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They run and scream, and when it's all over, they are absolutely delighted. Unfortunately for Stoker-on-Avon I have a special weakness for graphic novels, especially fantasy stories that look to play with conventions - and Monster on the Hill most definitely did. Unfortunately for Stoker-on-Avon, Rayburn has a bit of depression going on.

Paramount Animation Wrestles With ‘Monster on the Hill’

He doesn't want to do much of anything, and his sighs and grumblings are bringing down the whole town. When a disgraced doctor, and a plucky kid go to help him out of his funk, it's a surprise to all of them what they find along the way to getting Rayburn's monsterly abilities back! Friendship and adventure await them as they travel to visit an old school buddy of Rayburn's. I really enjoyed the interactions between Timothy, the Doctor and Rayburn. More than once I laughed out loud, chuckled to myself, and just grinned about something they'd done or said.

The story and dialogue tickled me with it's sly, dry, and slightly sarcastic humor; propelling me through the book. Though we're in the s, there's plenty of anachronistic mentions that made some of the jokes even funnier. By the end of the journey, I was simply delighted to have been able to read this book. If you like silly, goofy, quirky and plain old fun - no matter your age - I'd definitely recommend this. Oct 15, Leah rated it really liked it Shelves: Apr 05, Sarri rated it liked it Shelves: Sep 29, Donna rated it it was amazing Shelves: Depressed monster Rayburn, who has disappointed his village by not being monstrous enough, travels to meet a fellow monster Tentaculor, known as Noodles to his friends.

This middle-school age graphic novel, by the cartoonist who does Adam Home, has something for everyone. Monster trading cards - check! A good 'you can do it' story that's not preachy - yep! Mad scientist with a heart - you bet. Rayburn's fight with a psychotree made me laugh and his battle with the Murk made me feel go Depressed monster Rayburn, who has disappointed his village by not being monstrous enough, travels to meet a fellow monster Tentaculor, known as Noodles to his friends. Rayburn's fight with a psychotree made me laugh and his battle with the Murk made me feel good.

Give this one a try. Jul 18, Darcy Roar rated it really liked it Shelves: While the story has some nice moments it's missing some kind of glue to hold the points together character glue, plot glue, theme glue, whatever works. The art is quite cute and the story would be great for some or even most kids. I think what it boils down to is that as a kids book this one does a nice job, it just doesn't have that quality that makes it worth reading past a certain age.

Monster on the Hill by Rob Harrell

Mar 06, Susan rated it really liked it. Well, this was fun. Jul 01, Barb Middleton rated it it was amazing Shelves: What a gorgeous graphic novel. I am a color girl. If you tell me your name it will most likely blip into the black hole region of my brain, but if you ask me what color shirt you were wearing when we met then I can give you the color and whatever do-dad was written on the front or hanging around your neck. Too bad I never had access to comics as a kid.

Monster on the Hill

Too bad they were considered low-brow literature by the school librarian. I have not read many graphic novels but the ones I have lately, such as What a gorgeous graphic novel. I have not read many graphic novels but the ones I have lately, such as Nathan Hale's Hazardous tales, Salem Hyde series, and now this one, have given me the motivation to add more to my repertoire. They are funny, clever, and down-right twisty fun.

This story starts with a monster terrorizing the town of Billingwood, England during the s. Tentacular is a vision of terror and the residents are thrilled by the destruction and horror he paves through their town each day. Bragging rights are theirs for the best monster in the area. Tourism is up and residents are proud as peach of their monster. There is even a plush souvenir of Tentacular. Things are different in the nearby town of Stoker-on-Avon. Their monster, Raymond, is depressed.

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He can be found cowering in his cave versus rampaging through town. The town fathers hire a scientist, Dr. Charles Nathaniel Wilkie, to fix Raymond. This author has great humor and play on words. Take "Stoker-on-Avon" and the town fathers. Timothy the town-crier looks like a character out of a Dickens novel. Mood and setting are established by references to classics. The town fathers are named Mr. Shelley, and it is delicious details like this that elevate the humor for adults and children.

Robert Louis Stevenson also wrote eerie short stories while Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" is familiar to most. While young readers might not catch the references, they are going to love the monsters and scariness mixed with humor and gags. Wilkie, has had his licensed revoked for questionable experiments. If he helps the down-and-out town dud of a monster he can have his lab for research back.

The town crier, Timothy, stows along as he heads to the monsters cave. Timothy is the perfect foil to the doctor adding humor and practical advice. He has a thicker British accent than the other characters making "'im one of me favorites. Sounds like you've got a bit of a confidence problem! They ensuing sarcastic comments by Timothy and followup gags had me hooting or "bleedin' ecstatic. But Raymond finds much more. He discovers the meaning of friendship and faces his fears. Toss in the loyalty of an old friend and a villain much like the Wicked Witch of the West and you have a great story.

The illustrations are terrific and color vibrant. A must for your library. Oct 16, Kristin rated it it was amazing Shelves: Check this review out and others on my blog: This graphic novel probably has everything you really need in a comic book - humor, adventure, friendship, inspiring acts of courage and a sense that the main character has found their sense of self and purpose.

