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I'm not going to go into the story too much because that would be mean, and you should read it for yourselves because it's fabulous and most definitely worth it, but I will say that Jamie and Brandon are destined to be together, the sex is hot, Jamie is not the only Revenant to have survived his Master, and ruling members of the Weaver Council are being killed off at an alarming rate Brandon is aware because of his father's behaviour I have added the shelf Paranormal, the publishers say it is Fantasy View all 26 comments.

May 19, R. EJ Sutter is not a new author to me. I have read some of her writing before. I was excited to see she had followed the path to being published. I wasn't wrong in knowing this would be awesome. The hallmarks of EJ's writing is that it digs deep into character, and the world building is exceptional. I don't know how many words it is but it is wonderful reading. I didn't want to put it down I fell in love with Jamie, I watched Brandon become more than he thought he could be I love the Weavers, the Shadow Worlds, the Revenants I can't wait for book Nor is it unecessary.

So don't be put off by that Aug 16, Thomaidha Papa rated it it was amazing Shelves: It simply relies in the same idea when it comes to the magic the characters wield. But let me start th 4. But let me start this differently, perhaps from the beginning. The Shadow Worlds are vanishing. A dark storm cloud is falling onto them and leaving nothing in its wake. The Shadow Worlds — parallel worlds identical to our Earth — were once numerous, with the farthest World being the home of the Weavers.

People that learned how to manipulate and weave the energies and create Spells, Ritual etc. But now the dark storms are moving and every couple of hundred years they are swallowing another world. Through the thousands of years the Weavers move from world to world they started helping their hosts and making their life better using their magic.

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They never lost a war and their greatest ritual was that of Binding a Revenant. I am hooked with this new series. The beginning is somewhat slow, with a steady pace; slowly introducing you to the lore and the basics of the story, while in the meantime introduces you to our protagonists. Through flashbacks we get to know Jaime, the Revenant, who he was and what his life was like before he died, his new life as a Revenant and ultimately what his purpose is.

Nov 17, Kelly H. I really enjoyed it very much. It was exciting, an interesting world, enticing character, and a good plot. There was potential for lots of danger and intrique and peril. And then it ended on a damned cliffhanger. It's the only book attributed to the author in Goodreads it was published in Yeah, I'm not holding my breath, either.

There were a lot of flashbacks that just weren't very interesting. The text itself was giving as much informat 3. The text itself was giving as much information as was needed so really the memories were only to give a personal feel for Jamie's past. While I understand that, it just wasn't interesting or exciting and as the flashbacks were frequent, they often interrupted the action when I just wanted to read forward.

While a certain amount of that builds suspense, it was too much and too often and I just found it frustrating. Grammar was sometimes an issue where the text was trying to hard to be correct and got it wrong. The paragraphs were also really long which is particularly a problem when someone is reading on an e-reader. Sometimes a paragraph can take more than a screen's worth and that makes it difficult to read.

Paragraph breaks exist for a reason.

The Fall of the Weavers Series

There were some things I wasn't fond of like the fact that view spoiler [Jamie shouldn't have trusted Brandon again under any circumstances. It could all have been to lure Jamie into revealing the location of the documents. I also didn't like how long it took for the MCs to meet each other. I felt her emotions and couldn't wait to see what happened next.

You'll love how simple and devoted these beings are. This paranormal read is well worth the time. I suggest you keep an eye on this author, she's going to be a bestseller in no time. I didn't find any issues. I gave this one 5 cheers out of 5 because it's a beautiful story and told with great finesse. Feb 01, Spunky N Sassy rated it it was amazing.

Your taken to another realm, and you're not sure if it's heaven or hell!! Anima is a Dreamweaver, an entity that enters a human and helps them to dream. And, she is bored stiff. She has been doing the same thing day in and day out for what seems like forever. Her partner, Dmitri, is her pilot when she goes on her missions to help humans dream and to collect lummus, the light from pleasant dreams.

This lummus is taken to the supervisor who adds it to the store of accumulated lummus. Then once a day everyone is given their ration. It is what the beings in this world live on. It restores their energy. Anima has heard stories of an exalted being who will one day appear and save their realm. However, this sounds incredulous, since what do they need to be saved from? This is an incredible story of a parallel realm that will soon go to war. Who will they war against? Are these fantastic beings angels? And what is the story of Anima having a mother?

I couldn't put it down. I received this in exchange of an honest review, 5 Stars! I can't wait until the next book comes out!! Jan 10, E. Irwin rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Sci-Fi readers, romance readers. I'm not normally a paranormal type reader.

It's full of imagination. I loved the alternate world C. I loved her characters; she has many, each with their own depth and dynamic, and she weaves them so well throughout the story. Anima cracks me up as she discovers herself, her abilities, and the differences between her world and the human world.

Dimitri is a good friend, w I'm not normally a paranormal type reader. Dimitri is a good friend, who stands by Anima, and sees to her safety and well-being.

