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There is a little bit of Truth in Television here — as anyone who's bilingual will tell you, sometimes you will say automatic responses such as "yes" in your native language without even thinking about it — but this trope generally extends far beyond normal levels of this. In certain places, such as Southern California, the high number of Spanish speakers makes a cursory knowledge unavoidable, and even non-native speakers will use common Spanish words in conversation.

See also Poirot Speak. This has become very, very common among childrens' educational shows, both live action and animated. Compare also with El Spanish "-o". For the actual Spanish language, see Spanish Language. This is a subtrope of Gratuitous Foreign Language and really should be used with extreme care. You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account. Ah, Spanish, it is the language with which to speak to God Parodied in commercials for the Bing search engine. The commercials are done in telenovela style with dialogue all in Spanish other than proper names and the word "links" and subtitled.

However, when the Mysterious Stranger displays his laptop showing Bing, it's apparent that the characters are in San Jose, California showing movie listings for local theaters or airline fares from the city — almost miles from the Mexican border. A series of State Farm commercials feature an obnoxious man trying way too hard to appeal to viewers. In one commercial, he says "Ask your neighbors- tu familia.

It's assumed they did this to make the commercial even MORE obnoxiously trying-too-hard, but the "tu familia" part has been removed in later airings. There's this one anti-drug PSA where a Hispanic teenager is talking with a friend on her cell phone. Their conversation is entirely in English, except that she calls her friend chica which really doesn't make sense, since if both characters are fluent in English they really should know the word for "girl".


To be fair, chica is a popular term of endearment among the Hispanic community and female teenagers. Gaku from Absolute Boyfriend does this, starting with very simple words in Spanish to a few middle ones that everyone wouldn't know, and he's not even supposed to be Spanish. Night also does this when his speech functions aren't working and he starts speaking entirely in random languages, starting with Spanish Axis Powers Hetalia Well, Himaruya tried in the comic, at least. In the anime, the board says Tomo occasionally breaks out the Spanish.

The English dub uses Spanish in place of most of the Gratuitous English. In the dub, Yukari throws it around too. A notable example is in the first episode, where she congratulates a group of kids in Spanish while the captions point out the fact that she is an English teacher. Also in the dub, the foreigner Kagura tries to help Spanish speaker He speaks Engrish on the Japanese track. Roberta in Black Lagoon , with an atrocious accent to boot.

Which is odd since Japanese and Spanish aren't that different, but she still manages to sound funny. Most Hollows in Bleach have Spanish-sounding names, and most things related to Hollows are named with Spanish words, with varying degrees of success. Note that the Japanese characters used to render the Spanish terms often have equally relevant meanings for instance, Cero , a Wave Motion Gun -type attack used by high-level hollows, is Spanish for "zero", but is also written with kanji which mean "hollow flash".

Most of the time they aren't universe-shatteringly bad but they can leave much to be desired if you happen to be conversant with the language. Chad's powers and attacks are also in Spanish, but it's okay because he is half-Mexican. Although, we eventually find out that his powers are almost like those of a Hollow. A case of research failure. Chad's half-Mexican and raised in Mexico.

And yet apparently he—like everyone else in the series—can't get simple phrases right. There is also an instance in the Freeza saga in which Vegeta calls Jeice amigo. El Cazador de la Bruja , especially the dub. Justified since it's set in the US southwest. In Eureka Seven 's world there's a city called "Ciudades del Cielo". Excel seemed to be in New York where there are plenty of Spanish speakers.

Juvia's name is taken from "Lluvia," which is Spanish for rain. In One Piece , Sir Crocodile and Nico Robin both use Gratuitous Spanish in their attack names ; though Crocodile likes to switch it up with the occasional Gratuitous Italian , and Robin's combines Spanish numbers or body parts , the French word for flower, and English words like "clutch". Dahlia says "Que Sera, Sera" a few times, though it's justified since she's implied to be latina in the games.

