I think we should ensure that this message reaches everybody; what we have discussed. I think many read the articles you have published in Global Research. I think we need to disclose, and to the extent that we have these discussions and harbor the idea of disclosure. I am delighted every time you argue, reasonably, and put forth these issues, simply, in my opinion, there is a real deficit of information for the reasons you explained.
Now, we must invent. What are the ways to make all this known? At the time of the Twelve Apostles, there were 12 and no more, and they were given the task of disseminating the teachings a preacher transmitted to them. Sure, they had hundreds of years ahead of them. We, however, we do not have that. Some people think the threat comes from Iran, others say they [the Iranians] are terrorists, and there is a lot of disinformation in the movement itself.
Besides, at the World Social Forum the issue of nuclear war is not part of the debate between people of the Left or progressives. During the Cold War there was talk of the danger of nuclear conflict, and people had this awareness. At the last meeting held in New York on non-proliferation, under the United Nations, the emphasis was on the nuclear threat from non-state entities, from terrorists.
President Obama said that the threat comes from Al Qaeda, which has nuclear weapons. Look, what do I do with the reflections? They are distributed in the United Nations, they are sent to all governments, the reflections, of course, are short, to send them to all the governments, and I know there are many people who read them. The problem is whether you are telling the truth or not. Of course, when one collects all this information in relation to a particular problem because the reflections are also diluted on many issues, but I think you have to concentrate on our part, the disclosure of essentials, I cannot cover everything.
In my opinion, the debate on the future of humanity is also part of a revolutionary discourse. That is the message we must convey to a large number of people. It will no longer depend on who are those who say it, but on the fact that somebody [and eventually everybody] says it. You have to figure out how you can reach the informed masses. The solution is not the newspapers. There is the Internet, Internet is cheaper, Internet is more accessible.
I approached you through the Internet looking for news, not through news agencies, not through the press, not from CNN, but news through a newsletter I receive daily articles on the Internet. Over pages each day. Yesterday you were arguing that in the United States some time ago two thirds of public opinion was against the war on Iran, and today, fifty-some percent favored military action against Iran. Then, when we have a press that gives us things like that, with the distribution that they have, it is a lot of work [on our part]. We have limited capabilities to reverse this process [of media disinformation] within the limited distribution outlets of the alternative media.
In addition to that, now many of these alternative media are financed by the economic establishment. That in the case of a nuclear war, the collateral damage would be humanity as a whole. They are deceived; they are drugged with military superiority and modern technology and do not know what they are doing. They do not understand the consequences; they believe that the prevailed situation can be maintained. They believe they are in another era, they do not remember what Einstein said when he stated he did not know with what weapons World War III would be fought with, but the World War IV would be fought with sticks and stones.
It would be enough to have strategic nuclear weapons of the 25, possessed by the eight powers mentioned exploding in order to create temperatures below freezing all over the planet and a long night that would last approximately eight years. He told me that personally, at an international conference he was giving, where I had the honor of conversing with him. Well, but I start from an assumption: If a war breaks out in Iran, it will inevitably become nuclear war and a global war. Such a war in Iran today would not remain confined to the local level, because the Iranians would not give in to use of force.
If it remained conventional, it would be a war the United States and Europe could not win, and I argue that it would rapidly turn into a nuclear war. If the United States were to make the mistake of using tactical nuclear weapons, there would be consternation throughout the world and the US would eventually lose control of the situation. The Saudis are not going to fight in Iran, nor are the Pakistanis or any other Arab or Muslim soldiers.
There is a strong anti-American feeling there. The problems you mentioned are compounded, the American people would react, because the American people are often slow to react, but they react in the end. The American people react to casualties, the dead. A lot of people supported the Nixon administration during the war in Vietnam, he even suggested the use of nuclear weapons in that country to Kissinger, but he dissuaded him from taking that criminal step.
The United States was obliged by the American people to end the war; it had to negotiate and had to hand over the south. Iran would have to give up the oil in the area. In Vietnam what did they hand over? Ultimately, they are now back in Vietnam, buying oil, trading. In Iran they would lose many lives, and perhaps a large part of the oil facilities in the area would be destroyed.
In the present situation, is likely they would not understand our message. If war breaks out, my opinion is that they, and the world, would gain nothing. If it were solely a conventional war, which is very unlikely, they would lose irretrievably, and if it becomes a global nuclear war, humanity would lose. Remember that the Christians were persecuted, they led them off to the catacombs, they killed them, they threw them to the lions, but they held on to their beliefs for centuries and later that was what they did to the Moslems, and the Moslems never yielded.
