A fun family-friendly evening of music, treats, games an art activities. Haunt the galleries, dance to DJ zErP. Food, drinks and more. Beer and wine are free, cash bar: Chaz and AJ Monster Ball: Dinner included with tickets. Vintage Halloween Masquerade Ball: The Storyteller's Cottage, Hopmeadow St. Unique live magic show. Immerse yourself in Victorian splendor as expert magician David Reed-Brown performs sleight-of-hand tricks and enjoy cocktails and elegant hor d'oeuves by candelight.
Main Pub Halloween Party: With Michael Cleary Band. Age 21 and older. Spooky Swing Dance Party: Join The Shiny Lapel Trio and friends for a wild night of dancing with a slightly spooky twist. Graveyard Shift Ghost Tours: Filled with haunted history, dark tales, and Victorian traditions surrounding seances and spiritualism.
Tours run at 6, 7, 8 and 9 p. This tour is not suitable for children under By the light of flickering lanterns, guests will experience true and haunting stories of West Hartford's past. Each minute tour travels through the rows of gravestones at West Hartford's North Cemetery with a departed guide from the past. Online ticketing closes at 4 p.
After 4, tickets must be purchased at the cemetery. Tours depart every 15 minutes from 6 to 8: Hallowed History Lantern Tour: A lantern-led tour where character actors share tantalizing true stories of some of our notable and not-so-notable residents. This tour may not be suitable for children under Wear appropriate walking shoes and bring a flashlight. Costumed actors portray local figures with connections to the cemetery and town. Witches and Tombstones Tours: Webb-Deane-Stevens Museum in Wethersfield. A midnight paranormal investigation of the cemetery is Oct.
Barnes Memorial Nature Center, Bristol. A guided lantern walk on nature trails to hear stories of CT legends as told by the ghosts of the legends themselves. Dress appropriately for weather; wear walking shoes.
Sea Tea Comedy Theater: Shadowcasting by RKO Army. Upon visiting, a young man beckoned the "ghosts" to make themselves known, after a few seconds of taunting, his foot fell thigh deep through the floor and nearly into the basement. Also, feelings of sadness, anxiety and feelings of being watched have been experienced - Has been torn down. New Haven - Albertus Magnus College - Several of the mansions converted to dorms are said to be haunted. One of them is haunted by a woman in a green dress and a small boy around the age of The boy tends to be looking for a playmate, for when alive he was often locked in the attic.
He moves objects, changes the orientation of other objects, and stands in the hallway watching you. Activities reported are knocking on walls, stereos and televisions being turned on or off especially when there is a lot of noise, or the music is too loud , doors slamming and people running through hallways when no one is there, and voices muttering.
Spirits appear in pictures, too. New Haven - Albertus Magnus College - McAuliffe Hall - Is indeed haunted by a small boy and woman in green is possibly true but she is believed to haunt the front staircase, and around midnight, if you are not holding the rail, she'll shove you. He said that when he first moved in, a woman used to begin singing every night at 10 PM.
An insomniac, he found this annoying and finally asked the woman to stop. Several students, faculty members, and staff have reported an evil presence around it, as well as freezing cold blasts of air and moaning sounds. New Haven - Fort Nathan Hale - Along the beach where a battle took place, there are under ground bunkers. They are blocked off with gates, but inside the bunkers there have been sightings of glowing green orbs. Along the beach and the outside of the bunkers ghostly figures of soldiers have also been seen. New Haven - Lighthouse Park - At Lighthouse Park around midnight you can hear the carousel running and little kids giggling.
For years countless paranormal activities have been witnessed. Reports include - heard footsteps creeping down stairways late in the night when the building was empty, banging on walls, and many orbs and images captured on film. Others have seen ghosts walking in offices, heard their names being called, lights going on and off, and toilets flushing when no one was using them.
The basement ghost is the most active. Witnesses have heard three loud hits to the cement wall by a human hand. This happens from week to week. The assistant property manager once heard moans within the wall along with the banging. New Haven - Southern Connecticut State University - North Campus dorms - One resident reported waking up to a massive black force hovering over his bed, constricting him, paralyzing him with fear. Some time later a small circle with a symbol in it appeared to be burned into the wall over his bed where none had existed before. Doors would open by themselves.
