Radloff R IV is prob. D evlig homeowner, married P. PU ablam unvocalized rat Hap. D opul- See uvul-. Tuhsi, Tohar 27a, 11 cf. Johanni Pedersen dicata, Munkspaard, D avlat- hunt Caus. I avlatur, avlatma;k: D avlan- hunt Refl. D evlen- housed, marry Refl. III 2 ka: In the early period the -sar form was not always strictly Conditional, and this word perhaps became superfluous and fell into disuse when its usage became more restricted; the word was sometimes used by itself and sometimes followed by birok.
Von Le Coq in Turan, , p. I , 22; II , Briefe 36, note , as occurring in unpublished parts of that text, translating Chinese yung , same meaning Giles 13, , and in such phr.

Survives in NE Tel. IrkB 8 see i: Adam eat the seed i. Redhouse ; cf. EF avant See anvant. I avinujr, avinma: D evin- hurry Refl. D uvun- crushed, broken, faint feel crushed Refl. D evinlig seeded, pregnant P. I ; III ko: D evren firmament, dome-shaped oven tandyr , snake, dragon presumably Dev. Often associated, and syn. The oldest form seems to be apra- , but this is noted only once, and the basic form can be taken as opra: D oprat- wear out clothes Caus.
I 2el opratur, opratma: D evril- revolve, turn Pass. II tutun- ; n. I 13, 18; n. A more or less synonymous word uvak , a similar Dev. Qutb ; MN 12; Nahc. With the 3rd Pers. Suffix in the Dat. In a few phr.
I 35; four o. TT VII 20, Practically synonymous with kek, q. TTS I , etc. It can hardly be taken as a sec. Qutb MN ; Nahc. There are in some modern languages, esp.
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Some are certainly Mong. As an independent word survives on1y? I 86 this phonology is absurd; both words with initial g- so marked in the text are Pe. It soon lost its first meaning, and in the medieval period was displaced almost everywhere by the synonymous Mong. The latter might be taken as a Dev. The evidence points to ocok as the original form.
There is one certain survival of such a word, Kom. This meaning survives in N W Ka: The early passage might possibly other alternatives have been suggested be translated as follows: Survives in NE Alt. I , , ; Khak. U II 88, I , 7; III , 2: I so spelt in IMS. Survives with much the same meanings in NK Tel. I ; four o. Survives in NC Kzx. K ; three o. Not noted after xi. Tuhsi, Tohar 11a, 10 a. R I ; and NW Kaz. R I Xak. Survives in NE Tuv. I 71, 27; n. The arrow presumably had a trident-shaped head joined to the shaft by an iron collar.
KB 1 a: II , 14; n. As it comes between uldag and izdep and is preceded by L, indicating the second consonant, its general form is certain; no doubt one of the numerous Iranian l. II II 12, Spelling uncertain; in the six occurrences here and in the Refl. The baldness of a bald man qara'u'l-aqra is described metaph. The last meaning, cf. I ajmuklanur, ajmuklanma: On the adoption of Islam it came to be used as a translation of Ar. I 77; 16 o. Definitions of size vary; n.
The form of the verb to which it is attached varies, even within the same text, apparently without affecting the meaning, see v. TT II 6, PP 17, 6; Suv. I ; III In the early period the Reft, f. If so the earliest occurrence of the latter is in a side-note prob. On the other hand, at the present day the only survival of the Refl. R I ; Tuv, Pal. SDD with this additional meaning. I , 16 etc.: Q if you have many titles you get no pleasure them; if you have a reputation for being ky, you have no reason to fear; if you a reputation for being Survives in NW Kar.
R I , and SW Osm. Survives in NE Khak. R I ; SW Osm,, etc. I , 16; n. There are two verbs of this form, the Recip. The first seems to s. VII 27, 10 and I 79 the second word seems to be merely the first in a metaph. Tuhsi, Tohar 31b, 5; Kav. TT IV 8, 58 et: I 35; many o. There are seven basic words in this group of which the original pronunciations can be firmly fixed as u: The entries in some Osm.
