In this paper we present the design of a scheme, called Persona that can provide anonymity and accountability in the network layer of NGI. More specifically, our design requirements are to combine these two conflicting desires in a stateless manner within routers. Persona allows users to choose different levels of anonymity, while it allows the discovery of malicious nodes. Most research on self-presentation has examined how people convey images of themselves on only 1 or 2 dimensions at a time.
In everyday interactions, however, people often manage their impressions on several image-relevant dimensions simultaneously. By examining people's self-presentations to several targets across multiple dimensions, these 2 studies offer new insights into the nature of self-presentation and provide a novel paradigm for studying impression management.
Results showed that most people rely on a relatively small number of basic self-presentational personas in which they convey particular profiles of impressions as a set and that these personas reflect both normative influences to project images that are appropriate to a particular target and distinctive influences by which people put an idiosyncratic spin on these normative images. Furthermore, although people's self-presentational profiles correlate moderately with their self-views, they tailor their public images to specific targets.
The degree to which participants' self-presentations were normative and distinctive, as well as the extent to which they reflected their own self-views, were moderated by individual differences in agreeableness, self-esteem, authenticity, and Machiavellianism. New " persona " concept helps site designers cater to target user segments' needs.
Using the relatively new " persona " design concept, Web strategists create a set of archetypical user characters, each one representing one of their site's primary audiences.
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Then, as their site is constructed or upgraded, they champion the personas , arguing on their behalf and forcing the design team to take each audience's needs and wants into account. Cultivating "Una Persona Educada: This essay focuses on the need to educate the new " persona educada", a dignified, honorable person with a good measure of social and personal responsibility who also possesses the habits of the mind and heart. To cultivate "una persona educada" requires a newly formed vision of education and pedagogy. Examples of three entrenched agreements that…. Using personas to tailor educational messages to the preferences of coronary heart disease patients.
Although tailoring health education messages to individual characteristics of patients has shown promising results, most patient education materials still take a one-size-fits-all approach. The aim of this study was to develop a method for tailoring health education messages to patients' preferences for various message features, using the concept of personas. This is a preliminary study focused on education for coronary heart disease CHD patients. This study used a three-step approach. First, we created personas by i performing k-means cluster analysis on data from an online survey that assessed the preferences of CHD patients for various message features and, ii creating a vivid description of the preferences per patient cluster in an iterative process with the research team.
Second, we developed adaptation rules to tailor existing educational messages to the resulting personas. Third, we conducted a pilot validation by adapting nine existing educational messages to each of the personas. These messages and the resulting personas were then presented to a separate group of 38 CHD patients who visited the cardiology outpatient clinic.
They were first asked to choose their most preferred, second most preferred, and least preferred persona. Subsequently, they were asked to rate three of the adapted messages; one for every of the persona choices. We created five personas that pertained to five patient clusters. Personas varied mainly on preferences for medical or lay language, current or future temporal perspective, and including or excluding explicit health risks.
Fifty-five different adaptation rules were developed, primarily describing adaptations to the message's perspective, level of detail, sentence structure, and terminology. Most participants in the validation study could identify with one of the five personas , although some of them found it hard to choose. Appreciating the Persona paradox: Eliciting user requirements from HIV-positive gay men who smoke can be challenging.
This is because of the complex relationship between social stigma and gender identities e. Inspired to engage HIV-positive gay men in the development of a web-assisted tobacco intervention, we used personas as a main communication tool in our participatory design sessions. Personas are characters created by users that embody part of their own behaviours, thoughts, and motivations.
In an apparent paradox, this article is a description of how the use of personas to ensure less realistic self-representation provided an impetus for more self-disclosure. Findings and feedbacks from this study reveal that personas are an effective design tool to engage users in sensitive topics. Implications for future work are also discussed. Modeling the Oldest Old: There is a recognized need to develop information technology for the delivery of care services to older adults. However, little attention has been paid to the design of information technology for the oldest old demographic.
We made novel use of data from observations, focus groups and cluster analysis of oldest old participant characteristics from a pilot study in a community setting to iteratively construct personas for the design of information technology for the oldest old. In addition, we provide a list of eleven design recommendations to guide the design of technology that supports the abilities of people like Hazel and Rose.
The resulting personas , design recommendations and persona construction method can be useful tools for informaticians and designers of new systems for the oldest old. Nothing but the truth: The question of the analyst's self-disclosure and self-revelation inhabits every moment of every psychoanalytic treatment. All self-disclosures and revelations, however, are not equivalent, and differentiating among them allows us to define a construct that can be called the analytic persona. Analysts already rely on an unarticulated concept of an analytic persona that guides them, for instance, as they decide what constitutes appropriate boundaries.
