After I drop you off at home, I'm leaving again to go start. After they got home, Alfred walked to his bedroom and collapsed onto his bed.

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Just please, be home by nine at the latest. Alfred listened to his brother's footsteps until they disappeared out the front door, then he stripped down to his boxers, set his phone to wake him up at five thirty, then layed down on his bed and went to sleep. Alfred's hand shot out and silenced his phone's alarm. He sighed and sat up, stretching his arms over his head. He felt better than he did earlier, that was for sure.

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He checked the time, and just as planned, it was five thirty. Speed dial was amazing. Hurry up and get here! He grabbed his bag that held the books he needed and headed to the kitchen to get something to eat before Arthur showed up. He settled on a hotpocket and sat down on the couch, waiting. There was a knock on the door ten minutes later and Alfred jumped up, swinging the door open. What are you doing here?

I can't stay long, Roderich is in the car and we have to-" " They let him out? That's why I wasn't at school today. He's clearly still depressed as hell. You need to get him on some kind of medicine. The guy tried to kill himself. He's depressed, he needs medicine. He might even need therapy. I don't know, I'm not too good with stuff like that.

Just, take him to the doctors and ask them what they think, and they should tell you what to do. What are you doing here?! Anyway, I'll take him and get him checked out. Thank you Alfred, have a good evening you two. He just came to tell me Roderich was released from the hospital this morning. Did he say how he was? He needs to be on some kind of medication for his depression. They stood there for a few seconds, then Alfred smiled. Lets go, I don't want to get there too late! Arthur barely had time to shut the door before he was dragged down the stairs down to the parking lot.

Once they were on the road, Alfred had to tell Arthur how to get to Ivan's house, and Arthur nearly missed three turns. Speak up before we get two feet away from the turn! After a few more yelled threats and curses, they finally made it, and Alfred jumped out of the car just as Arthur went to punch him in the head. I'm not driving you anywhere unless I know how to get there! Alfred stared after him, then shook his head and walked up to the door. He knocked, and there was a shout from inside, then the door opened and Katyusha smiled.

Alfred raised an eyebrow, looking at her clothes, which were covered in Oh well, please come in, Alfred. I'm not doing that well. You have enough to do with tutoring Ivan. He wasn't expecting to see Ivan sitting on the side of his bed, shirtless. Ivan jumped, blushing and pulling his sheet up around his chest. Alfred blushed and closed his eyes tightly, turning around in the doorway. Natalia nodded to her brother and led Alfred back to the living room.

Ivan doesn't like to wear shirts when he's at home, even though we tell him he should. I probably haven't met her…wonder what she's like, to make Artie swoon. The boy wriggled against Ivan, sighing quietly. For a moment, the two just lay there, luxuriating in the stillness. Then, Alfred tentatively asked the question:. Ivan just pressed his lips to Alfred's forehead and the boy gave him a sad peck in mutual agreement. That guy can read me like a hawk though, so no promises. If Artie sees you with me, he's gonna be demanding to know if you're courting me with the honest intention of marrying me.

But anyway," he said, with a regretful grin, "I'll see you at school tomorrow, babe. He buried his face into the pillow Alfred had been using and inhaled, hugging it tightly to his chest, his neck getting a strange prickling sensation and he couldn't shake the unnerving idea that someone was watching him. Ivan and Alfred wandered into school on Monday morning, hands touching the other's every now and again; the slightest tease of skin.

Blushing, Alfred squirmed and couldn't help but feel the slightest tug of sadness in his heart as he watched other couples walk hand in hand in public around them, carrying each other's books, exchanging chaste kisses by the lockers. They didn't have to think twice about it—no one would judge them, not really. But he and Ivan could only ever be close friends around these people, who had mocked them enough for the smallest hints of being… different.

To be honest, his newfound relationship with Ivan made him want to charge through the halls like a besotted rhino, screaming happily from the roof until his lungs would burst: Alfred sighed, and Ivan gave his hand the most incognito of squeezes, his own eyes wistful but happy.

Ivan was right; hell, they hadn't even been on their first date yet! He slapped the Russian on the back and Alfred turned to meet Mattie, who was running up to them, looking upset. You shouldn't have to put up with that.

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Ivan and Alfred just looked at each other, befuddled. Ivan abruptly grabbed Alfred's hand again as the young blond threw back his head and swore. Some bastard's got way too much time on his hands. Students were slowing down as they passed the defamed locker, whispering amongst themselves. Someone had written the words ' die fag ' in large, spiky red words. Matthew shook his head, looking disgusted.

The other blond shook his head, cheerfully giving his locker the finger before he went scrub the offending words off with his sleeve. Thankfully, the person had used chalk and not permanent marker. It's probably just some random vandal jerkass who just feels like messing with me. Ivan took a long look at the words, squinting slightly.

