While in previous books I was mad about his dismissal of Reya, Cosway truly made me believe in their love. I felt his regret If I hadn't been so messed up I swear I would've treated you like a princess.

Not a single one," he said, his tone adamant. Cosway writes some of the best heroines in my opinion, I always find myself relating to them. I think what I love the most is how down to earth she was. But my heart still broke for her. Why couldn't I ever be the main priority in someone's life? Was it selfish to want to be number one to just one person?

You and Me Always

She was also really funny, which is another trait I love about Cosway's heroines. Okay, nosy was probably the more appropriate word. There's no stopping these slutty ovaries. All they seem to want to do is make babies. There were times when some might label her a "doormat," but I never felt that way. I truly believe she loved him, but she was also young and didn't realize how much growing up he needed to do.

Rather than being frustrated, I was impressed with how she held onto her love and waited for him. He smelled like home. He embraced me like love. She didn't pine away or immediately forgive him, but she didn't deny her feelings either. I never had any other choice but to love you, did I? And she eventually came to see she deserved more. Trev was the boy you loved who never noticed you existed. I needed to love a boy who would make me his entire world.

My worries turned out to be unfounded. Overall this was a pretty successful second chance romance, for my picky tastes. The reality TV didn't play a huge, or annoying, part. And I wasn't let down after two years of waiting: There were only two things that kept it from being 5-stars. One of my biggest pet peeves in a second chance romance is lack of communication, and extra unnecessary drama at the end.

I was so happy that neither was the case here. Ironically though, the slow burn was a little too slow for me. Now before you call me ridiculous and indecisive, both of which I am anyways, I want to point out that when Cosway writes her romances, she really focuses on the couple.

It's one of the reasons I love her writing, because sometimes I just want to focus on the couple. That being said, it meant I waited a really long time before any action happened between them. But I still wanted them together a little sooner. Apparently I'm goldilocks when it comes to timing in a second chance romance. The lack of Trevor's perspective. I'm constantly craving both sides of the story. And since the story is told with only a few flashbacks, we would have primarily gotten a mature Trevor's POV, which is something I would've loved to read!

Extremely mild OW drama. They were separated for two years. In that time they both had other partners. One of Trevor's ex's was a little more prominent in stories. But once they were together, even as friends, there was no one else for either of them. So if you could write it super fast please? View all 20 comments. Her characters are always so unique and vibrant. Each Cross brother is charismatic in their own way and will steal your heart! Trevor and Reya have been the best of friends since the day that they met. Although, Reya was a little more than disappointed that things never went any further as she was smitten with Trev from the moment she first laid eyes on him.

Little did she know that Trev was harboring a crush on her as well. Whenever she spotted him in the audience she sensed something in his eyes that had her heart racing! On this night, feelings that the two bottled up for so long come to the surface and they share a passionate night together. Reya was hesitant to cross the line between friends and lovers with Trev because she feared she would end up with a broken heart which is what happened when Trev gets the role of a lifetime on a reality TV show.

For three weeks she will be traveling across Europe with Trev and his fellow cast mates. Throughout the story, we are taken from the past to present so we get to experience all of the butterflies when their relationship is just starting and then the heartbreak when it all falls apart. It is what caused him at times to be unavailable when Reya needed him the most. He wants another chance with Reya and will go to great lengths to make that happen. Trev is not the only one with issues in the relationship. Reya let her insecurities rule her which led her to push away the one person who truly loved her the most, but working on the show with Trev might just give them their second chance at happiness.

View all 16 comments. After years of pining for the guy she always wanted, Reya had him. Until he signed on to a parkour reality television series and the two drifted apart. And he does this by bringin 4 stars! And he does this by bringing her on the road while his show is filming throughout Europe. Reya is determined not to let Trev get under her skin again, but being in close quarters through some of the most romantic cities in the world make it difficult to resist him.

Each book brings something unique and special to the table, every story something new, and every character a breath of fresh air. While this can be read as a standalone, we got brief glimpses of Reya and Trev in previous books in the series, and I have always been intrigued by their dynamic and have wanted to read their story. That and Reya were my favorite parts of this book, I loved her as a heroine. She was alluring, curvy, and fierce. Trev and Reya were explosive together, a delightful and beautiful couple.

I know readers will love their story. View all 14 comments. Jun 01, Claire Robinson rated it really liked it Shelves: For me, Hearts on Air was a fift 3. It was mainly because it seemed to be dragged out far too long, felt a little repetitive, and I found Reya to be a bit of a prick tease in relation to knowing how Trevor felt about her, and using it to bolster up her own confidence on more than one occasion. I loved his unpredictability. I got off on his wildness and spontaneity. And I adored how he always surprised me with what came out of his mouth.