There is a real war against the Moslem world. Why are those lessons of history being forgotten? I have read many of the articles you wrote about the risks of that war. I believe that it is very important that world opinion comprehends the war scenario. You clearly state that they would lose the war, the conventional war, they are losing it in Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran has more conventional forces than those of NATO in Afghanistan.
So they will be thrust into a conventional war situation that they cannot win, or they will be obliged to wage a global nuclear war, under conditions of a worldwide upheaval.
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- Revolutionaries Imágenes, fotos y vectores de stock | Shutterstock.
Many Russian personnel and persons from other nationalities collaborating with them will die in that confrontation. What will be the reaction of world opinion in the face of that blow which today is being irresponsibly promoted by the media with the backing of many Americans? I suppose that the Iranian troops are immediately going to cross the border. In other words, in accordance with the nature of the threat as it is being described, the best thing would be for them to use a tactic similar to ours in southern Angola when we suspected that South Africa had nuclear weapons; we created tactical groups of men with land and anti-air fire power.
Nuclear weapons could never within their reach target a large number of soldiers. Anti-air rocketry and other similar weapons was supporting our forces. Weapons and the conditions of the terrain change and tactics must continuously change. The enemy was never given an opportunity to aim a decisive blow against the 60, Cuban and Angolan soldiers in southern Angola.
What we did in that sister country is what, a thousand strong army, operating with traditional criteria, would have done. Who handled the numerous nuclear weapons that they had at that moment? In my opinion, dispersion is very important. The attackers will try to prevent the transmission of orders. The attacker will try to strike and destabilize the chain of command with its radio-electronic weapons. All those factors must be kept in mind. Mankind has never experienced a similar predicament. The use of nuclear weapons in a new war would mean the end of humanity.
This was candidly foreseen by scientist Albert Einstein who was able to measure their destructive capability to generate millions of degrees of heat, which would vaporize everything within a wide radius of action. This brilliant researcher had promoted the development of this weapon so that it would not become available to the genocidal Nazi regime.
Each and every government in the world has the obligation to respect the right to life of each and every nation and of the totality of all the peoples on the planet. When the life of humankind, of your people and your most beloved human beings run such a risk, nobody can afford to be indifferent; not one minute can be lost in demanding respect for that right; tomorrow will be too late.
Albert Einstein himself stated unmistakably: La situation des enfants en Syrie. La crise migratoire et le sort des enfants. Enfants Syriens, nous ne vous oublions pas. Irak, Syrie, Libye et Gaza. Le 6 avril Le 21 avril Le 30 octobre Mobiliser pour la Syrie. CIA-backed rebels are fighting Pentagon-backed rebels. Le 14 mars Le 11 mars Le 30 novembre Le 22 juillet One Million Refugee Children.
Syrian Refugee Children Speak Out. Jules Dufour , Ph. The media and police continue to insist, without presenting any concrete evidence, that those involved were members of the Apex gang, a group supposedly established by South Sudanese youth from the south-eastern Melbourne suburb of Dandenong. Scores of youth ran from the scene in attempt to escape the police. While four people were arrested that night, no one has yet been charged over the so-called rioting.
Once a thriving manufacturing hub, it is now the scene of closed factories, high youth unemployment and overcrowded public schools. Youth disengagement young people neither in paid employment nor enrolled in education is endemic in Dandenong. In , youth disengagement was over 15 percent, the second worst in Melbourne. The ongoing government and media hysteria has prompted a reaction in working-class areas in Melbourne.
Peter , a science student from Victoria University, has lived in Australia for 10 years. Are youth supposed to just hang around in the suburbs? This applies to all young people without jobs, not just the South Sudanese, but they always focus on us. James said that he had been victimised by police while simply sitting on a bench drinking a soft drink. The police accused him of drinking alcohol and threatened to arrest him. You have to look at the problems first. The government has a hand in these things. Child protection officers are taking some of these young people from their families and then they have no direction.
When they cause problems, they bring them back to the African community and then blame the community. Instead of calling for punishment, they should demand the government help these young people. Some of our African community leaders are making accommodating conclusions. Michael , a young worker, was near Federation Square at the time of the so-called riot. There were a lot of youth from all sorts of backgrounds. These were just kids wanting to have fun in the city. The main problem confronting youth was unemployment, Michael said.
