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Sie hat das Thema aber nicht als Erste aufgegriffen. Wik platzt herein und will auch etwas zum Thema beitragen. Verschiedene Sportthemen werden angeschnitten broached? Comment Ich melde mich als erster. Vielen herzlichen Danke, Amy-MiMi bzw. Nur noch eine Woche bis zu den Ferien. Comment Thank you for the new snail shell with the first nicely highlighted parts of a nicely winding structure which will finally lead to the enormous abyss of the outside world or the next shell Comment too much many sweets Dein langer Satz ist einwandfrei, He-le-na.

Wir haben ziemlich viel davon, und wir brauchen es eigentlich nicht. Aber ich habe wohl in TX verpasst, was mit Steve53 passiert ist. Kann mir jemand Nachhilfe geben, auch per pm? Ab heute habe ich Ferien. Du verstehst aber, dass ich nicht frei habe. Oder sollte ich es kaufen? Das mache ich gerne. Comment Thanks for the new shell, Amy! Perhaps the pace will pick up again now, but probably not, considering that the holidays are just around the corner No news to report from me, either. Das war eigentlich heldenhaft, wenn du erst seit kurzem mit der Schule fertig bist oder noch nicht ganz fertig oder was auch immer.

Danke, dass du an Steve53 erinnert hast. Er fehlt mir auch sehr, auch wenn ich ihn nie so gut wie du gekannt habe. Ich bin eigentlich "all for"? Comment Thank you, Amy, for the new house and some insight in what I missed in the previous one. I keep my fingers cross that you'll be able to retransform into your former self soon. It's so strange to read another name beneath "a familiar face". No news here either. It's still too hot for mid-June here, but for the weekend some rain and thunderstorms are forecast, so maybe it'll become a bit more agreeable soon.

Comment Thank you, Amy-Michigal, beautifully done! Gibson, I was in town during the storm Lucky we were staying at my father's, and wi-chan-Mann is on holiday leave this week, anyway, so that wasn't a problem. But I agree, it was absolutely frightening. And wi-chan-Mann was actually out during the storm I can't tell you how glad I am that nothing happened to him.

Comment See - I knew it would be a wonderful new shell: Thank you for saving us, Amy, and for the many hochlichters. And wi-chan-Mann was actually out during the storm What was he doing, the silly man, going for a stroll in a tornado? I'll stop talking about it now, I really only wanted to get the new CC into 'eigene Artikel'. Ich dachte, Salat ist immer fettarm. Es gibt gerade noch Zeit, beim WM-Tippspiel mitzumachen. Ah, no, sorry, that was just a bit of overdramatisation for style reasons ;-.

I don't think it's ever been this bad here. Germany is still an extremely safe place to live, natural-desaster-wise. Comment Guten Tag, Gibson. Gut, dass die Hunde auch alle brav drinnen geblieben sind. Auch wenn ich nicht ganz verstehe, warum du Amy das essen sehen willst.

Ein lettuce wrap wenigstens, mit etwas Huhn, Garnelen, Tofu Comment Oh, there's a World cup on? Apparently, 25 per cent of the trees in Gibsontown's streets and parks came down, and they have still not been cleared away. And thank you for reminding us of Steve53 — I did not "know" him for so long but always liked to read his postings. And a happy welcome back to He-le-na! Meanwhile, almost normality has returned - until yesterday the road in front of our house was closed and it took more than twice as long to get to work on the first day after the storm almost two and a half hours, on the second "only" one and a half hours — the ways back were also not much better, especially if you suddenly could not go on because the road was blocked due to a fallen tree It looks like that Gibsontown and Lucytown were the most affected cities in NRW - how lucky that all of us escaped with no more than a fright.

Great pun with the extra fat lettuce! I wish all of you a good night — see you soon! Comment First of all, thanks for the nice new shell, Amy! Quite a lot of Hochlichter, I always find it highly amusing to re-read the thread through somebody else's eyes. At least we didn't have any storm and only little rain, but we could do with some higher temperatures. It is prime gardening weather, and the garden needs some weeding. I might have a look at a house in the neighbourhood that's up for sale.

