Hypersensitivity, a vast subject: This state is an integral part of the personality of the gifted, it is a neurophysiological reality. It is an attempt to explain what tree thinking or analog thought is about linear or sequential thinking. The gifted and love 1This fear will stop him. But his desire for love, his idealistic side will often push him beyond. It is a very great strength. Because if we have our weaknesses, we also have strengths. Many of the applications I ran during the review process moved along at a snail's pace, es- pecially in Windows, when com- pared with performance on the oth- er systems covered here.
I can't offer any explanation for this, but I suspect that the motherboard's nonintegration and slow floppy drives were major contributors to the system's slow performance. Buying a computer often in- volves a series of trade-offs, es- pecially when you place price high on your list.
If you're a power user looking to upgrade to a high- performance SX system, you might want to continue your search for a machine to purchase. It stands for Direct Bus, Swan's own combination of local bus architecture with the S3 video accelerator chip. While this results in incredibly fast video perform- ance, it's just one of the many note- worthy features of this machine. Just in case you decide you might need more computing power later, there's a socket for adding a Weitek math coprocessor, and the motherboard can accom- modate up to 64MB of RAM direct- ly.
I highly recommend the noninter- laced monitor, however; it's well worth the additional cost, especial- ly since Swan designed tfiis en- tire system with optimized video performance in mind. Since the Direct Bus architecture offers a bit path and runs at the same speed as the CPU, there are no wait states in video memory. To give the video performance an additional boost, Swan uses the 86C chip from S3 Corpo- ration, a second-generation accel- erated video engine. Unfortunately, to get "extra value" on those networks you'll have to pay extra. That's why DELPHI'S membership plans include access to tens of thousands of downloadable files, "chat" lines with hundreds of participants, exciting multi-player games, computer support, and special interest groups for almost every type of hobby.
Of course, there's also news, electronic mail, and all the other basic features you expect from a quality online service. Rjli's tire current js of October 2S, 1 Additional time is only SI. Rates apply for evening and weekend access from within the mainland 48 states. Join today through this special trial offer and get 5 hours of evening and weekend access for FREE. All of the cases pro- vide ample room for adding peripherals and media devices. While the video attributes. I found the documenta- tion beyond reproach in any re- spect — thoroughly indexed and It III itta With today's operating environ- ments and software all directed to- ward GUIs, it makes sense to con- sider the video performance of a computer system as an increasing- ly important factor.
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Never again delete or change anything accidentally Keep out snoops, thieves, vandals. And prevent virus attacks. All at one low price! The SX system case af- fords acceptable expansion pos- sibilities despite its compact size. Thanks to a highly integrated moth- erboard, there are three full bit expansion slots available for add- ing user-installed peripherals. Fort Worth, TX ! There's room in this system box for you to add two storage devices to the 1. The built-in Super VGA video adapter with its standard config- uration of K of video RAM yields noninterlaced x and x graphics modes with color palettes.
A Tandy two-button mouse comes supplied with the unit for accessing GUI-based applica- tions. With features like multiple open applica- tions and background printing. Maybe even the ability to maintain your host con- nection while you work on something else. Which means you also need to learn enough to get a pilot's license. And spend enough on hardware and software for a down payment on a jet. It's 1 in task switching software. Software Carousel got to be a best- seller because it works. Day in and day out. Simply load your programs as usual in individual Software Carousel work areas it handles up to Then switch instantly from one to another with just a keystroke.
Each program gets as much RAM as it needs. And all your programs look and act just like they always did. Best of all, nearly any program that now runs on your PC will work with Software Carousel. Even RAM resident utilities, graphics programs and network software. And Software Carousel works on all types of PCs. So you can have the kind of multi-application capability you want, without buying anything new. One that quickly takes over your printing jobs by accepting all the output bound for the printer, then sending it to the printer as fast as it can take it.
