So it was quite a shock to find out that it isn't a painting. So of course what we need to do now is go back and look at tests now that tell us more about the kind of things we did find. We think it is some sort of an oxidation process - we want to explore that. We would like to do further tests to clarify that the blood is blood! And the kinds of abnormalities that support some of the forensics. There are a lot of things that we would like to do in a second round of testing. One, of course, is to also date the cloth! All these things in the long run will help us establish that it is not a forgery.
If we keep doing all these tests and we don't prove that it is dis-authentic Because clearly the scientific data will not be inconsistent with in fact this being Christ's burial shroud. That's the best that science can ever say! A Well we disagree! Apparently, you see, the spectroscopy was done, the ultraviolet and the infrared spectroscopy, which was done on the whole cloth not just looking at a sample from it. I'm not in agreement with that and he has never answered that point. In fact, we have shown why we think our data is different from his. We have shown why we think his interpretations are not correct.
He has never done us the courtesy of doing the same. He has not shown why our measurements would be in error - he just says we did it wrong Full length negatives of the Shroud of Turin. PJS If the carbon dating process shows the cloth to be relatively recent, where do we go from there? A Well then clearly it is not Christ's cloth! And then maybe people will let us preform the kind of tests we can do to find out what it is really all about. You see, the fact that it might be a real religious artifact means we have been very limited in the amount of study time and the things we have been able to do.
We'd like to find out what is it and how did it happen. Because that will remain a scientific problem no matter whose cloth it is…It is very interesting! Alan Adler who passed on June 10th, His introduction to it came from the late Dr. John Heller who asked him, as a physical chemist and specialist in porphyrins, to help him study the sticky tape samples of the Shroud image that the STURP team had brought back with them from Turin. Walter McCrone having dismissed the Shroud's image as just artist's pigment.
When Heller first told him that the sticky tapes were from the Shroud of Turin, Adler's reported response was 'The what of where?
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The cause of his death was a cerebral hemorrhage. No other single figure on the Shroud scene had Alan's huge grasp of the scientific complexities of the subject. The full ramifications of his loss have yet to be realized. Shield is a retired archaeologist. He has during that time lived and worked in 25 countries Your quite correct — though since Alan Rogers discovery that the carbon dating was incorrect the mystery continues!
And will continue until the Vatican allows full scientific investigation. According to wikipedia the carbon dating in three different tests all showed the same date and that the rag is not so old. And they are correct. What my colleague told you in a previous article is also correct — it is believed that they dated a piece of repair cotton instead of an actual piece of the Shroud Linen.
Register to become part of our active community, get updates, receive a monthly newsletter, and enjoy the benefits and rewards of our member point system OR just post your comment below as a Guest. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings.
Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. Skip to main content. This was to be the first extensive scientific examination of the shroud and remains to this date the most extensive study of the shroud ever undertaken. Public Domain On their return to the USA I was privileged to conduct a series of investigative interviews with a number of the team members.
You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Notify me when new comments are posted. Replies to my comment. More information about text formats. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Leave this field blank. Related Articles on Ancient-Origins. It is reported in several news outlets that another test has been conducted on the controversial Shroud of Turn which indicates that it is most likely a forgery.
This shroud is believed by many to be Curators at the National Museum of Scotland have made an exceptional discovery inside a World War II service envelope with a hand-written note. The writing distinguishes the contents, a remarkably Thirteen cannabis plants were found covering the body of a man who was buried in Turpan, China, around 2, years ago.
This is the first time archaeologists have discovered a quantity of well According to the Catholic Stations of the Cross, there was once a woman who wiped the sweat and blood from the face of Jesus Christ with a cloth as he endured the torturous walk carrying his own Believed by many to be the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth, but held only as a religious article of historical significance by skeptics, the Shroud of Turin has captivated scholars and scientists A rare and exquisite funeral shroud dating back 2, years to the ancient Paracas culture of Peru, has finally returned home after being returned from Sweden, according to a BBC report.
Kolossi Castle is a medieval castle located on the island of Cyprus. The original castle was built during the 13th century, not long after the island was conquered by the Crusaders. The symbol of the Swastika and its 12,year-old history. The swastika is a symbol used by of one of the most hated men on Earth, a symbol that represents the slaughter of millions of people and one of the most destructive wars on Earth.