Clinical examples illustrate how self-disclosures and revelations from within and without the analytic persona feel different, for both patient and analyst. The analyst plays a specific role for each patient and is both purposefully and unconsciously different in this context than in other settings. To a great degree, the self is a relational phenomenon. Our ethics call for us to tell nothing but the truth and simultaneously for us not to tell the whole truth. The unarticulated working concept of an analytic persona that many analysts have refers to the self we step out of at the close of each session and the self we step into as the patient enters the room.
Attitudes toward self-disclosure and self-revelation can be considered reflections of how we conceptualize this persona. Developing and Presenting a Teaching Persona: The Tensions of Secondary Preservice Teachers. This qualitative, multiple case study investigated the ways that three preservice secondary teachers developed, presented, and considered their teaching personae.
Data for each participant consisted of three interviews, field observations of both teaching and non-teaching, data collection of lessons and class documents, and four journal…. Crafting, Rehearsing, and Presenting the ePortfolio Persona. Crafting, Rehearsing, and Presenting the ePortfolio Persona " exposes vital intersections between pedagogy and performance to reveal how using ePortfolio encourages not only student-centered learning, but facilitates collaboration through cooperative exchanges.
Productive interactivity with audiences who actively influence…. Changing Personas and Evolving Identities: The aim of this paper is to discuss the development and evolution of particular personas adopted by researchers in the quest for rich exchanges within the social field. It analyses my role the principal author as a female ethnographer and the sole female in the world of elite male rowing. Data are drawn from personal notes, reflections and…. Profile and opinions of the female Persona user in The Netherlands. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the profile of the Dutch Persona user and her opinion about this relatively new way of natural birth control.
The results of the study were used to draw conclusions for the suitability for Persona as a contraceptive method. Data from users of the device were obtained from structured questionnaires. The ' Persona woman' is typically in a steady relationship, highly educated and has an above-average income. She wants to have a contraceptive method with no side-effects and desires children in the future.
She is therefore looking for information about her own cycle. It is remarkable that one in four women uses the system to help in planning a pregnancy instead of avoiding one. Persona seems to be a welcome alternative for natural family planning and for couples who have no absolute negative attitude towards a nother child, but want to postpone their first pregnancy or to space pregnancies.
The method is not reliable enough to be used as the only contraceptive method when a couple absolutely wants to prevent a pregnancy. Another conclusion that can be drawn is that the method improves fertility awareness. This article presents a qualitative case study that uses discourse and social semiotic analysis methods in order to examine the rhetorical construction of fictional personas within an online role play used for learning in the college classroom.
Of special focus are the differing patterns of semiotic resource use for example, language and…. Personae , Persons, and Intersubjectivity: Although it is infrequently remarked on by religious education theorists, social demand performance and the insincere adoption of personae is pervasive in religious education practice. This article, based in participatory action research, sheds light on how and why students wear masks in religious education and how this phenomenon can be partially…. The purpose of this experimental study was to test the role of image and animation on: The primary analysis consisted of two contrast comparisons: Methods that use storytelling to gather and synthesize data from people can be advantageous in understanding user needs and designing successful communication products.
Using a multidisciplinary approach, we research and prioritize user needs for the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning system http: We apply quantitative and qualitative human data collection methods including user surveys, interviews, journey maps, personas , and scenarios. Human-centered design methods leverage storytelling a in the acquisition of qualitative behavioral data e. ShakeAlert, operated by the USGS and partners, has transitioned into a production prototype phase in which users are permitted to begin testing pilot implementations to take protective actions in response to an earthquake alert.
While a subset of responses will be automated e. To better understand ShakeAlert user decisions and needs, we use human-centered design methods to synthesize aggregated behavioral data into " personas ," which model the common behavioral patterns that can be used to guide plans for the ShakeAlert interface, messaging, and training. We present user data, methods, and resulting personas that will inform decisions moving forward to shape ShakeAlert messaging and training that will be most usable by alert recipients. Game designers attempt to ignite affective, emotional responses from players via engineering game designs to incite definite user experiences.
Theories of emotion state that definite emotional responses are individual, and caused by the individual interaction sequence or history. Engendering desired emotions in the audience of traditional audiovisual media is a considerable challenge; however it is potentially even more difficult to achieve the same goal for the audience of interactive entertainment, because a substantial degree of control rests in the hand of the end user rather than the designer. This paper presents a possible solution to the challenge of integrating the user in the design of interactive entertainment such as computer games by employing the " persona " framework introduced by Alan Cooper.
This approach is already in use in interaction design. The method can be improved by complementing the traditional narrative description of personas with quantitative, data-oriented models of predicted patterns of user behaviour for a specific computer game Additionally, persona constructs can be applied both as design-oriented metaphors during the development of games, and as analytical lenses to existing games, e. Los participantes reflejaron niveles moderados de prejuicio y distancia social DS hacia las personas gays y lesbianas.
Reconciling the good patient persona with problematic and non-problematic humour: Humour is a complex phenomenon, incorporating cognitive, emotional, behavioural, physiological and social aspects. Research to date has concentrated on reviewing rehearsed humour and 'healthy' individuals via correlation studies using personality-trait based measurements, principally on psychology students in laboratory conditions. Nurses are key participants in modern healthcare interactions however, little is known about their spontaneous humour use.
