Fish and Wildlife Service, which allows limited ecotourism. Department of Health maintains hospitals, health centres, clinics, care centres, and nursing services. The Hawaiian Home Lands Commission controls the transfer of land use to qualified persons of Hawaiian ancestry for homesteading.

The Brigham Young University campus at Laie is an undergraduate institution that has one of the most multicultural student bodies of any university in the United States. Private business, technical, and specialized schools provide additional educational facilities and opportunities. It provides specialized and advanced academic programs and technological training to students from the United States and from countries in Asia and the Pacific. The original culture remains evident in the islands, but the Native Hawaiian aesthetic has become diminished and diluted over the years through death and intermarriage.

Today, Hawaiian culture reflects a mixture of Eastern and Western influences. The traditions of many ethnic groups have become mainstream in contemporary Hawaii, including the celebration of the Chinese New Year in late January or early February and the annual Japanese Bon festival in July or August.

Government and society

Native Hawaiian culture underwent a renaissance beginning in the s, most notably with the resurgence of the hula , the voyaging canoe, the art of tattooing, and its music and language. Most Hawaiian inhabitants know at least some Hawaiian words and observe cultural practices including the giving of the lei , a garland of flowers. Interest in the arts is high, and many distinguished artists, photographers, and performers have been residents of Hawaii.

Appreciation of classical, modern, and experimental art forms is manifest in attendance figures at galleries, film festivals, concerts, legitimate theatre performances, and museums. Honolulu has converted its Chinatown neighbourhood into a cultural district, which draws crowds on the first Friday of each month to its art galleries and performance spaces. Numerous hula exhibitions and competitions are held; foremost among them is the weeklong Merrie Monarch Festival in Hilo.

Hawaiian music is also a vital cultural force. In the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences added a Hawaiian music category to its Grammy Awards, and many of the winners in the category have been slack-key musicians. Don Ho — was one of the best-known Hawaiian musicians. An assortment of cultural and scientific institutions in Hawaii provides a wide variety of opportunity for the appreciation and understanding of the fine arts, history, traditions, and sciences.

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Bishop Museum , founded in in Honolulu, is a research centre and museum dedicated to the study, preservation, and display of the history, sciences, and cultures of the Pacific and its peoples. The Honolulu Academy of Arts , often called the most beautiful museum in the world, houses a splendid collection of Western art, including works by late 19th- and early 20th-century masters Claude Monet , Vincent van Gogh , Henri Matisse , Paul Gauguin , and Pablo Picasso.

Its collection of Asian art is one of the finest in the Western world. The active art, music, and drama departments in Hawaiian schools and colleges and at the University of Hawaii contribute to the expanding cultural life of Hawaii, while the state has several theatre organizations, professional and amateur. Their home is the Neal Blaisdell Center, a municipal theatre—concert-hall—arena complex where touring theatrical companies and ballet troupes and musical artists of international renown also perform. In terms of sports, Hawaii is probably most associated with surfing , which has roots in ancient Polynesia but emerged as a modern sport in Hawaii in the early 20th century.

No one looms larger in the early history of the sport than Hawaiian Duke Paoa Kahanamoku , who was also an Olympic champion swimmer once considered the greatest freestyle swimmer in the world. The Honolulu-based Hawaiian Islanders —88 were for a time one of the most prominent franchises in the minor leagues, and since the Hawaiian Baseball League, which plays in the winter, has been a proving ground for professional players from the United States, Japan , Korea, and elsewhere in Asia. International windsurfing competitions often take place on Oahu. Cycling and swimming are also popular recreations.

Skiing is common at Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea during winter months. All beaches in the state are open to the public. The state has several radio and television stations, including some television stations that broadcast in Japanese and Korean. The first inhabitants of Hawaii may have reached the islands as early as ce from the Marquesas Islands.

Contact with and settlement by Tahitians began in the 9th century ce. Powerful classes of chiefs and priests arrived and established themselves but became embroiled in conflicts that were similar to the feudal struggles in Europe, with complicated land rights at the centre of the disputes. The early Hawaiians lacked a written language. Their culture was entirely oral and rich in myth , legend , and practical knowledge, especially of animals and plant life.

The material life of the islands was hampered by the lack of metal, pottery, or beasts of burden, but there was great skill in the use of wood, shell, stone, and bone, and the huge double and outrigger canoes were technical marvels. Navigational methods were well developed, and there was an elaborate calendar.