Nakamura when he was disguised as Eri in the School War said "Hasta la vista" when he was going to "kill" Asou. Probably a tribute to some movie, where a robot says that before killing the main antagonist.

Angol Mois in the dub, probably because to a western viewer her tan complexion immediately suggests Latin heritage. And then lampshaded when she stopped doing it.

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Well, okay, she doesn't do it as much anymore at least, but "stopped" is an exaggeration. Sol Bianca has several examples of Gratuitous Spanish: Nancy from Afterlife with Archie is Latina and peppers her speech with spanglish. When Yolanda Montez was introduced as the second Wildcat during Crisis on Infinite Earths , she had an endearing habit of letting Spanish phrases slip into her internal monologue followed immediately by the English translation as though she were trying to teach spanish to any listening telepaths.

Nunca dispares cuando hay un inocente! She also provides a translation, though "inocente" naturally means "innocent".: Whoa, Chica, speak American if you're gonna flirt. Don't you ever take a shot when a civilian is in the line of fire, not ever again. Do I make myself clear?

In fact, at least after winning seria mundial , el equipo was referred by newspapers in Mexico as los serafines. San Francisco has had "Gigantes" jerseys for their local baseball team, the Giants, for years on appointed Spanish Heritage games. Baseball teams that have Spanish Heritage nights will generally have the opposition teams play in Spanish translated team names as well.

Cerveceros de Milwaukee Milwaukee Brewers. In fact, as a rule of thumb, American baseball, basketball and football teams are translated depending of the country: But, for some reason, soccer teams from the Major League Soccer are left untranslated in Mexican Media something that normally does happen sometimes with some foreign teams, like the ones from the Japanese J-League , from all the foreign soccer leagues they want to translate the names in Spanish. Several sports leagues have had Spanish events where the team names or mascots were changed to their cross-border equivalent.

They don't always go all the way. For example, the Phoenix Suns chose to wear uniforms that said "Los Suns. A Crown of Stars: Sparsely used, but during the South American liberation campaign some random characters used some Spanish words or stock sentences. In chapter 48 words such like "jefe" "chief", "boss" or "fiesta" "party" are used.

In chapter 8, Misato says: He's actually talking Slovenian. And most of what he says isn't even translated anyway. To be fair, Spanish is immediately below Slovenian on Google Translate. While writing a Ladyblog post about herself, she has a flashback to a trip to the zoo with her father during which he taught her English and Spanish names of various animals, including the peacock. Last Child of Krypton: In chapter 11, when several sailors spot Superman, one of them exclaims: Although barrio is used in English, it's as a Spanish-speaking section of an American city, and just looks In Sergio Leone 's Dollars Trilogy , the many Mexican characters slip in very few Spanish words, and always easily understood words, such as occasionally replacing "buddy" with "amigo".

In Legend , Blunder , the helmeted goblin, tends to spout Spanish sometimes. When Blix sets his butt on fire , he yells "Aye, carumba! In the Spanish dub the Spanish lyrics are kept while the English part is translated, which could have been redundant if they didn't mean completely different things.

For those interested, the song goes: One Down, Five to Go , opens with a presentation on llamas wherein the Pythons speak entirely in Spanish. Set in 19th century Spain, the film Rosita has Spanish sprinkled about, such as Rosita saying "caramba" and the occasional "senora". Puss in Boots in the Shrek films, by virtue of being voiced by Antonio Banderas. The Mexican dub replaces it with Antonio Banderas speaking with a heavy Andalusian accent. Most of the foreign language in Team America: Which becomes 'Sayonara, baby' in some Spanish dubs. In Toy Story 3 , after Buzz's reset button is hit, he turns into a flamenco dancing version of his Space Ranger Persona.

Rosalita in Tremors breaks out in Spanish when excited or frightened. There's an HBO original movie by the name of Walkout , which despite being about the Chicano movement in Los Angeles, appears to have been written entirely by white people. The allegedly Latino characters only seem to be familiar with the phrases, "Que no" and "Que si", and the word "pendejo".