A middle-range theory that accounted for humour use in CNS-patient interactions was the aim of the study. The study reviewed the antecedents of humour exploring the use of humour in relation to motivational humour theories. Twenty Clinical Nurse Specialist-patient interactions and their respective peer groups in a country of the United Kingdom. An evolved constructivist grounded theory approach investigated a complex and dynamic phenomenon in situated contexts.
Naturally occurring interactions provided the basis of the data corpus with follow-up interviews, focus groups, observation and field notes. A constant comparative approach to data collection and analysis was applied until theoretical sufficiency incorporating an innovative interpretative and illustrative framework. This paper reports the grounded theory and is principally based upon 20 CNS-patient interactions and follow-up data. The negative case analysis and peer group interactions will be reported in separate publications.
The theory purports that patients' use humour to reconcile a good patient persona. The core category of the good patient persona , two of its constituent elements compliance, sycophancy , conditions under which it emerges and how this relates to the use of humour are outlined and discussed. In seeking to establish and maintain a meaningful and therapeutic interaction with the CNS, patients enact a good patient persona to varying degrees depending upon the situated context. The good patient persona needs to be maintained within the. User profiles and personas in the design and development of consumer health technologies.
Consumer health technologies CHT are considered important catalysts for empowering health care consumers to take a proactive role in managing their health and related costs.
- Apremiante Deseo de Manantial - Obra Poetica (1977 - 2009) (Spanish, Paperback);
- Hughes Syndrome: A Patient’s Guide.
- Die Beziehung Jesu zu Frauen seiner Zeit: Ausgewählte Beispiele (German Edition).
Adoption rate and usability of such devices among the aging is far from being satisfactory. Traditional information technology IT development adopts a systematic approach without necessarily using a specific user model that personalizes the system to the aging user groups. The aging patient population has unique needs arising from progressive deterioration in both physiological and psychological abilities. These needs are often ignored in the design, development, trial and adoption of consumer health products resulting in low adoption and usage.
The main objective of this research is to investigate the user-centered design UCD , specifically user profiles and personas , as methodological tools to inform the design and development of CHT devices for an aging population. The adoption of user profile and persona has not received much attention in health care informatics research and, in particular, research involving CHT. Our work begins to fill this void in three ways.
We 1 illuminate the process of developing CHT user profiles and personas for a Chinese elder population with a demanding health care needs, i. The effect of online chronic disease personas on activation: Although self-management of chronic disease is important, engaging patients and increasing activation for self-care using online tools has proven difficult. Designing more tailored interventions through the application of condition-specific personas may be a way to increase engagement and patient activation. Personas are developed from extensive interviews with patients about their shared values and assumptions about their health.
The resulting personas tailor the knowledge and skills necessary for self-care and guide selection of the self-management tools for a particular audience. Pre-post changes in self-reported levels of activation for self-management were analyzed for 11 chronic health personas developed for 4 prevalent chronic diseases.
Personas were created from 20 to 25 hour-long nondirected interviews with consumers with a common, chronic disease eg, diabetes. The interviews were transcribed and coded for behaviors, feelings, and beliefs using the principles of grounded theory. A second group of adults with self-reported chronic disease were recruited for online testing of the personas and their impact on activation. The activation variables, based on an integrated theory of health behavior, were knowledge of a given health issue, perceived self-management skills, confidence in improving health, and intention to take action in managing health.
Pre-post changes in activation were analyzed with a mixed design with 1 within-subjects factor pre-post and 1 between-group factor persona using a general linear model with repeated measures. Sixteen pre-post changes for 4 measures of activation were analyzed. All but 2 of the within-subjects effects were statistically significant and all changes were in the direction of increased activation scores at posttest.
Five significant differences between personas were observed, showing which personas performed better. Within-Subjects and Between-Groups Analyses. Background Although self-management of chronic disease is important, engaging patients and increasing activation for self-care using online tools has proven difficult.
Objective Pre-post changes in self-reported levels of activation for self-management were analyzed for 11 chronic health personas developed for 4 prevalent chronic diseases. Methods Personas were created from 20 to 25 hour-long nondirected interviews with consumers with a common, chronic disease eg, diabetes. Results Sixteen pre-post changes for 4 measures of activation were analyzed. Background Peer support services have the potential to support children who survive cancer by handling the physical, mental, and social challenges associated with survival and return to everyday life.
Involving the children themselves in the design process allows for adapting services to authentic user behaviors and goals. As there are several challenges that put critical requirements on a user-centered design process, we developed a design method based on personas adapted to the particular needs of children that promotes health and handles a sensitive design context. Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of using child personas in the development of a digital peer support service for childhood cancer survivors. Results We present findings and insights on how to codesign child personas in the context of developing digital peer support services with childhood cancer survivors.