It is a bit smaller than what we are looking for, but has potential for an expansion. Surprisingly, the price is reasonable, depending how much work needs to be done. Apparently, somebody wants to sell quickly. Thirdly, take care, and have a very nice weekend! Comment Huhu, bin wieder da. Doris ist ein Schatz! So ist es mir eigentlich lieber.

It looks like that Gibsontown and Lucytown Comment Thanks for the wonderful mew shell. Thanks for the PMs and the good-will wishes.. Give me at least two more weeks. Meanwhile, have drink on me! Comment Thank you, Amy, for the beautiful new shell. Indeed, thank Crunchie it is Friday although I am not a big fan. As there is a wikipedia entry for everything: Sunny, warm, but not too hot. Comment Hej this is actually Swedish , thank you for mentioning me, Amy-Mimi and for the new thread, of course.

Now I am supposed to know enough Swedish to find a job. But right after the final exam the rush towards school-holidays started. That means there was yet another excursion. Today was the year-end-celebration very nice, but a little bit too much of "fantastic", "awesome" and "exciting" for my taste. Now it's the summer holidays. But next week the next big event is coming up: In Sweden, this is as important as Christmas.

You have to wear white clothes and flowers in your hair even the men. Preferably poppy, cornflower and??? And the cornflowers are sold at on? And of course you have to sing and danse round the Midsommer pole this is a cross decorated with flowers and two flower rings hanging from the sides. Apparently it is this what the Swedish do almost all the time: At Midsummer the sing and dance round the Midsommer pole, at Christmas they sing and dance round the Christmas tree and at a birthday they sing and dance round the person that has birthday.

Comment Well, Qual, if only there were an online dictionary available, where you could look up marguerites, eh? Not sure if "Crunchie" is what Wik meant Comment Not a big fan of Crunchie. He said "Thanks Crunchy [sic] it's Friday" so that is a rather clear statement. I take it you never had a box of Crunchies at work - on a Friday: I was reading skimming an article about Nicola Barker today and realised that I never realised that there are two writers Nicola Barker and Pat Barker.

Explains the rather different types of books Comment In fact I meant Crunchie, it's the curse of hearing it more than reading, and "-ie" vs "-y" is an ongoing problem for me. Not a big fan of Crunchies either, in fact I only tried them twice, but the phrase is often used in the house of Wik. Jeg snakker ikke Svensk, men lit Norsk. Yesterday the hedges were clipped, grass cut, the patio and paths cleared, and a few smaller things. I'm going to be over in England before long, unfortunately for work and not able to enjoy the weather.

But it is getting better and warmer here, this week they forecast up to incredible 26 C, but I'd happily take anything above Comment Hej Wik, vad trevligt! I was writing on the I-Pad and if I am leaving the commentary-window to look something up, all is lost. That's why I did not look it up. But maybe I should have guessed marguerites Comment Qual der Wal, you could always open the LEO dictionary in a second tab clicking on the little cross and check from there.

Ich Salatkopf - I thought as much but refrained from commenting ;-. Comment 26 degrees is unheard of and Ireland will melt away. I can hear everyone moan about the heat and "enjoy the weather, this is our summer! On the whole soccer theme: Who are the Irish supporting now while their team did not make it to Brazil?

I'm sure the Irish would be okay with that. Dixie, when I was on holiday in Ireland in , we had fantastic weather, too, very unexpectedly and provoking lots of comments. Twice in one decade surely can't be right. I really like 'Salatkopf'. Might be the insult of the month, I just need to remember it when I'm incensed ;- Qual, I thought your 'hej' sounded very fluent.

No worries on the language front, then: Who is this Amy person that suddenly popped up? Has she given her shoe size? Will we let her in? Comment Dixie, the Swedish do not have any problems with transcribing just about everything. But there is also "dejting" or "e-mejl" but they prefer e-post. I wish German would have just a little bit of that confidence, e. Comment As long as Germans insists in sticking to the spelling of Greek words forever and ever I doubt they would change the spelling of newer, English words where a lot people are used to the English spelling.

And that brought quite some noise with it. I think it is more about how the people who do the spelling reforms are comfortable with pushing them through and how they can handle the backlash from the population. Ortografie does not hurt anyone but those who are used to look at Orthographie myself included. We all get conservative if we have to learn something we thought we had learnt for a lifetime from scratch again.