So the individual members would be "Flamers. In , the song "Siboney" is sung in Spanish. Justified in These Savage Bones , as all the characters are technically speaking Spanish to begin with. The Dinosaur Lords uses a lot of Spanish phrases and words, mostly in official situations such as speeches, but characters also spice their phrases with Spanish in regular conversations from time to time. The children in Good Omens use Gratuitous Spanish along with an assortment of stereotypically Spanish props, like onions and a straw donkey to give their re-enactment of The Spanish Inquisition extra authenticity.

Ivanhoe features a Black Knight who goes by the name "Desdichado" - "Unfortunate". He attends a tournament that takes place in England, but is not Spanish - it's a pseudonym to throw off suspicion. Justified as its reasoned the Scorch is in lower Mexico or Central America. The Little Red Pen stars a Spanish-speaking thumbtack. Dark Flame from Relativity speaks South-American Spanish and, as a superhero who often patrols Hispanic neighborhoods, frequently needs to speak it.

However, when she does her speech is rendered as English with Spanish phrases peppered through it.

Cris Morena

Skippyjon Jones often uses Spanish words, since the children's book series is mainly intended to teach Spanish as a foreign language. Both parts were played by child actor Ricky Vera. Played for laughs in Community ; Senor Chang will often gratuitously replace English words in conversation with the Spanish equivalent. Justified in that he's a Spanish teacher; however, he does it at every opportunity and is clearly established as not a very good Spanish teacher, so it comes off as if he's trying hard to cover up his deficiencies.

In fact he does not speak much Spanish at all and he is mostly teaching Gratuitous Spanish with a mix of other languages like Klingon. In season 1 of The Cosby Show there was an episode where Claire, Rudy and several guest characters go into Gratuitous Spanish , ending in the characters laughing at Cliff who says Just listening for my name Paula in Defying Gravity. Dexter loves to include unsubtitled Spanish to drive home the point that some characters are Cuban-American. Particularly jarring when characters completely switch their accents for a single mid-sentence Spanish word, then continue with their "normal" accents.

It happens a lot in season four, once Maria and Angel get together, because they have several private conversations that are half-English, half-Spanish. Since Jugate , Cris has retired completely as a TV personality. It was the first of many Cris-produced shows to be commercial successes but, at the same time, heavily panned by critics. At the time, she was criticized for acting like a teenager when she was over 30 years old.

Even though the show was huge hit with the audience and moved millions of albums and merchandising, many critics declared the show was only aired because Cris was the wife of Telefe's director. Even though it was not praised by critics at the time, Jugate Conmigo is one of the most remembered shows of the early s and the songs marked a generation. Chiquititas was a kids-oriented soap opera, aired weekdays at 6 p.

It is one of the most popular franchises ever in Argentina's television and was what consolidated Cris as a renowned and powerful producer. It was the first television franchise in the country and changed the way local shows were produced, sold and exported. The show debuted in August at the same time slot as Jugate Conmigo was originally aired, Weekdays at 6 P.

It started as a competitor to Canal 13's successful kids-oriented soap Amigovios and, in a few weeks, it was already a huge phenomenon and easily winning its timeslot. It borrowed elements from Annie and The Sound of Music. Villain for the first three seasons was Carmen, a very cruel woman who was one of the owners of the orphanage. Gabriel Corrado played the part in the first season; Fernan Miras between and and, finally, in , Facundo Arana , which went on to become Argentina's most popular TV actor.

The title of the show, Chiquititas Tiny Girls ; the official English title is Tiny Angels , referred to the fact the orphanage was initially girls only. During the second season, boys were introduced and, by the third season, the orphanage was unisex and boys and girls shared the spotlight, with romance among the cast being one of the shows' biggest themes.

