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However, I let my imagination fly in the interpretations. I used the great Madame Curie as a paradigm. She also used the Internet and asked some friends for advice. On the other hand, Montero must be praised for all the additional materials found in the essay as well, which are definitely another strong point of it. As a good journalist, Montero has the ability to awake the audience interest from the very first sentence of every sentence in each chapter.

After a fascinating start, different kind of reflections can be expected. She also reflects beautifully and quite deeply on crucial realities for humans, such as friendship or being a parent. Despite new themes keep arising, such as the internal fight between feelings and reason, the faithful reader of Montero will also find her typical feminism, which led her to write the jewel History of women in Nevertheless, both first-class authors share a remarkably perfectionist personality with Marie Curie.

In the case of the writers, this leads to a truly rich language, which naturally varies from poetic and close to more informal and natural. The Spanish journalist also masterly uses humor, often to criticize.

Rosa Montero

With an incredible ability to take you to the different scenes, this individual, who proves to have lots of empathy, makes use of comparisons and metaphors in a delicious way. Baring that in mind, this other beautiful quote suits her perfectly: It often feels as if Rosa Montero is talking directly to whom is reading as questions are being made during all the essay without any kind of mercy.

Apart from that, it can also make the reader feel pleasantly normal. When being perfectionist, ambitious and obsessive is a cause of anxiety, realizing others had to deal with it may help. Although Curie may not be a model to follow for her obsessive relationship with her body and job, she definitely is for many things such as her hard work or ability to focus. Although she is successful at that, her associations are quite difficult to follow sometimes, as when she links insecurity and ambition.

While writing the end and choosing the memories that summarize their existence together, Rosa Montero has written a treasure that reminds us what is important in life.

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Le hubiera dado cuatro estrellas si la autora no hubiera utilizado para algunos conceptos. Es un libro, no twitter. Es un buen libro, entretenido y con trasfondo. View all 16 comments. Se conseguirmos falar do que nos angustia estamos com sorte: Agora que penso nisso, parece-me muito com a loucura.

It is not ridiculous | Bright-Estel

Num outro contexto, Rosa Montero reflecte sobre a literatura e sobre a escrita: Foge mal tenhas oportunidade E quanto a teres filhos — isso nem pensar. View all 3 comments. Talvez volte a escrever sobre isso. Nunca terei palavras suficientes para descrever o quanto este livro me toca.

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View all 4 comments. View all 5 comments. Jun 11, Lidia rated it really liked it. Por otro lado, he quedado impresionada con diversos detalles sobre la vida de Marie Curie.

La Ridícula Idea de No Volver a Verte - Rosa Montero - Rainbook

Jun 14, Elena rated it really liked it Shelves: Marie Curie, uma simples mulher num mundo de homens. Emigrou para Paris onde conheceu Pierre com quem viria a casar e ter duas filhas. Partilhavam a vida emocional e a vida profissional. Rosa Montero escreve maravilhosamente bem, sem rodeios e sem receios. Dizer que os amamos e que sempre o fizemos. Teria discutido menos por tontices. Se conseguimos falar do que nos angustia estamos com sorte: Este livro vale muito a pena! Rosa Montero humaniza a Marie Curie.

Terrenal, sensible, cercana, pasional, luchadora. Habla de su rol como hija, madre, esposa y como mujer en un mundo dominado por hombres. Mar 21, Dina rated it it was amazing. Sin duda de 10! Me ha enganchado de principio a fin, y me ha llegado muy hondo. Las reflexiones de la autora a lo largo del libro, me han parecido muy sabias y acertadas. En cuanto a la pluma de esta escritora,!

Marie Curie, Que grande Mulher!

La ridícula idea de no volver a verte

Fui fazendo alguns updates, mas acreditem, haveria muitos mais! A ler e reler! Mar 28, Glire rated it really liked it Shelves: Se requiere mucho sincronismo, muchas casualidades. La cantidad de textos existentes es incalculable. Un estudio de la muerte y, por lo tanto, de la vida. Un acercamiento, en retrospectiva, a la vejez. Una alabanza a la libertad plena la libertad de nuestros miedos, de las expectativas ajenas y de nosotros mismos.

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Una oda a la literatura. PS Reading Challenge - Un libro acerca del feminismo. Apr 22, Susana rated it liked it Shelves: La creatividad es justamente esto: Apr 24, Sandra rated it it was ok.