Gibson, generally I would agree on the football fromt but I had an Irish friend commenting on FB yesterday "I'll root for you". And where they generally are not fans of England - at the same time most of the Irish back one or other English football club.

I had many discussions on that topic and no one could give me a good reason for backing an English club. Comment I wish German would have just a little bit of that confidence, e. Not to mention "Handy" being an actual made-up German word that's just supposed to look English. Again, an old tradition: Plural forms are built according to German rules, without changing the stem: So, let's just agree that language is difficult and get on with it: Comment tsk tsk tsk Amy-Michigal, will you keep your second Leo identity, so you can swap from time to time to get people confused a bit?

Entscheidet euch bitte bald und sagt mir bitte Bescheid. Nein, das mache ich nicht. I'll root for you.

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Ich dachte die ganze Zeit an i-vent. Comment Nice to see corrections again, Amy and to see you as your "old" self again - I'm just not aware where I wrote that. Sure you don't mean Carullus? I know, we Austrians are all looking almost identical and it's almost impossible to distinguish one from the other ;- Last Saturday I visited something that absolutely could be part of my dream home http: How great it must be to be allowed to poke around there and thumb through some of all those marvellous books I was just a bit surprised when I read the number of books they keep there - approximately An amazing number, no doubt, but considering the size of the rooms and the fact that they are really high and there are two levels with shelves everywhere I thought it were a lot more than "only" a hundredfold of my own book collection.

How great it must be to be allowed to poke around there and thumb through some of all those marvellous books Actually, this is a working library, and you can have the books brought into the Rare Book Reading Room. And , might not sound that much for a library of this size, but some of the volumes are simply huge. Did you figure out how to get up on the balcony, by the way? No that it's open to the public. I suppose the special exhibition about WW 1 is still on display?

Comment They're so finicky, these Australians, aren't they. Comment It is pronounced "liesen", Amy, with a voiced s. And spelled "leasen", of course. Now that you have your own identity back, you will have figured out that I never answered your last PM Thanks for your reply, though. Glad you got to Germany and back safe and sound.

Gibson, was that a deliberate joke, mixing up Austria and Australia, or a typo? Oh, I love that library hall! Whenever I hear someone's going to Vienna, I recommend a visit, and so far everyone who came back has thanked me for it. In fact, a picture of the hall I took when I went there is now the background of my computer desktop.

I so wanted to move in and make myself at home in one of those secret chambers behind the bookshelf doors! That would have been brilliant. Comment No, Carullus, I was not able to find out how to get on the gallery. And actually I didn't see anyone up there, so maybe you only can visit this part with a special guided tour? Yes, the WWI items are still exhibited, and there were indeed some quite interesting and quaint objects, particularly some of the old posters "Collect chafers, they give a great feed for chicken and pigs during the winter months" , but then all these blue walls were a bit bothersome too, since they disrupt the unity of the impression the library shows all on its own.

I assume you have to prove some sort of special interest to be allowed access to one of these books, haven't you? I hardly can imagine that everyone simply is allowed to walk in and ask for one of these several hundred years old books. Besides, it's still not the same as walking through the shelves on your own and pick a book that looks interesting, I'm afraid. One of those secret chambers was half open, wi-chan. No idea if this was deliberately or incidentally. It was in a rather dark space between two blue walls of the exhibition, so hardly anyone seems to have noticed.

Comment I think some are permanently half-open, Sachs. That's how I knew they were there, too. The access doors are cordoned off, however or I would have been in there like a shot, and already choosing the space to put my air mattress Intriguing, isn't it, that half-glimpse you get, when you crane your neck? Almost symbolic of what the books themselves can give you: Who knows what mysteries might lurk there?

Comment And actually I didn't see anyone up there, so maybe you only can visit this part with a special guided tour? Access is via spiral staircases behind those hidden doors. I think there's one in every corner, if memory serves. I don't know what it takes to gain access to the special collection, but I have actually seen people in white gloves removing and reshelving books, so it's definitely possible.