The third-season finale was shot on Walt Disney World and one important character, Mili Agustina Cherri , the central orphan, said goodbye to the show and the actress who portrayed her, Agustina Cherri , went on to star in Verano del '98 , a teen soap also developed by Cris. For each new season, a soundtrack album with about ten new songs was released. Exactly like Jugate a few years earlier, those albums were huge-sellers. Every song had its own music video, which was aired inside the show. Many of the songs, such as Pimpollo , Rinconcito de Luz and Corazon con Agujeritos , became extremely popular and are still remembered all over the country.

During the third season , the show had a makeover. In the fourth season , the show got a new logo and graphics. Starring alongside Romina Yan was Facundo Arana who played her romantic partner. The fourth season was the highest rated season of Chiquititas during its seven-year run, and Arana went on to become Argentina's most popular leading actor and one of the biggest names in the country. The fourth season album was one of the best-selling albums in Sony Music Argentina's history. The final scene had the complete cast waving goodbye in the middle of the sea, boarding the iconic Fragata Libertad and singing the song En el Comienzo.

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Romina Yan and Facundo Arana reunited in to star in the movie version of the show. Grecia Colmenares played Ana, which replaced Belen as the central figure. The return to the original setting was a response to dwindling ratings during the previous season. The sixth season stars Romina Gaetani as Luz. Gaetani, similarly to what happened to Facundo Arana , went on to become a very popular actress following her stint as the main actress in the sixth season of Chiquititas , her first TV role.

The year of was bittersweet for Chiquititas' fans. At one side, Argentina was going through a huge crisis and the TV channels were also affected. Because of that, Telefe which was not directed by Yankelevich anymore decided to cut the budget for the show, a decision that wasn't well received by Cris Morena. Since season 6 ended with a cliffhanger and the first few episodes were already shot, production resumed and the show became weekly.

As a consequence, the number of episodes was severely shortened and the planned storylines, which were supposed to spawn for over chapters, had to be rewritten in a very short period of time. On the other hand, fans had more Chiquititas than ever before: Since it was one of the most profitable shows on the channel, Telefe planned on continuing Chiquititas without Cris Morena.

A new season, which would be called Corazones en Banda , was announced. Even though castings were done and a few names were attached to the project, the channel ended up not greenlighting it. Since music was such a huge part of the show and Cris is a huge admirer of Broadway musicals, it was decided Chiquititas would be transformed into a live musical in The musical broke attendance records in its first year and became a yearly event. Shows were staged daily during the month of July, when most kids are out of school due to Winter Vacations and on weekends in June, August and September. A new musical was made each year, from to , and every year the live event, produced by Cris, would wow audiences with big effects never before seen on Argentina and with budgets well over 1 million dollars.

In fact, the '98 season of concerts broke Teatro Gran Rex attendance record and, to this days, the record still belongs to that production. While the storylines for the live version of Chiquititas were extremely simple and almost non-existent, the show was hugely impressive with its Broadway-like sets, wardrobes, high budgets and special effects. Most concerts were sold out and it was the top grossing live event in Argentina every year, from 96 to Chiquititas was also heavily critically panned by media vehicles during its seven years. The content of the show was criticized for being questionable, hypocritical, overly sexual and for showing an orphanage full of beautiful blond kids in expensive clothes.

The songs were also criticized for being heavily commercial. Despite the lack of critical support, Chiquititas had seven seasons, one feature film, over licensed products, two international remakes, two spin-offs and over 1 million tickets sold during its six seasons at Teatro Gran Rex in Buenos Aires. It was the first franchise in Argentina's television history and modified forever the way local productions were exported.