While your printer keeps running, you can keep working in rhe same application. Or switch to another Software Carousel work area running a different application No more wasted time waiting for your printer. No more lost productivity. A network idea whose time has come. OLE even makes sure that incoming data is received, even though your PC may be occupied with another application.! And OLE worb with all kinds of connection software. Including IBM, Attachmate, and others. Without changes to your hardware or software. Even the experts agree. This package has become an essential tool and one that I strongly recommend.
Take off today with Software CaiDusel. Circle Reader Service Number Available at software dealers everywhere. Unfortu- nately, when the computer ar- rived, some of tfie keys fiad fall- en off. To help you get off to a productive start as soon as you power the sys- tem up, Tandy also gives you Microsoft Works for Windows 2,0 as part of its bundle.
I usually find Tandy's documen- tation quite good, and the SX User's Guide and other accom- panying documentation doesn't disappoint me. The material is log- ically organized and well in- dexed, making it easy to find information on particular areas of interest about the system. The greater the index value, the faster the computer.
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Dodge Dakota Sweepstakes, Compute. Champion Keep track of your multisized media, desim an eflicient office, and save sgace and money witli ali-in-one iiardware. Mulfistorage for Multimedia Since multimedia has be- come the catchword for PC us- ers in the s, it only makes sense that manufactur- ers should come up with inno- vative means of storing all those disks, tapes, and car- tridges that have become ne- cessities for computer users. Designed with dif- ferent-sized dividers and tabs, each tray can be custom- ized according to subject.
To find out more, contact Curtis Manufacturing, 30 Fitzgerald Drive. Jaffrey, New Hamp- shire ; For more informa- tion, contact Feliowes Manu- facturing, Norwood Ave- nue, Itasca, Illinois ; Designing Software Now that you have your me- dia organized, what about your office? New from Auto- desk is Office Layout, a PC software package that simpli- fies space planning and inven- tory management. If you're re- sponsibie for space planning in your office or if you work out of your home. Office Lay- out gives you the tools to pro- duce an accurate space plan quickly and easily — one that can be modified as your space requirements change, The program is also useful for tracking office-equipment loca- tions and other fixed assets.
For companies with very small budgets, the program can actually eliminate any need for a professional space planner. For larger of- fices. Office Layout will help fa- cilitate communication with ar- chitects and planners. Thcprogram has seff-guid- ing menus and online help, so a new user can start creat- ing a space plan within an hour with the more than predrawn precision symbois that include partitions, equip- ment, work surfaces, desks, ta- bles, and chairs.
All are color- coded and available in a range of standard sizes. In ad- dition, you can create custom symbols and add them to your menu for future use. When you're drawing a plan, the program allows you to work on several different lay- ers so the separate elements can easily be identified, and you can zoom in on sections of the drawing for detail work.
Each symbol can be tagged with tracking information such as department, user, manufacturer, style, serial num- ber, price, and up to five cus- tom fields of information. Meas- urements can be displayed to Vi6 inch — precisely enough to create actual layouts. In addition, plans created in Of- fice Layout can be exported to other computer-aided de- sign CAD packages, includ- ing AutoCAD and Au- toSketch, which permits the exchange of files between ar- chitect and client, eliminates the need for redrawing plans, and reduces the chances of making sehous errors.
Since you can export phys- ical-asset location information into other programs. Office Layout is very useful for pre- paring critical business re- ports such as inventory man- agement, tax depreciation cal- culations, and insurance as- sessments. Writers can pick the greatest brains of all time with Quotemaster Plus for Win- dows, the literary quotation re- trieval software package. Quotemaster Plus can search by author or subject, and it lets you add favorite quota- tions. New version features in- clude an interactive interface with the Windows look and feel.
Button bars and icons now direct you through quota- tion search steps. If you can't remember an en- tire quote but remember spe- cific words, you just type the words in the word list box, and the resulting search That was Then. This is Now, New! The importance of learnitig reading, writing and arithmetic hasn't changed. Fortunately, the tools for learning them have! Daridsoii's Kiel IVbrfc 2 uniquely combines a word processor and a fully-equipped paint program, with text-to-. The Creativicy Kit that: Ages 6 to 12 S Mat- Wiinclims nuiltiplication, tlivision, fractions, decimals, and pcrcents.