Comment No, that was deliberate. I was trying to be funny Schreibst du vielleicht etwas in diesem Faden? I assume you have to prove some sort of special interest to be allowed access to one of these books, [haven't] don't you? You have a special interest in these books, haven't you? You have a special interest in these books, don't you? They came free with the newspaper and they thought that I, the Great Reader nobody in that family reads, they find me a bit odd , might be interested in them.

For some that's true I've never read Hardy, for example, so I'm going to watch a couple of his books but there a quite a few I'm not keen on. So if there are any takers, I'd be happy to send them to you, just PM me: Wer hat hier Gaiman empfohlen? Wenn du immer noch nach einer englischsprachigen Anwaltserie suchst, kann ich diese empfehlen. Bestimmt besser als Allie McBeal. Jetzt, wo du Schwedisch beherrschst, hast du schon den einen oder anderen Wallender Krimi von Henning Mankell gelesen?

Respekt, dass du noch eine Sprache gelernt hast. Ob Lara den Film kennt? Gestern haben wir uns The Monuments Men angeschaut. Da war auch eine Kurzgeschichte von Mankell dabei und die war ziemlich gut. Sehr gerne habe ich Theodor Kallifatides gelesen, ein Schriftsteller aus Griechenland, der jetzt auf Schwedisch schreibt. Er bringt immer noch die Einwandererperspektive mit ein, was ich wirklich interessant finde. And now I discovered that I should have written the whole text in English as this is the Crossover-Thread, of course.

Btw, Swedish is the joining language between German and English, so it is not too difficult for English or German speakers to learn it but still, there is more grammar than in English - although far less than in German. No, films made from classic books 'Literaturverfilmungen' I would say in German. Sorry - as I was looking at the things, in my mind it was totally clear: I hadn't heard of it.

One of my and wi-chans, I think favourite books, Neverwhere , is by Neil Gaiman, but I don't like all of his books. Anansi boys, for example, I hardly remember because I was so unimpressed. So you liked this one? I seem to remember she likes him, too and rightly so. I, too, really liked "The Ocean at the End of the Lane". I might have been slightly interested in those, but otherwise, I think I'll pass. I loved Anansi Boys! But yes, I agree, Neverwhere is even better. Did you like the Graveyard Book? For anyone who is interested, you can have Neil himself read it to you in its entirety on Youtube.

Neverwhere habe ich gestern auf openlibrary. Oder warum eigentlich nicht? Comment "The Graveyard Book" is actually rather harmless, despite the gloomy title - but if you get "Coraline" nightmares, I seriously don't envy you Those could be weird. Wenn nicht, dann Asche auf mein Haupt. Nachdem ich Folgendes im Faden Mr Darcy gelesen habe: You may say "Im Jahr bin ich umgezogen,", but you should say " bin ich umgezogen", if you leave out the "Jahr" although there are some who say "in ", but this is a Anglizismus, I think.

So, the same applies to your sentence - as you wrote: Du musst bis warten. But you may also write: Du musst auf warten. As "warten" needs "auf" if it is followed by an object. Same costruction as with "freuen auf": Ich freue mich auf Ich erinnere mich gerne an So the prepositions here come from the verbs. Hope this helps a little. Comment I don't think anyone here is against discussing grammar in general, it is simply speaking for myself when there is a neverending to and fro on recurring items that made me disappear at times.

I have no real reason for you apart from: Bis zum Jahre is very formal and a bit old-fashioned and I only would use it if I refer to a date in the future like "Dann musst du bis zum Jahr warten" to simply specify that I am talking about a year and not a random number starting with I might give Neil Gaiman a try on youtube. Generally, he does not sound too enticing to me and Lara and I seem to differ quite a bit in our taste in books.

Comment I think the use of bis zu has something to do with the definite article or the possessive pronoun. Du musst bis zu deinem Geburtstag warten, dann bekommst du die Geschenke. Du musst bis Weihnachten warten, dann bringt das Christkind Geschenke. Thanks, Amy, for the new house. Comment Thank you, Amy-MiMi, for the new home and the large collection of sparkling highlights.