To this day, it still on air in Latin America on cable channel Boomerang. The show had an all-Brazilian cast but was shot in Buenos Aires , at the same studios where the original version was produced. Right from the beginning, the show became a huge sensation among kids, becoming SBT 's most popular show. Among the differences between both version: The new logo and graphics were used from the second season which aired in 98 in Brazil, the same year those graphics were introduced in the fourth season in Argentina. The first season was aired in 97, the second season in 98 while the third and fourth seasons were both shortened and aired in the same year, While the 4th season in Argentina aired in was the end of a cycle and the 5th season was the start of a new one, with brand new characters and setting, in Brazil all characters were maintained and only the setting changed, with Carolina and the young cast moving to a farm.

Plus, the fifth season was the last one in Brazil and the sixth and seventh seasons were never made. The original sixth season was aired in SBT in , seven years after the series had ended and three years since the reruns which aired for only a few months because of legal problems attracted huge ratings. The latter ended up winning the rights to produce the show and, like the Brazilian version, sent the Mexican cast to Buenos Aires to shoot the first season. But while in Brazil the show became a huge hit, it flopped in Mexico, partially because Televisa was, by far, the marketing leader and dominated children television in the country.

Deals were also made with Antena 3 in Spain and with American producers, but the versions never materialized. In , Chiquititas became a gigantic hit in Israel. A big line of merchandising was released, a musical with local actors was made with tickets selling out fast and several members of the cast Nadia DiCello, Sebastian Francini, Camila Bordonaba, Felipe Colombo visited the country to promote the show. The show was so huge in Israel, it motivated producer Yair Dori to approach Cris Morena to co-produce a show with her which ended up turning into Rebelde Way.

While Chiquititas was a massive hit among children and preteens, Telefe decided to create a show targeting teenagers to air alongside it. Gustavo Yankelevich was responsible for the initial plot and asked Cris to develop the show about a group of teens living in a small city called Puerto Esperanza. Cherri, who starred as Mili in Chiquititas , was chosen as the main actress and Patricia Maldonado, the screenwriter of Chiquititas , was in charge of the scripts. The show was intended to be aired exclusively during the summer hence the title, translated as Summer of 98 but it was so successful it went on for three years gaining the tagline Verano Eterno , Eternal Summer , later on.

Cris and her staff were only in charge of the show during its first four months. However, Cris, alongside Carlos Nilson, was in charge of the music of the show for most of its run. The show spawned three albums of original music. While Verano scored big numbers, being the leader among youth audience in the country, it attracted lots of controversies. Both shows had huge similarities and some storylines were identical in the first few months. He confirmed Verano was hugely influenced by the American show and this happened because he went to a screening of the Dawson's Creek pilot months before the original airing, fell in love with it and because the show took so long to premier, he thought the drama wasn't picked up by the TV network.

He thought the premise had much potential so he asked Cris and the production team to develop a teenage show with a similar story-line. Telefe and Sony Dawson's Creek producer company reached an amicable agreement when Sony was given the right to distribute Verano around the world. The show also caused controversy because of its huge focus on sex with taboo themes like masturbation and plenty of sex scenes and sex talk involving the young teenagers. This issue was resolved by changing the time slot of the show: It was the first teenage-oriented show to air in that time slot.

For its third season, the show came back to its original time slot with no controversy. Plans for a Brazilian version of Verano were made but never materialized. Cris Morena and Chiquititas production team only worked in Verano until the middle of the first season. Then, Cris and her staff decided to focus solely on Chiquititas , which was in the midst of its most successful season, so her ex-husband and Telefe's director, Gustava Yanklevich, took charge. In an interview with Mario Pergolini for his radio show Cual Es? However, she owns the rights to the program and is listed as an executive producer for all its seasons.

The show finally debuted in February on the 7 p. After disagreements between Morena and Vilarruel, Telefe's chairman, she started developing a new show about a group of rich teenagers living in an elite boarding school. The project became Rebelde Way. Felipe Colombo , Camila Bordonaba , Luisana Lopilato and Benjamin Rojas , who were highly popular during Chiquititas' last three seasons, were chosen as the four leads Rebelde means literally rebel but it also means stubborn, different, daring, revolted, problematic.

