First, read short stories. Where do you find great short stories? Write your story in a single sitting. Read your story through once, without changing anything , to get a sense of what work it needs going forward. A lonely, Southern woman is found dead and decaying in her home after being abandoned by her lover. Write, edit, write, and edit. Good writing is rewriting. Use your second draft to fill in the plot holes and cut out the extraneous scenes and characters you discovered when you read the first draft in step 2.

Here are our best short story ideas to kickstart your writing. Tell the story of a scar, whether a physical scar or emotional one. Instead, they look it directly into its dark face and describe what they see on the page. Orphans are uniquely vulnerable, and as such, they have the most potential for growth. Not all fortunes are good.

How To Choose and Build a Powerful Theme for Your Story — Well-Storied.

Sometimes discovering a fortune will destroy your life. A long journey is interrupted by a disaster. I think maybe it would be better if you had the human world Assia be slightly different than our world and Gehenna be different than the Hell that is generally known; when you say demon world that sounds more interesting to me because- I dunno- the thought of a place full of demons is creepy. My pen and computer literally fight me, anyone else with this problem?? I am 14 years old and in the 9th grade. I needed something fun to write about for a creative writing report.

I found this website and fell in love! I have so much idea for stories. I begin to notice the similar in them. If you have great idea for start of story and end of story then you will have great story by connecting them up from begin of story toward the end. That is what i get so many good ideas. I myself am a 12 year old girl and I love to write and I am writing a story about a heroic act and hope to someday get it published.

I myself am 11 and I love to read and write. When it comes to suspense in a story I get triggered to keep on reading to find out what happens next! Lean on each other during this time of difficulty. Remember the good times you had with her. This will honor her. Don't try to make sense of the why. God has a time and a reason for everything and most of all turn to God and pray.

He is there for you. I just started writing. Well, not really, I have been writing my whole life but I just decided that this is going to be what I want to do for the rest of my life. I am going to go through them one at a time and use it as more of a challenge. Write a story for each one, once a week. Tell the story of a scar, whether a physical or emotional one. We will see how it goes. Thank you so much for these wonderful ideas, they really helped me.

I am trying to write a story on every idea. I feel very much encouraged in this, honestly i am not a writer but through this kind of discuss i see myself writing such an interesting short story,, thank you. Genre writing is entertaining, literature transforms you in some unspeakable, eery way. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed browsing your blog posts.

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I love this site. It is very helpful with trying to find a story idea. I hope there will be new ideas soon. I will have to show this site to my writing club. I have some many ideas going threw my head. This is amazing know i have an idea for my paper. This helped me write my fictional story for a story writing competition.

It turned out awesome! I think im gonna use the idea of the main character litterally bumping into their soulmate, but there will be a catch….. The guy died two years ago after he was shot in his heart. I need a short story idea that involves a little bit of love. Throughout the story, he is constantly made fun of or bad events happen, always in groups of 3. Near the end, a private school principle goes past and notices how underappreciated the boy is, and notices that he is really intelligent. Amazing ideas…really helped a lot.. I need help picking which one do you like better poor meets unexpected fortune or be careful what you wish for.

I grab my overstuffed duffel bag from the boot and race toward the fence leading to the beach. The grey rocks are splattered a creamy-yellow with near-sprouting lichen. Under them are the brightly colored, orange-brown weeds, with white sand sprayed across the water and rocks. You could see the water all the way to the bottom, as clear as light viridescent bottle-glass. If you looked closely, you could see starfish and sea-urchins sleeping lazily on the wide pieces of flowery pink coral.

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I paused for a second to breathe in the sea breeze, the seaweed and the salty sting of the water in the air. I leaped into the ocean. The icy water froze the toes that had been warm just a second ago and the water swallowed my head as I dove down. I could taste the bittersweet, salty, cold water running down my throat and I came up for air, not wanting more water being accidentally swallowed. I could hear the water smashing against the yellow-white sand, the joyful squeals of small children and adults as they watched their kids have fun, and the soft swishes of my feet in the water.

Suddenly I started to shiver. It was too cold in the water. I hopped out and raced toward my mum, who was setting up the umbrella and towel. The hot ray of sun slammed onto my freezing body and my drenched hair slapped against my wet back while the hot sand squelched in between my soaked toes.