All I can say is that the correction in is correct. Maybe, the reason is that "Herbst" being a noun comes with an article, "der Herbst", while does not. A parallel case seems to be "bis zum Morgen" der Morgen vs. Maybe, someone will come up with the term "adverbiale Bestimmung der Zeit". However, I should like to add to the confusion: How slow can I be? Comment Kisan breaks my theory about having a noun. Maybe someone comes along and actually knows a rule: What I wanted to say - for anyone who wants to read some light German - the Liveticker on Spiegel Online for World Cup matches is quite nice.

I generally have it on my screen just for having a laugh. Emil, for a snail and the time of day you are fast - three answers at this time of day is pretty good, if you ask me. Comment Actually, I should be in bed right now; I will be suffering tomorrow. For me the rule is, as follows: An indefinite article would also need 'zu', I think.

Considering that this chat room has been almost hibernating and now we have 7 answers in 6 hours, I would say but everybody here likes discussing grammar: Comment To be honest, I always thought that discussing grammar and other language questions was one of the points of the CC, and am rather surprised to hear that there are some people who hate to see those questions discussed. I agree with kisan and Gibson that it is bis zu with an y article, and no zu if there is no article. I tried to find a confirmation for this rule on the Duden homepage, but without success.

Comment I don't think anyone who comes here hates grammar discussions but some got weary about a certain overload. But I would either just change the topic or stay away. So I tried it, and the above is the result as is 58 but there I corrected the spelling. It doesn't do capitals or punctuation and it seems to be a bit prudish, but considering how many typos I make on the tablet, it might be an alternative. Unfortunately, I can't remember what 'animal house' was supposed to be.

Comment Possibly, but I don't think I would have said 'thus' ;- I've been playing around with it, trying to get it to write 'animal house' again, but no luck. I think we'll never know Comment Maybe you should say "animal house" and see what it writes then? Vielleicht hast du "and I must say" oder "and I'll say" gesagt und daraus ist "animal house" geworden.

Das mit dem vorhandenen oder nicht vorhandenen Artikel ergibt einen gewissen Sinn und ich werde versuchen, es mir zu merken. Vermutlich muss man Artikel im weiteren Sinn verstehen, d. Solche wie bis zu vier Comment Is it still the World Cup? We need another grammar question I have a different question, though: In one of the books I've read, they talk about the 'waitron' in the restaurant. I understand that it's supposed to be a gender neutral term, but is that really used? I can see it coming in handy if you talk about 'the waitrons in New York' or something, but in my case, it wasn't necessary, as the waitron in question was clearly a man and he was the only one.

So is 'waitron' common, or was somebody being the spearhead of PC? Comment Waitron, is that a joke? Maybe it's just something that hasn't made it to Michigan yet. Typical PC-speak would be server, so if someone actually said waitron, I would think they were trying to be funny. I reacted to that word the way my students do when I write long words on the board. Come on, you're kidding, aren't you? Germans don't really say that, do they? Hier ist der Tag ziemlich langweilig. But, no, no kidding. You can't even mumble it properly, all the syllables need to be pronounced.

And the waitron wasn't funny either. No 'as they're called now apparently' or ironic comment, it was very factual, as if that's the normal word.

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Maybe I should read books from Michigans. That sounds rather grand: Comment When I read "waitron", I was wondering if Gibson might be reading a science fiction novel not an unreasonable assumption, probably, given her name Yes, Amy, we do use that word. But sometimes, I am in a "stay indoors"-mood, too. Comment Hi Amy, I really thought you were polishing silver, too!

I've never heard of "waitron" - you seem to read very interesting books, Gibson ;- Have a nice evening or a good night, snails! Comment "waitron" - I immediately understood this as a merger of waiter and patron, so it could be a French landlord who serves the guests himself. Nach Merriam-Webster kommt das Wort aus den 80er Jahren. Da Gibson eine grammatikalische bzw. Wie kann man den Unterschied zwischen "der Teil" und "das Teil" merken? Amy-MiMi kann sagen, was ihr lieber ist. Statt Michigander vielleicht Michigeese? Wie wi-chan habe ich bei waitron zuerst an Sci-Fi gedacht. Leider nicht an patron , der auf Englisch eher der Kunde oder der Schirmherr ist, aber nicht der Wirt.