Until the late s, producing companies—now very common in the country—weren't common and most shows were property of the channel. Morena had no plans to open her own production company but, after parting ways with Telefe and with a huge team following her, it was the only legal way to do it. Cris Morena Group was born. However, the company was formed by creative staff and wasn't able to cope with the business and legal aspects by itself so she needed a partner to finance it.

Initially, the show was to be co-produced alongside RGB Entertainment , Morena's ex-husband's company with whom she has a very amicable relationship. However, the association didn't work out since she was looking for someone who could dedicate themselves entirely and RGB was busy managing girl group Bandana and Mambru , which were directed at the same target group. After offers from Canal 13 and Canal 9 , the show almost wasn't produced since the channels, still suffering from the Argentina's economic crisis, couldn't finance it and she needed an associate who could finance the project.

The production resumed when Argentine-Israeli producer Yair Dori decided to invest heavily on the show after Chiquititas became popular among children in Israel. The production began before the show had a confirmed channel to be aired on. It was decided the show would premiere on Canal 9, which had success with teen-oriented show Popstars the year before, and it would be aired every weekday at 8 p.

Soon after its debut, the show became the channel's highest-rated show. It spawned a band, Erreway , formed by the four protagonists, several licensed products such as stationery items, a clothing line, a monthly magazine, cosmetics and sunglasses and a triple platinum album. After the reception of the show's first series, Morena decided to produce a second season and the group started touring Argentina and selling out arenas around the country and in other South American countries such as Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru.

In , Argentina still hadn't recovered from the crisis and Canal 9 was having some big financial troubles and couldn't finance the show anymore. The transition meant the show sets had to be rebuilt in a new studio and that the show would be off-air for one month. It was the first time in Argentine television history a show changed channel in the middle of the season. Although Rebelde Way and Erreway were popular, they were initially outshone by girl group Bandana and boy band Mambru , winners of the first and second season of reality show Popstars.

For the first time in seven years, Cris didn't have the opportunity to use Teatro Gran Rex during winter vacations since the venue was occupied by Bandana. Morena directed Bandana's first series of Gran Rex concerts and Gustavo helped organize Erreway's first live show which would happen for free at Abasto shopping mall, repeating the successful Bandana's Abasto live debut in Rebelde Way's first-season finale also featured a highly promoted cameo by Bandana. Following the tradition, critics from Argentina's main newspapers weren't exactly supportive of the program.

Clarin criticized the four main characters. According to the paper, "they look and act like they're 12 years old. They're not in Chiquititas anymore. They have biceps and new "older" looks. And yet they still act like they're in elementary school". What Cris Morena would love to still be able to pull off". They rated the show as "Good" and, although it criticized the characters for being excessively stereotyped, it concludes the stereotypes are made acceptable because the telenovela distances itself from any realistic tone.

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It also commented that "you could find everything in the show. From very good young actors, such as Camila Bordonaba to terrible ones, such as Coco Maggio. There are some extremely well-done sequences while others look cheap". It concluded that the biggest attractions for teenagers were the glamorous setting and the fun music and that the dialogues were fun and reflected the way teenager really talked. However, it was not only critics that weren't too fond of the show. Church organization and even the Argentine Camara de Anunciantes Chamber of Advertisers , a self-regulated group formed by huge ad executives in the country, protested the show.

Carlos Polimenni, a journalist and panelist on the program, attacked her, arguing her TV shows were "crap" and "too commercial". Morena, visibly upset, replied: You pretend to be a serious journalist while being a panelist in a gossip show". They are so out of touch with reality they remind me of politics. And politics aren't exactly doing well at their jobs right now, are they? What's wrong with that? The ideal recipe in television is to do a show that's well done and successful. It doesn't makes any sense to do a show or a musical or an art exhibition for a minimal audience.