The work resulted in three primary personas that model the behaviors, attitudes, and goals of three user archetypes tailored for developing health-promoting services in this particular use context. Additionally, we also report on the effects of using these personas in the design of a digital peer support service called Give Me a Break. Conclusions By applying our progressive steps of data collection and analysis, we arrive at authentic child- personas that were successfully used to design and develop health-promoting services for children in vulnerable life stages.
The child- personas serve as effective collaboration and. Know thy eHealth user: Development of biopsychosocial personas from a study of older adults with heart failure. Personas are a canonical user-centered design method increasingly used in health informatics research. Personas -empirically-derived user archetypes-can be used by eHealth designers to gain a robust understanding of their target end users such as patients. To develop biopsychosocial personas of older patients with heart failure using quantitative analysis of survey data.
Data were collected using standardized surveys and medical record abstraction from 32 older adults with heart failure recently hospitalized for acute heart failure exacerbation. Nonparametric analyses were used to identify differences between clusters on 30 clustering variables and seven outcome variables.
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Six clusters were produced, ranging in size from two to eight patients per cluster. Clusters differed significantly on these biopsychosocial domains and subdomains: Tabular and narrative persona descriptions provide an easy reference guide for informatics designers. Personas development using approaches such as clustering of structured survey data is an important tool for health informatics professionals. We describe insights from our study of patients with heart failure, then recommend a generic ten-step personas development process.
Methods strengths and limitations of the study and of personas development generally are discussed. A model describing the wide variety of human behaviours called personality, is becoming increasingly popular among researchers due to the widespread availability of personal big data generated from the use of prevalent digital devices, e.
Such an approach can be used to model an individual and even digitally clone a person, e. This work is aimed at establishing a unique and comprehensive description for an individual to mesh with various personalized services and applications. An extensive research literature on or related to psychological modelling exists, i. However, the integrity and accuracy of the results from current automatic personality computing is insufficient for the elaborate modeling in Cyber-I due to an insufficient number of data sources.
To reach a comprehensive psychological description of a person, it is critical to bring in heterogeneous data sources that could provide plenty of personal data, i. In addition, instead of calculating personality traits from personal data directly, an approach to a personality model derived from the theories of Carl Gustav Jung is used to measure a human subject's persona.
Therefore, this research is focused on designing an archetype-based modeling of persona covering an individual's facets in different situations to approach a comprehensive personality model. Using personal big data to measure a specific persona in a certain scenario, our research is designed to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the generated personality model. Civility and workplace bullying: Conflict or aggression occurring between and among healthcare workers is undermining attempts to create a culture of safety in the workplace.
Healthcare occupations have higher rates of workplace bullying WPB , and intimidating behavior across healthcare settings has been shown to foster medical errors, increase the cost of care, and contribute to poor patient satisfaction and preventable adverse outcomes.
WBP is also partially responsible for the high attrition among nurses, a particular concern in the current nursing shortage. Through a narrative that explores Florence Nightingale's professional persona and experience, this article outlines various factors that contribute to incivility and WPB, and provides suggestions for curriculum design that may help preempt incivility in tomorrow's nurses. Designing with Only Four People in Mind? In this paper we describe and reflect on the use of personas to redesign the 3rd prototype of APOSDLE - a system to support informal learning and knowledge transfer in the workplace.
We actively involved stakeholders representing the target market throughout the process as they helped to create, validate and interpret the four personas we used. By doing so we aimed to address methodological weaknesses and practical limitations of using personas , primarily those relating to the validity of the personas used and the way they are interpreted. We reflected on how effective the personas were by referring to data generated during the workshop and discussion transcripts.
As reported by others, and as we have experienced ourselves, using personas can be quite challenging as rich narrative descriptions are expected to produce insight and design solutions. In light of this challenge, we contribute a case study illustrating how personas were implemented in a real world situation to engage project members with user information and drive the design process. We specifically discussed the strengths and weaknesses of actively involving stakeholders in creating and using personas.
Patient seeking behaviors and online personas: Social media sites, composed of providers, patients, and their social circles, facilitate health and healthcare delivery. To examine patients' perspective on social media as an information source, communication tool, and referral service through an anonymous survey. In addition, influences on patient Internet personas , an actively constructed online identity, around the time of cosmetic procedures are examined.
Patients completed an anonymous institutional review board-approved survey during their initial cosmetic visit. Patients are highly active on social media using it as a multipurpose tool for physician referral services, support groups, and disease education. Patients gathered dermatology information from multiple sources, including friends, family, social media pages, and other online sources, often sharing their own experiences through social media platforms. Patients indicated a desire for provider educational materials on interactive media pages.
Most preferred material written by a physician, but some indicated a preference for both physician and lay material. Online images highlighting dissatisfying skin features were influential to select patients, prompting manipulation of online personas and evaluation for aesthetic procedures. Although the study examines cosmetic patient perspectives, data highlight valuable trends for all dermatologists.

