The Trust review: Nicolas Cage gets wacky in pitch-black heist comedy

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By creating an account, you agree to the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Policies , and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango. Already have an account? Please enter your email address and we will email you a new password. The movie's noisy, busy and not that funny. But there is a sweetness and a cockeyed optimism here.

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Most viewers would be better off waiting for Army Of One to air on TV, or just giving it a pass altogether. Cage grabs hold of the Faulkner character with all his might and won't let go. Again, much like in that Vince Neil video.

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  • I can't give Army of One a positive or negative review, I can only try to convey my utter bemusement at this cinematic Edsel. Army of One avoids lazy Red State bashing Army Of One contains one of Nicolas Cage's worst performances to date, which is a pretty damning feat. The biggest draw is watching Cage embrace a character with the unironic comedic flair we haven't seen from him in quite some time. Nic Cage gives it a real effort, but Army of One goes horribly awry right from the start.

    Army of One

    It's a joy to see the old madman juices flowing again, but "Army of One" doesn't match Cage's intensity, trying to stretch a thin premise that would be better served in a short film. Based on an outrageous but true story, Army of One is a lighthearted comedic satire. When middle-aged handyman Gary Faulkner receives a message from Jesus to find and capture Osama Bin Laden he starts planning zany ways to get to Pakistan, from sailing to hang-gliding, and begins his quest.

    Nicolas Cage and Russell Brand lead the cast and give good performances; especially Cage, who's perfect for playing such an eccentric character. However, the writing is kind of weak; as the plot is hard to follow at times, with various hallucinations, dreams, and time jumps.

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    Also, Gary is such an over-the-top character that it can be hard to sympathize or relate to him. Army of One is a fun film, but it has its problems. Nicolas Cage finally teams up with a team of interesting filmmakers which might come as a shock. This is not the usual poor Cage movie and is probably a sign he hasn't lost that acting magic after all. The film is funny at times and the Gary character is well grounded at times which keeps the character from going further of the wall.

    The final third is clunky and over the top but I enjoyed the rest of the film. Cage was the core of the film and kept this from being just another VOD title. Great cast gives everything with a Brand appearance that is funny and never over stays its welcome.

    Army Of One - Reprezentin'

    MarcCommode May 29, Nothing remotely humorous about this whatsoever. Don't waste 90 mins of your life on such an annoying, dire movie. What to Watch Now on Hulu. Get a list of the best movie and TV titles recently added and coming What to Watch Now on Prime Video. Vote for the Best of ! For the ninth straight year, we are inviting our users to pick the best What to Watch Now on Netflix.

    Army of One () - Rotten Tomatoes

    Are we rooting for his quixotic adventure, or feeling sorry for his inner turmoil? We are cringing and texting our friends about the next atrocity in each scene. After trying to sail from California to Pakistan, Faulkner goes to Israel in the hopes of hang-gliding there.

    Past the halfway mark of the movie he goes the traditional route and flies to Islamabad. Once Faulkner gets to Pakistan, nothing really happens.

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    5. Army Of One () - Financial Information;
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    Comedy is subjective, and when it comes to broad farces I am more forgiving than most. I am the critic who gave Hot Pursuit three stars and still stand by that, even though I am no longer permitted to dine in certain restaurants as a result. Order by newest oldest recommendations.