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Health experts advise that in climates such as our own we should be drinking around one to two litres of water every day to avoid dehydration. That's roughly six to eight glasses. Or instead of going for a drink, why not do a fitness class together and get a smoothie afterwards? I think a lot of people associate social time as time in the bar drinking. Try to change your mindset a bit. Used by both the military and elite athletes, burpees can be pretty gruelling.

But if you're setting yourself a challenge to feel a little stronger every day, why not start off with a couple of minutes of burpees to release those feel-good chemicals? Nike master trainer Faisal Abdalla says that burpees - in all their forms - are hated by most of his clients. Getting active with even a minute's worth of burpees is a great stress reliever to get the endorphins flowing and is a simple way to boost your positive mental attitude.

Chances are you're not stretching - something which not only helps prevent your body from injury, but also adds mobility. International yoga teacher and influencer Patrick Beach says he does little stretches almost daily while watching TV. And if you don't have a yoga mat, Beach suggests simply sitting in a yogi squat position.

After all, sculpting your legs with squats doesn't have to mean hitting the weights. If it is too challenging to sit the hips all the way towards the back of the Achilles tendon, sit the hips as low as possible and support them with a prop. Keep making excuses about it being too cold to go for a run?

If there are four commercial breaks or adverts during any programming and you do 25 push-ups during those breaks, magically you are doing per day. The more stable your feet and leg muscles are, the more strength and power you'll be able to produce throughout the rest of your body.

Try standing on one foot and just closing your eyes - perhaps when waiting for dinner to finish cooking in the oven, or even when brushing your teeth. Try standing on one foot with your eyes closed for seconds and feel how challenging balance can really be.

Confident women can change the world!

If you're looking for quick fixes, they don't exist, and they shouldn't exist. So, if you do get a supposed result, it won't last. If you're looking for lasting impact with your health and fitness journey, think small steps every day, little changes and tweaks to your habits and eventually it all becomes part of your lifestyle and you won't think twice about it. Almost all fad diets are unsustainable, and research shows that these dieters typically end up weighing more in the long run. We're talking about ice cream, alcohol, chocolate, sugary granola all the good stuff, basically.

Set aside one hour to purge your kitchen - schedule it in your diary if you need to - and chuck out all the processed foods.

Make the most of the new year by picking up some healthy habits, writes Alice Barraclough

Seeing healthy food like fruit makes it more likely that you'll eat it. Organise your fridge shelves so that fruit and veg are at eye level and easy to grab rather than hidden in the bottom salad drawer, and keep healthy snacks like nuts in clear containers on the worktop. Colourful plates of food not only look delicious, but eating a variety of different fruits and vegetables will feed your body all the essential nutrients.

It's an easy route to a healthy diet. Plant-based foods increase the number of 'good' gut micro-organisms, which produce and regulate hundreds of mood-controlling chemicals - an imbalance in your gut flora is linked to anxiety and depression.

How direct selling changed my life

They also have a 22pc lower risk of premature death. The type of nut you eat doesn't matter - they are all protective against heart disease, thanks to their high content of fibre, magnesium and unsaturated fats. So, unless you're allergic, nuts - whether almonds, walnuts or pistachios - are a healthy addition to your diet.

While most of us wait until the evening to eat the biggest meal of our day, health experts say that eating the bulk of your calories earlier in the day means you're more likely to have a lower BMI than those who eat their biggest meal at lunch or dinner. Wellbeing influencer, meditation expert and inspirational speaker Jody Shield says a really simple way of meditating for five minutes is by "just placing one hand on your heart's centre - the space in the middle of your chest - and just rubbing.

Just rub it to get that connection to yourself. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths and get lost in that experience. Another simple and short meditation you can do, is to find somewhere really comfortable, close your eyes and take some really nice, deep breaths. There are three times to meditate in the day you don't have to do this every day, but there are three opportunities: Of course, these are things you're grateful for anyway. Gratitude is a really transformational energy - try to be grateful for the not-so-great things in your life.

Just focus on that one thing. It's so simple and it's really changed my life. While the festive gift-giving season will be over as soon as January rolls round, it doesn't mean you can't add some selflessness into the daily grind.

They wash through your brain and bloodstream to you with a warm glow that just keeps on giving. We are all guilty of mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, just because.

Tupperware's #PressForConfidence campaign aims to inspire women

Or spending hours in front of a screen chatting to mates, instead of actually seeing them in person. So why not unsubscribe and take a digital detox? Social media use is linked to increased rates and depression and anxiety, while encouraging a more negative self-image courtesy of constant comparisons with others' beautiful lives. John Mulligan In what's been described as an "absolute disaster" for the southeast, Irish Ferries has said it's unlikely to operate a service between Rosslare and France next year.

20 microchanges to improve your life in -

I also invite people to my home and I go to malls, to the church or choose a person to talk to about the business. I tell them that if they are energetic and interested, they can do this. Being a beauty adviser changed my life dramatically. Before, I was living in a two-roomed shack. With the money I earned, I built a house with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. I also own four cars. My eldest son went to Pretoria University, and both my youngest son and daughter went to Wits.

In I resigned as a school principal. I was earning more as a consultant. Now I have a career with the company, and work from my home office. I started selling Honey products part-time about two years ago, because I wanted an extra income. And it does boost your self-image when people compliment you. My clients are fashionable women who have an eye for beautiful things, like to look good and who want to spend on things that are reasonably priced. The best way I sell is to have client parties over the weekend or in the evenings.

Many people work during the day so I have a cheese and wine evening or a weekend breakfast. I invite clients, they bring their friends along, we have fun and do lots of sales. It has nothing to do with my full-time job as a customer relationship manager for an environmental services company.

Selling Honey Fashion Accessories has done a lot for me.

Editors Choice

I have many friends in the business. Financially, it has made a huge difference. The first year I was able to redo my kitchen. And my family goes on holidays and getaways more often. For example, we went away to Swaziland for a long weekend. And because of the amount of recognition you get when you sell products, you feel good about yourself. I always get gift hampers, which boosts my confidence. I love the products, and used to buy them from a lady I know.

One day she gave me a catalogue and asked me to give selling a go. So I did and I found that I enjoyed it. I have Tupperware parties, go door to door and also show the catalogue to people at work and at places like taxi ranks. Most of the women I sell to are from Bram Fischerville, between the ages of 23 to When we have our society visits, the ladies bring their things in their Tupperware.

My Tupperware sales have allowed me to do a lot of things in my house. Before, I was struggling. I no longer struggle. I have enough income to buy clothes for my children and all my kids are at school. Doing this has taught me to chat and get along with people. I will definitely continue doing this. Before I was selling clothes doing jumble sales. Lots of people are selling Tupperware products. To be competitive, you have to know how to talk and understand people better.

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Here she explains how she, as a struggling single mother of four, started off as a direct sales consultant. A medical assistant at the time, Patty Brisben was inspired 29 years ago by a talk show which showcased a company that recruited women as direct sales consultants selling intimacy products. She resolved to get involved. A a single mother of four children, she needed an extra income to improve their lives. It was a struggle to feed them. She was successful in her new venture. She regained her confidence and started booking six parties a week.

Within a year her income had doubled.