Der Teil versus das Teil related discussion: Der Teil oder Das Teil Aber wenn die Frage schon so knifflig bzw. Comment May I add my teo cents? Maybe nobody knows the tern anymore - rhe sound is still there. When I was still a child there was a quiz on the radio: The radio host dialed a number on the telephone and the listeners had to guess the correct number. Comment "Silber putzen" for procrastination is Goldammer family speak. Are you affected by the unusual heavy rains in the US which have even made it into our weather news?

Why did you have to get good at football? Die meisten von uns nennen uns Michigander. Schick mir mal bitte eine PM und sag mir, wie ich ein Probeexemplar deines Buches kaufen kann. Ja, um 12 Uhr muss ich eine Sportskneipe aussuchen. I must have missed that. It's very nice, though. Thanks for the Michiganders. I had a feeling 'Michigans' might be to easy thinking of Mancunians, Liverpudlians and the like. Yes, 'waitron' sounds vaguely sci-fi and like 'automaton'. I wouldn't want to be called that. I was driving home at about ten to six, and the roads were empty the game starts at 6 local time , so there are some good things about the World Cup, I guess ;-.

Comment No, don't stop posting because you're misreading. This is a place where it's perfectly okay to write random and unrelated things, intentionally or not: Anyway, weiterhin gute Besserung. You're getting there, aren't you? Comment Well, I'n on the mend, but the recovery lasts longer than I can bear Recover from pneumonia — I still need fluid oxygen wherever I go. Comment Gute Besserung, RenaRd. Hat zwar nichts mit Kellnern zu tun, war aber trotzdem interessant. Kann jemand mir einen Rat geben?

Hier ein Beispielsatz, wo ich ehrlich gestanden bezweifele, dass ich ihn richtig verstanden habe: Die mal so ordentlich bis obenhin behandschuhen. Zum Paradies der Damen - Kapitel 4 - Teil 5 ca. Der Satz sollte wohl eine gewisse verruchte Zweideutigkeit enthalten. Comment Gell well soon for Renard. That seems to be the best place for fast answers and no one complaining that you got the wrong forum.

I would use " gut behandschuht" in a slightly humorous sense, e. Comment I agree with 'behandschuhTen', that's probably what was said, but that still doesn't turn the sentence into one that makes sense. The problem is that it's only a fragment. We'll all keep our fingers crossed for your recovery. When I took the dog last night, I heard crickets.

Living in a biggish city as I do, that's not something I normally hear, and it put me instantly into a holiday mood. It was really nice and I kept lingering until the dog finally had enough and began to drag me home. Comment Actually, I listened to the podcast, I just did not answer on that part The sentence in itself is fine - slightly odd today. But the complete minute before is about how the smell of leather arouses her. But to me this sounds as sexual as when someone writes a song about seeing a woman's knee So I won't ask for context again, sorry.

Comment I've just listened to the podcast, as well for some reason it only worked when I downloaded it, could not listen online. He definitely says "behandschuhen", and he seems to attach his own meaning to the word.

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Literally, it merely means "provide with gloves". So, your guess is as good as mine, and Dixie's sounds rather convincing. RenaRd, get well soon! Comment Many thanks for your get-well-wishes! Dixie had the same idea. And with regard to Emile Zola: I agree with Dixie, it is an innuendo. He wants to touch her all over like a tight glove. Comment Die mal so ordentlich bis obenhin behandschuhen. I'm thinking that it might mean a lot more than 'touch'. The sentence structure and 'ordentlich' suggests a variation of 'rannehmen'; maybe 'behandschuhen' is the gentleman's version: I have to admit, though, that I've never read Zola or any French classics.

Even as a teenager, I preferred English authors in German, of course. I also haven't read 'Shades of Grey', for the record ;-. Comment Just back from watching fireflies glowworms. Two individuals made their first appearance on Thursday night. Friday and Saturday night they were much more abundant flighing above patches of stinging nettle. Yesterday night was too cold and none would show up, but today there were quite a few again. I am always amazed by this spectacle. And isn't it strange that it all depends on compounds like luciferin and luciferase. I just heard someone shout, "Mensch, du Strampel!