It was a struggle back home and it is a struggle here. Emmanu e l , a Latrobe University law student, denounced the sensationalised media coverage:. At the end of the day, the media is just picking on a minority. As soon as something happens, they try to immediately say, it was the Sudanese and people start to believe it…. I was looking for my cousin and went up to a group of youth from my community.
All of a sudden a police van pulled up and the youth started running. The police were just looking for certain people—the South Sudanese—and were basically racially profiling. The PSOs harassed me and my cousins once for about ten minutes. The labor-force participation rate fell to a year low of Millions of workers have abandoned hope of finding a job. Yagan based his findings on a detailed study of some 2 million, similarly paid workers in the retail industry in order to calculate employment patterns across different local areas and to account for occupations that might have been particularly hard hit in one region.
He found that the areas hardest hit by the recession, which began in December and officially ended in June , continued to have high levels of joblessness in The lack of decent job opportunities in large swathes of the country has created a reserve army of unemployed and underemployed workers who are competing for a shrinking number of jobs in areas that are more or less permanently distressed. The majority of unemployed people in the US do not receive unemployment insurance benefits, according to the National Employment Law Project, with just over one in four jobless workers 27 percent , a record low, receiving such benefits in The details of these studies will come as no surprise for tens of millions of workers across the United States who face unprecedented levels of economic insecurity, ongoing mass layoffs, and more than a decade of stagnating or falling real wages.
This has fueled the growth of enormous discontent and the initial stirrings of class struggle by American workers, which the trade unions and both big business parties have sought to channel in the direction of economic nationalism and hostility to workers in China, Mexico and other countries. In fact, US workers are being subjected to the same attacks as workers around the world. Continual layoffs in the US have been driven by the plunging price of steel, petroleum, coal and other commodities, which has been generated in large measure by the fall in demand from China and other so-called emerging economies.
Louis, Missouri-based Peabody Energy, the largest coal mining company in the world, announced it could soon file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, after its share values fell 46 percent over the last six months. Peabody has already cut 20 percent of its global workforce since , while spinning off large sections of its operations in order to cheat retirees out of their pensions. The steel industry continues to wipe out jobs, with 12, steelworkers already laid off or facing imminent job cuts.
The aluminum giant Alcoa is just weeks away from closing its smelter in Warrick County, Indiana, wiping out another jobs. Early last year, the USW betrayed the strike by thousands of oil refinery workers, blocking any struggle against the brutal restructuring of the industry that is now underway. The plunging of oil prices triggered more than , layoffs in the global energy industry in —with the number of active oil and gas rigs in the US falling 61 percent.
Analysts anticipate a new round of job cuts and bankruptcies in early Texas has lost 60, energy-related jobs alone, or one-fifth of the workforce in that sector in the state, with North Dakota and Pennsylvania also being hard hit. The current US unemployment rate for the oil, gas and mining sector is 8. A video shot by a worker, capturing the explosive anger at a meeting of plant workers when a manager makes the announcement, has been viewed millions of times. Far from organizing any resistance to the closure of the factory and destruction of jobs, however, the USW is collaborating with United Technologies Carrier management to carry out an orderly shutdown and the retraining of displaced workers for lower-paying jobs.
The USW is hostile to any fight to unite American workers with their brothers and sisters in Mexico, who have been engaging in growing resistance to the exploitation by the transnational corporations. Some Americans are catching on, shedding their unawareness. I am not confident that Sanders or Trump could bring change. I have the impression that voters are supporting them not so much for their positions on issues as for the fact that neither are part of the Washington establishment.
Many voters now understand that the political establishment represents the One Percent, not them. There are hopeful developments in foreign affairs also. A New Russia has appeared on the scene and demonstrated to the entire world its power to checkmate the hegemonic ambition of the crazed neoconservatives, who have controlled the US government since Bill Clinton. The world now understands that the leadership for peace comes from Russia not from warmonger Washington.
The Chinese government is finally beginning to realize that the neoliberal American economic policies that it has so slavishly been copying have led it into economic difficulties. Perhaps China will now cease to follow America into oblivion. The Russians have learned that being part of the Western system subjects them to economic sanctions and makes it easy for Washington to interfere in Russian internal affairs.
The Russians are beginning to show that their desire for their independence is greater than their desire to be accepted by a corrupt, immoral, decadent, and failing West. Today the 99 Percent are slaves to their debt burdens and lack of productive employment, while those who deceived them into these burdens and lowly-paid employment in domestic services are reveling in multi-million dollar annual paychecks.
