psychology of Influence. His first book called Persuasion has become something of a cult - this one , almost 15 years after his first, carries on his fascinating thesis. Besides being professor of psychology at Arizona University, Cialdini has also ' worked undercover in several professions that persuade - like car sales and insurance. He's observed first hand what works and what doesn't. And then gone on to explain , in wonderfully writt Robert Cialdini writes brilliantly on Persuasion and the psychology of Influence.
And then gone on to explain , in wonderfully written prose - exactly why some things persuade and some don't. No more then on Cialdini, but here are some snippets from his book Presuasion. There is some encouraging news in this regard. Often, simply recognizing these undesired influences will be enough to block their effects.
If we don't have the wherewithal time, capacity, will to think hard about a choice, we're unlikely to deliberate deeply. Besides fatigue , numerous other conditions can keep people from recognizing and correcting potentially foolish tendencies. Indeed, such foolish tendencies are likely to predominate when a person is rushed, overloaded, preoccupied, indifferent, stressed, distracted, or, it seems, a conspiracy theorist.
The sheer amount of information today can be overwhelming - its complexity befuddling, its relentlessness depleting, its range distracting, its prospects agitating.
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Couple those culprits with the concentration-disrupting alerts of devices nearly evryone now carries to deliver that inout, and careful assessment's role as a decision-making corrective becomes sorely diminished. Its possible to move others in our direction by saying or doing just the right thing immediately before we want them to respond If we want them to buy a box of expensive chocolates, we can first arrange for them to write down a number that's much larger than the price of the chocolates.
- Du bon usage de la manipulation - Les ressorts cachés de la communication d'influence Pdf!
- Afrika-Bilder - Zur Konstruktion einer Alterität (German Edition).
- Journée d'étude | Metaphor and Manipulation - Faculté des Langues - Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3.
- a celebração do caos (Portuguese Edition)!
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- Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade.
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If you want them to choose a bottle of French wine, we can expose them to French background music before they decide. If we want them to agree to try an untested product, we can inquire whether they consider themselves adventurous. If we want to convince them to select a highly popular item, we can begin by showing them a scary movie.
If we want them to feel warmly towards us, we can hand them a hot drink. If we want them to be more helpful to us, we can have then look at photos of individuals standing cloe together. If we want them to be more achievement oriented , we can provide them with an image of a runner winning a race. Oct 04, Johnny Malloy rated it really liked it. Cialdini, well known for establishing his six key principles of influence, develops these same concepts further by examining the contexts within which these influential moments happen.
Initially I did have some concern about the direction that Cialdini was headed, but he almost immediately addressed the ethics of manipulation and negative consequences that manipulation can have. Cialdini makes a convincing case that even if you aren't interested in taking advantage of the powers of influence and persuasion you might be well-served to be aware of how they work, as these ideas are certainly being put into use all the time, possibly to pre-suade you.
Feb 15, Nick rated it really liked it. If you haven't read anything about mental framing writing down a high number pushes you to buy a more expensive bottle of wine then this book will hit you with all the force of Cialdini's classic Influence. If, however, you've read Thinking Fast and Slow or Nudge, or any other of a thousand books on how we're relatively easily influenced in our thinking, then nothing in this book will surprise you.
Cialdini basically argues that prompting someone with a cue of some kind can influence what they If you haven't read anything about mental framing writing down a high number pushes you to buy a more expensive bottle of wine then this book will hit you with all the force of Cialdini's classic Influence. Cialdini basically argues that prompting someone with a cue of some kind can influence what they buy, think, spend, love, etc.
He also notes that the effect is inversely related to how close the prompt is to what you're supposed to think about. In other words, prompting someone about buying expensive Hollywood mansions is less effective in persuading them to buy a more expensive bottle of French wine than prompting them to think about something French. Sex doesn't always sell. Cialdini has read everything, the book is extensively annotated, and full of his own personal stories. So go for it if you're relatively unlettered in the psychology of persuasion.