However, if the "blood" on the shroud is not blood at all, then who and why would anyone perpetrate such a sham on society? What is their function?? As in, actively working to spread truth for the purpose of destroying your caustic murderous superstition. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. The writers of the Bible wrote not according to their own will or whim, but only as they were moved, or controlled, by the Spirit of God.
The Bible is God's own book! They also found in his apartment and warehouses what they thought were materials for making fakes, suspicious half-made objects and plans for more. A panel of Israeli scholars was convened to inspect the tablet and ossuary and declared both modern forgeries. What's the point of such a God? Such an entity would be like the orange tree growing outside the universe. Wonderful to imagine, but pointless otherwise.
I read your denial of God. Your pitiful twisting of the word of God. With our present knowledge of the universe, most of you sound like a ant in the Amazon rainforest yelling "Man does not exist! I have never seen one".
On a scale of 1 to , with being all the knowledge of the universe and a ant being at level 1. We are at level 2. Yet some people on here Like that ant yell "God does not exist" out of ignorance. I'm not into religious stuff at all -so why would you think jesus died on the cross? The god of abraham required you to believe that unbelievers are evil. He invokes the tribal dynamic and endorses the persecution of his enemies He is a powerful wespon.
Quote TheGhostofOtto "so why would you think jesus died on the cross? Or could prove that Jesus did not die on the cross or perhaps never lived.
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Both of which would be near nigh impossible to prove. Kind of like denying the economy is not getting better under President Trump, just because hate blinds you, in spite of all the facts. Both of which would be near nigh impossible to prove Except that the ONLY evidence we have is found in a book full of verified lies. Which might be ok if it told us that he was some guy who preached love and peace but it tells us that he rose from the dead.
Not even you would believe that if not for all those wonderful promises of immortality, all your wishes granted, retribution, absolution, etc. Kind of like denying the economy is not getting better under President Trump, just because hate blinds you, in spite of all the facts I dont think you understand what facts are. They dont depend on wonderful promises. The anti-religionist has morphed into the role of a religionist by having become, and professing to be, an anti-religionist, obsessed with destroying the faith and beliefs in God the Creator and His Holy Angels.
However, you will never have the ability to do that since you are a mere mortal, in spite of being demonically possessed. The only thing you are capable of is to lead your followers astray. You will continue until your own destruction, while eventually, many of your followers will turn against you when they find out the real truth which you will never acknowledge. Yahoshuah was a product of science, FYI. Only God the Creator, as well as the first Scientist, has the ability to turn Energy into Matter, whereas scientists have been trying to do the same, but fail and will always fail.
Yahoshuah was pure Energy turned into Matter and born of woman. That was His particular destiny - to die to save the sinners of His time who were too stupid to know better. Another method was stoning.
History of the Shroud of Turin
But the favored method was dying on a wooden cross - a slow and probably painful way to die. Before Yahoshuah was conceived and born of woman, He was a Holy Angel. He would have volunteered to become human, being First Son, thereby condemning His mortal body to eventual crucifixion. But the rewards He would attain afterwards would be far greater than the excruciating pain He was to bear.
The Holy Angels are all the Sons of God, by the way. They had all forgotten the God of Creation and no longer worshipped Him. They all migrated out to different lands and eventually forgot the True God, and began worshipping stone idols. It is for that reason why God declared all these idol worshippers His enemy.
The enemies were not persecuted - they were killed when they refused to acknowledge that their idol worship was wrong. But there wee those who did acknowledge the One True God and returned to worshipping HIM - and they were saved from destruction. Avram was an idol worshipper before he changed. You would be in a great panic and wonder what happened. You would want it back and everything the way it was. So, it is the same with the existence of God the Creator. If not for God, YOU and everyone else would never have existed.
You would not even be flailing around in outer space, because there would not BE an outer space. And certainly not why he sweated drops of blood in the garden. That cloth has already been revealed as fake by dating. But nice to have more data. The "Jesus" myth has no historical person linked to it. As for "gods", we already know they don't exist. First, religions are now meaningless since there is no "ghost", "soul", "gods", or "afterlife" reward. It was already marginal by thermodynamics applied to our complex brain, but the LHC accelerator proved it beyond reasonable doubt.