The US Treasury, Federal Reserve, and financial regulators are corrupted by the private financial interests that control them. The US government serves only the One Percent. Despite this obvious fact, many Democratic Party voters—-traditionally the less well off, union members, and American blacks—-are turning out for Hillary Clinton, a tried and proven representative of the One Percent. Yet the dispossessed vote for Hillary. Consider the possible implications if Americans were to enable Hillary Clinton to become President. It is a great irony that the American lower class, traditionally served by the Democratic Party, could put in the White House not only a person who only represents the super-rich but also a person who cannot escape confict with Russia, a country with possibly the most capable military force on the planet.
He is pulling out of Syria. From a position of strength, Putin has rolled the dice. Is there common sense in the West? I fail to see any. I see arrogance, hubris, idiocy, immorality, inhumanity, complete and total stupidity. These are the characteristics of Western governments. They amount to a deranged criminal enterprise organized against humanity. They must reform themselves, become honorable governments committed to the welfare of humanity, and abandon self-serving policies of plunder.
Members of the US military command have expressed concern over the high quality of Russian weapon systems. Everyone needs to understand that the establishments of the two American political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, are less interested in winning the election than in continuing to control the party.
Trump and Sanders are hated by the party establishments, because Trump and Sanders are not members of the establishment. Control over the party by the party establishment is so important that we have many members of the Republican establishment declaring that if Trump wins the Republican nomination, they will vote for the Democrat. This has happened before.
It was Republicans who denied the presidency to Republican candidate Barry Goldwater. The United States is a failing society.
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There are few good jobs or enough jobs of any kind, as the collapse of the labor force participation rate confirms. People are drowning in debts that they have no prospect of ever paying off. Young adults cannot form independent households. The oligarchy that rules and controls the country has committed America to massively expensive wars and privacy invasions for the purpose of establishing a hegemony that enriches elite private interests. The corupt and unrepentant financial sector, having survived its mortgage-backed security fiasco without prosecution or correction has repeated its previous folly with a new weapon of potential financial mass destrution.
Speculators have bought up distressed properties and rented them. The rental streams are bundled into financial instruments, as were the mortgage payments previously, and sold to investors. Is a renter more committed and better able to pay than a person with a mortgage? Jobs offshoring and financialization have drained the US economy of the ability to grow. The ladders of upward mobility have been dismantled, and the service of debt curtails consumer demand for goods and services.
The wage saving from offshoring jobs raises corporate profits and brings executive bonuses and capital gains to the One Percent. Financialization diverts consumer purchasing power into the service of debt. The result is stagnation and decline. Foreign policy based on threats and coercion means constant conflict. The US has been in constant conflict since the Clinton regime overthrew the government in Serbia. Constant conflict is expensive, and Americans have had these expensive costs imposed on them simultaneously with the costs of jobs offshoring and financialization.
It was 20 months ago that Malaysian Airlines flight 17 was destroyed over Ukraine. Despite the inability of the investigation to come to a conclusion, from the first moment Western propaganda has blamed the loss of lives on Russia. We saw the trajectory. We saw the hit. We saw this airplane disappear from the radar screens. So there is really no mystery about where it came from and where these weapons have come from.
Obviously, there is no such evidence. Why would Washington fail to release evidence that proved Russian responsibility? If the government had such evidence why has the government refused to release it for almost 15 years? The evidence no more exists than the alleged evidence that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, that Iran had a nuclear weapons program, that Assad used chemical weapons, that Russia invaded Ukraine.
The elites have used their power to betray democracy. Will the American people succeed in clawing back their democracy? While the Armistice Agreement provided for a cease fire, it did not end the Korean War. The Armistice Agreement that the US and North Korea signed states that a political agreement is needed by the parties to end the war.
A political conference was to be held to set the terms for an agreement among the parties to provide for a peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. Though a political conference was eventually held, the parties did not succeed in drafting a treaty to end the war. It is now more than 60 years later. There still is no political agreement to end the Korean War. Nor is there a political agreement to withdraw foreign troops from the Korean Peninsula.
There are 28, US troops permanently stationed in South Korea. US troops take part in exercises along with South Korean troops to simulate war activities against North Korea. Moreover, there is a formal agreement between the US and South Korea that includes the US commitment to provide nuclear weapon protection for South Korea. This is referred to as a nuclear umbrella. China supported the need for a peace treaty which at long last would end the Korean War.