She also seemed to have absolutely no problem eavesdropping on people in situations that were wholly not her business. The ending and epilogue, made me smile as well. ARC generously provided by the author via Wordsmith Publicity, and it was, as it always is, my pleasure to provide the above honest review in exchange. View all 4 comments.

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Jun 07, Natalie The Biblioholic rated it really liked it Shelves: He was everything in this story. His mischief, his candor, his friendship, his hotness, his heart. He filled me up with so much glee. She rubbed me the wrong way. I hated how she treated Trevor, for the most part. I hated the emotional games she played. He didn't call or come round for a bit and she was all "Oh, you're on the way to being famous and while you're busy, obviously you couldn't care less about me.

She didn't support him. I hated how she interpreted every. It was all about her.

Hearts on Air (Hearts, #6) by L.H. Cosway

How things affected her, her feelings, her altruistic musical dreams, her etc I hated how she refused, quite brutishly, to see anything from Trevor's angle. What was so obvious to me, she needed to be hit upside the head with it, time and time again. However, I did admire the clarity of her purpose. It shone true through her music and her dreams. I just wish she was a better person. In my opinion, her distrust for and her rudeness towards Trevor was excessive. But then again I have a huge bias when it comes to Trevor and I pity the fool who would ever try to bring him down.

Obviously I adored Trevor's story. It was fun, full of adventure, and held tons of angst. I loved Trevor and every part of him, whether it was his irresponsible and impulsive side or his more mature and grounded demeanor. He was so amazing and I kept wondering how much more incredible he would have appeared had I been blessed with his perspective. June 8, Genre: Heroine - 1st person Heat: Standalone - Book 6 of the Hearts series with character crossover View all 22 comments.

It was also the time when Trev's dream of his own parkour reality show came true. This should have been the happiest time of their life but real life crept in fast and their budding relationship fizzled out. Reya was left broken hearted over the loss of her best friend and her love. Two years later Trev asks her for a second chance to fix their friendship. He offers her a job as a PA for the parkour team for their Europe tour and after a lot of hesitation she agrees to take the chance. It helps that her own career as a musician is stagnating and obviously going nowhere.

It stings that Trev is successful and her own career is going nowhere. The prospect of playing in joints of different European countries holds great appeal and would mean more exposure for her music. But there is the issue of not letting Trev in again. Spending three weeks with Trev and being close to him for an extended period?

It will take everything to resist this cheeky, charming and intense guy. Reya still hurts and Trev makes it hard to keep him at arms' length. How long will she be able to resist? Reya's pain is so obvious from the start, I felt it with her. She has never moved on from Trev.

As long as they were friends she'd always avoided letting her feelings for Trev venture into a territory they have no business to go when you want to stay friends so there is a lot of regret on her behalf. On this trip she doesn't only learn a lot about her best friend, she learns about herself and that she misjudged Trev's flightiness and unreliability. He impresses her with his new maturity, she gets a whole new appreciation for his condition. I looked down at my plate, a smile curling my lips. She stands loyal by him even if she is at odds with where their relationship should go.

Reya is a tender-hearted girl but she has a backbone of steel even when she feels she is weak. Reya also has to deal with her estrangement from her own family. Her story is sad and you can only shake your head when you see the sanctimony and cruelty of her own flesh and blood.

I was sad for her and offended on her behalf. Trev has come a long way from the cheeky, flighty, hyperactive, thoughtless guy he used to be. Learning about ADHD and how to deal with it on a daily basis has made him more mature and calmer than he used to be. He still has that cheekiness about him that I have come to love from the first time he appeared in Hearts of Blue but there is a new depth to him. He is grounded, solid and he kept impressing me with how much thought he gave to the things Reya said.

When it comes to her he would give up everything, his selflessness was beautiful. Trev tries so hard to become the person Reya needs and it is obvious to everyone how very much in love he still is with his girl, except to the woman herself.

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It is tangible how he is pining for Reya and how much he worships her. I adored Reya's and Trev's relationship and how their love was so obvious. It was understandable that she didn't want to fall into old patterns and unsuccessfully kept an emotional distance from Trev. LH Cosway knows how to write some extremely steamy scenes and let me tell you, Trev is a freaking beast.

I think he has a little sex addiction going on ;. I loved the dynamics between the two main characters. Their friendship has always been beautiful to me and while Trev sometimes came across as a bit of an airhead throughout the series I kind of figured there was more to him and I'm happy to say that I was right.

