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Descriptive Writing: The Cluttered Room | Profesorbaker's Worldwide English Blog

Each one is entertaining, informative, and very high quality. PBS also rightly figured that their audience would include teachers. They have a site where there are handouts, freely downloadable, to use with your students. I believe they are a great starting point for numerous class discussions and projects.

Death Memoirs and What They Impart to the Living

Just click on the link below for your free download:. It has a a Pope and Leonardo de Vinci, among other Renaissance personalities…. Needless to say, I found the PBS video series to be quite fascinating. You are commenting using your WordPress.

5 Bedroom Decluttering Tips! Easy & Quick Ideas for How to Clean & Organize (Clean My Space)

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Profesorbaker's Worldwide English Blog. He enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics. The source and inspiration for his writing comes from his family.

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Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: All push the conversation deeper, into the achingly personal as well as the universal. All seem to move toward an acceptance and awed appreciation of their lives in all the untidy and complicated ways they played out. Later, she elaborates on the lived experience she grew to cherish: I want all of it—all the things to do with living—and I want them to keep feeling messy and confusing and even sometimes boring.

The carpool line and the backpacks and the light that fills the room in the building where I wait while the kids take piano lessons.

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The sound of my extended family laughing downstairs. I was not prepared for the final passages of each breath-taking memoir, knowing the inevitable drew near with every turn of the page. Whether a sign of a life well-lived or of the cruelty of death, it seems the authors were not ready to say goodbye either. In the end, I found little solace or closure in these memoirs on death; in fact, they underscored for me the profound unfairness of a beautiful life cut short.

But their searing honesty and courage and insight kept my grief company.

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They allowed me to weep, rage, admit my fear. They helped me reflect on my life and settle into the living I have left to do. These stories changed me—I am more apt to savor the sound of laughter in the house and how the light streams into the room and the way these hands now reach and type and create.