The THAAD is a system that China explained would represent a stepped up use of foreign military equipment on the peninsula, a process forbidden under the terms of the Armistice Agreement. The sanctions in the Security Council resolution drawn up by the US require nations to search any cargo from or to North Korea in their territory. The sanctions include the restriction on the sale by North Korea of its gold, its coal and other minerals.
Also the resolution restricts countries from providing fuel for planes to North Korea. The Armistice Agreement forbids any naval blockade of Korea. The Total Destruction of Pyongyang, May Then the US brought the resolution to the other members of the Security Council, pressuring them to quickly adopt it. The UN Charter calls for the UN Security Council to consider issues it deems violations of international peace and security, and to investigate the conflict situation toward finding a peaceful resolution. There is no indication that the Security Council made any effort to invite North Korea to the minimal discussion of the US draft that was held by Security Council members.
During the explanations made by member nations after the vote in favor of the resolution, some nations commented about the lack of a proper period of time for the Security Council to consider and discuss the resolution and its implications. The US, by rushing the adoption of the resolution by the Security Council denied not only North Korea, but even the Security Council members themselves, the time needed for responsible discussion about the resolution and whether it could contribute to a peaceful settlement of the conflict. Japan, however, welcomed such an increased militarization.
In a statement after the resolution was approved by the Security Council, the South Korean Ambassador to the UN, directed his comments to North Korea, though it was not at the meeting. I would ask them: Why do you need these weapons? In South Korea we do not have a nuclear bomb. As we border each other, you do not need an intercontinental missile if you are targeting us. You say the United States is a threat to you. Why would the United States threaten you? Why would the strongest military Power in the world threaten a small country far across the Pacific?
There is no threat. It is a figment of your imagination. If you continue in this way, the only people who will suffer from what you are doing are your own people, and our people as well. So please, wake up, open your eyes, look out at what is happening in the world. Give up the nukes. Join the rest of us in the world and we can live together in safety and peace. It is dishonest to hide that nuclear weapon protection is indeed part of the military assurance provided to South Korea by the US.
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Similarly, North Korea notes that US troops remain in South Korea and in the case of a war not only will these troops be used, but the US military will exercise operational command over the South Korean military. The US and South Korea and at times other nations join in military maneuvers several times a year that directly threaten the security of North Korea. These maneuvers are practicing for a war with North Korea. The fact that there is no peace treaty after more than 60 years despite the provisions in the Armistice Agreement calling for the political negotiations to officially end the war demonstrates that the Korean War is not over.
Similarly, the statement by South Korea that there is no security threat facing North Korea, is but a demonstration of the belittling attitude of the South Korean government toward North Korea. That the South Korean Ambassador could make such a statement at a Security Council meeting, with not one Security Council member objecting that it is an inaccurate statement, demonstrates the failure of the UN Security Council to provide a process to understand and resolve a serious and dangerous conflict threatening international peace and security.
According to Archbishop Hindo, who carries out his pastoral work in the most troubled areas of north-eastern Syria:. One wants to erase all the strange factors that led to the sudden and abnormal emergence of Daesh. Powerful circles in the US fear that, so now they play the card of protecting Christians.
According to the Archbishop, interviewed by Agenzia Fides, it is also misleading to present Christians as exclusive or priority victims of the violence of Daesh: Christians represent a a minimum portion of the deaths of thousand in the Syrian conflict. The guilty verdict was handed down by the Washington Superior court. Initiative would have required the labeling of GMO food, seeds, and seed products across the state if it had passed.
However, instead of listing the money as coming from the corporations who donated it, only the GMA was listed. This was done in order to protect the identities of the individual companies from laws requiring proper disclosure and to effectively allow the GMA to act as the spearhead and the scapegoat for a collective corporate assault on food freedom. According to Fortune Magazine, internal documents, memos and even meeting notes showed that the Defense of Brands fund was indeed designed to conceal the identities of GMA members.
In enacting the Public Campaign Finance Laws, the people of Washington directed that they be interpreted liberally, to promote transparency and full disclosure to the voters. Below are the top 10 contributors to the Defense of Brands fund and the amounts that they contributed in With such massive amounts of money being spent to prevent labeling initiatives like Initiative , one might begin to wonder whether or not, at some point, it might become more financially feasible for a number of these companies simply to move toward non-GMO ingredients.