Closed, locked windows would be opened every time the room was empty. Faucets would go on and off by themselves and closets would rattle. A psychic investigator is reported to have cleansed the room, she said it was a spirit of a young boy killed on the sight when it was farmlands; she also said that the spirit of the young boy had invited in several other negative spirits. Previous occupants of the room have reported similar experiences. New London - Eugene O'Neill's childhood home - The great American play write based his classic "Long Days Journey into Night", after this childhood home in which he shared with his family.
She supposedly would inhale methane there. There have been many reports, especially by the people who work there, it is a museum now of footsteps in the small room, the feeling of being followed, cold spots, and most eerie, the sounds of sobbing and giggling. You can take the tour and see the room for yourself, very creepy.
New London - Ledge Lighthouse - There have been reports of lights and strange sounds coming from Ledge Lighthouse which is now inoperable. Also believed to be haunted by a lighthouse keeper that committed suicide there. New London - The Lighthouse Inn - Various haunted rooms, and two ghostly Victorian women who roam the hallways at night. New London - Quaker Hill - Gallows Lane - It's been said that this is where a lot of witches were burned though there is no real record.
However, if you walk down the road even in the middle of the day you get the ominous feeling that not only are you being watched but also followed. Most people from that area wont walk down that road alone and especially not at night. New London - St. Mary School - Some students have said that the basement, which used to be restrooms before about , is haunted. Students who have gone down there alone have felt like they were being watched or were not alone. Also, urban legends state that the last three bathroom stalls in the basement were haunted.
A janitor supposedly died in the bathroom. The basement bathrooms have been closed and the basement is no longer accessible to students. New Milford - Bank Street Coffee House - Footsteps coming up the stairs from the basement, items moving on their own in the kitchen, shadowy figures and unexplained footsteps.
Newington - Cedar Hill Metal Institution - There is an old metal institution which is now boarded up. Many people committed suicide in this place. A man hung himself. You can see little orbs and figures glowing. You can also hearing moaning and other noises. There is now a new metal institution, which has patients in it right now, but this old institution is still there, boarded up, old and full of disturbed souls that may never leave. Newtown - Cyrenius H. The building used to be her home, and her room is on the top floor, which they used to let people view, but have locked since they put an addition on.
Nothing has been said about her since the addition was put on, but then again, no one has been in her room either. North Branford - Greystone - It can be very ugly here. A man walks with his cane dripping with blood. Screams of young ones screeching in the night. Very dark and cold out here. North Branford - Dragonback Woods - At night you hear voices and people walking around but no one is there. Lots of orbs and in the middle of summer it gets really cold at night and names and symbols appear in the dirt. North Haven - Grove road - water coming from the ceiling, no pipes in ceiling, seeing water drip from ceiling.
Wife committed suicide, by carbon monoxide poison. Norfolk - Blackberry River Inn - Reports of seeing "the White Lady" walking through the Main Inn 2nd floor and walking back to the empty house in the back of the property. Norfolk - Botelle Elementary School - reports of hearing doors slam when they are the only ones on the floor. North Haven - Fire Headquarters - Ghost of deceased fire fighter Albert Brunelle is said to be seen sitting in the back of Emergency 1 smoking a cigar.
Upon second glance, witnesses stated seeing nothing but a quick fog followed by a small pigeon flying by the firehouse. Norwich - Norwich State Psychiatric Hospital - While visiting this place recently you can walk thru patients rooms and still hear a woman sobbing. If you go into one building on the 3rd floor No Trespassing This area is patrolled by guards that will call the police. Thomas More - At St. Thomas More prepatory boarding school this is a chapel on garner lake.
Many years ago people had taken pictures of the chapel in which a little girl appeared but was not really there. Recently many sightings of this girl have been seen by those who did know about the picture. She would stand in people's rooms in the Edmunds Dormitory staring at corners of the room crying and tapping on the walls.
As if she was in punishment. And many of those who witnessed the girl had claimed of that in which they had a strange dream that led up to it. And then the dream supposedly was coming true all day but thought nothing of it. Legend has it that after the death of his wife in , Mr. Crary married his wife's best friend.