Your child will iove learning over "50 math facts as well as prolilem-solving skills with the help of the Blasternaut and his sidekick. Computer City and oilier fine retailers. Circle Reader Service Number Davidson. Teaching TooLs I- rom I eachers. MJJver wish you had a personal mentor who could answer all your questions about successfully running your own business? As most successful business owners will tell you, aside from having a great idea, developing a profes- sional and effective business plan is the first major step on your road to success.
The Entrepreneur Business Planner is the most complete easiest-to- use software avail- able to produce your business plan. American Express, and checks accepled. Virgin is a registered trademark of Virgin Enlerprises, Ltd. Ready-Made Sample Modules for 1 types of businesses: Context Sensitive Help Screen — Thai's right! Now you don't have to wade through one help screen after another to gel the information you need. Pertinent information is intuiliveiy accessed based on where you are in the program when you request help.
Status Matrix — This powerful feature makes it easy to organize your research and notes and details your progress as you develop your liLisiness plan. Import and Export Files from popular word processing software programs lor professional formntteci printed out ii; Beiun. The average time to search a subject is V20 second. If the right word es- capes you, you can try the hierarchical search, which focuses a broad area of interest into specific words and sub- jects that will provide numerous quota- tions on your subject. For instance, hu- man nature yields the secondary sub- ject competition, which, in turn, yields the word originality, which originates a dozen or more quotes for you to choose from.
For more information, contact PennComp, P. Box , Houston, Texas ; Tax Season Returns One of the benefits of having a PC at home is that it can take the drudgery out of preparing your tax return. AM Software's new AM-Tax is designed as an affordable solution for anyone who wants to fill out tax forms more quickly and more accurately. The software comes In versions for both personal and professional use: The update of the software ex- pands printing capabilities, adds more forms, provides an easier and quicker user interface for many func- tions, and increases error checking for certain deduction limitations.
The version adds a K-1 work- sheet that automatically transfers busi- ness partnership data to all appropri- ate forms and schedules. The new update also lets users enter data from multiple W-2s and similar forms at one time without having to return to the main screen. Beginning AM-Tax users pay an initial price for the software pack- age and then pay a lower renewal fee for annual updates. If you create documents from multi- ple sources — whether in text, graphics, image, or facsimile form — you can now access and manipulate information re- gardless of its format. You can create new documents from this information and then distribute them — all without leaving your PC.
At the same time, a col- league can make several copies. Samuel Bleecker, a workplace ex- pert from Boca Raton, Florida, says the office is changing so fast that "by the end of the s, your office may seem more like an information control room than a place to rest your feet or write memos. Integrated products are here, and they will continue to become more and more powerful.
The image engine can be removed and used as a hand scanner for news- papers, books, and other noncon- ventional shapes. It's 87 missions full of the most intense spoce combot octton ever seen on a personal computer. N' iiO mt or FavhH- drrn iMarnrwncied. Stardate On our mission to prevent ptiosphor burn-in Bones said ttie problem was burn-in, and a new screen saver was the: Over 15 all-new displays inspired by the original Star Trek TV series.
And, it runs all After Dark displays! Laurel, New Jersey ; A New Kind of Workhorse Imagine havirig the power and flexibili- ty of six office machines in one desk- top device without sacrificing speed. Thanks to Digital Design, you can. The company's new Gateware Model PC is a combination of PC, laser printer, plain-paper fax machine, scan- ner, digital copier, and modem all rolled into one — without the speed-ne- gating bottleneck of serial and parallel ports.
You simply plug in your key- board, monitor, and mouse, and watch the Gateware perform. With this remarkable machine, a Gateware user can issue a single set of directions to extract a document Curtis's Multi Media Disk Box gives you mass storage. While you're operating the PC, you can receive an incoming fax without interruption.
The fax can be viewed, saved, printed, or diverted to another printer without interrupting the current job. The Gateware is easy to cus- tomize and upgrade without adding new hardware. The Artist's Touch Your reports, presentations, and news- letters will project a more professional business image with the artist-drawn electronic clip art Series editions from Masterclip Graphics.