The last two chapters will make every fan of this series super-happy. You get to catch up with your favorite characters and I really really loved the developing bromance of two of the characters. This book also sets the stage for the new series which will be about the rest of the parkour team. The first couple will be Callum and Leanne who we get to know a little bit and let me tell you This book is a worthy conclusion of an amazing series and I say goodbye a little teary-eyed.

I have come to love the uniqueness of L. She has a way of evoking deep emotions with and for them. I was enraptured and completely immersed in the story from the first page. Now I can't wait to see what this author has in store for us with her new series. I hope that we get some cameos from the Hearts series. I'm sure she will take us again on a fun ride. Jun 12, Ramona rated it it was amazing Shelves: The Hearts Series has always been one of my mini obsession romance series and every time another book is released I just flip, leave everything aside and enjoy the story which I know will be amazing, great, you know it: However, they are too afraid to admit it and fear their relationship will be harmed after having other type of commitment between them.

They engaged in a short and lustful romance, but life separated them eventually. Trevor has been offered the job of a lifetime, to film a reality-show based on his favorite sport, parkour, and Reya is left back in London, only with her hopes and dreams. Did I mentioned I loved this book?

I loved the characters, the plot, the secondary characters and the amazing scenario that was brought to us. Reya was my kind of heroine, strong when needed, but fragile inside. All her life she wanted to become a singer, but feared of fame and the spotlight. She just wanted to live in her little bubble of joy, singing for others and being an inspiration. She wanted her music to mean something to her audience and for that dream she kept on booking gigs, writing her own songs or singing covers in an original way.

She was independent, beautiful and had a crush on her best friend, Trevor. He loves parkour, driving and having fun. He is also secretly in love with Reya, but because of some issues he is not honest with her about his feelings and prefers to keep her close only as friends. When his biggest dream comes to life, he makes the big mistake of forgetting his priorities and gests suck in the fame twister, leaving Reya heartbroken and alone.

Now, he is back for a second change and won't allow NO for an answer. He fights for Reya with everything he has, to show her that he is a changed man that will always puts her first. Their chemistry was unbelievable, like with all the couples in the series. The scenes between them were full with tension, love, friendship and I laughed so much, it made my heart melt.. They were incredible, I enjoyed so much their push and pull, the way they wanted to do the right thing but failed miserably because their feelings were stronger. I liked the way they evolved, especially Trevor.

From the dreamy and careless boy, he truly became a man that saw beyond the material and fame. He saw a future in Reya, something to hold on too and make it his. He became reliable and I sincerely loved him for that. Reya as well broke different barriers to become a better person, more at ease with herself and her past.

She managed to put aside insecurities, take chances, be more bold when wanting something. The two of them were amazing together and I couldn't imagine of a more fitting couple for this story, that found each other no matter what, in a perfect unity. A major bonus was the changing in scenario, from Brussels, to Paris and Barcelona.

I loved to read the description of some famous places and to imagine Trevor and his team doing parkour there. It was extremely original and I praised for the author for nailing it completely. Oh, and the secondary characters were amazing. I loved Trevor's team and not to mention that I got to see some old characters back in action, including my crush, Oliver King. To conclude with, an extremely romantic adventure, with two characters that find their way back to each other and discover the importance of friendship that manages to surpase everything.

Hearts on Air Series: June 8, Cliffhanger: No HEA view spoiler [Yes hide spoiler ] Seeing this book land on my kindle was more than a little bittersweet. Though I'm always excited for a new addition to the Hearts series, this sixth installment completed the Cross family stories. It's been three years, and countless hours of romantic bliss after first reading Six of Hearts. I'm not quite ready to accept the fact that there will be no more storie Title: I'm not quite ready to accept the fact that there will be no more stories to look forward to.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, but luckily they've been sent off in grand style. Trevor Cross and Reya Cabrera were best friends, but Reya's feelings secretly always ran deeper. He never showed the barest hint of interest in her beyond friendship, so she kept her yearnings locked up tight. The night they threw their caution and inhibitions to the wind and danced on the edge of more. But unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be for them yet. She let her hopes run away with her, only to be devastated when their fragile relationship eventually crumbled under pressure. Trevor was signed to do a Parkour reality show, and two years later, all she has are bitter memories and loneliness to keep her company.

Running into him again is the last thing she wants or needs. It only chafes the burn of their failure once again. I realised with stark clarity how much I still felt for him. It was worse than bad. Because if he pushed even a tiny bit more, my defences would crack. I really felt for Reya. She clearly had her heart broken and her life had hit a rough patch. Stuck in the same apartment, and just scraping by, she wasn't making a success of her music career like she dreamed of. So although being in Trevor's presence is not the most comfortable place for her, he makes her an offer she simply can't refuse.