Social media can improve patient education, collaboration, recruitment, and online professional image, leading to healthier patient-centered care. Putting a face and context on pediatric surgery cancelations: The development of parent personas to guide equitable surgical care. In order to have a deeper understanding of the contextual, psychological, practical, and behavioral factors that potentially impact pediatric surgery cancelation, we conducted a qualitative study to create ' personas ' or fictional portraits of parents who are likely to cancel surgery.
We conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with 21 parents of children who were considered 'at risk' for surgical cancelation and whose scheduled surgery was canceled at late notice. From the themes, patterns, and associated descriptive phrases in the data, we developed and validated five different personas of typical scenarios reflecting parent experiences with surgery and surgery cancelations. The personas are being employed to guide contextualized development of interventions tailored to prototypical families as they prepare and attend for surgery.
Peer support services have the potential to support children who survive cancer by handling the physical, mental, and social challenges associated with survival and return to everyday life. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of using child personas in the development of a digital peer support service for childhood cancer survivors. We present findings and insights on how to codesign child personas in the context of developing digital peer support services with childhood cancer survivors. By applying our progressive steps of data collection and analysis, we arrive at authentic child- personas that were successfully used to design and develop health-promoting services for children in vulnerable life stages.
The child- personas serve as effective collaboration and communication aids for both internal and external. Summary Objectives While big data offers enormous potential for improving healthcare delivery, many of the existing claims concerning big data in healthcare are based on anecdotal reports and theoretical vision papers, rather than scientific evidence based on empirical research. Historically, the implementation of health information technology has resulted in unintended consequences at the individual, organizational and social levels, but these unintended consequences of collecting data have remained unaddressed in the literature on big data.
The objective of this paper is to provide insights into big data from the perspective of people, social and organizational considerations. Method We draw upon the concept of persona to define the digital persona as the intersection of data, tasks and context for different user groups. We then describe how the digital persona can serve as a framework to understanding sociotechnical considerations of big data implementation. We then discuss the digital persona in the context of micro, meso and macro user groups across the 3 Vs of big data. Results We provide insights into the potential benefits and challenges of applying big data approaches to healthcare as well as how to position these approaches to achieve health system objectives such as patient safety or patient-engaged care delivery.
We also provide a framework for defining the digital persona at a micro, meso and macro level to help understand the user contexts of big data solutions. Conclusion While big data provides great potential for improving healthcare delivery, it is essential that we consider the individual, social and organizational contexts of data use when implementing big data solutions.
Recognizing that visualizations can increase usability in ComSec applications, [Zurko, Sasse] have argued that there is a need to create more usable security visualizations. For example, the UCD process can involve many prototype iterations, or an ethnographic field study that can take months to complete. They often are running on tight deadlines and budgets that can not afford standard UCD methods. In order to help resolve the conflict of needing more usable designs in ComSec, but not having the resources to employ complex UCD methods, in this paper we offer a stripped-down lighter weight version of a UCD process which can help with capturing user requirements.
The approach we use is personas which a user requirements capturing method arising out of the Participatory Design philosophy [Grudin02]. Realizamos un estudio con personas heterosexuales activas sexualmente. In [corrected] the Catholic Church published a document entitled Dignitas Personae DP about a range of bioethical issues related to the areas of assisted reproduction and human genetics. The objective of this paper is analyzing the issues treated in the same and comments the novelty of his arguments in the bioethical thinking of the Catholic Church.
DP document has an introduction, three parts and a conclusion. The publication of document is due to recent advances that have occurred in recent years in the two areas mentioned above. This advances were not analyzed in a previously document called Donum Vitae DV. DP analyzes these new advances from the anthropological and ethical approaches of DV. In both the title and elsewhere in the text it is affirmed that the human embryo has the dignity of human person.
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From this principle DP analyzes issues such as the status of the human embryo, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, ICSI , preimplantation diagnosis, embryo cryopreservation, contragestion, embryo reduction etc. In these matters, as in the questions such as human genetics, cloning, gene therapy or the use of biological material obtained from abortions, the document reaffirms previous ideas of the Catholic Church, applies them to new problems or develops new arguments that will require further reflection.
In conclusion, the document is very useful for understanding the current bioethical thinking of the Catholic Church on these issues; it clarifies certain disputes, suggesting new arguments, and leaves other issues to free discussion and subsequent interventions of the Catholic Magisterium. Finally, the document reaffirms the commitment of the Catholic Church to the poor of our techno-scientific society, the proletariat of the new century: Understanding the persona of clinical instructors: While it is true that understanding the attributes and unique distinction of the nursing faculty has been the subject of most of the studies, little is known about how the use of doodles can help surface the persona of the clinical instructors.