Since then the spirit of Mrs. Crary haunts the north room of this bed and breakfast. Old Wethersfield - American Legion 23 - Pictures have been taken with so very many orbs, it is hard to see the actual pictures. Orange - Edison Road - In a vacant lot where a barn and a house used to stand, the story is that several years ago, a fire burned the house down and two people died in the blaze. People in the businesses in the surrounding area report strange activities, especially at night. The feeling that someone or something is watching them and an overall feeling of dread is a common occurrence there.
Oxford - Hookman's Cemetery - Believed that in the 's sometime the caretaker of the cemetery had a hook in place of his hand and would sometimes kill a person who stayed later than the others to speak words to the one laid to rest. The house was knocked down years ago but on Halloween it appears briefly as a phantom. Plainfield - Plainfield High School - A student who was considered to have limitless potential was murdered and now haunts the building.
The word "intrinsic" has been written on many objects in the building, most notably the wood doors. It is not confirmed, but the legend states that this student used "intrinsic" as the basis for much of his poetry. Shortness of breath is often reported, and power outages are frequent.
Plainfield has HUGE problems with mold in many of the rooms, which is why many students and faculty have problems with shortness of breath. One resident reports having never heard of the rumor that a student was murdered that had immense potential or about any of the weirdo things that supposedly happen there. Most common signs of ghostly presences in the village are voices of farmers, mothers calling their children, laughing children, whistling, talking, orbs of light, people swinging or sitting on trees, trails of energy, sounds of farm animals, footsteps.
Most of these occur with full force around Portland - Spooksville - There used to be an old Insane asylum there, if you go there the building no longer stands But you can still see the layout of the building. And some say that you can here the screams of the old patients. There is also an old bombsite there where they used to make and test bombs. It was and old NIKE missile site that was built in the late 50's and early 60's that protected large cities like Hartford from Russian bomber strikes coming over from Russia via the north pole.
There never was an insane asylum and there are two sites. Apparently at one time before it was an inn, two sisters who did not get along lived there, and after they died, they did not leave. The New London Day newspaper ran an article on this in Putnam - Blood cemetery - April Has been removed. There is no evidence that it exists.
Connecticut's Haunted Houses And Halloween Happenings
Putnam - Putnam Housing - There have been many sightings of ectoplasm, and many orbs in pictures. There have also been reports of very strange happenings, objects being thrown, and even a black shadow that was apparently caught on film. Redding - Topstone Rd - a small field on the right of the train tracks before the overpass usually at night orbs of light and a lit tent vanishing. Salem - Gardners Lake - Reports of apparitions showing up on photographs have been made. The ghost walks the hallways, slams doors, shuts off lights, locks doors, and walks up the old steps, which have been removed.
Barometers rise and cold spots have been reported. Seymour - Carousel Gardens - haunted by a woman who used to live there. It was a mansion converted into a restaurant in the mid 60's. Now the story is, that she lived there with her brother for many years, but they rarely spoke, and they say, for this reason, she haunts this place. Seymaur - Great Hill Road - A few years back, a man was killed on his motorcycle while going around a sharp turn down Great Hill road. Its been reported that a man was driving down this road headed for this specific turn, and he saw the ghost of the motorcycle on his motorcycle only to see the cycle raise his hand to slow down and the man's car stalled.
Shelton - East Village Cemetery - While walking in, you will often hear a young girls voice, say hello, and then later, if you stay long enough you can see a dark shadow figure run and what seems to be hiding behind the grave stones, then when you are leaving you will again hear the young girls voice but be unable to understand her. Some say she was killed there on her wedding day, hence, the "white lady" title. Simsbury - Chart House - Its an old restaurant that has the spirit of a woman, who is described as friendly, residing there. The employees like to tell stories about her; she does stuff like shut off lights if they've been left on, closing doors at closing time, that kind of thing.