Oct 18, Vance rated it did not like it Shelves: When I read a book, I want to learn something. Given that the author of Pre-Suade presents information suggesting that cues like the American flag can pre-suade one to recall something like Republican , I'm skeptical at best of this line of research. It may work in marketing, such as a check mark making you think of Nike, but in the areas of public policy or related fields it's more difficult to conceive.
The part that was of interest is trying to open research with something that grabs the r When I read a book, I want to learn something. The part that was of interest is trying to open research with something that grabs the reader's attention so that it pre-suades them to keep them reading and possibly changes their mind in your direction. But this is simply an extension of a hook. Overall, I learned little to nothing from this book and would not recommend it.
Mar 17, Alex Giurgea rated it it was amazing. Ultima carte a lui Cialdini publicata in septembrie este rodul unei activitati de peste 30 de ani in cercetarea psihologiei persuasiunii si tot odata un "must-read" alaturi de lucrarea lui clasica. Cartea prezinta modalitatile prin care putem imbunatati contextul unei comunicari astfel incat sa putem influenta cu integritate decizia celuilat. Oct 21, Natalie rated it it was amazing. Full of information to such an extent, I expect to read it again. This book had some interesting new facts.
For example everybody knows the Pavlov's experiments but this fact is not so known that he could not reproduce them with other observers present because learned habits are overridden and focus shifts when there is radically new information in the environment survival instincts kick in. There were a lot of examples about different priming methods and how to act in specific situations to get the desired reactions. Cialdini also discussed the damage from This book had some interesting new facts.
Cialdini also discussed the damage from organizations who are using those methods for unethical gains, yet the suggested remedies remained quite naive to show the management how damaging such behavior is at bigger scale and measure their performance by it. Organizations mainly use those methodologies because they do not expect to be caught at it.
Rather than seek to change what people think difficult , change what they think about instead by directing their attention easy. The changed focus of our attention primes, anchors, frames and sets the agenda for our subsequent choices. Whilst "Influence" focuses on what to say to influence consumers, distilling the findings of scientific research into six universal messages, "Pre-suasion" focuses on when to influence.
And that time is before people notice they are being influenced.
Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade by Robert B. Cialdini
A good method for progressing with long tasks is to leave the last part unfinished for the next day when you can pick up automatically. Process for non-rational influence: Use Liking The obligations of friendship, or of being swayed by people you like and Reciprocity The obligation to give back to establish rapport and cultivate a positive association with you as a communicator — in a meaningful, unexpected, and customized manner 3.
Use Authority We follow those we view as experts and Social Proof The power of consensus, doing what we feel others are also doing to reduce perceptions of uncertainty and risk 4. The best persuaders become the best through pre-suasion - the process of arranging for recipients to be receptive to a message before they encounter it. To persuade optimally, then, it's necessary to pre-suade optimally.
In part, the answer involves an essential but poorly appreciated tenet of all communication: Nov 13, James rated it really liked it. This was not an easy book to work through, not because the subject was difficult or the writing style was obtuse or bad; rather, I had a very difficult time believing the premise, that people are so susceptible to influence that they can be easily manipulated simply by priming them with stimuli -pictures, music, etc.
I bought this book after reading about it Scott Adams' blog. I'd been im This was not an easy book to work through, not because the subject was difficult or the writing style was obtuse or bad; rather, I had a very difficult time believing the premise, that people are so susceptible to influence that they can be easily manipulated simply by priming them with stimuli -pictures, music, etc.
I'd been impressed with how Adams had called the outcome of the US presidential election from the beginning and decided to follow his recommendation of this book in order to try to understand more about how voters were being influenced to vote for someone who clearly had no business winning as much as he did.
I remember thinking, "I guess all theories only go so far before they're proven worthless," but that was before Donald Trump was elected president. I finished the book sure in my opinion that there was no way Adams was correct and Trump would win in a landslide. I was, obviously, wrong, hence the fourth star despite the fact that I did not enjoy reading Cialdini's book.
I've since bought Cialdini's earlier work on persuasion and will be reading it carefully. Jan 19, Raluca rated it it was ok. The first time I heard about that service where you pay for access to summaries of non-fiction and business books, I thought I would never use something like that. After reading Pre-Suasion, I'm thinking they might have a point. Pre-Suasion brought very little to the table, instead repeating itself ad nauseam.