This study aims to capture the essence or the lebenswelt of the concept of "clinical instructor" from the lens of students' doodles which have been considered as a powerful qualitative tool in articulating individual experiences. A total of senior nursing students recruited from a comprehensive university in the Philippines were the subjects in this qualitative study. Data were gathered from self-generated illustrations and written explanations made by the subjects to identify their concept of effective and ineffective clinical instructors.
Phenomenological reduction was observed through a repertory grid, where doodles drawn were listed, categorized and thematised to reveal the qualities of the clinical instructor. The subjective nature of the findings, though not generalizable, has surfaced how doodling can be a potent tool in identifying collective interpretation of the essence of health professions construct such as the one under study.
The doodles revealed that an effective clinical instructor enlightening, engaging and embracing is one who is able to facilitate the learning of the students as well as being able to establish a harmonious learning atmosphere for and with the students. On the other hand, an ineffective clinical instructor detrimental, dangling, and disturbing impedes students' development in the clinical practice by causing conflict through their personal attitudes and their teaching strategies.
This can have benefits for clinical instructors, to improve themselves and realize the impact of their attributes to the clinical learning of students. Total knee arthroplasty is a well-established treatment for managing end-stage symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. Currently, different designs of prostheses are available with majority ensuring similar clinical outcomes.
Altered surface geometry is introduced to strive toward gaining superior outcomes. We aimed to investigate any differences in functional outcomes between 2 different polyethylene designs namely the Persona CR cruciate retaining and Persona UC ultracongruent tibial inserts Zimmer-Biomet, Warsaw, IN.
This prospective single blind, single-surgeon randomized controlled trial reports on patients, 66 female and 39 male , who underwent simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty using the Persona knee system Zimmer-Biomet UC inserts in one side and CR inserts in the contralateral side. By a blind assessor, at regular time intervals patients were assessed in terms of function and gait. The gait parameters evaluated were foot pressure and step length. During the study period, no patient was lost to follow-up or underwent revision surgery for any cause. While big data offers enormous potential for improving healthcare delivery, many of the existing claims concerning big data in healthcare are based on anecdotal reports and theoretical vision papers, rather than scientific evidence based on empirical research.
We draw upon the concept of persona to define the digital persona as the intersection of data, tasks and context for different user groups. We provide insights into the potential benefits and challenges of applying big data approaches to healthcare as well as how to position these approaches to achieve health system objectives such as patient safety or patient-engaged care delivery. While big data provides great potential for improving healthcare delivery, it is essential that we consider the individual, social and organizational contexts of data use when implementing big data solutions. In user-centred design and marketing, personas are fictional characters created to represent the different user types that might use a site, brand, or product in a similar way [1].
As in other projects, the main application and use value of the persona approach in WeTakeCare project has been to depict and thus make "vivid" the characters and the milieus created and selected. It has helped to better understand and communicate the differences among the potential users. It has also helped to understand the heterogeneity and diversity of the users' lives and to focus on how to meet their actual needs [2].
Scenarios, personas and user stories: Despite years of effort and millions of dollars spent to create unified electronic communicable disease reporting systems, the goal remains elusive. A major barrier has been a lack of understanding by system designers of communicable disease CD work and the public health workers who perform this work. This study reports on the application of user-centered design representations, traditionally used for improving interface design, to translate the complex CD work identified through ethnographic studies to guide designers and developers of CD systems.
The purpose of this work is to: We performed extensive onsite semi-structured interviews, targeted work shadowing and a focus group to characterize local health agency CD workflow. Informed by principles of design ethnography and user-centered design we created persona , scenarios and user stories to accurately represent the user to system designers.
We sought to convey to designers the key findings from ethnographic studies: In an effort to illustrate our findings to designers, we developed three contemporary design-support representations: Through application of user-centered design principles, we were able to create design representations that illustrate complex public health communicable disease workflow and key user characteristics to inform the design of CD information.
Scenarios, personas and user stories from design ethnography: Evidence-based design representations of communicable disease investigations. Purpose Despite years of effort and millions of dollars spent to create a unified electronic communicable disease reporting systems, the goal remains elusive. This study reports on the application of User Center Design representations, traditionally used for improving interface design, to translate the complex CD work identified through ethnographic studies to guide designers and developers of CD systems.
Methods We performed extensive onsite semi-structured interviews, targeted work shadowing and a focus group to characterize local health department communicable disease workflow. Informed by principles of design ethnography and user-centered design UCD we created persona , scenarios and user stories to accurately represent the user to system designers. Results We sought to convey to designers the key findings from ethnographic studies: Conclusions Through application of user centered design principles, we were able to create design representations that illustrate complex public health communicable.
Patterns are a design tool to capture best practices, tackling problems that occur in different contexts. A user interface UI design pattern spans several levels of design abstraction ranging from high-level navigation to low-level idioms detailing a screen layout. One challenge is to combine a set of patterns to create a conceptual design that reflects user experiences. In this chapter, we detail a user-centered design UCD framework that exploits the novel idea of using personas and patterns together. Personas are used initially to collect and model user experiences. UI patterns are selected based on personas pecifications; these patterns are then used as building blocks for constructing conceptual designs.