What I want to do is to get to biggest number of people I can in the best way possible". While Rebelde Way and the spawned band Erreway were popular in Argentina, they achieved even more in Israel , where the show benefited from the hype surrounding Chiquititas. Rebelde Way soon became the most-watched show among children and teenagers in the country, the group was contracted by several companies, from McDonald's to Swatch, to promote their products and their concerts in Tel Aviv were attended by over , people.

Hysteria was so big that they were headlines of the country's biggest and most important newspaper on the day of their arrival in the country. A phenomenon so big was never before seen in Israel and even though several kids and teenage-oriented shows of the same vein were aired later in the country, most of them coming from Argentina, never a show came close to the mass hysteria Rebelde Way caused among Israeli youth.

Yair Dori wanted to extend Rebelde Way for a third season but, due to Cris' refusal, was unable to. In , Erreway, the band, did their last projects together: Cuatro Caminos , which was released in theaters, the album Memoria and their goodbye tour. Three years after the end of the band and four years after the TV show, Rebelde Way started airing in Spain and soon became a success. With the defunct band appearing in several magazine covers and moving thousands of merchandising and albums, they decided to reunite for a Spanish arena tour.

The tour caused mass polemic when it was announced Luisana wouldn't be touring with them and had left the band. This announcement was made when tickets were already on sale and her image and name appeared on the promotional material. Even with the Luisana controversy, the tour was successful, with all shows selling out, and the three remaining members reunited to do a new album especially for the Spanish market where a new tour was also planned. While the album, titled Vuelvo , was recorded, legal problems with Pol-ka , which produced Son de Fierro with Felipe and Camila on the cast , caused the new studio album and the tour to be canceled.

The new material recorded by the band was used in Atr pados , a soap made for cellphones and the Internet which starred Benjamin Rojas and Felipe Colombo , the male half of Erreway. Atrap dos was shot in but the project was never officially released, airing as shorts on Yups. A number of copycat shows with the same format and with a big chunk of the original secondary cast were aired on Argentinian television, many of them co-produced by Yair Dori, who was still trying to recreate Rebelde Way' s momentum especially in the Israeli market.

Those were all commercial failures in both Argentina and Israel and were canceled. Cris Morena had no relation to those productions. In , Mexico's Televisa debuted their own version of the show, Rebelde. The soap was, once again, a huge phenomenon among Latin-American crowd and the group that spawned from the show, RBD sold out Latin America's biggest stadiums and were the first group to receive a Diamond Record for sales in Mexico since OV7 in Their first concert in the country, which was free, was marked by tragedy when a much bigger crowd than expected turned out and a stampede killed two young fans.

Ironically, one of the few markets in which Rebelde didn't perform well was Argentina, where it only debuted in , two years after their peak because of contractual obligations with Cris Morena Group and Dori Media. They still managed to achieve a golden record for sales with their last album, Empezar desde el Cero according to CAPIF and their first concert in Buenos Aires part of their goodbye tour sold-out.

Cris was in attendance at the concert. It also had remakes in Brazil, by Record and Chile, by Mega. In both countries, Brazi and Chile, the Mexican version aired with huge success. In Chile, the Argentinean version was also broadcast. In , it was revealed Fox and Jennifer Lopez 's production company had the rights for the American remake. When many doubted Cris Morena could exceed her previous hits, she surprised again with Floricienta. A modern retelling of Cinderella the title was a mix of Flor, the main character nickname, and Cenicienta, Spanish for Cinderella , the story was developed by Cris as a starring-vehicle for Florencia Bertotti.

After being panned by critics since with Jugate , Cris Morena finally received praise. Clarin, in their first positive nod of one of her productions, rated the show as "very good" and noted that "[w]hat Cris Morena declared is true: However, being only a tiny bit better, it conquered not only the public but also the very mischievous public opinion and while both may look the same, they're definitely not ".