The author repeatedly patted himself on the back and slipped into little sexist jokes which I was maybe, MAYBE willing to forgive in the much older Influence: The Co The first time I heard about that service where you pay for access to summaries of non-fiction and business books, I thought I would never use something like that. The Comic , but not now.
The examples are often tenuously linked to the point he's trying to make. The extensive criticism against subliminal effects goes unacknowledged and unquestioned. The whole text can be successfully summarised as "what you momentarily pay attention to influences your choices". On the plus side, the chapter on ethics was actually a lot more interesting and engaging than I expected, since it provided concrete examples of the economic cost of doing business unethically. Yeah, go for the summary. Aug 13, Shawn Stone rated it it was amazing Shelves: I especially liked that the case studies and research presented were new and not the same old, worn material rehashed in many of the pop-psychology books.
Overall, a very resourceful book for those wanting to play both offence and defence in a world where the deceptive and often invisible forces of persuasion are either working for you, or against you. Feb 09, james rated it did not like it. I was surprised by one section where he spends some time suggesting how to "fix" the gender gap in mathematics grades.
He offers four suggestions, all of which raised my eyebrows. For example, he claims that the gender gap for math can be bridged by having successful female examiners proctor the exam for female students. Almost every anecdote he uses for the first half references him teachi I was surprised by one section where he spends some time suggesting how to "fix" the gender gap in mathematics grades.
Almost every anecdote he uses for the first half references him teaching a course, or doing consultant marketing work. He speaks in unwavering confidence. You are pre-suaded that this man is knowledgable and trustworthy. Unfortunately, this had the opposite effect for me once I looked up some of his references When I came upon a surprising claim, and looked at his notes and references, and then looked up the sources, the claim in question was backed up by 4 sources, each of which was either data not on point, or on point but statistically meaningless. This is frustrating, and I don't have time to look up every claim he makes.
I discuss these in the second half of this review. He has a couple chapters on unity, in which he makes really simple and obvious claims about how people who have certain things in common are more likely to influence each other - and he for some reason uses several examples out of the Holocaust to make his point. All in all, Cialdini does make some good points.
Anyone who follows his advice, who wasn't already using the basic tools, will see improvements in both themselves and their persuasive affect on others. But what he is really selling is pseudo-science, confidence, and a positive attitude. People who are optimistic are more likely to perform better, or see results where there aren't any. And if you follow his advice, you will feel more optimistic and equipped with an action plan - which will likely give you better results than having low confidence with no action plan.
Second, he stated that there is a causal effect between video games and violent behavior. He gave advice on how to overcome this self-fulfilling prophecy he thinks females have when taking math exams. Looking up the studies for one of his claims found his claim backed by 4 studies: That study is from , and Cialdini either neglected to find more current and better studies, or the study has not been successfully replicated since Any school that started exams that way in the US would be sued out of business - that study in no way measured whether females sitting down for a math exam in general believe in any stereotype, or are influenced by some general stereotype.
The other two studies have nothing to do with math. Cialdini also claims that women practicing affirmations before taking math courses will help bridge the gap. Unfortunately, he omits any discussion of men practicing affirmations, and what impact if any there would be on the gender gap if both females and males did affirmations prior to taking the exam. This isn't to get caught up on the veracity of any gender claims - his hard-hitting claim raised a flag for me, I looked it up, and the claim was not backed up with confidence.
Most people aren't going to look up studies. It wasted a lot of my time, it's irresponsible, a lot of people are going to rely on it or push their agendas believing incorrectly that science is on their side in this instance. Because it is so time-consuming, I did not look up his claims on video games and violence. I believe, from previous research, that either no causal relationship exists, or there is no consensus among "experts" whether such a causal relationship exists.
Disappointing to see him make claims so confidently here without acknowledging opposing viewpoints. It is not that hard to say "Studies suggest that But the man just says everything if it is scientific fact. Otherwise a decent book. Jun 15, Nessy Dimitrova rated it it was amazing Shelves: I read this book thanks to Blinkist.