Through the use of a case study, we illustrate how personas and patterns can act as complementary techniques in narrowing the gap between two major steps in UCD: As a result of lessons learned from the study and by refining our framework, we define a more systematic process called UX-P User Experiences to Pattern , with a supporting tool. The process introduces intermediate analytical steps and supports designers in creating usable designs.
Despite the relevance of memory in the works of those who influenced him, in particular Bergson, Minkowski nonetheless repeatedly overlooked its importance in his writings. To the reader of his work this fact is as much evident as unaccounted for - both by prior research and by Minkowski himself. I shall try to prove that this disregard for memory was conditio sine qua non of Minkowski's first synthesis of Bleuler and Bergson in a article, which resulted in his famous concept of loss of vital contact with reality and which he equated with schizophrenia.
Using scenarios and personas to enhance the effectiveness of heuristic usability evaluations for older adults and their care team. Using heuristics to evaluate user experience is a common methodology for human-computer interaction studies. One challenge of this method is the inability to tailor results towards specific end-user needs. This manuscript reports on a method that uses validated scenarios and personas of older adults and care team members to enhance heuristics evaluations of the usability of commercially available personal health records for homebound older adults.
Our work extends the Chisnell and Redish heuristic evaluation methodology by using a protocol that relies on multiple expert reviews of each system. It further standardizes the heuristic evaluation process through the incorporation of task-based scenarios. We were able to use the modified version of the Chisnell and Redish heuristic evaluation methodology to identify potential usability challenges of two commercially available personal health record systems. This allowed us to: The methodology described in this paper may help designers of consumer health information technology tools, such as personal health records, understand the needs of diverse end-user populations.
Such methods may be particularly helpful when designing systems for populations that are difficult to recruit for end-user evaluations through traditional methods. In examining the titles of this year's conference presentations, the author noticed quite a few papers that focus on learner-specific issues, for instance, papers that address learning styles, learner needs, personality and learning, learner modeling and, more generally, pedagogical issues that deal with individual learner differences in….
Web-based distance education has become a "real" teaching alternative which has instigated more research particularly in the past decade. This research has commonly focused on four major perspectives: The wounded male persona and the mysterious feminine in the poetry of James Wright: Wright died in However, the concept of "soul murder" as used by Shengold with respect to psychological trauma does seem pertinent.
For example, Wright's powerful identification with the downtrodden, and especially with certain murderers Doty, Judas echoes the paranoiac Schreber's identification with his abusive father as "soul murderer": Certainly, the theme of damage to the self is prominent in Wright, and the poet's striving for reparation, restitution, and the restoration of lost goodness is not only characteristic of Melanie Klein's "depressive position" Segal, , pp.
In addition, the rapid, "leaping" shifts of imagery in Wright's poems bear some resemblance to the shifts in mood and the dissociated and "autohypnotic" states Shengold, , pp. However much that may be the case, Wright's work moves toward healing and integration, and forces us to reconsider the psychoanalytic shibboleth that all that represents a lack of distinctiveness between self and other is pathological. This assumption denies the richness of that part of the psyche which originates in the symbiotic union of mother and infant.
Wright's work does not so much force us to doubt our own perceptions of reality as it gently yet forthrightly guides us into other realms where feeling and thought are in dialogue, where the uniquely human and the universal mythos converge, and where--perhaps most importantly--possibility and transformation are imminent. The abandoned male persona and the mysterious feminine are part of that world, that cosmos, that Wright has cr. From Personae to Persons: There are two kinds of drama that is normally associated with high school: The drama about which the author writes about in this article is of a different sort altogether.
It is, however, like…. Currently, there still exists a host of problems in the book recommendation system, such as low accuracy, weak correlation and poor pertinence.
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User activity and credit are also taken into account in the process of establishing user tagging system so as to build classified book recommendation service. This method is of universal meaning to the book recommendation service of smart campus with user as the core under big data environment. This article examines the role that personality variables and processes play in people's efforts to manage their public images.
Although most research on self-presentation has focused on situational influences, people differ greatly in the degree to which they care about others' impressions of them, the types of impressions they try to convey, and their evaluations of their self-presentational effectiveness. Personality constructs such as public self-consciousness, approval motivation, and fear of negative evaluation are associated with the motive to manage one's impressions, and people who differ in self-disclosure and desire for privacy differentially reveal information about themselves to others.
Other variables relating to people's self-concepts, interpersonal goals, and traits influence the construction of specific images. Finally, the extent to which people believe they are capable of making desired impressions influences their impression management strategies and how they respond to other people's evaluations. A variety of behaviours are described where learners knowingly rejected anomalies, manipulated…. The pathogenic persona of community-associated oral streptococci.