He offers her the chance of a lifetime: PA by day for his parkour team as they film their reality show around Europe. By night, she's free to play her music in new, exciting cities and gain more exposure for the career she seeks. She can deal with a little angst. Trevor seems to be a changed man now that they've reconnected. He's calmer, more grounded, and focused. After discovering his high energy and sometimes impulsive behavior was caused by ADHD, it was an uphill battle learning to conquer his own personal challenges. But now he seems healthier, happier, and determined to convince Reya to give them another chance.

He made me feel electric, like I might be hurtling off the edge of a cliff but I was going to enjoy every single second before I hit the ground. It was illogical and dangerous. But I still jumped every time. As she meets his partners and gets integrated back into his daily life, they get to know one another all over again.

Their attraction was stronger than ever, and becoming harder and harder to suppress. I especially loved Trevor's fascination with her songs and watching her perform. He had an intensity about him when he saw her in her element, he was absolutely entranced and couldn't look away when she bared herself through her music. He always wanted me. Maybe it was because I was absorbed in a persona. Trev has come a long way, and matured in their time apart. He made mistakes in the past that led to their separation, but I also feel as if it just wasn't the right timing for them. With his television career taking off, the demands of his job had a big impact on them.

He didn't have the tools or the capability of balancing everything properly. But he really proved himself, supported her, and lifted her up this time around. He went out of his way to prove that she was the most important thing in the world to him. Cosway's trademark witty humor, originality, and unique characters made their presence known once again. I relished revisiting all of the past couples as they made their appearances in this book, it felt like I was giving them one last group hug. If you're like me and don't want to let go yet, there's very good news.

Cosway has announced that she's writing a spin-off series to be released next year called Running On Air! It will feature Trevor's Parkour partners that we meet in this book. So all hope is not lost. Maybe we may get a cameo or two from some of our beloved favorites. The first book will be about Callum and Leanne, and I am unbelievably eager to read more about them.

Even if you haven't read the others in the series, this CAN be read as a standalone. I highly recommend checking this one out in preparation for the upcoming series. View all 9 comments. Jun 08, Samantha Young rated it it was amazing. Smart, likeable, vulnerable, strong, heroine you want to be friends with. Cocky but real, likeable, hilarious, witty, sexy hero with brilliant character arc. I've said it before and I will continue to say i Smart, likeable, vulnerable, strong, heroine you want to be friends with. I've said it before and I will continue to say it for years to come: I will read anything this fabulous author writes.

Apr 19, Dali rated it it was amazing Shelves: Trevor Cross thought fame and fortune would make him happy. Can he convince Reya to come with him and his crew on a trip across Europe? Hearts on Air is classic L. Reya very easy to like. You may know that as orphans, Trevor and his brothers struggled as kids to get by. Even though Trevor was one of the youngest Cross siblings, he was still embroiled in illegal activities in order to survive until his late teens.

Add to that the fact that he had undiagnosed ADHD until he started the reality TV show and you have one very complicated and intense man. I really enjoyed the friends to lovers and slow burn nature of their relationship, building up a passionate romance. I loved every single interaction between them. The locations, the new characters that help set the stage for this series spinoff, the amazing tricks, but what I loved the most apart from the romance was reading about all the other characters in the Hearts series.

Cosway comes full circle with all the stories and closes the series marvelously. Hearts on Air is book 6 in the Hearts series by L. It is a standalone romance and the last in the series. Nov 29, London marked it as hell-fucking-no Shelves: What a complete twat. Who wants to read about a hero that doesn't even notice the heroine has left because he's too busy flirting with other women?

Or 2 years after meeting her he's still banging or trying to other women read in the epilogue of Hearts of Blue. And the excuse is that he has ADHD. So he can't keep his dick in his pants because he can't concentrate on just one woman? Won't be touching this book. I thought maybe my friend was better off with him staying oblivious. The bloke nearly de-bollocked him. View all 71 comments. Jun 05, Dee Montoya rated it it was amazing Shelves: Hearts On Air is a beautiful adventure that transports the reader to beautiful places and experience emotions that will make our hearts jump with the flip of every page.

Trevor and Reya have been best friends for years. Reya's always had a major crush on the younger of the Cross brothers, but she's had to hide her feelings after Trevor put her in the friend zone. These two always have the best time togeth 4. These two always have the best time together; their banter is hilarious and totally contagious throughout the book.

The truth is that Trevor also has feelings for Reya but he doesn't feel worthy of her so he's never tried to show how he really feels. Trevor's dream to become a reality star, showcasing his Parkour talents has finally become a reality. He's been given the opportunity to travel from city to city doing amazing stunts, quickly becoming a household name. Fame, women, and money are what Trevor always thought he wanted but all the success doesn't taste as sweet when he doesn't have his family and friends close to him.