The Fall of the Weavers Series by E.J. Sutter

Zepar, I loved him. He's the Sentry Leader. And I love the way he sees Anima and how he interacts with her. How he tests her. I haven't decided if his interest is fully romantic, but there is potential for it. He's a Death Angel. I love how he doesn't hold Anima's hand. He allows her to stumble and fall, and yet he seems to do what he can to protect her as well. I'm anxious to see where C. This is wonderful storytelling. Jan 20, Brittany Shivers rated it it was amazing. I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Anima is a Dreamweaver who harvested the dreams of humans, Dmitri is a pilot who opens the portal in the Realm for the harvester to enter the world to collect Lumus, energy harvested from humans in exchange for dreams.

Anima began feeling different from everyone, as if her life was lacking something. Dmitri and Anima were chosen for an elite group. Causeing life for Anima get a whole lot more exciting. Harvesting became a challenge as well as I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Harvesting became a challenge as well as enlightening. In the process she meets Azrael, who makes her question everything. With things going out of control Anima must survive in a world completely foreign to her. You will not be able to put this book down nor will you want it to end.

Dec 28, Riza rated it it was amazing Shelves: I finished the book in one sitting. Dreamweavers is interesting, unique, the different kind of emotions and anticipation will sucked you up until the very last page. I really don't know what I'm going to write here without giving away a spoiler but believe me when I say: This is a must read! Nov 23, C. This is not a review. Just want to say: Hope you enjoy reading about Anima and fall in love with her as much as I have.

She's a part of my life now and I am as excited as you to find out where the story will take us, for this is as much as Anima's journey as mine. She leads me into all the twists and turns of her amazing life every time I delve into her story. I wish I will do her justice.

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Dec 04, K. Wood rated it it was amazing. This is not like any story I've read in several years. The world building is unique and so imaginative. The characters are ever evolving and the mystery of their lives and journey crafted in such a way that reminds me why I love paranormal reads so much. Highly recommended for readers who enjoy fantastic paranormal reads. Jan 10, Elise Faber rated it it was amazing. Dreamweavers by CC Ravanera is an awesome read. It follows Anima as she learns that everything she'd ever known about her lift is altered and new responsibilities are piled onto her shoulders.

It has action, fantasy, romance, and the world CC has built is amazing! Feb 02, Joanne rated it really liked it. My only complaint is that I have to wait for the next book to come out to get more of this story because the story didn't end with this book! I do not like waiting!

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Aug 14, Neeny Boucher rated it it was amazing. The author has a vivid imagination and the ability to develop likable characters, even the Angel of Death. Anima, the main female lead, is a Dreamweaver. She harvests the dreams of humans, using the energy to sustain her people who live in the paranormal realm.

Through contact with people, something begins to change in Anima. Curiosity sets her apart and when the opportunity to join an elite team of Dreamweavers is offered, Anima grabs the chance with both hands. What occurs, however, is like the old adage: What unfolds is an unknown destiny and new knowledge that can shake the foundations of her and our human world. This story is filled with likable characters. Anima is one of those characters who lives long in the memory - even at times when she should have come with a hazard warning.

Some of the secondary characters in this story are my favourites and I long to know what will happen to them. Azrael, the Angel of Death. Speaking of Azz, he is a great inclusion into the mix. I have to say, this book is a bit of a slow burn. It starts slowly, revealing layers and building to climactic parts.

To be fair, however, the author is building a very intricate world, which takes some explaining. This story is vivid, creative, and unique. Recommended to all paranormal and fantasy fans, and also, to Young Adults. Aug 28, Tricia rated it really liked it Shelves: It's not too often that I can say a book genuinely surprised me, but this one really did!

  1. The Complete Idiots Guide to Natural Childbirth.
  2. Dreamweavers.
  3. The Problems of Governments!

I thought I had a semi-solid idea of where things were heading, but I was way off. I had never even considered it. And let me tell you, it was a way cool twist. Sorry about the general vagueness here, but I wouldn't dream of giving anything away, and it just needed to be said how pleasantly surprised I was with the direction the story took.

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Now it must also be said that, I felt like, it took awhile to actu It's not too often that I can say a book genuinely surprised me, but this one really did! Now it must also be said that, I felt like, it took awhile to actually get into the story. It started off rather slow, just some hushed whispers of bigger things potentially happening. Lots of getting to know the Dreamweaver people and the what they do, which totally made sense and all but it wasn't initially grabbing my attention.

The Dreamweavers also seemed to be kind of detached emotionally for the most part, which in turn took me longer to actually get invested in the characters. It was so crazy though because one minute I'm dragging along and then The story just took off. So many things were happening. I was actually growing attached to these characters, especially Anima who was thawing out and coming to life.

I couldn't put the book down. This was not what I was expecting at all in the very best way! The world was suddenly getting larger and more intriguing, new mysterious characters were being introduced, and everything I thought I knew was shattered, but built back up richer and more enchanting than ever.

I think the author took some bold chances with certain things and it really paid off in a big way. There didn't really appear to be a romance going on, but there were a few potentials for sure. It was nice not to be thrown into insta-love or any love triangles for once. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information.

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