Based on clip art developed for large corporate users, the Series is a set of 24 topical titles, each sold separately. Each Series title contains 50 to 60 fuil-color images relating to a single sub- ject or theme. Since most smaller businesses use a few images for a specific event, report, or presen- tation, the Series product means you don't have to buy thousands of clip art images to get the three or four you want to use.
Masterclip artists produce hand- drawn clip vector art which can be recolored, resized, and even changed while maintaining its integrity Most oth- er computer clip art consists of scanned-in images, which lose their integrity, develop jagged lines, and can't be modified. Masterclip images are full color but can be printed in black-and-white without loss of impact or detail. Suggested retail price for a Se- ries title is S According to David S. Rose, presi- dent of Ex Machina, the agreement with SkyTel means that users of Notifyl- friendly programs on Macs or on PCs using DOS or Windows can now inte- grate their desktop applications with pagers and portable and palmtop com- puters "from Syracuse to Singapore and thousands of points in between.
Visa, Mastercard, American Express and checks accepted. Acquire valuable information from your Mentat.
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I would like to write a program that would give me the time of day in the major cities of the world. To add cities to the list, simply in- sert as many city names as you like in the data line that represents the cities' time zone. For example, In the first line you would probably want to add Greensboro and Ma- con and any other major cit- ies you can think of that are in the Eastern time zone. The word end is a delimiter that represents the end of one time zone and the beginning of the next.
When you've compiled the program, type zone city, where city stands for the name of the city where you want to know the time. Don't use the cities In the example list as references. East of New- foundland and west of British Columbia, we weren't sure about the layout of time zones. We suspect that there's more than one time zone between Tokyo and Sin- gapore, for example.
Whenever I use Diskcopy it takes me three or four passes to copy a high- density disk, whether I've just booted the system or not. If you upgrade to Windows 3. Lack- ing these utilities, many peo- ple create a directory specifi- cally for copying and use the Xcopy command to copy disks. If you were copying the disk in your A drive, you would use this command.
An additional benefit of this process Is that It allows you to copy between different capac- ities and different media, which you can't do with the standard Diskcopy command. Are these disks usable on a clone with its 1. Or do I have to buy an XT to main- tain compatibility? There's some additional wear on the heads, though, be- cause of the coarser medium used on the surface of the K disks.
You should use the disks In your high-capaci- ty drive no more than Is abso- lutely necessary. Hard disk a bit tight around the waist? Don't spend money on a bigger drive. Cubit compresses all your spreadsheet, data base, word processing and other files. Automatically decompresses files you access, too. Cubit crunches more files onto fewer floppies and backup tapes. Cubit reduces phone line charges because compressed files transfer more quickly. Once your hard disk files take smaller bytes, you save space and money.
Circle Reader Service Number disks onto 1. Since you'll probably install ttie program on your hard disk anyway, you aren 'f likely to use the disks more than once. Utilities Needed 1 need a good assembler and some- thing to capture screens from my PC, Do you have any recommendations? A favorite is Collage Plus from Inner Media. HiJaak from Inset Systems can not only capture screens but also convert graphics files among many different formats.
Computer TV I need to get a videotape of my screen display for training purposes. The product Is called TelevEyes. Massachu- setts or call Do you have a question about hardware or software? Or have you discovered something that could help other PC us- ers? Suite , Greensboro, North Carolina We regret that we cannot provide person- al replies to technical questions.
New York, NY ; South- east—Harriet Ftogers, A St. C, ; i SS Florida— J. Suite , Buriirgan'e, CA ; 34B-fl Suite , Burtingan'e, CA , 4: England, Japan— Inlergroup Ctom- municatcns. Dir , New Business Deveopment: UK and Europe; 14 Lisoar Terrace. D r Newsstand Crr- cuWion. Newsssano Operations Joe Gallo: Dir Subscription Circulation Diane Worgenihaier. Of course, I'd have to know I was paying the least tax and it'd he perfectly accurate.