In fact, such an idea should be a consolation to pro-labeling activists as well as a guiding concept for their march forward. While Initiative failed, it required millions of dollars in corporate funds to defeat it. Activists must now return to the battle field, not deflated — but invigorated. Pro-labeling attempts must continue every election cycle. The message should be clear to the corporations: Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Florence, South Carolina.
He is the author of six books. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost at gmail. In this context, and given the fast spread of BDS in recent years, Israel has tried hard but failed to slow down its gradually intensifying international isolation in the academic, cultural, sports and, to a lesser extent, economic sphere.
As a result, Israel, its lobby groups and its right-wing supporters have launched an unprecedented, well-funded global campaign to silence Palestinian narratives and criminalize BDS advocacy, especially in western countries. Israeli-induced attacks on free speech and civil rights in Europe, the US and Canada, among others, are fostering an ominous environment of bullying, intimidation and repression that has all the hallmarks of the era of McCarthyism in the US and the worst days of the apartheid regime in South Africa.
In a desperate attempt to suppress BDS from above, after losing many battles for the hearts and minds at the grassroots level, Israel and its pressure groups, including anti-Palestinian billionaires, are pressuring governments, legislatures and officials in the west to implement patently anti-democratic measures that threaten civil liberties at large.
This should deeply concern not just activists supporting Palestinian rights, but all those who value civil liberties as well as progressive movements struggling for racial, gender, social, economic, indigenous and environmental justice.

BDS is an inclusive, anti-racist movement that is anchored in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is opposed on principle to all forms of racism and discrimination, including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. No Israeli propaganda or lawfare can whitewash its incarceration of millions of Palestinians in racially segregated ghettos, surrounded by walls, military watchtowers and checkpoints, its system of apartheid, or its denial of the UN-stipulated right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes of origin.
BDS is inspired and inspiring. A group calling themselves 'Topple The Tyrants' said they had taken over the palatial neo-Georgian townhouse belonging to Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 5: The house in Hampstead Garden Suburb, north London — some 1, miles from the Libyan capital Tripoli — has its own swimming pool and cinema, and widescreen TVs in every room. One squatter, who called himself Montgomery Jones, said: Saif al-Islam reputedly owns the Hampstead home which has been taken over by squatters. Another group member, who would not give his name, said: Four members of the group had been walking around the rooftop as officers took photos of them.
Police were called after residents in the well-to-do neighbourhood heard the burglar alarm going off. They said they are monitoring the situation at the Hampstead property - although no arrests have been made. The extravagant home, in one of the capital's most exclusive neighbourhoods, is fitted with a swimming pool, sauna and cinema. As well as the banner, signs on the property in English and Arabic said 'revolution' and 'solidarity'. His four-level, double-fronted property has underfloor heating throughout and was bought complete with two dishwashers, microwaves, as well as fridges and freezers.
Banners said 'Solidarity' and told the Gaddafi's to get 'Out of London'. The group have said they will stay until the property is returned to the Libyan people. The property is owned by a company in the Virgin Islands and was bought without a mortgage. Jones added that they had been watching the Al Jazeera news channel inside.
Group in north London home of Seif al-Islam Gaddafi said they switched on the news as soon as they got in on the extra large television. Squatters covered their faces as they clambered into the property and refused to reveal their true identities. A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said they were treating it as a civil and not a criminal matter for the time being. The squatters clambered in through the window, and then unfurled a banner on the roof. Officers were called to the address but they have said they are currently treating it as a 'civil matter'. The cinema room in the house in one of London's wealthiest and most prestigious suburbs.
Libya's central bank governor has surfaced after two weeks in the wilderness to confirm he has been in Istanbul, the Financial Times reported. Rumours have been rife about the actions of Governor Farhat Omar Bengdara, with some speculating he may be trying to covertly get cash and assets out of Libya. Upon identifying his whereabouts Bengdara did not reveal whether he remained loyal to Muammar Gaddafi or was siding with the opposition. The Libyan government said on Tuesday that Finance Minister Abdulhafid Zlitni had taken over temporarily as head of the central bank because Bengdara was abroad.
Bengdara's whereabouts had been unclear for the past few weeks. The FT's website said Bengdara, who it described as 'the man who holds the keys to the Gaddafi regime's finances', had contacted the paper by email late on Tuesday to say that he had been informed of the move and that he had been in Turkey. But he insisted that he was doing his job and was abroad because it was easier to conduct business there than in Tripoli, the FT said. He said he would resign after the current crisis, adding that he had been working over the past two weeks to explain the central bank's position and clarify the effect of the international effort to freeze Libyan assets, the FT said.
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