Trevor has learned a lot about himself in the time he's been away, he's been fighting hard with the demons that haunt him. He misses Reya, and even though he doesn't have it all figured out, one thing he knows for sure, that he doesn't want to spend one more day without her. The chaos that is Trevor Cross was feeding the deep insecurities that Reya's always had.

She hides behind her music, creating beautiful songs that are the armor that protect her from the pain of her past. Now Trevor is back in her life and she's feeling overwhelmed by the fierce need to be close to him, and the fear of getting her heart broken. Jan 19, Agi rated it really liked it Shelves: I have always loved books and reading, but it is essentially thanks to few authors, such as Marian Keyes, Jane Costello and Jill Mansell, that my love to women's literature exploded so much and blossomed through the years.

I am proud to say that I have read all of Jill's books, I have all of them on my bookshelf, and not one of them had disappointed me - when picking Ms Mansell's book I know that I am for a treat and for a few hours of utter delight. And it was the same with "You and Me, Always" I have always loved books and reading, but it is essentially thanks to few authors, such as Marian Keyes, Jane Costello and Jill Mansell, that my love to women's literature exploded so much and blossomed through the years. And it was the same with "You and Me, Always". And let's be honest - there is no January without new Jill Mansell's release for me anymore.

The author effortlessly throws her readers to the heart of the story, deep into the characters' lives - I have truly had a feeling I know them for ever! I felt on the right place in their company, and I laughed and cried with them all together. Jill Mansell, as always, describes the characters so well that we really understand each of them - their motives and their reactions. There are truly so many characters in this novel but I didn't have a problem to know who is who and how they are connected.

I loved how their stories linked together, how they were connected with each other and how effortlessly they were intertwined and how perfectly the story flows, in just the right pace. Our main character, Lily, is twenty - five years old and each year she gets a letter from her mum for her birthday - mum that has sadly already passed away. I loved this idea, I simply loved it, it was so touching and so thoughtful. A pity that we could read only one of the letters but well, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush In the last letter Lily's mum is talking about her first love ever, and this piqued Lily's interest She doesn't know it yet, but it is going to change her life - and not only hers, but also the lives of her friends Patsy and Coral.

Lily is the main one. I loved her from the very beginning, really. I was thinking, well, after her mum's death she could grow up wallowing in grief, full of anger and bad feelings but on the contrary, thanks to the help of Coral and Patsy, she became a wonderful, lovely, funny young woman. Patsy was a source of many funny situations, what with her online dating and the guys she went on dates with. But her story was also a very touching one, as we soon realise what her biggest dream is and that it's more and more difficult for it to become true - will she get her happy end?

I really liked her storyline and I kept my fingers crossed for her so much, and she was such a brilliant support to Lily. Jill Mansell can create not only the loveliest, most realistic female characters but she is also a champion of writing the male ones. In this book we have Dan, Declan and Eddie, but firstly let's stop and admire Dan for a while. The ultimate chick - lit hero. Dan is incredibly handsome and he realises it, and yes, he uses it, but he's neither bumptious nor does he treats women in an awful way. Full of warmth and with a great sense of humour, just my kind of hero, mmmm.

And - you may not believe it but he is unhappily in love with a girl that doesn't know it. Sure, these three are only the tip of an iceberg, but believe me, all the other characters have their own cosy place in this story and the book wouldn't be the same without them. They are so beautifully rounded and so well drawn and they welcome you to their world, and a lot happens to them all. A lot, and you have a feeling you know them for years.

Keeping in mind the title of the book, and also the fact that the letters Lily was getting from her mum were stressed as a very significant things to the story, I had a feeling that the novel is about everything but Lily and her mum. I'm not sure why but I was convinced that it's going to be a story about these two women and I had a feeling that it strays away from it.

Instead, there is a lot of things going on in this book, and truly, there is not a single flat moment there, especially as all the characters want to tell their own stories as well, and in the end I found myself enjoying the book, even though it took a little different angle to what I was expecting. The setting of the story is also so beautiful - a small village in the English countryside, Stanton Langley, and the author brilliantly captured atmosphere of the place and its residents, and I really didn't have a problem to feel a part of their world. The falling - for - Hollywood - star subplot reminds me so much of Karen Swan's last novel, "Christmas at Primrose Hill", but as I loved this book, I also totally enjoyed it in Ms Mansell's novel.