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You'll have the skill of America's best tax professionals, plus computer power to save you time and money. Better yet, you'll understand your taxes as you never have before. TaxCut asks you simple Yes-or-No questions right on your computer screen. Based on your answers, TaxCut selects just those questions you must answer to correctly fill cut your return, from the thousands of questions in its database. As TaxCut learns more about you, it decides which forms you need and fills them out for you. The Interview asks you to key in the relevant numbers from your receipts, forms, etc.
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After you've answered the questions, TaxCut shows you your completed return on the screen, and prints IRS-approved forms, on plain paper, ready to file. Use the scroll-down list TaxCut shows you to idenhfy the type of record. Then key in the number. TaxCut decides where it should go on your return.. If you prefer, you can go right to the tonus. Simply enter the numbers, and let TaxCut automatically carry the amounts to each relevant fonn. TaxCut will then do all the math.
You access what you need to understand through the on-line Help with just a keystroke. Or, go straight to IRS instmctions for what you're trying to do, if you prefer. Then it compares all your deductions with national averages. The program alerts you to anything that looks out of tine, to reduce the risk of an IRS audit. Guaranteed Accurate TaxCut Is the only software to guarantee the accuracy of its calculations. If the IRS makes you pay a penalty because of a miscalculation in TaxCut, we'll pay that penalty for you.
They're all IRS-approved, and print out on plain paper on any printer. Or file electronically for a faster refund. We'll immediately send your two Free gifts: It's an atlas, almanac, and fact book right on your computer. To Order, Call Toll Free ext. Hard OnvE, Windows 3. Mac Pfus, system 6. Please reserve my copy of TaxCut for the tax year now plus state editions indicated.
III no txu cneckM. But there's a limit to the amount of power that engi- neers can pack into a battery. Extending laptop life means us- ing less power somehow. One question I get when I talk about this subject con- cerns solar power. The answer is, "Not yet, but eventually" There are so- lar panels for laptops that can provide about milliamps of power; notebooks need around milliamps. You'd need a pretty big set of pan- els to power a laptop. Let's examine these power porkers in order. Displays draw the most pow- er.
I see that every time 1 con- nect my laptop to an external display — the laptop runs for hours and hours off a single charge. Displays would be a lot easier on the batteries if they were 1 slower. Displays must be refreshed many times per second, mean- ing that an electrical circuit must repaint the image on the LCD screen usually about 50 times per second.
Here's a side note that will be useful for the rest of this ar- ticie. The frequency of that signal affects the circuit's power-consump- tion rate like so: In that formula, C refers to the Capacitance of the circuit, V refers to the Voltage of the circuit, and f refers to the fre- quency of the circuit. In terms relevant to our current prob- lem — displaying data on a com- puter screen — the term fre- quency relates to the video refresh rate.
Typically, a screen should refresh at about 60 times per second, but 50 is acceptable, and look what it does for the pow- er consumption. Changing the frequency from 60 to 50 reduc- es display power consump- tion by 17 percent. Unfortunately, that refresh clock isn't driven by the num- ber of screens painted per sec- ond; it's driven by the number of lines painted on the screen per second.
This means that the line clock must tick x 50 times per second. The next laptop display prob- lem comes from backlighting. Supertwist LCDs show high res- olution, but they really need to be backlit to be visible in my opinion, that is — there are cer- tainly supertwist LCDs that ar- en't backlit, but I find them un- readable. The fluorescent light behind a backlit LCD draws sub- stantial juice. What can be done to keep laptop power consumption down? You can shut down the laptop display altogether dur- ing inactivity. It's annoying, but if you're like me, you prob- ably get distracted in the mid- dle of battery-powered work by airline seatmates, flight at- tendants, or the like.
Those ex- tra minutes of display down- time can significantly extend battery life. And whenever pos- sible, turn the display bright- ness down, reducing the amount of power that the fluo- rescent tube needs. Today's laptops can't live without hard disks, as evi- denced by the fact that you just can't run Windows from floppies. The really big disk amp-suck- er, however, is the action of pow- ering up the hard disk.