Several physicists agree - particle physicist Brian Cox mentioned it specifically in a "The Infinite Monkey Cage" episode , and Neil deGrasse Tyson accepted it - and I knew this previously. The Planck probe final data release came last week, and it was consistent across amplitude and polarization data on their own and combined.
Third - but still arguable, just mentioning predictions for you to look forward to - the data release could pinpoint eternal slow roll inflation as preceding the local universe. Here quantum fluctuations makes inflationary volumes faster than they roll down to local universes. That means each universe is the result of an eternal random series of quantum fluctuations until randomly there isn't one. Note here, religious "nothing" does not exist. And laws likely are anthropic selection bias. Yahoshuah was prepared for the physical pain of crucifixion.
He knew what was expected of Him and He prepared for it in that garden by prayer. He had good friends who cared for his physical welfare, but they already knew that Yahoshuah had to complete what He was destined to do. I cannot explain WHY He sweated drops of blood. Perhaps He was concerned for His mother and worried what was to become of her afterwards He sweated drops of blood because he was destined to go to hell, and he knew it. But even though it is a horrible place, He knew that He would only be there temporarily. But nevertheless, His Soul would be tested as to how much punishing He could take in Hell from the Devil.
All the sins had to be accounted for, and punished. The heavy stone was rolled away from the entrance to the cave, and He was free. Some of His Disciples saw Him and spoke with Him. Matter transmuted into Energy. But I am also certain that He was concerned about his mother's welfare.
She was only human, after all. The ancient Mesopotamians and others were punished with death because of their idolatry of false gods. All other Universes are merely theoretical and conjecturing over a glass of beer. GR doesn't apply to the Spiritual World which, of course, you and so many others wouldn't know about. Glad that the LHC is doing well and found more particles.
But I still don't trust it. How come you know about it? Got special knowledge, have we? Or are you just making sh1t up? I think what scared him and hurt him the most was knowing he would be separated from God for 3 days. As for his mother I am fairly sure he had access to the book of life and knew that his mother's name was written in it before the foundations of the world. I can suffer an agnostic because those could be men of reason, logic and science, but a atheist or anyone that says that they KNOW what exists and what does not exist in all the solar systems, galaxies, multi universes and dimensions that might exist, must think of themselves as Gods, to possess that much knowledge.
I DO have special knowledge about it due to my many experiences, which is why I am able to expound on these topics with ease. GR applies to the material - the existence of Matter in the form of gases, solids, etc. It explains well what exists as Matter and that can be detected easily with the 5 senses or with the help of specialised hi tech instruments.
It isn't by accident that the Spiritual Realm cannot be seen by human eyes or instruments, which are based on human eyes. I have a lot of admiration for the Man, as well as in the Spiritual sense. You are most likely right about His mother's name being in the Book of Life, and of course, Yahoshuah was a Son of God, and therefore would join the Creator, His Father. Avoid political and religious discussions: Because of the complexity and ambiguity of this subject matter, political and religious discussions are not allowed.
Does anybody understand that this egg unit guy is a smelly little troll who is just making this up as he goes? Are you having fun smelly troll? Nothing better to do? Reminds me of the classic pussytard socktrain. Then why did a religious article appear here, if it's not to be discussed?
And why do political articles appear here to? Quote theghostotto Does anybody understand that this egg unit guy is a smelly little troll who is just making this up as he goes? If this is not the purest form of cyberbullying what is? I am putting him back on my ignore list. I suggest all of you do the same. If you see someone bullying and you don't speak up and be a hero, you are as guilty as the person bullying. A large number of those active shooter cases are people who have been bullied and no one spoke up in their defense..
Rdorkus has not been here long enough or on the web long enough to have experience with the kind of vandals that often show up here. If you read mr eggs comments above it's obvious he is attempting to play people by making bullshit up off the top of his head. This is the kind of thing some people do to get attention and there's no reason it should be tolerated HERE. Sorry rdorkus if you're too gullible and naive to avoid being taken in by this kind of lowlife. Because of the complexity and ambiguity of this subject matter, political and religious discussions are not allowed Haha funny joke.