How To Choose and Build a Powerful Theme for Your Story

After eating a delicious lunch of ham and cheese sandwiches, I stood up. It was time to go exploring. I ventured into the forest that lay beyond the beach. I stopped suddenly and gasped. Lying on the smooth green grass was a rowboat, streaked with layers of dirt and made of aging wood. The paint swirled off the boat like carrot peelings. I sailed out far on the ocean, bobbing on the sun-dotted water, my eyes locked on the skyline, where blue met blue. This actually gave me a good idea! The going on a journey and running into something or finding something out seems fun. I want to put mystery, survival technique, and a type of tested human being from scientist in another world in my story.

I hope my idea also helps other people too. These are all my favorite types of things I can put in a movie or book! My name is Erica and I am currently working on story idea. I am going to use three ideas on this page on start. I want an opinion on the idea. Here go My main character family member brother and his friends runs into the path of a monster s [I was thinking about a gang or alone] and either witness a death or discover a dead body or both.

He or she heard about it on the news or neighbors. Please let me know how is it and your opinion on the idea. Also I am not good with gamma so sorry. I think I might try one for fun. Thanks for making this!! Thanks for the ideas! I have considered becoming an author many times. Guess i have until college to choose my profession. Anyone got any other ideas?? All these beefs I just ran through, hit a milli in a month Where were you? Hold on, hold on, hold on espera Can we switch the language? Everyone makes mistakes believe it or not, even professional authors!

This helped a lot. Some excel at it, some are only okay, and others are against it completely, despite being able to use it. Your main character is the latter. Then your character, through research and hard work, discovers you can even alter time. While deep in the jungle on an assignment, they accidentally allow themselves to be seen by someone from the society, a big no-no.

What that person is capable of is beyond the world your character knew existed. The actual earth is sick and killing all the plants and probably life as they know it. The other wants nothing more than to have magic. How far is that one person willing to go to make that magic theirs? Fantasy is a wildly popular genre. There are countless fantasy worlds out there and that means you really have to focus on being unique within your world. Are you one who loves advanced technology, diseases, and even space travel?

If so, science fiction writing is right up your alley. When it comes to creating new technologies and advanced societies, you really have to think outside the box. Your character has no memory from before they wake. Your main character despises what they were created for. This has never happened before. Your character is the engineer keeping the system running and when they uncover how it works, they contemplate abandoning everything they know. Now your characters can even hook up with people through your phone, all while staying at home.

But when a glitch alters the mechanisms, what was once pleasure becomes pain and the user gets trapped in a VR state. When someone new finally learns the truth, reality becomes…confusing. Now, with only a short adulthood left to live, your character must ensure nobody else learns of this secret. But…well, news spreads fast. When a shiny, unnatural looking contraption touches down and creatures emerge , everything they once knew changes. This genre is another very popular one, and for good reason. You can imagine a realistic, yet very different future than what we currently have.

But you also want to make sure to remember a few of these guidelines when creating your science fiction world: It fits with the sci-fi world and further creates a sense of realism and it pulls the reader deeper into the world. As this genre gains more and more popularity, you may find yourself wondering what a certain post-apocalyptic world might look like. Due to climate change, all food has to be manufactured in bulk and distributed.

There is no flavor and is the same every day.

Examples Of Themes

Your character, who has spent their entire life in this world, takes a trip to the mountains far away from their home. There, they discover real plants , and on them, berries.

Your character ends up in their clutches, forced to do their bidding. Your character is one of many attempting to board a ship set for a new in-ocean settlement. Turns out, your character is immune to the substance. Now your main character must navigate a world where governments no longer exist, money is useless, and survival is the only objective.

Oh, and they have a debilitating medical condition to look after, too. Dystopian novels are one of the biggest trends sweeping the literary world. In fact, they just want to escape from their own life for a little bit but prefer to read something realistic, something they can relate to.

Our 100 Best Short Story Ideas

Contemporary writing is all about forming connections with readers. They just graduated high school and are off to a very good college to get their degree in something reliable. After attending the secret underground event, they become a part of the biggest activist group out there…and nobody even knows who they are.

But for some reason, the person addressing them thinks they already know everything about it.

Now your character has to decide between getting involved with their real mother or cutting ties forever. Your main character has been feared it or been affected by it. I personally believe contemporary can be one of the hardest genres to write because you have the least wiggle room when it comes to creativity. Romance is the most popular book genre out there right now.