Simsbury - Ensign Bickford - IN the north end of ensign Bickford there is a row of buildings that are reported to be haunted by an older worker of the plant. NO one is sure of his past but he makes himself Known every once in a while, cold spots and sounds ALWAYS accompany his arrival, also a white mist is seen there many times at night. Somers - Durky Rd. Somers - Main ST - Several reportings from employees say that when alone in the back banquet hall, or back kitchens, lights will flicker on and off by themselves and tables and chairs will move.
Some report feelings of freight and chills when in the back by themselves. Many employees refuse to go back there alone. Some swear they have seen faint figures in reflections in the banquet hall mirrors, and swear they feel someone tapping them on the shoulder only to turn around and see nothing. Southington - Meridan Ave. It is said that when it closed down a family moved in to the house, strange happening started occurring.
The 2 boys lived in their room in the basement, which used to be the Morgue. The boys reported seeing people working on bodies of dead people, and one boy was possessed by a demon. They had to perform an exorcism on the house. Some people claim that you can still see ghosts of the dead people.
It is also said that the sign that used top have the name of the funeral home next to the door, has been washed, painted over, everything, but it is still there. Stratford - Phelps Mansion - Before the Mansion was built a lady named Goody Basset was burned at the stake for being a witch. After the house was built, lots of people have been drawn out of it. The legend is that if you stare in a mirror in the house, you will not see your face but Goody Basset's and she will prick your arm with a needle for staring at you.
Phelps was owned by Reverend Eliakim Phelps and his family in the 's. But the history of Phelps still intrigues people to this day. With him was his wife, two sons ages three and eleven, and two daughters ages six and sixteen. When they entered the house, they found the interior in shambles. Furniture, food and expensive china had been strewn around the downstairs rooms, the Rev. Phelps first thought was that the house was burglarized, until he entered the dining room. He then concluded that demon spirits had entered his home. It was on the TV news and newspapers and for weeks there was always a crowd gathered outside standing and waiting for something to happen that could be seen from the outside other than lights in the windows.
Stratford - Stratford Booth Memorial Park - A large area of negative energy is known to be haunted by a man who can be seen if photographed in a large white house in the top window. Stafford Springs - Hamden Rd - Hamden Rd runs up a small mountain, ghosts like figures have been seen and felt walking through the woods the mountain is populated but there is large areas of uninhabited forest Stepney - Stepney Cemetery - ghost photos have been taken there for quite some time. Formerly listed as 3 separate listings, Maude's Grave can be approached far more easily from the Sterling end of Hell Hallow Road, and is actually on that side, not Voluntown.
The grave is a pile of rocks about ten feet from the road on the right side if you are coming from Sterling that can be found from a cleared path. It can easily be visited without being bothered. Sightings of a 17 foot tall black flash have been seen, about 2 feet above ground, crossing the road in front of car headlights, and then chasing the car, in addition to everything already said.
Ever since, cries attributed to her have been heard there. The ghost of a little girl named Maude has been appearing for years on Hell Hollow Road near her gravesite. It is located along Hells Hallow Road. When riding in a car and her name is uttered by her gravesite, the car is supposed to either stall or crash. Observers have also seen orbs.
Also, a man running through the woods at the same speed of the car was seen by a passenger in a vehicle. When walking on trails a heavy ominous presence can be felt and on the driving trail there are several patches of forest that are completely dead and in one location is a perfectly round pool of water that is lifeless just pure stagnation, it is said that this area was a host to witchcraft and satanic rituals being held.
Storrs - University of CT - Eddy dorm rm Alumni Quad - Inability to breath in dorm room, cold breezes when window was closed and hands squeezing shoulder.. Suffield - Kent mansion - The abandoned mansion has been seen with lights on and with shadows in the windows. Even in the carriage house. Update - The Carriage house has since been torn down. It is believed to be haunted by its past benefactor Sidney Albert Kent.
Many occurrences of a mischievous conduct take place. Pictures fall and break. Dogs scared of certain areas only at certain times. Lights mysteriously go on when they were known to be checked as off. Back hall too second floor has cold chilling sensation at times. Thomas Church - The school and the church basement is haunted. Also people have seen chairs and tables move down there. In the school you can feel a presence sometimes of another person, and everyone who went there refused to go in there at night.
The school is now and many believe it to be haunted by a priest who preached there but died, and he left a million dollars for it to stay open.