Because of the complexity and ambiguity of this subject matter, political and religious discussions are not allowed SteveS no offence but, in case you hadn't noticed, it also says "no pseudoscience" If you had read the article thoroughly, you might have noticed that if you were actually capable of reading what SteveS wrote you would note that he was quoting the comment guidelines to explain what the quote means using small words for you, and typing slowly, because I know you can't read fast: And these are Scientists who are determining what the Bible says -- 1.
And it may very well be. The article itself, is written by Bob Yirka of Phys. Now why do you think that is, Steve? They determined that the Shroud is a forgery. And yet, here on a science site, Jesus Christ has been mentioned, as well as His death and His body. You need to renounce your demons that you don't believe in. Clicking on the DOI link. Unfortunately, I couldn't access the paper: But the article by Bob is sufficient with enough information to understand the science. Everybody says jesus is a forgery.

Even many committed xian theologians have come to the conclusion, that jesus is a forgery. Just like youre a forgery. Dennett and Linda LaScola. Dennett, of course, is one of the primary figures in the "New Atheism" — the newly aggressive and influential atheist movement that has gained a considerable hearing among the intellectual elites and the media. Dennett is a cognitive scientist Dennett has even founded a recovery network for recovering clergy. I personally feel that the shroud is not the shroud Jesus used. Quote theghostotto intention lie. There are millions if not billions of people that know Jesus is the son of God.
Except to deny I would say that. So all you proved here is that you intently perpetuate that lie. I love science and believe if you are going to talk like a person that strives to understand science you need to be precise. Your comment had nothing to do with the article, and was in fact just unadulterated off topic theology. Why is it that you feel that rules don't apply to you? Captain Stumpy no offence but, in case you hadn't noticed, it also says "no pseudoscience" My ignore list is getting longer each day, and it's quite depressing that on some threads the majority of comments just show as "Comment posted by a person you have ignored".
I can test for my existence. I have an effect on things. The God he is talking about, the one you can't disprove, is pointless because it doesn't do anything. If it did anything at all, anything, we could test it. So what is the point of something that does nothing? It is not common here ether but you must not be a father. I would do it if it was my son. Sometimes even in science a little common sense is in order. You call people you don't know "idiots", yet it NEVER crosses you mind that there could be other reasons for it's retraction.
Your world is so insulated that it never occurs to you that there are a great many people who would gladly die for their beliefs or even gladly KILL not only you but your entire family for those beliefs. Perhaps pressure was applied is why the last study was retracted.
This is not how I picture modern day christians but it has happened in the past and probably in the present. Are you saying these are admirable qualities??? They are exactly the reasons WHY religions must end before they end us all. Martyrdom of oneself and ones family BTW is the most despicable form of violence there is. Otto IMHO - getting rid of religion won't take this away. Nonexistent gods are not worth dying for. Especially when they themselves show you how to do it. That doc was shooped because of the pixels. I know pixels when i see them.
But if somebody is planing a trip to Prague, he can say Hello to Dethe.
The Shroud
Here is his name, adress, email and phone number: Milan Petrik Admin Organization: Milan Petrik Admin Street: Praha 8 Admin Postal Code: WTF does that even mean? Those Laws are all for the good of humanity and the Earth over which he has dominion. Break the Laws and you must suffer the consequences of your actions. Any chaotic bungling is, and has been on the part of the humans whose bungling ways self-propagates at various levels of chaos.
This is the normal way for Stinky to attract needed attention to justify his presence in these Comment Forums. I have read that he lives in the valley of a mountain somewhere in the northwest, and likely is a cult member of something like the adoration of Baphomet ring. Which would explain why Stinky is so hateful of God the Creator.
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It is best to ignore this craven creature and his water-bucket boy, Theghostofotto Such creatures of darkness are only able to find joy in vexing the humans who are suckered in by their ad hominem and abusive language. There may be some commenters who might enjoy being verbally lashed, thinking that somehow they deserved it. But I don't think that you are of that type. So ignore the louts and be done with it.
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Scientists conclude that the Shroud of Turin a fake because it did not occur naturally Well yeah. They proved somebody faked it. The way to disprove the shroud is to take crucial part of the cloth, one necessary to produce the image, not something that could be added later, and to test its age No, the way to disprove it is to show that the goop that makes the image is fake.