Well, I think all of the girls dream of meeting a big star one day, and even better when the star falls for them, no? It was a great part in the story and I absolutely adored Lily and the way she was around Eddie - not star - struck, oh no, she was sharp - tongued and cynical and a real tough cookie for Eddie. Jill's books are always like a comforting blanket, like a glass of latte with the most exquisite chocolate - to devour.

It was an easy, light read with a touch of sadness and nostalgia to it and I enjoyed it immensely. It was bitter - sweet, with the right doses of fun and sadness, and it is only Jill Mansell who can take a great bunch of people and give them their own lives and personalities, create wonderful and unique stories for them and make the reader feel a part of the characters' lives.

This story has it all in fact. Characters, setting, twists and turns and some lovely romances, so very tastefully intertwined into the plot. It is an adorable book about unconditional friendship and love, with a beautiful ending, with everything perfectly wrapped up. I can be sure that when I have a worse day, when I'm feeling law, Jill Mansell's book is going to get me out of this slump - her stories make me believe in happy - ever - after.

Copy provided by the publisher in exchange for a review. Om eerlijk te zijn, vind ik dit tot nu toe het minste boek dat ik van Jill heb gelezen. Het had zeker weer de sterke punten zoals we van Jill gewend zijn, maar het verhaal vond ik niet echt uitdagend, een beetje standaard.

Een volledige recensie volgt binnenkort op www. Originally reviewed on Becca's Books. It's no secret that I'm a bit of a okay, a major fan girl for Jill Mansell. I've been reading Jill's books since my teens and have fallen in love with her style, stories and characters incredibly hard over the years.

That love is still going strong now, and I am always anticipating her next release because I love how I feel when reading a Jill Mansell novel. Happy, hopeful and like I'm taking a leisurely stroll through the novel alongside her characters, it Originally reviewed on Becca's Books. Happy, hopeful and like I'm taking a leisurely stroll through the novel alongside her characters, it's a feeling I will never, ever tire of. When the cover and blurb of You and Me, Always was revealed on social media, I was instantly drawn to the title. It's beautiful and moving, and once I'd read the blurb, I couldn't wait to get to the story within.

Set within the gorgeous Cotswold Village, Stanton Langley, I had a feeling that I'd sink into this story in the same way I'd sink back into a hot bubble bath. Comforting and inviting, and entirely satisfying. I know, I know, how on earth did I get all that just from reading the blurb? Well, that's Jill Mansell, ladies and gentlemen. You and Me, Always begins in the most tender of ways. Lily, now twenty-five, opens the very last letter written by her late mother.

Now, I don't know about you but when it comes to letters, especially if the writer is now longer around, my heart breaks over and over again. Handwritten letters, in such a technology-driven age, are something to be cherished, and Lily does exactly that. But the most recent and last letter reveals something to Lily about her mother and her first true love, which sets the wheel in motion in Lily's beautiful mind. Alongside this stunning thread of self-discovery and her mother's past, Jill also introduces readers to the character of Eddie Tessler, who's escaping the spotlight in his fame-flooded life, Dan, Lily's flirtatious long-time friend, and a couple more characters who truly bring this story to life.

In true Jill Mansell style, at one point or another, these characters' lives entwine, and I couldn't wait to see when it would happen and what the consequences would be. Each of Jill's characters within You and Me, Always were brilliantly developed, Lily being a particular favourite of mine, not only because she was the heroine but because she was so incredibly lovely. I warmed to her right from the beginning of this book and truly hoped that nothing but good would come her way. She was so positive, even her dialogue made me smile.

Despite losing her mother, she was still a strong lover of life and I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with her and following her story. Dan, too, was another favourite of mine, and later on into the novel when his deeper layers were revealed to me, I think I may have swooned just a little bit. At first, he seems like your typical lad's lad, but there is so much more to his character, it just took some time for it to simmer to the surface.

In fact, I loved watching each of Jill's characters becoming more prominent as the novel progressed and by the end of it, I felt as though they were firm friends of mine. The plot itself was wonderfully uplifting and heart-warming. Different tales from the different characters weaved in and out and I couldn't get enough. I particularly enjoyed Lily's story as she set out on a journey to discover the man who had been her mother's first love. I adored the cosy, charming setting of Stanton Langley, and I wanted to step inside and take a stroll down the street myself.

I was completely invested in the characters and couldn't wait to see where they'd end up when the novel came to its end. It was exciting and oh-so-satisfying, and it has only left me feeling the same way I do whenever I finish a book by this author. The setting, the plot, the fantastic characters. I really can't think of a single bad thing to say about this one, except perhaps that it didn't last forever and ever, which I would have been more than happy with.