Thomaston - Thomaston Opera House - Firehouse - Many years ago there was a fire which damaged the entire theatre, in recent years it was restored. There are rumors of ghosts of people, which perished in the flames. Many people experience a feeling of being watched when they are alone in the theatre. The old firehouse next door is apparently haunted as well, though there is not much information on that at this time.
Tolland - the Benton Homestead - Several entities have been seen, including-Jemima Barrows, betrothed to one of the Benton boys who died from smallpox, wandering the halls in her wedding dress, weeping or just her weeping. Torrington - Hill Top Inn Restaurant - witnesses have Seen a little girl there many times, in the 's and to this day young children still see her! Torrington - Oak Ave haunting - Oak Ave In Torrington is haunted by a little girl whom was killed in the late 's in a semi wooded area about a mile from route 8- highway, she is said to walk the street holding a dog collar wearing a long white shredded dress.
Locals have reported seeing her on fogy nights on a fool moon, she is said to wander this area "crying" she is best seen in early winter season. Locals have reportedly tried to approach her and she is said to vanish in to the fogy night. The ghost is said to be named Murph, and he was a homeless guy who was trying to break into the theater to spend the night. He was drunk and fell down the stairs leading to the basement. People have felt cold wind in the middle of summer with no air conditioning and performers have seen things on the balcony during rehearsals only. The lights also go on and off when no one is touching them.
There is also a story of a huge control lever that controls all of the lights in the building. It takes two or three people to pull it down. One day, there were two people at the theater and they were away from the lever and all of a sudden the lights went out.
Shadowlands Haunted Places Index - Connecticut
They came back and the lever was switched off. Unionville - Unionville Cemetery - This cemetery is home to multiple hauntings. One of the best known is the white lady. She is said to wander the cemetery around mid-night.
Hauntings In Connecticut
Multiple orbs of light, voices, and other apparitions also accompany her. Voluntown - Breakneck Hill Road. Breakneck Hill - guard appears randomly walking back and forth at a bend in Breakneck Hill Road. Wallingford - an old gas station - a gas station was built over the foundation of a house that burned down. It was later shut down due to some paranormal activities. For instance, two girls went in there to use the bathroom when suddenly they heard banging on the door and on the wall behind them. And it was so loud and hard, the mirror in there was shaking. Other encounters and sightings have also been reported.
Wallingford - Moses Y. Beach Grade School - At night, the neighbors of the school sometimes say they hear music and see the lights of the gym on. The police would go and investigate only to walk into the school and find that the music and the lights have been turned off abruptly. Some people, believe that the prom or homecoming was supposed to be the night of the tornado that destroyed the high school that was there before the elementary school.
One encounter seen by the school janitor was of a young girl sitting in the corner of the gymnasium crying and pointing at the bleachers saying, "Look at the lady in white by the coat rack. Back in the earlier days of the school, a child fell through the roof of the building.
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- Sugar Creek Gang Set Books 25-30 (Sugar Creek Gang Original Series);
- The Outlaw: Wild West Story (Wild West Series).
Also, after a tragic event, the school was used as a morgue. But who will show up this year is anyone's guess. During the haunted hike, visistors will be fortified with some cookies and apple cider around a campfire. Activities include a scarecrow contest and pie baking competition, plus there will be games, crafts, face painting, refreshments, demonstrations, horse-drawn hayrides, and more.
October 21; 3 pm Bijou Theatre, Fairfield Ave. Having come back from the dead, The Pack adds a spookish spin to their biggest hits, changing up their lyrics to honor their undead lifestyles. A Supernatural Night with Tony Spera: He will also show an exorcism on of a farmer and a New Haven possession case. Audience members are encouraged to dress as their favorite character, throw props during the film, and be ready to yell back lines of dialogue as part of the audience partici- SAY IT! To make participation easier, prop packages which include everything you need to join in the fun can be pre-ordered when ordering tickets.