What I liked best about this book was the dry humor. Fans of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy need look no further for a quick shorthand in this graphic novel. The monster in question also eerily resembles Marvin the depressed robot f Check this review out and others on my blog: The monster in question also eerily resembles Marvin the depressed robot from the Douglas Adams book. I would suggest this to fans of the Bone series, though I liked this better.

It's funnier, and it has a little more heart. Rayburn the dragon hides out in his lair and hasn't attacked the city where he lives in a number of years. He's just not inspired anymore. He doesn't think he's a very good monster, and he does very little aside from sulk. This lack of pillaging on the part of Ray is ruining the town's local economy and lowering the morale of the villagers other cities have way better monsters.

The town decides to send a poor excuse for a doctor and scientist out to help this dragon. If he succeeds, his license to experiment and practice will be reinstated. The town crier comes along, and the the plot to get this monster back on his feet is hatched. These three unlikely friends head out in search of some of Ray's old school friends to try to get his enthusiasm back, but of course many hiccups occur along the way.

Also, a really threatening monster may be on its way to Ray's town to do some actual damage. If Ray doesn't find his sense of self and purpose, it's going to be bad news for more than just his village. Aug 08, Nicola Mansfield rated it it was amazing. This has got to be one of the funniest stories I've come across lately. Written in "British", I was flummoxed to find the author's biography professes him to be a pure bred American! A delightful simply silly story that will have you laughing and chuckling with a smile on your face for the whole read.

You can't help but love all the characters: Wilkie, inventor with revoked licence to practice who has been sent out to get Rayburn to act more monster-like. But while they are all at it little do they know that a terror worse than the average town monster quickly sees his opportunity to destroy Rayburn's town.

Excitement enters the story when they race against time to reach the city to fight this fiend and wonder whether Rayburn will be up to the challenge. A note some parents may want to take into consideration: My only quip with this book, is that it is obviously for kids as low in age as 8 years-old, but I have a problem with the much often repeated use of the words "bloody, bleeding, and bloody Hell". It is British swearing and as an ex-pat. Brit, I'm not comfortable with anyone using that language in my home let alone young children, however if you are comfortable with it you won't have that problem.

Aug 29, Samantha rated it it was amazing Shelves: In Billingwood, England in the year there's a problem. The town monster isn't scary and it's causing residents to travel to nearby towns to seek monstrous thrills. Enter Doc, a kooky professor-type who has messed up a time or two in his past, but has the opportunity to right those wrongs and regain access to his laboratory if he can fix the monster known as Rayburn. Along the way he crosses paths with a plucky newsboy who stows away in his luggage to help with the task. What neither Doc nor In Billingwood, England in the year there's a problem.

What neither Doc nor Timothy are prepared for is a depressed monster with confidence issues. After discovering that Rayburn has a tie to Tentacular, a nearby world-renowned town monster, the trio sets off looking for some inspiration. Tentacular is pretty excited about the reunion, but learns that Rayburn has left his town unguarded during his journey; a bad decision to say the least. All monsters fear a creature known as the Murk who leaves only death and destruction in his wake. All head back to Billingwood to defend the town against pure evil. Such a great read!

Adventure, humor, dialect, zany inventions, and memorable characters make this a must read for fans of Doug Ten Napel and something that will appeal to the grade crowd. Jul 29, Charles Hatfield rated it liked it.

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It has the bouncy, galumphing charm and tricked-up, ready-made characterizations of such films, the gleeful anachronisms in defiance of its pseudo-Victorian setting , and the messages of self-actualization that we've seen time and again. It started out, to me, very promisingly, with its off-the-wall gags and breezy, almost sarcastic cleverness; eventually, though, the story goes down a too-settled groove and feels too pat, with conclusions hardly fought for and moments that too obviously intend to be outsized comic surprises.

I predict the book gets optioned for a film within the next two years. Mar 01, Mark rated it really liked it. A fun graphic novel set in Victorian England about a depressed, insecure town monster. Now, after centuries together, a mid-life crisis threatens to send them on their The curator at the Museum of SuperNatural History must protect the world's best-kept secrets.

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    He develops self-awareness, consciousness, and a fear of the In a world where monsters are tame and monster wrestling is a popular sport, Winnie seeks to follow in her father's footsteps as a manager by turning an inexperienced monster into a contender. Unfortunately a trip to his friend Tentaculor leaves Stoker-on-Avon without a guardian.

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    • I feel that way because my instinct right now is to begin by talking about the colors in this book, which is kind of an odd choice. But see, kids these days are spoiled. They love their comics to be full-color, an expensive and time-consuming proposition most of the time. They rely on good old-fashioned computer coloring. The colors in this book are understated without being muted. They match the storyline perfectly. Not every graphic novel can say the same. Then there is the writing. Can we talk timing for a bit here? The beginning starts with a big old bang. As the book progresses, Harrell harnesses his storyline perfectly.

      Clearly he has the storytelling gene. But how are the jokes? We are, after all, talking about a syndicated cartoonist.

      The Automatic - Monster Official Video

      You bet your sweet bippy it does.