Sporadic spellings with -d are errors. See Doerfer II TT I 3, USp. I 44; eleven o. R I ; Khak. There is a wide variation in the cases of the direct and indirect object; the original usage seems to have been to put the object thrown in the Acc. The intervocalic -d- in the NE languages is not significant as it occurs universally.
D etit- edit- set up Caus. See yit- go, gone, stray, get lost, perish. There is no doubt of the existence of this verb, which survives as uy- in SW Az. Another form occurs in KB and more in Tef. If Trans, it can govern several cases, with different shades of meaning; with the Acc. There are various metaph. In any event it cannot be a noun. The phonetic history of this word is exceptionally complicated. The original form must have been idi: It seems, however, more probable that this is merely a Sec.
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The position is complicated by the existence of a syn. It survives in a wide range of Sec. Has sometimes been mistaken for 2 idi: Not noted later than Xak. This, too, is now obsolete. See yitig sharp, alert, quick, clever. S oda See ota: Kent Kay I 87; a. XV samme afla- and ada- Tuh. It is sometimes possible to be confused between der. TT III 1 u: If the other guesses wrong he loses San. I verse; no Aor. D eded- thrive Hap. D etet- bad going, difficulty Hap. I , 3 udit-.
Like that word s. D iduk sent, sacred Dev. Apparently survives only in NE Tuv. R I ; Tuv. A very early First Period l. I 95; many o. D atkan- attached, clung Refl. M III 9, 8 udik: In one form or another s. Survives in SW Osm. TT VI , and is prob. D adaklan- footed, stand Refl. XV al-xuff etik Kav. Survives in NE Kumd. R I , ; Khak. Doerfer points out that the V. It is possible that there was a Turkish V. Alternatively it might be taken as a Dev. TT VI , , ; o.
Modern forms vary ezgi, izgi, eyi, iyi , etc. I verse ; about 20 o. Survives in SW xx Anat. D edik- thrive, prosper, succeed Intrans. D edger- act, repair Trans. KB in a list of craftsmen, blacksmith, decorator, bow-maker, etc. D eteklig skirted P. D eteklik skirty A. D etiglig ediglig adorned P.
It is described in t'. D etigsiz edigsiz , non-adorned: D eteklen- skirted Refl. Not noted later than Uyg. The first vowel is fixed by utlisiz in TT Vlll. UIV 46, 38, I 79, 2; n. I 97; five o. In some languages there is a homophonous A. The text of the MS. D edlig propertied, precious, useful, convenient P. L of sag for tsag, q. D etlig fleshy, fat P. D etlik fat stock A.
Survives only P in NW Kaz. I verse ; ten o. III 30, 17; n. I adilur, ndilma: D etil- edil- done, made, created, ornamented, adorned, put in order, organized made ideal ; Pass. M I 8, ol: D idil- sent, released, confidence, trust, entrusted Pass. I i94 idilur, idilma: D itil- pushed, upset Pass. D udul- follow, behind, then, thereafter, conform, fit Pass. In this sense it seems to have been regarded as more graceful than e: I verse; otla: D edlet- made ideal, ornamented Caus. D etlet- fattened Hap. I etletur, etletme: I udlatur, udlatma: D edlel- made ideal, examined Hap.
D etlel- fattened Hap. D atlan- horse Refl. I atlanur, atlanma: D edlen- used, constructed Refl. II, 23; similar phr. II , 5; n. Morphologically obscure; perhaps, like udu: D atlandur- mount Caus. ADAM man, human fr. Although -mek is normally an Infinitive Suff. I ; 26 o. D etmeklen- bread Hap. D udmaklan- served Hap. I udmaklanur, udmaklanma: The difference between these two words, Dev. See itin- , Xak. D etin- edin- set up, fix Refl. I 82, 13; n. D itin- move, venture, set off Refl. S utan- hibernate See uvtan- , D udin- Refl. I udinur, udinma: D odun- odon- wake up Refl.
