Wovon man nicht schweigen kann, darüber muss man sprechen.

This seems quite interesting. I took a course on Kafka in college, but the prof never really went into his background and treated all his works as standalone. I think this might be rather insightful as to why Kafka wrote as he did. It is very interesting. I was thinking of The Trial when I read this. Sounds like his father criticizing him for everything. Some dark powerful force against which you cannot do anything. I think it helps you understand his work much better when you read this.

Bestselling Series

I know so little about Kafka the person. I think it really helps understand him better and it is short.


I hope the translation is really good. Judging from the title I would rather choose an older one.

  • Kafka-Kommentar zu den Romanen, Rezensionen, Aphorismen und zum Brief an den Vater.
  • Brief an den Vater : Franz Kafka : .
  • Por un puñado de hechizos (Pandora) (Spanish Edition)!
  • Husk: A Tale of Human Hunger.
  • Selah;
  • Undergraduate Programs: Germanic Studies: Indiana University.

I received the book you show in your post just last week! I hope to get to it myself in the next week or two. And there is a lot of pain in it.

Shame really but there you go. They have a lot in common. I should read this, it seems fascinating. I agree with you about the English title. How was his mother? A frightened little mouse living with a ogre? I have also read Letters to Milena and her biography by Margaret Buber-Neumann and a collection of her essays Vivre, published by She was bright and full of life.

Have you seen the film Kafka by Soderbergh? I remember it was good. The Germans were used to obey. I should probably re-read the short stories and read The castle. The letter is invaluable to understand him better. I read an excellent biography of Milena Jesenska as well. She was an astonishing woman and cheered up people until the very end. Those who survived had fond memories of her. Thanks for mentioning it, I might try and watch it.

Koch, Hans-Gerd [WorldCat Identities]

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Letter to the Father/Brief an den Vater

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Franz Kafka - "Brief an den Vater" - musikalisch-rednerische Aufarbeitung

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