The day is filled with spooky activities and fun for the entire family. Bring your scary scientists, temerarious techies, eerie engineers and mysterious mathematicians for some silly, spooky STEM fun! October 28; noon - 3 pm Connecticut's Beardsley Zoo, Bridgeport A spooktacular afternoon including harvest hayrides and many other seasonal favorites. Enjoy crafts, story time, cool critters and, of course, candy! Guaranteed to delight and fright all visitors. This family event will feature trick-or-treating, giveaways, displays in the historic buildings, a Food Truck Alley, a bounce house and other kid-friendly games.
A mammoth walk-through attraction featuring six haunted houses and a graveyard all linked by a labyrinth of terrifying trails with 17 adult rides operating. Are you strong enough to survive this all-new haunted attraction? No escape, no time limit, no puzzles—just pure terror. Also, a terrifying tour of the spirit inhabited cemetery and car barn. Nightmare Acres October ; Fri. An award-winning haunted attraction where nightmares become reality. All new for !
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From the assassination of President Garfield to the crimes that inspired the movie "Arsenic and Old Lace," Foundation Director Beverly Lucas shares intriguing stories of sensational trials, tragic crimes and even one unsolved mystery, all of which gripped the imagination of Connecticut residents. Timeless Tales of Fairview Cemetery October ; 6: The popular Lantern Light Tours are back this year with a new theme "Business People of Wethersfield" as well as new characters and stories!
Generous volunteers have aided in the research, costuming, guiding and acting of the tours in order to make this event possible. Enjoy a spooky adventure getting lost in six acres of corn maze after dark. Bring your own flashlight! Enjoy a scary tractor-pulled hayride across a haunted farm with unexpected creatures at every turn.
Keep an eye for the Queen of Halloween! Not recommended for under 8. A spooky theatrical lantern light tour of North Cemetery, featuring encounters with the ghosts of historical characters. The Connecticut Science Center will get a little spooky and a little kooky for the annual Spooktacular Science Weekend! History gets creepy with this spooky look behind the scenes. Tales of vampires, corpses on ice, and death portraits haunt the storage vaults of the CHS. Come and get the history scared out of you!
Led by Lisa Johnson. Who will show up on the K2 meter and the digital voice recorder? What did the Ghost Hunters Team find? What did Harriet Beecher Stowe know about seances and Spiritualism? A spine-tingling tour provides the answers—or does it? Register early as tours sell out quickly. The only night during the year that the cemetery is open to the public after dark. Character actors will share their true-yet-darker-tales. To ensure your participation in this tour, reservations are required for specific time slots!
This tour may NOT be suitable for children under Wear appropriate walking shoes and bring a flashlight. T he most spooktacular party in the state of Connecticut! Witches and wizards, monsters and magicians—all are invited to haunt the galleries and special exhibitions, dance to local musicians and DJs, and unwind with other young professionals in a creative environment. Admission includes entrance to the Museum, beer, wine, entertainment, and activities. Trail Side Tales October ; 6: Barnes Nature Center, Shrub Rd.
Hear about local Connecticut legends told by the ghosts of the legends themselves! Lead by two lantern holding guides Please dress for the weather and wear proper shoes. No strollers or flashlights allowed. Just like in the days of the golden age of radio, actors use live sound effects, music and their storytelling vocal skills to tell the tale of Victor Frankenstein, a promising young doctor who, devastated by the death of his mother, becomes obsessed with bringing the dead back to life. Suitable for children ages and parents. Twinklin' Pumpkins Around the Center October 27; A family-friendly Halloween event with a carved pumpkin contest, costume parade and live entertainment.
A festive Halloween celebration with a chili cook-off sanctioned by the International Chili Society. Competitors arrive from far and wide to compete for cash prizes and the title of Best Chili Cook. Also for the kids, trick-or-treating, face painting, shopping with an array of vendors, live entertainment, beer, wine and other food items. Experience a unique live magic show. Immerse yourself in Victorian splendor as expert magician David Reed-Brown performs fascinating sleight-of-hand tricks and enjoy cocktails and elegant hors d'oeuvres by candlelight.
Be transformed to the Victorian era, the golden age of magic. Tour the houses and the Ancient Burying Ground, where different headstone designs and the beliefs of the times will be examined, plus visit the grave sites of some of the interesting folks interred there. The minute tours leave every 45 minutes.