Oct 01, Karen rated it it was amazing. Jill Mansell has always been a 'go to' author who I know won't disappoint and this, her 27th novel, was another very enjoyable read. I started smiling within the first couple of pages and didn't stop until the end. This latest story is set in the Cotswolds, in the idyllic sounding village of Stanton Langley - a village where everybody knows each other's business! Lily's mother died when Lily was a young child, she was brought up by her mother's best friend Coral and her late husband Nick and is t Jill Mansell has always been a 'go to' author who I know won't disappoint and this, her 27th novel, was another very enjoyable read.

Lily's mother died when Lily was a young child, she was brought up by her mother's best friend Coral and her late husband Nick and is the darling of the village, with everybody looking out for her. In the 17 years since her death, Lily has had a letter from her mother on her birthday but this year, Lily's 25th birthday, is the last ever letter. In it she names someone who was her first real love and in a quest to find out more about her mother, Lily feels a compulsion to trace him. There is large cast of characters, but they have their distinct personalities. There is Lily, obviously, who is a sweetheart with her helpful and sunny disposition, I don't think she had a bad bone in her body.

Another older friend Patsy, provided numerous snorts of laughter with her internet dates, one being with 'Tandem' Derek at the very beginning of the story! She certainly has her share of bad luck in the love stakes. Patsy is in her mids and lives with her younger brother Dan, a pilot.

Dan has a rather stereotypical lad about town role but his heart is in the right place. He and Lily have been friends since childhood and have a playful, flirty friendship. Then there is Eddie. I won't say any more about him for fear of spoiling the story. Coral, her mother's best friend, was another wonderful character and provided some suitably comic moments - I'm thinking of the scene in the supermarket with the pile cream!

As with many of Jill's characters, these are people that you take to your heart and would like to have as friends.

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Their loyalty to each other is one of the outstanding features however despite providing for many comic moments, these characters also have their heartaches and unhappiness and for me, there was a good balance of light and shade. You and Me, Always isn't a light and fluffy vacuous read but includes believable characters, none of whom have perfect lives. Not everyone in the story is perfect. There are one or two that I took an instant dislike to and wished bad things for! Everyone has their secrets and during the course of the story, certain things are disclosed which some people would rather have stayed hidden and which risk ruining friendships.

This was a lovely, warm and humourous read and nothing less than I expected from one of my favourite authors. If you have never read a book by Jill Mansell before then I would definitely recommend any of her books, but in particular her latest reads. There are only so many variations of a storyline in this genre but what particularly impresses me is her ability to keep coming up with new situations and keeping things fresh. I'm sure this book will delight her existing fans and hopefully bring her some new ones.

My thanks to the publisher, Headline, for the paperback copy to review. Feb 16, Anne rated it it was amazing. You and Me, Always is Jill Mansell at her very best, she's an author who is confident in how she writes and knows exactly what her fans want. She stays true to what she knows best, and this story is everything that I expected, and all that I wanted.

The female characters take the lead in this story. Strong, yet vulnerable, funny and loyal, here are a bunch of women who you'd really want to have on side, in any argument. Although Lily is the main character, and this is her story; Patsy is my favou You and Me, Always is Jill Mansell at her very best, she's an author who is confident in how she writes and knows exactly what her fans want. Although Lily is the main character, and this is her story; Patsy is my favourite. I just loved her, a little bit older with a heart that has been battered about and torn up a bit, but who, deep down just wants to love and be loved.

She's the village hairdresser, and everyone in Stanton Langley knows her story; they know about the husband who left her, they know about his new relationship, and unfortunately most of them know everything about the online dating disasters that seem to be happening more regularly. Yes, there are plenty of male characters, and some are fabulous, and some are not so wonderful, but not one of them is a patch on these three women. It's not all fun and games and laughter and jollity though.

Jill Mansell has created an intriguing back story for her characters, with Lily's dead mother at the centre. When Lily reads the last birthday letter left by her Mum, on the morning of her twenty-fifth birthday she feels deep sadness, but the words that she reads also spark a determination to find out more about her Mum's early life. Whilst Lily is wondering about her family history, Patsy is sheltering someone from unwanted attention. Worlds collide, and people who would normally never meet become mixed up together.

Old well-kept secrets are revealed and there are tears and laughter all around. A fabulous story, extremely well-written by an author who continues to create the most wonderful characters. Long-term fans will be delighted, and new readers will be hooked. Super frothy but does not assume its readers are dumb. Good dialogue and cute little village as the setting. Just what I was in the mood for.

