Valentina Rosselli is recovering her lust for life after the tragic death of her fiance, Theo Steen, one year before. Reconnecting with her old flame, Leonardo, she unlocks her inner sensuality, reaching a level of passion she'd never thought possible. Yet as she settles into her new life, a shock from the past threatens to ruin everything.

Valentina must make a choice: Tina Rosselli, the famous fashion photographer, is permitted to cross the border into East Berlin for a single day. There she meets a charismatic young cellist who arouses her in a way she hasn't experienced for years.

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A passionate affair follows: As the stories of the two women finally converge, both must embrace their inner desires and follow the path to true love. Both a heartbreaking love story and a romance raunchy enough to keep you warm at night - Independent. Evie Blake is from London. She is married with two children and is currently busy writing her next novel.

For more about Evie Blake visit her website www. This third and final book in what had been a great erotic series was truly a let down. If only there was a fourth book, something to bring the story back into line, something to look forward to again.. Valentina was a great character to read, but her story went off the rails. Mar 04, Marleen rated it it was amazing Shelves: I received my copy from the publisher through the author and rated it 4.

This is the third and final title in a trilogy and best read in order. A year has passed since Valentina lost Theo, the love of her life. He drowned while trying to safe her from Glen, his rival and enemy. The passing of twelve months has done little to lessen Valenti I received my copy from the publisher through the author and rated it 4. When Leonardo also arrives in New York he is, once again, her rock in the storm.

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When he introduces her to Tantric sex she discovers things about herself, her body and about sharing that she never knew existed. I want to return you to your body, Valentina, for that is the way to healing your heart. While in a gallery she sees a man who strongly reminds her of Glen, the criminal who has killed Theo, who was supposed to have died at the same time. Torn between a growing sense of danger and the need to get revenge Valentina makes a shocking discovery and puts her life in danger. We learn about the two big loves in her life and the tragedy that made it impossible for her to be with either of them.

We discover why Valentina and her mother have such a strained relationship and are witnesses as the past is slowly but carefully revealed and past hurts healed. I most books not liking the main character would be enough to put me off reading or finishing the story. I felt like slapping this young woman on too many occasions to count while reading this trilogy and yet had a hard time putting the books down. Valentina managed to get under my skin.

The second reason I love this book and trilogy is so much can be found in the wonderful way with words this author has. Evie Blake writes with almost poetic precisions, her descriptions sparkle and she manages to create an almost tangible atmosphere on the page. This book is not so much sexy as sultry and seductive. The reader is drawn into to the intimacy rather than confronted with it, allowed to share the sensuous pleasures at a leisurely but also pleasurable pace.

In fact, I think the way the sex scenes in this story are written is completely in tune with Tantric sex as described in this book; focussed on sharing joy, giving rather than receiving and opening your heart to beauty. For the sexually curious among us this book comes with a few wonderful extras.

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The joys this book brings to its readers continue long after the story has finished. He sees them and recognises how rare and precious they are, like fragments of their love, lost and refound. Jan 23, Louise Seraphim Reviews rated it liked it Shelves: It's quite different from most things I have read before and that is definitely not a bad thing. It's split between 2 POV's and also 2 different time eras.

Valentina, is the character in the present time. Her friend gives her the opportunity she needs, a leading magazine in the US want a photographer for a shoot. She also can stay with her friend. So she makes the move. Then it's about her finding herself and exploring her desires.

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We are seeing some episodes of her life showing a brief and steamy affair she had with a cellist in Berlin. Everything that happened and afterwards has led to something bigger. I don't want to give too much away and ruin the story. The writing is incredible and the detail gone in to this book has such an impact. So it was a really great read.

There was a lot to take in and I felt I needed to pay attention but it was definitely an impressive read. Immer wieder holt sie die Vergangenheit ein.

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  4. Diesen Mal begleiten wir Valentinas Mutter in die Vergangenheit. Das letzte Band und auch das beste. Ich wollte das Buch nicht mehr aus der Hand legen. Ich habe mit beiden gefiebert und gehofft, geweint und gelacht. Hier passiert nichts was man im Voraus erahnen konnte.

    Reward Yourself

    Tantra was das Thema in diesem Buch, als Erotik Zugabe. Die so interessant beschrieben war, das ich mich da etwas informieren werde. Mar 23, Sara rated it really liked it. Brilliantly written, with an attention to detail that I love. It's a book that you take your time with becoming emersed into the lives of these two women. Now I need to find the first two books in this series! I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

    Surrender Yourself (The Desires Unlocked Trilogy Part Three) - Evie Blake - Google Книги

    May 01, Catalina rated it liked it. I read the 3rd book because I had to know what happened to Theo: The communist Germany, the brutality of a socialist regime that banns even love! But Valentina's story is a little bit pushed and not that intense, but well, at least we can delight ourselves with a happy end: Ik heb het boek uitgelezen omdat ik dat nu eenmaal altijd doe. Meestal hoop ik dan dat het boek beter wordt verder in het verhaal en het toch de moeite waard wordt. Echter in dit boek gebeurde dat zeer zeker niet. Vond de verhaallijnen niet echt boeiend en de hoofdstukken waar het vrijwel alleen over seksualiteit ging niet boeiend.

    I'm not finished the book today. There are too many emotions over time to I was young and I had dreams. Many things are right, but it was not all things bad and evil. I cry like a little child.

    Desires Unlocked - Evie Blake

    Kh rated it it was amazing May 15, James rated it it was amazing Oct 20, Steffi rated it liked it May 11, Anna rated it really liked it Jun 21, Anouk rated it it was ok Feb 23, Brigitte rated it it was ok Feb 26, Dreamnoutloud2 rated it it was amazing Nov 10, Lucy De Cesare rated it it was amazing Jun 29, Andrea rated it liked it Jul 11, Belle rated it really liked it Feb 26, Judith de Jong rated it really liked it Mar 17, Rike rated it did not like it Sep 13, Lauriie rated it it was ok Feb 24, Suzan rated it it was ok Apr 17, Missa Bo rated it it was ok Nov 28,