Survives only in NE Tuv. I odunur, odun-ma: D udun- follow, obey Refl. U II 16, etc. Survives in same languages as adna: I adnatur, adnatma: The two words, n. U 11 78, 31; 87, 49; TT IV 8, 69 and 72; 10, 10 and III 68, ; n. D atanlan- gelded camel Hap. I atanlanur, atanlanma. II 22, 26 tul- ; misplaced between otra: Survives only in SW Az. Not to be confused with utru: These words occur in association with similar der.
The form with -c- suggests a reborrowing fr. An inspection of Anglo-Saxon cognates shows regular -y- to -g- alteration: I meaning of last clausc obscure: PU otran trousers, underwear Hap. In some texts it is difficult to distinguish between the Perf. SDD , but is hardly mentioned in xix dicts. D attur- shoot, throw, discharge, flash Caus.
Iyer-; there is a NE Khak. I ederrur, edermetk; vocalization chaotic, fatha apparently changed to or from damma and also kasra on the alif ', bu it ol keyikni: VU 1 otur- Hap. I oturur, oturma: S 2 otur- meet See olur-? Became an early l. There are three early verbs of this form, and in some modern languages verbs of similar form which are Sec. In some forms difficult to distinguish fr.
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Survives, with the same phonetic changes in most of the same languages as adir-. Anfada does not occur in Muh. D adril- separated, parted, break away Pass. I adrilur, adnlma: I otrulur, otru! I utrunur, utrunma: I , 4; n. Survives only in NE Khak. D a druksuz Hap. D ederlik saddletree A. It still survives in Rep. I utrulanur, utrulanma: In some contexts, e. D etsiz fleshless, lean Priv. Zurvan TT II 6, 8: D etset- meat Hap. D utsuk- defeated, lose Emphatic Pass.
D udisik sleep Intrans. III , 27 tolu: Survives in SC Uzb.
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I 60 listed as a noun, but prob. Survives in NW Kaz. The word concerned has hitherto been misunderstood; Thomsen connected it with utru: But to take it as a Ger. As such, the word is Hap. Became a First Period 1,-w. H II 24, 53, and D uduz- lead, conduct Caus. U fl 33, 9; U III 16, Survives only in SW xx Anat. Like the later Caus. Civ, beginning with that sign of the zodiac otuza: D atizlan- play Hap.
I the Aor. I edizlenur, edizlenme: Survives in the latter meaning only? It occurs, often with a metaph. SDD also with a phr. Later it came, like i: TT I at-: See ak- to flow, float, move, raid Osm. TT IV 6, 20 tagil-: In some forms, esp. MI 18, 4 i adir-: SDD 74, 76, 78, , prob. TT VI 57, note 4 suggests that this is a Dev.
I 90 presumably because it is split open like a hand: TT II 16, The two verbs of this form are obviously distinct but the pronunciation of the second is obscure. This is supported by some later forms. TT V 10, ; o. It is various vegetable drugs adzviya which are collected and mixed with specially grown barley; the whole is then kneaded, cut into pieces the size of a nut and dried. Then wheat and barley are boiled, and the yeast is broken up, and an amount the size of a nut is sprinkled on each lot of wheat. Then it is picked up and put in a jar and left to ferment in it for another ten days.
Then water is put on it and later strained. Survives only P in SW xx Anat. I 99; aduk ne: KB Why do you grieve? I akitur, akitma: It is more likely that it is a Sec. D okit- read Caus. The normal modern form is okla-. I oktatur, oktatma: The second syllable, always -tar- , excludes the possibility that this is a Caus. I axtarur, axtarma: D aktur- pour out, flow Caus. I akturur, akturma: D uktur- understand, explain Caus.
I ukturur, ukturma: Survives, usually as oku: The contracted form noted by San. There is another Sec. R I only: See if you have enough points for this item. I Love Comics- Graphic Novel. Predator Omnibus Volume 1. Poor Little Fat Girl. The Art of Boudoir Photography. Best of The Best. It's One Thing After Another! It's Hard to Be Holly. Garfield Chews the Fat. Three friends at the coffee shop. Two-Fisted Tales Volume 3. Creepy Archives Volume How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long.
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