Oct 01, Renee rated it liked it Shelves: Almooost to the level of being really good, but ended up being somewhat pedestrian. Ik heb het boek weer met veel plezier gelezen, iets minder pakkend dan andere boeken van Jill Mansell, maar evengoed fijn om te lezen! Leuke personages, met toch weer een kleine onverwachte gebeurtenis uit het verleden. I have always been a reader ever since a young age, but became an avid reader in my late teens.

There were a couple of authors I always resorted to and Jill Mansell was one of them. The thing that I have realised is that Jill along with another long term author Carole Matthews have almost become the reading equivalent of a security blanket. Having read every published book by Jill Mansell I have never been disappointed with a book she has written. It seems in the last 5 or 6 years every book sh I have always been a reader ever since a young age, but became an avid reader in my late teens. It seems in the last 5 or 6 years every book she has published with the exception of 1 has been a solid 5 star read.

This latest book is no exception to that rule, other than in one way. I think although am not sure I may have broken a personal record?!? Now I know I am a quick reader but this seems somehow like the quickest I have ever read a book! One of the reasons is that yet again Jill Mansell has created a wonderful book that meant everything else in my life stopped! Lily is the main focus of this story but if I am being entirely honest this book felt like they all had lead parts. Lily is a 25 year old woman growing up in the village of Stanton Langley in the Cotswolds with her unusual family set up.

It all sounds rather convoluted and unnecessary; however nothing could be further from the truth. The characters all feel so familiar almost instantly and the characters be it villagers or friends all make the story weave together seamlessly. A strange and chance encounter means that Lily meets Eddie Tessler, a very famous Actor who is fleeing his unwanted press attention. This takes the story to a whole new level and there really are some wonderful book moments. Lily is a brilliant character who speaks the truth and when she faces Eddie with her honesty he is blown away and a friendship blossoms.

There is so much going on in this story but I cannot stress how much of an easy and enjoyable read it was. An absolutely wonderful, feel good read and perfect for to cheer you up on a dreary January This book is set in a small village in England called Stanton Langley. The love lives of the characters in You and Me, Always are so complicated, especially poor Patsy. I think if I was Patsy I would have given up on internet dating long before she did. It was pretty easy to figure out what his problem was.

So I also understand why he did what he did I think he went about it the wrong way. That hardly ever happens. I really enjoyed the friendship between Lily, Patsy and Coral. They had a really strong bond between them. I also enjoyed the banter Lily had with Dan.

When Lily meets Eddie, a major celebrity, and they start to grow closer, Lily is introduced into another world and with that comes consequences. Lily is such a strong, independent young woman who knows what she wants. I really enjoyed You and Me, Always. I was worried this would be a cheesy romance because of the title but the synopsis had me intrigued. Nov 12, Rachel Gilbey rated it it was amazing. I have been a huge fan of Jill Mansell for far more years than I care to count, and I am so glad that I am. Pretty much every single book she releases is brilliant, and You and Me, Always is no exception,.

As You and Me, Always started I was a slightly apprehensive that it would be a very sad book which isn't what I was in the mood for , but it couldn't have been any further from that. It is a wonderful romantic comedy, the key elements of it come into play on Lily's 25th birthday. Each year on I have been a huge fan of Jill Mansell for far more years than I care to count, and I am so glad that I am. Each year on her birthday, she gets a letter from her mother, who passed away when she was only eight years old.

This years letter is the last one, and with it there is a present and her mother talks about her first love. From this letter we get a great introduction to the main characters who feature in the book, and on the same day Lily meets a famous actor, who is hiding out in her friend's cottage. Dan however doesn't like Eddie the star , and tries to put Lily off. We get to see all of Patsy's disastrous online dating efforts, watch out for a moment on a tandem bike, and also discover Coral starting to feel a bit more ready to start dating again, two years after the death of her husband.

There are many close knit friendships that was get to observe in the village of Stanton Langley, and some of the surrounding area is stunning. I loved seeing what was going on in the village and the way the characters clearly care about each other. You and Me, Always was a pleasure to read, and I loved every second of it.

It is a great introduction to Jill Mansell's books if you have never read any of them before.

See a Problem?

Thank you to Netgalley and Headline for this review copy. This was my honest opinion.

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  • Mar 03, Claire rated it really liked it. Jill Mansell as reliable as always. This review was originally published on my book blog at: I consider her work to be the high watermark in the contemporary romance genre and You and Me, Always maintains her high standards. This Jill Mansell as reliable as always. This book is like a warm hug. You and Me, Always is another good example of her excellent work! Deze auteur slaagt er immers steeds in om lezers een goed gevoel te bezorgen tijdens het lezen van haar boeken.

    Je weet immers al vooraf dat je in een boek terecht zal komen waarbij je je verstand even op nul kan zetten.