Du bon usage de la manipulation - Les ressorts cachés de la communication d'influence
The key message in this book: Pre-suasion is the art of priming someone to do something by executing certain directive actions, or uttering certain directive sentences, before the actual moment when that person has to make a decision. Invite consumers to give advice instead of an opinion. Many I read this book thanks to Blinkist. Many companies try to bond with their customers by asking for their opinion. But this is an introspective act, one that ultimately directs their attention toward their own needs. So, instead, ask them for their advice, which prompts them to put themselves in your shoes, creating a more genuine bond between company and customer.
This will also help them identify with the product, which is a way of pre-suading them into purchasing more. Jan 08, Ethan rated it it was amazing. The book starts with a central assumption which it spends a lot of time proving that people can be primed with messages which makes them react more favorably to something later. Assuming you buy that idea I was pretty convinced , the author spends the rest of the book detailing various strategies to preemptively influence others prior to their actual decision-making moment.
The strategies largely draw on his prior work on Influence, and I find them compelling. He also added another principle The book starts with a central assumption which it spends a lot of time proving that people can be primed with messages which makes them react more favorably to something later. He also added another principle of influence - unity. Overall I find this a good book that could generate a lot of ideas for marketers or allows a consumer to better spot the strategies that marketers use in trying to sell more items.
Aug 20, Nuno Miguel rated it it was amazing Shelves: Robert Cialdini is the master of Influence and a distinct reference in the field. The conclusion i get from this excellent work is that we're, almost continually, being played. It's astounding the sheer number of sources of Influence with an agenda over us, and their worrisome impact. Cialdini does us a service not only raising the awareness of these, sometimes not so ethically correct, tactics, counterbalancing their effectiveness, but also to make them work in our f Absolutely unmissable book.
Cialdini does us a service not only raising the awareness of these, sometimes not so ethically correct, tactics, counterbalancing their effectiveness, but also to make them work in our favor, when we happen to change sides and need to pre-suase someone, or even ourselves. Jul 20, Heli rated it really liked it. Excellent insight into how to persuade better. It's easy to read, has a good account of example stories to illustrate the principles. Some stories seem to be a little too anecdotal and not fully scientifically shown to be casual like said.
Similarly there's a sign of bias such as there aren't no alternative explanations of why something worked nor has the author played the devil's advocate to himself to find possible cases when these principles would fail to yield success even if applied well. S Excellent insight into how to persuade better. So far we're left to just believe it all works and apply it.

How are you being influenced? How does it work? Are you being influenced? How do they influence your opinion? How is this ethical? If I am aware of the crafting of such conning devices design to influence, Can it guard me against such devices?
Oct 04, Alvaro Berrios rated it it was amazing. This is applicable to everyone, especially for consumers so that you can be aware of the fact when influence triggers are being used on you. Aug 17, Jason Perz rated it it was amazing. Not much to say here Feb 28, Carmen Radut rated it liked it. Interesting sequel to the Psychology of Influence, with further studies and conclusions. Sep 09, Danny rated it really liked it Shelves: This is very good as expected.
I like the concept of unity mentioned in the book, meaning a shared identity. Shared identity can be with anything, family, friends, location, background and so on. Science-based business strategy is what we should be aiming for. Jun 19, Steve Granger rated it really liked it. This is a great practice-oriented follow-up to the masterpiece, Influence.
The work on persuasion and influence has powerful implications and I am glad that Robert Cialdini made a considerable effort to address the ethical issues surrounding this line of work. While I wouldn't go so far as to say that Pre-Suasion should don everyone's bookshelf like Influence should, it is definitely a must-read.
The importance of EQ Persuasion 3 15 Aug 26, Combining two Cialdini's book editions 3 12 Aug 17, Robert Cialdini has spent his entire career researching the science of influence earning him an international reputation as an expert in the fields of persuasion, compliance, and negotiation. His books including, Influence: Worldwide, Influence has sold over 2 million Dr.
Worldwide, Influence has sold over 2 million copies. Influence has been published in twenty-five languages. His most recent co-authored book, Yes! In the field of influence and persuasion, Dr.