It takes a lot less power to keep a disk spinning than it does to get it spinning in the first place, which makes me leery about the common laptop practice of shutting down the hard disk when Inactive, My laptop came out of the box set to shut down the hard disk after one minute of inactivity, a setting that led to near-constant power ups and downs for the hard disk. Not on- ly does that draw power, but it's just plain no good for the hard disk motor, and surely shortens its life.
Consequently, I compro- mised and set my disk timeout to the maximum allowed by my setup program, 15 minutes. An interesting bit of good news for laptops comes from an examination of what deter- mines how much power is re- quired to get a disk spinning in the first place. The amount of power needed to get a disk spinning is proportional to the cube of the radius of the disk.
When you control this many aircraft at once, anything can happen. And why Mallard's ATC" is so much fun. Fuel consumption and time projections. A swarm of flight crews and tower controllers making priority requests by the minute. Take the chair of the controller, handling all the ti major city. ATC '" is no gn. Tliis means that the startup power re- quired for a 2-inch disk is small- er by a factor of 3.
Buy laptops with small plat- ters where possible. Don't wor- ry so much about capacity, as that's not as important in pow- er consumption, and from a practical point of view, you should have as much disk space as possible in order to run today's software. Experiment a bit to find out the best timeout value for your laptop's hard disk. You don't ever want the hard disk to pow- er down while you're scratch- ing your head looking for the right word.
Instead, you want the laptop to power down when you've turned away to an- swer the phone or chat with the person sitting next to you on the airplane. The next power purloiner is the system's main memory. But more memory needs more power ,. While it depends on how the memory is laid out on your lap- top, you'll typicaliy find that the fewer the number of memory chips in your system, the lower the power consumption. These are small circuit boards about the size of a stick of gum that are the typ- ical packaging for memory these days.
Be careful when you're buy- ing those SIMMs. Use the SIMMs that the manufacturer recommends, or you'll throw away power like crazy. A lot of what makes memory draw pow- er is that it must be refreshed on a regular basis. Think of each memory location as be- ing like a small storage contain- er for colored water. Red col- ored water represents a 0, and blue colored water repre- sents a 1.
A program stores da- ta by putting water of the ap- propriate color into a contain- er. So far, so good. Unfortunately, the storage containers are leaky. The alter- native is a static RAM, which is essentially composed of con- tainers that don't leak. You put data in the containers, keep a steady supply of power to those containers, and the da- ta stays there.
Remove the power, and even a static RAM loses its contents, The refreshing that the dy- namic RAM requires is accom- plished by a circuit that con- stantly rereads the memory, with the resultant side effect that the storage containers get refilled.
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Buy normal SIMMs, and your notebook wiii run fine, but you'll seriously de- grade its battery life. So check with your manufacturer before you buy upgrade mem- ory for your system. There's not much that can be done about the floppy, as it doesn't require power unless you're accessing it. But what about the CPU and support cir- cuitry? Look once again at the formula relating AC circuits to power consumption. The entire motherboard of your laptop moves to the beat of the cen- tral system clock. A clock that runs at 20 MHz has a frequen- cy of 20 million cycles per sec- ond, and you recall that the high- er the frequency, the higher the power drain.
Smart laptops de- tect idle time and drop the clock or, even better, stop the clock altogether. It's not quite as easy as that, however, as many of the memory compo- nents inside the CPU itself are dynamic and require refresh- ing. You can't just stop the clock on many motherboards and expect the data to remain intact. That's why Intel devel- opedtheSL. You can stop its dock without any trouble.
To see another way to save power, consider this power- consumption formula for direct current DC: Traditional- ly, chips have run at 5 volts. Some manufacturers reduce voltage by just running the chips at a voltage level a bit be- low their rated values. For ex- ample, a circuit that uses three AA batteries would only have 4. Another ap- proach is to use a chip that draws less power. Intel has a 3. I'm running out of space, so here are a few more ideas for the lesser power drains. Many notebooks let you disable the serial ports with the setup pro- gram that comes with the note- book.
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