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Early Reports: Heroic “Negro Messman”

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Please note that our editors may make some formatting changes or correct spelling or grammatical errors, and may also contact you if any clarifications are needed. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Nov 20, See Article History. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: Pearl Harbor attack , December 7, , surprise aerial attack on the U.

Dorie Miller (1919-1943), Hero of World War II

The strike climaxed a decade of worsening relations between the United States and Japan. African Americans , one of the largest of the many ethnic groups in the United States.

  • Called to Stay.
  • Simplify Your Time: Stop Running and Start Living!;
  • Doris Miller;
  • Radio Jingle Truths Exposed?
  • Congressman Adam Clayton Powell.
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African Americans are mainly of African ancestry, but many have nonblack ancestors as well. The United States Navy , major branch of the United States armed forces charged with the defense of the country at sea, the seaborne support of the other U. Pearl Harbor , naval base and headquarters of the U. Antiaircraft gun , artillery piece that is fired from the ground or shipboard in defense against aerial attack.

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  3. BEING ANNE HOOPER : Moving to Jamaica!
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  5. Antiaircraft weapons development began as early as , when the airplane first became an effective weapon. In World War I, field artillery pieces up to about 90 mm 3. Help us improve this article! Contact our editors with your feedback.

    Black History Month: Doris Miller, American Hero - Visit Pearl Harbor

    He was also one of four Naval heroes featured on U. However, many officers and men in the Navy felt that for his actions on the West Virginia at Pearl Harbor, Miller deserved more—that he should have been awarded the Medal of Honor. Following the anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, I heard from many people who would like to show their support for Dorie Miller being given the Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously. The National Coalition of Black Veterans Organizations has prepared a document that can be printed, shared with friends, and sent to the White House.

    Call her office for information on how to help: And to read a story about World War I soldier whose family overcame all the resistance to honoring him properly, read about World War I veteran, Henry Lincoln Johnson, a proud member of the Harlem Hellfighters: Great story on one more unsung American Hero.

    Pearl Harbour Cuba Gooding Jr Takes up AA Gun

    President Obama referenced Dorie Miller in his comments at the Memorial Day recognition yesterday, but a more fitting tribute, however late, would be to honor him with the Medal of Honor. Thank you so much for mentioning this… and you are right about further honors. I was fortunate to be one of the first to be billeted in that beautiful barracks.

    Black History Month: Doris Miller, American Hero

    One of his Family was there for the dedication and ribbon cutting. I did not know that. And how terrific that a family member was there. Thank you for posting! I have known of his story for years. He certainly deserves to be posthumously awarded this coveted medal!!

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    For those of you who would like to support an effort for Dorie Miller to receiving the Medal of Honor, there are two groups that are working to this end. The National Coalition of Black Veterans. This is a PDF that can be printed out, shared with friends, and sent: The phone number of the office is