Athletic contests encouraged warrior skills. James Cook , the British explorer and navigator, is generally credited with having made the first European discovery of Hawaii; he landed at Waimea , Kauai Island , on Jan. Upon his return the following year, he was killed during an affray with a number of Hawaiians at Kealakekua Bay. The initial appearance of Cook was followed by a period of intermittent contact with the West. During this period King Kamehameha I used European military technology and weapons to emerge as an outstanding Hawaiian leader, seizing and consolidating control over most of the island group.

For 85 years thereafter monarchs ruled over the Hawaiian kingdom. In the early 19th century the American whaling fleet began wintering in Hawaii, and the islands were visited with mounting frequency by explorers, traders, and adventurers. George Vancouver introduced livestock to the islands in In the first of 15 companies of New England missionaries arrived. By the middle of the century there were frame houses, horse-drawn vehicles, schools, churches, taverns, and mercantile establishments. A written language had been introduced, and European and American skills and religious beliefs—Protestant and Roman Catholic—had been imported.

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Ke Kaua Ma America: Provide feedback about this page. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Liloa assured his first born that he would be king after his death and his brother would serve him. In exile, 'Umi took wives and began building forces and followers. Chiefs began to believe him to be of the highest chiefly nature from signs they observed. He gave food to people and became known for caring for all. Eventually Umi conquered the entire island.

After unifying the island of Hawaii, 'Umi was faithful to those who had supported him, and allowed his three most faithful companions, and the two Kahuna who had aided him, to help him govern. Lieutenant James King stated that "all the chiefs had them" and recounts a tale that James Cook was actually asked by one chief to leave Lt. King behind, considering such offer a great honor.

Members of Cook's crew related tales of the tradition with great disdain. American adventurer and sailor John Ledyard commented in detail about the tradition. The traditional system of land has four hierarchical levels:. The Hawaiian agricultural system contained two major classes; irrigated and rain-fed dryland systems. Irrigated systems mainly supported taro kalo cultivation. Rain-fed systems was known as the mala. The kukui tree Aleurites moluccanus was sometimes used as a shade to protect the mala from the sun.

Hawaiians domesticated dogs, chickens and pigs. They also grew personal gardens at home. Water was a very important part of Hawaiian life; it was used for fishing, bathing, drinking, and gardening, and for aquaculture systems in the rivers and at the shore's edge. The Hawaiians believed that the land, the sea, the clouds and all of nature had a certain interconnectedness which is why they used all of the resources around them to reach the desired balance in life.

They also regulated the gathering of plants. These were individual plots of land that were cultivated by commoners who paid labor taxes to the land overseer each week. These taxes went to support the chief. The Kingdom was administered by an ali'i chief. Ahupua'as were run by a headman or chief called a Konohiki. In Keelikolani vs Robinson, kononiki is defined as a Land Agent. In Territory vs Bishop Trust Co. The term could also be a designated area of land owned privately as compared to being owned by the government.

Often ali'i and konohiki are treated synonymously. However, while most konohiki were ali'i nobility, not all ali'i were konohiki. The Hawaiian dictionary defines konohiki as a headman of a land division, but also to describe fishing rights. Kono means to entice or prompt. Hiki refers to something that can be done.

The konohiki was a relative of the ali'i and oversaw the property, managing water rights , land distribution , agricultural use and any maintenance.

History of Hawaii - Wikipedia

The konohiki also ensured that the right amounts of gifts and tribute were properly made at the right times. As capitalism was incorporated into the kingdom the konohiki became tax collectors, landlords and fishery wardens. Captain James Cook led three separate voyages to chart unknown areas of the globe for the British Empire. On 2 February , Cook continued on to the coast of North America and Alaska searching for a Northwest Passage for approximately nine months.

Haunani Kay Trask - Island Issues 1990

He returned to Hawaii chain to resupply, initially exploring the coasts of Maui and Hawaii Island to trade. He anchored in Kealakekua Bay in January After departing Kealakekua, he returned in February after a ship's mast broke in bad weather. On 14 February Cook confronted an angry crowd.

The Kingdom of Hawaii lasted from until its overthrow in with the fall of the House of Kalakaua. However, his general dating was challenged. His birth would thus fall between and , probably nearer the former than the latter". He had advisors and priests. When word reached the ruler that chiefs were planning to murder the boy, he told Kamehameha:. While I am alive they are afraid, but when I die they will take you and kill you. I advise you to go back to Kohala. After multiple battles the king was killed and envoys sent for the last two brothers to meet with Kamehameha.