The critic praised the actors, especially Florencia Bertotti, the editing, the story, the scripts and the pace of the show. Floricienta started with 14 points in its first episode and, by its season finale, achieved ratings of over 30 points with the death of Federico, being the biggest Cris Morena produced hit in history, even topping Chiquititas 98 ratings. The first season was the highest-rated afternoon-slot show in Canal 13 history.

The TV show ended with Floricienta getting married in front of a big live audience and the finale was also a hit, with 25 points. Demand for tickets were extremely high with some concerts selling out in minutes. In , a new musical debuted on Gran Rex and it was also a major success with a total of , tickets sold. Because of this, eight extra shows were played in Luna Park stadium in Buenos Aires with 80, tickets sold. After the show ended, the complete cast waved goodbye in front of Floricienta spawned over licensed merchandising, from toys to Floricienta-branded apples.

Merchandising stands selling the show products were set up at Shopping Abasto and Unicenter. The albums were also hugely successful, with the first album being the third best-selling album in [39] and the 10th best-selling album in and, after achieving four times platinum, becoming the best-selling Cris' album since Chiquititas The second season soundtrack was the top-seller in Floricienta was also a huge phenomenon in most of Latin America where it was aired by broadcast television and also at the Disney Channel , where it was as popular as the American shows such as Hannah Montana.

The cast sold out huge stadiums all over Latin America, including Mexico, where no Argentine TV show had ever achieved such a huge success even though the show had only aired on cable. Floricienta , alongside Rebelde , was the biggest youth-oriented show in Latin America in — being aired in every single country and selling out stadiums in Central America, South America and North America. During those years, Cris dominated youth-oriented TV not only in her home country but in the entire continent. In , a Brazilian version was produced, named Floribella.

It doubled the ratings of Bandeirante at its time slot, over 40 products were released and the two CDs achieved platinum certifications. In , a Portuguese version was also aired at SIC and was a massive hit. The first CD released is the best-selling CD ever in Portugal and over products were released at the country. Alma Pirata , Rebelde Way and Chiquititas. A version from Chile also called Floribella was also produced with great acceptance and the Mexican version Lola There was also a Colombian version and the rights were bought for Greece, Russia, among other countries.

In an interview with Radio 10 in February , Cris revealed Disney had bought the rights for an American remake. The judge ruled in favor of Cris Morena Group but the two parts reached an amicable agreement which permitted the show to continue being aired in Telefe and the musical to tour across the country. Nini was starred and produced by Florencia and it had much of the same production team as Floricienta , including its scriptwriter Gabriela Fiore. In March , Floricienta—originally aired at Canal 13—started being rerun during Telefe's afternoon, increasing the slot's average [46] and, despite being a rerun, beating Canal 13 's Los Unicos second season, which targeted a similar young audience.

After exiting Telefe in due to disagreements with then content director Claudio Vilarruel, Cris had to leave the Chiquititas brand behind since the name was property of the channel. Similarly to Rebelde, the show was co-produced by Israeli production compani Dori Media.

Guido Kaczka , which played Belen's brother from 95 to 98 in Chiquititas and Argentina's best-selling singer, Soledad Pastorutti were chosen as the leads. The show debuted in April Although it rated better than Canal 9's average numbers, it couldn't top the success of the previous Chiquititas seasons and ratings were also lower than Rebelde Way. In the middle of the year, due to a crisis in Canal 9, the show changed to America 2 alongside Rebelde Way and the one-month hiatus and frequent time slot changes in the new channel affected the show greatly.

Even so, it still rated better than the channel's average. The soundtrack album achieved Gold certification a modest result compared to other Chiquititas' albums. Although it underperformed in Argentina, in Israel the show was a huge success, helped by hype surrounding Rebelde Way and the original Chiquititas , which had exploded there only a few year prior.

The complete cast of the program visited Tel Aviv for a series of concerts at the Nokia Arena, with over Finally, after four years working for all its competitors, Cris returned to Telefe in an exclusivity deal in