Comment "Mensch, du Strampel"? Oh, I love that. I really like name-calling that isn't actually that offensive, but rather funny and just that little bit weird. I once heard a boy call his mate "du Obst" and I'm pretty sure he didn't mean "fruit" in that sense. And when watching Catweazle in the German translation which I can heartily recommend , he once called someone "du Rollmops". Wi-chan-Mann and me actually had to stop the DVD because we were laughing so hard. To this day, we occasionally call each other "Rollmops" and then start giggling. I will try out "Strampel" tomorrow and see what happens.

I did, however, translate an erotic short story once. No gloves were involved in any way. Comment Was ist denn ein Strampel? Und ein Rollmops hat etwas mit Heringen zu tun, oder doch nicht? Das ist ein gutes Zeichen. Wir haben dich offenbar aufmuntert. Diesem veralteten Wort werde ich wohl in dieser Form nie wieder begegnen. Thanks for your "nitpickery". Yes, a Rollmops is a pickled herring. And as herrings are rather small fish, a thin person is sometimes referred to as "Hering" this is probably a bit dated, but so am I, I suppose, so I wouldn't be the one to tell.

Not offensive as such, but certainly not complimentary, either. This has, however, nothing to do with "Rollmops". Calling someone a "Rollmops" does, as far as I know, not make any sense at all. That was the beauty of it, actually. On a similar note, I have no idea what a Strampel is, either do you know, Emil? I just like the sound of that word. So in Richtung "Rollmops", "Strampel" usw. Comment I hope your students aren't all too disappointed now, Robert!

I didn't watch the match to the end after so many long soccer nights I needed to go to bed earlier yesterday. It must have been dramatic! Comment Rollmops made me think of someone in school long time ago who used the word for people who were a bit plump. For a "Rollmops" the pickled herring is rolled around sticks of gherkin which leads to a rather round result. But I don't think I ever heard it from anybody else. Perhaps he had watched Catweazle too. Comment The person who said Strampel told me that she knew the word as short for Strampelanzug.

In the situation I was reporting on, however, it was an ad hoc neologism, possibly combined from Trampel and strampeln, and intended to comment on the clumsy movements of one of the German players which nearly made him lose the ball. Gibt es denn manchmal kein Klopapier in den WCs? Comment Ja, Goldammer , das Spiel war wirklich dramatisch, und der amerikanische Torwart hat eine Hochleistung gezeigt: Oder waren es 15 parierte und der Comment Gibt es denn manchmal kein Klopapier in den WCs?

And they rarely have toilet paper, so you either use the one from your car for those, or you avoid them altogether no cleaning staff to speak of and go straight into the woods, where there is no paper either. So it's a very useful thing to have ;- Having said that, the only person I personally knew who had one was my grandfather, and he was the classic 'old man with hat'.

The upper body sticks out of the roll, and the wide also crochted skirt hides the paper. I think they originate from a time when there weren't many toilets along the roads, and so, if you had to go, you stopped anywhere along the road and went behind the bushes with your loo roll What I always asked myself: Why don't they hide it underneath the seat,or in the booth?

I never found an answer - only maybe that one can see it as an expression of the collective "anal character" of the German nation? Edith wishes all leftpondies a lovely 4th of July! Falls ich heute Tippfehler mache: Die N- und M-Tasten funktionieren oft nicht. Aus Goldammer wurde zuerst Goldaer und dann Goldammer. Und "und" musste ich gerade viermal eingeben. Comment There was some shouting enthusiastic, I thought a while ago, but I don't hear any celebrations. Does that mean we lost? I've just downloaded 7 ebooks from amazon for 0 Euros each. How can that possibly make sense economically?

Admittedly, if I like a book, I tend to buy all the others by that author too, and they are usually not free. They're not all authors starting out, grateful for any kind of platform, either - with most of them, you can get the paper version for a normal price, it's just the ebooks which are free. I'm not sure if I should feel guilty or not; I'm uncomfortable, somehow. Comment No, we won. You didn't hear anything at I bet you hear things now, or in a few minutes when the car parade? Sorry to have to admit it, but "booth" was unfortunately no typo Comment How can that possibly make sense economically?