The mitis group streptococci MGS are widespread in the oral cavity and are traditionally associated with oral health. However, these organisms have many attributes that contribute to the development of pathogenic oral communities. MGS adhere rapidly to saliva-coated tooth surfaces, thereby providing an attachment substratum for more overtly pathogenic organisms such as Porphyromonas gingivalis, and the two species assemble into heterotypic communities. Close physical association facilitates physiologic support, and pathogens such as Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans display resource partitioning to favour carbon sources generated by streptococcal metabolism.
MGS exchange information with community members through a number of interspecies signalling systems including AI-2 and contact dependent mechanisms. Signal transduction systems induced in P. Phenotypic responses in P. Furthermore, communities of S. We propose that MGS should be considered accessory pathogens, organisms whose pathogenic potential only becomes evident in the context of a heterotypic microbial community. The pathogenic persona of community associated oral streptococci. Summary The mitis group streptococci MGS are widespread in the oral cavity and are traditionally associated with oral health.
Close physical association facilitates physiologic support, and pathogens such as Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans display resource partitioning to favour carbon sources generated by streptococcal metabolism.
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MGS exchange information with community members through a number of interspecies signaling systems including AI-2 and contact dependent mechanisms. Many Russian institutions of higher education support the introduction of information technologies, and they actively use them in the educational process. In teaching foreign languages FLs at university, the transition to the new instructional model implies the need to actively deploy innovative concepts and practices aimed at ensuring that…. Immersive virtual worlds provide a new way to deliver online courses or parts of online and face-to-face courses.
There is a growing body of research on online learning, and the data on virtual worlds is also increasing. However, literature concerning professors' experiences with specific aspects of virtual worlds is limited. Paradigm, Persona and Epideictic: The Lovesongs of Eurythmics. A study examined the lyrics of the lovesongs of the musical partnership Eurythmics David Stewart and Annie Lennox , a popular music group.
The method used was based on the James Chesbro study, which classified lyrics using a critical paradigm that combined Northrop Frye's hierarchy of communications systems Ironic, Mimetic, Leader-centered,…. A study investigated the interaction of cognitive, cultural, and linguistic factors in second-language concept formation in adults.
Specifically, it examined how seven college students in a lower-division intensive Spanish class developed new gender concepts when learning a second language. Course instruction focused on concept construction at…. After more than a decade of pedagogical agent research, this review synthesizes the affective implications of learning with pedagogical agents. The review investigates different affective measures within 99 pedagogical agent outcome measures. The results suggest that learners may prefer pedagogical agents compared to non-agent control conditions,….
Tucking the Pigeons up Your Sleeve: Nonfiction writing, as defined by the author, is the mix of art, craft, and information, put together by writers who let readers know they are interested in a topic, and who speculate about what that interest or topic might mean. In this article, the author introduces ten imagined colleagues who provide essential support for the teaching of….
Bridging the Gap between Designers and Consumers: The Role of Effective and Accurate Personas. Firms now routinely collect information about the needs of their customers, but this information is not sufficiently considered during product design decisions. This research examines the relationship between designers and consumers to build an understanding of how the consumer should be represented to increase the consumer focus during the…. Township-dwelling Black South African women must cope with an array of traumatizing stressors that stunt individual voice and diminish the creation of supportive female communities.
At issue was the capacity of women under these conditions to thrive as individuals and contributing members of society, thus the rationale for this project study. The individual in mainstream health economics: This paper is motivated by Davis' [14] theory of the individual in economics. Davis' analysis is applied to health economics, where the individual is conceived as a utility maximiser, although capable of regarding others' welfare through interdependent utility functions. Nonetheless, this provides a restrictive and flawed account, engendering a narrow and abstract conception of care grounded in Paretian value and Cartesian analytical frames.
Instead, a richer account of the socially embedded individual is advocated, which employs collective intentionality analysis. This provides a sound foundation for research into an approach to health policy that promotes health as a basic human right. Students' mathematical problem-solving experiences are fraught with failed attempts, wrong turns, and partial successes that move in fits and jerks, oscillating between periods of inactivity, stalled progress, rapid advancement, and epiphanies. Students' problem-solving journals, however, do not always reflect this rather organic process. The Four Personae of Racism: Educators' Mis Understanding of Individual vs.
This study used CRT to engage educators in critical discourse regarding the persistence of racism in urban schooling. A combined method of action research and critical case study was employed to raise a group of educators' race consciousness through antiracist training. Findings revealed conflicting views of racism as an individual pathology vs. Developing Charismatic Delivery through Transformational Presentations: Modeling the Persona of Steve Jobs. How can public speaking instructors teach students how to be charismatic and confident speakers?
The activity presented in this article suggests that instructors foster competent and charismatic presentational skills by having students channel the stylistic capabilities of an exceptional speaker. The activity requires students to take on the…. Beyond Learning and Persona: Extending the Scope of Presidential Debate Effects. Meanwhile, her wheeling king Trailed slow along the orchards His haughty, spangled hems, Leaving a new necessity, -- The want of diadems!
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