The handwriting looked distinctively familiar somehow. But Alfred just continued to rub away, and soon the only evidence that there had ever been anything at all was a faint, dusty cloud on Alfred's locker. Ivan's eyes narrowed at it as the twins Alfred began talking, Matthew's voice deathly serious. Anyone been giving you a lot of trouble lately? He turned to Ivan with a raised eyebrow.

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It took Ivan a moment before he could find his voice. Alfred just stared at him before shivering. That's overplaying it just a little. It'll be fine, Vanya. You know some of these people are meaner than rabid dogs and wouldn't mind making trouble for you," he chided as the three started to drift away.

You scared us all to death. Alfred laughed nervously, face flushing. W-well, I was drunk, and…and I, well, um, y'see, I can explain this—". Matthew wearily raised a hand. Judging from what he said, you were all weirded out and refused to come out of the closet.

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Bathroom," he corrected quickly, a light dusting of pink appearing on his face. Alfred looked down at his shoes and made a forlorn whuffling sound. I came home Saturday night to find him completely wasted, and he didn't come home Sunday until midnight. I wonder if these classes are finally driving him off the edge.

Ivan came to an abrupt halt, and the twins actually walked by a few paces before they noticed. Curious, they both doubled back, only for Matthew to swear quietly and for Alfred's eyes to become livid. Ivan gave him a bemused, sad look. The Russian's locker was covered in red chalk; for some reason or another, a wilting foxglove had been taped on it.

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In large, neat letters, someone had scribbled out:. The three boys had stormed to the dean's office, but the man claimed there wasn't anything he could do but call a janitor to clean up the mess. Alfred had hoped he would at least hire big, burly security guards to stand watch over their lockers, but the man had only gotten all huffy and told him not to be ridiculous; if it happened again, the boys could change lockers. Alfred rolled his eyes as he fumbled with the lock. It DOES seem like a pretty big coincky-dink, considerin' it happened the weekend after you and I…well….

Who the hell knows. But," he added as they pulled Alfred's bicycle free, "We'll be okay. If we see some other ass scribbling on our stuff, then we kick ass, take names, and let them eat shit. He wouldn't have been surprised if Alfred had wanted to break up with him then and there. Alfred put a hand on his hip and gave Ivan a sultry look. They totally weren't this morning! Perhaps you poked tiny holes on them on way to school and now—". Someone had sliced decisively LARGE holes in Alfred's bicycle wheels, leaving two sad, ruined clumps of rubber in their wake. Arthur looked up from his laptop with a small tired small when Alfred came in to their bedroom.

The shades underneath his eyes were a tad darker than normal. How was your day? In answer, Alfred flopped on his bed and buried his face in a pillow. He faintly heard his brother ask, "What's wrong, love? Did you have a fight at school? With one of your friends, perhaps? Alfred slowly shook his head wearily, sighing heartily. I kinda wish I had….

Artie, I…" he pulled his face out of the pillow, and Arthur turned from his work to nod at him encouragingly when no answer was forthwith coming. His normally merry azure eyes were decidedly dull today. He plopped his head down and stared at the ceiling. Be sure you commit it to memory. Arthur slowly turned back to his textbooks, a displeased frown slowly spreading on his face, bleeding on it like the shining ink on his page.

Flower Guy so I thought you'd know—what do those little catgloves…uh, rabbitgloves…. Oh, that symbolizes insincerity.

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Foxglove flowers are also quite poisonous. Why do you ask? The two were nervous when they approached their lockers the next morning, but both sighed in relief when they discovered they had been left untouched. But people were continuing to give them strange looks in the hallways, and girls congregated to whisper in each other's ears when the two headed down to lunch.

We started with Yellow Submarine and it is very easy for him to learn. It looks easy to handle for him too. I downloaded the tune online and played for him on a speaker. He really enjoys playing with the song. Alfred's Kid's Drum Course Complete: The Easiest Drum Method Ever! Only 13 left in stock more on the way. I have been struggling for three years to develop an effective method for teaching Elementary aged children beginning percussion lessons.

This book has everything I have been looking for all in a very kid friendly package.

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I can't wait to start using it tomorrow! Alfred's Kid's Drum Course, Bk 1: This book was perfect for our beginning drummer who couldn't even clap in rhythm. The CD contains orchestrations, with which the drummer is expected to play along. This is the whole goal of drumming -- to play with an ensemble.

It makes the kids learn to feel the beat. Yes, it was hard for our rhythmically-challenged youngster. Just a Little Music. This is one of our all time favourite small kid series! We have read Little Critter books for as long back as I can remember, and they are still just as enjoyable as they were nearly 20 years ago. They have the perfect amount of humour, real life scenarios, and cute illustrations! I highly recommend them and look forward to many more years of enjoying the antics of Little Critter!

Drum Lessons for Kids of All Ages. Love love love this book! Use for my younger drum students and they love it.