It's a free sample with a marginal cost of zero. Sure, you might have bought the books anyway, but for many it will be their first encounter with this author, and they'll like it and end up buying the sequels which otherwise they would have not.

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An additional ebook costs nothing to produce and to deliver. It makes perfect sense to give them away in order to gain attention. This is really the authors' biggest problem in today's publishing world. Comment You're right, Goldammer, it started a bit later.

So maybe I won't feel guilty. Comment Heute habe ich das Ebook Neverwhere ausgeliehen. Bin gespannt, es zu lesen. Im Gegensatz zu amazon. Vielleicht versuchen sie Leute in D dazu zu verleiten, einen Kindle zu kaufen. Comment Is there a special term for "everyone took to the streets in their cars, honking and shouting"?

I looked for "Autokorso" in Leo, but the results are not really satisfying - as you pointed out correctly with "car parade". Don't people do that regularly enough in Leftpondia to make it worth coining a word for it? It has become very popular in Germany over the last 10 years or so I remember being in Rio in when Brazil won the World Cup for the third time and got to keep it - traffic broke down completely, everybody took to the streets and the party probably lasted all night I was too young to check ;-. Comment Amy, for my favourite recommendation see Apart from that, I'll leave it to the Austrian snails to answer that one.

People are still getting used to ebooks in Germany, opinion is only just starting to shift from "I prefer real books" to "might be an alternative". So, if you are considering buying a book, and the ebook version is actually free, whereas the print version might cost you money Might be worth to give it a shot, hm? In fact, it is often the platform that is paying, not necessarily the publisher. Either directly or indirectly, by making concessions to the publisher concerning some other matters in exchange for providing their ebook for free. So, no need to feel guilty, I am quite sure Amazon can afford it.

Comment Don't people do that regularly enough in Leftpondia to make it worth coining a word for it? Vielleicht sollten wir einfach 'Autokorso' aus dem Deutschen entlehnen. Hier einige nordamerikanische Beispiele: Spurs' fans flock downtown in celebration Super Bowl: Hockey joy turns to violence in wake of Canadiens' victory So, if you are considering buying a book, and the ebook version is actually free, whereas the print version might cost you money People are still getting used to ebooks in Germany So the clever thing to do would be to 'buy' as many as I can before ebooks are common and amazon changes their strategy in a year or so But I'm quite sure I won't.

With other languages, the book stores are free to do what they want although German stores usually order foreign languages through a wholesaler who puts a price on them.

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They don't have to stick to that price, I think, but they usually do. I like 'leeres it': Nicht nur ist 'it' leer, sondern auch mein Kopf. A tip from a very recent bad experience: Even if you think it is only a weekend trip and the battery lasts much longer Comment This posting was intended to be sent after my visual acuity visus was good enough to check the text all over again. The Aborigines believe that only in dreams they live their real lives. I think that my examples prove that these realities are only mirror images. I survive by eating them one after another— each marble bursts like a cherry between my teeth, delivering sweet jelly and enough oxygen for another deep breath.

While taking a last deep breath I wonder what will happen next — will my mind spread his wings and fly away or will I just feel like being garotted strangled. It glues at my eyes brows, even my sunglasses, hence I try to tear it out. A lung embolism followed, then sepsis and artificial coma, intubation, kidney failure, drip-feed. The compartments are swinging slowly outside, the doors get unlocked. I hear the doors getting locked and feel the spaceship starting.

And I know that I may never see my family again. The biggest part of the building dark, run-down and dirty, ruled by a violent gang of drug dealers. As I reached the floor near their hiding place I found the girl raped and shot to death. Through a gap I see the boy, sitting in his hiding place, a cabinet, shivering, pointing at me with a big revolver in his small hands. They will punish and kill you.

Not one ended positively. People especially women spent a lot of money, to watch him sitting at the pool, playing the Ukulele and singing sad love songs. He was the one who let the cash tills ring, When he suddenly died, we got short of money. New sketches had to be written, to attract people. That had been neglected as long as the giant had guaranteed a regular income. I sit down in relief. There they made me breathe on my own again. Coole Kicker im Fussballfieber by. Book 7 of 9. Book 8 of 9. Coole Kicker im Siegesrausch by. Book 9 of 9. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping.

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