Before the same could happen to the second canoe, Kamehameha intervened. In Captain George Vancouver sailed from the United Kingdom and presented the Union Flag to Kamehameha, who was still in the process of uniting the islands into a single state; the Union Jack flew unofficially as the flag of Hawaii until , [69] including during a brief spell of British rule after Kamehameha ceded Hawaii to Vancouver in By , Kamehameha had conquered all but one of the main islands.

For his first royal residence, the new King built the first western-style structure in the Hawaiian Islands , known as the " Brick Palace ". Kamehameha I had many wives but held two in the highest regard. Kamehameha I died in , succeeded by Liholiho. After Kamehameha I's death, Liholiho left Kailua for a week and returned to be crowned king. Behold these chiefs and the men of your father, and these your guns, and this your land, but you and I shall share the realm together". Liholiho agreed officially, which began a unique system of dual-government consisting of a King and co-ruler similar to a regent.

She defied Hawaiian kapu by dining with the young king, separating the sexes during meals, leading to the end of the Hawaiian religion. He was King for 5 years. The couple's remains were returned to Hawaii by Boki. Boki left Hawaii on a trip to find sandalwood to cover a debt and was lost at sea. She became Kamehameha's consort when she was fourteen. A portrait artist remarked of her: As the widow of [Kamehameha], she possesses unbound authority and respect, not any of which she is inclined to lay aside on any occasion whatsoever".

Sugar became a major export from Hawaii soon after Cook's arrival. Within thirty years plantations operated on the four main islands. Sugar completely altered Hawaii's economy. American influence in Hawaiian government began with U. This was driven by missionary religion and sugar economics. Pressure from these plantation owners was felt by the King and chiefs as demands for land tenure. After the brief takeover by the British , Kamehameha III responded to the demands with the Great Mahele , distributing the lands to all Hawaiians as advocated by missionaries including Gerrit P.

During the s, the U. In Kamehameha III proposed a policy of reciprocity between the countries, but the proposal died in the U. The military was especially interested in Pu'uloa , Pearl Harbor.

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He showed two U. As monarch, William Charles Lunalilo , was content to let Bishop run most business affairs, but the ceding of lands became unpopular with Hawaiians. Many islanders thought that all the islands, rather than just Pearl Harbor, might be lost and opposed any cession. By November , Lunalilo canceled negotiations and returned to drinking, against his doctor's advice; his health declined swiftly, and he died on February 3, Lunalilo left no heirs.

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Grover Cleveland was president at the time, and his secretary of state Thomas F. Bayard sent written instructions to the American minister George W. Merrill that in the event of another revolution in Hawaii, it was a priority to protect American commerce, lives and property. Bayard specified, "the assistance of the officers of our Government vessels, if found necessary, will therefore be promptly afforded to promote the reign of law and respect for orderly government in Hawaii.

Merrill's replacement, minister John L. Stevens , read those official instructions, and followed them in his controversial actions of This was in response to increased political tension between the legislature and the king under the constitution. He died there on January The McKinley Act had crippled the Hawaiian sugar industry by removing the duties on sugar imports from other countries into the US, eliminating the previous Hawaiian advantage due to the Reciprocity Treaty of Controversially, opium licensing was proposed. It would have disenfranchised many non-citizen Europeans and Americans.

The Queen toured several islands on horseback, talking to the people about her ideas and receiving overwhelming support, including a lengthy petition in support of a new constitution. However, when the Queen informed her cabinet of her plans, they withheld their support, uncomfortable with what they expected her opponent's likely response to be. Threats to Hawaii's sovereignty emerged throughout the Kingdom's history.

However, only with the Bayonet Constitution was its sovereignty ultimately compromised. The conspirators' stated goals were to depose the queen, overthrow the monarchy, and seek Hawaii's annexation to the U. The overthrow was led by Thurston, who was the grandson of American missionaries [] and derived his support primarily from the American and European business class and other supporters of the Reform Party of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Most of the leaders of the Committee of Safety that deposed the queen were American and European citizens who were Kingdom subjects.

Wilson was tipped off by detectives of the planned coup. Wilson requested warrants to arrest the 13 Council members and put the Kingdom under martial law. Because the members had strong political ties with U. Government Minister John L. Stevens , the requests were repeatedly denied by Attorney General Arthur P. Peterson and the Queen's cabinet, fearing if approved, the arrests would escalate the situation.

After a failed negotiation with Thurston , [] Wilson began to collect his men for the confrontation. The overthrow began on January 17, A policeman was shot and wounded while trying to stop a wagon carrying weapons to the Honolulu Rifles , the paramilitary wing of the Committee of Safety.